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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2022 5:30am-6:00am CEST

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was minutes on d w. ah, if you ever have to cover up a murder, the best way is to make an accident. raring to you've never read like this. literature list. launched reads ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. how these takes that glow in the dark can help reduce global heating more on that later in the show. and with that, a warm welcome to euro max. let's see what else we've got coming up for you in the program. low co residence,
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give us tips on what to see when you visit the spanish city of bow. and the fascinating world of dutch artists. saffo came hurry in her interactive sculptures artist, yard eager assisi is famous for his large scale, 360 degree panoramas. his works literally embarrass visitors in other worlds and are known for their attention to detail in his latest project. he takes us back to a moment in time that would change the world in his anti war panorama. 911. he focuses on the september 11th attacks and new york, in which nearly 3000 people dies, recreating the scene of calm before the storm. the world trade center in new york city on the morning of september, 11th, 2001. it's a deceptive come. the moment before 2 aircraft flew into the twin towers
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in light sinks panel meta, a former gas storage facility artist. yet a guy i see he has created realistic lightness of manhattan. on some 3500 square meters of surface area. it's 32 meters high and accompanied by a soundtrack of new york street noise vastly, i guess what if we were to be transported back to the past and really got the feeling that we were standing there 5 minutes before the 1st airplane heads and little before this as the foot sack and faith when done it and pato, i created a kind of par core through which people can travel back into the past. taking their knowledge of the future, which we never have in 5 supplementary installations. yet again, as easy alludes to what he sees as the most far reaching consequences if he attacks . one is the war on terror declared by then us president george
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w bush. in other words, retaliate reactions that ended up costing trillions of euros as symbolized by 2 golden towers. aboard offense, standstill western states walling themselves off from the masses of refugees. the war on terra set in motion versus the uncle of how can we respond to violence myself, i hear something happened that was so global. we could hardly even conceive its global nature was suddenly we realized what can happen in our own life time. this whole and if we extrapolate that under the future, um we can see what a fragile system we have to work with. huggins is tim the car, the hobbit, when ye the fight, any wrong decision can generate a 100 or 1000 times as many problems with this is why i see this as a synonym for the future. for is not an issue limited to new york times, but since new york and such a powerful image that it brings the issue home to every one. this is for you to present. it's the 15th panorama, the viennese born german artist has created in his famous cylinder muriel built in
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2011 of the ancient greek city of parkman. he even immortalized himself in 2016. he immersed himself in the world of german religious reformer, martin luther gallagher. i see is no stranger to political topics, making a panoramic view of the berlin wall during the cold war era. the artists treatment of the 911 terrorist attacks in new york city doesn't actually show them directly. he's albert, that moment can not be reproduced in any form, was shocked me in the whole world. back them was the simultaneous experiencing of an unimaginable event a label from. so i wished forster ball for gum vanish. it's when i activate these images to day by attempting a journey back in time and say, this is 5 minutes before the shop. i'm acoya. graphing, normalcy. the moment when everything can be thrown into disarray this hour, we reach that moment again. now i wake up and the world is
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a different one. leader is rock often the veggies and on to recreate the image of that september day in 2001 as realistically as possible. yeah, to got us easy. held photo shoots with extras wearing the styles off the timed. these subjects were then integrated into the panorama by computer, along with many other details ranging from cost to the cameras used at the time. he talked, he had a guy as easy around 4 years to complete the panorama. he intends it to be far more than a commemoration of that fateful day in new york city. it is his place in i've always seen it as a universal project, as i'm one that could be exhibited just as well in a 100 years. this is worn. ukraine only goes to show how relevant it really is. i just noticed like this was awesome. yeah. got us easier panorama, new york,
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911 questions. not only the war on terror, it questions was, and the senseless violence and suffering that comes with them. now on a lighter note, believe it or not, this green c wheat is quite a delicacy. you could even call it a for profit. and our next report reveals the many ways in which algae can be used to create eco friendly baked goods. one baker in southern germany has taken fruit, innovation to a whole new level, creating edible works of art that aren't only healthy, but also taste good. these 3, so not radioactive. they're baked with alkie and they go under u. v. light micro al gay powder is colorful, healthy, and good for the climate. it's an ingredient that turns ordinary pastries into eco
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friendly interventions. only to the glamorous ludovic harbor. i'm a master baker, and i hope to make a small contribution to the preservation of the environment with my algae pastries . so g toast, bread doughnuts, and cupcakes, ludovic jet wound baked them all with allergy powder. the french born bank. i experimented for 19 months before offering his 1st algae products to customers. the freshwater alga corello, sorry, can yonah turns this dough, greeting. how the types of al gain produce of glucose or reddish coloring? the hub i, abigail, is exit, but the most difficult thing when working with algae is the right amount for you have to get the right balance for each pastry. but if you use too much, the taste is too intense. if you use to a little, the pastry doesn't take on these great colors, it's quite challenger. but if you use the right quantity, you end up with a really good product. what we had, well,
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i don't of each have one gets is algae powder from the technical university in me of i'm unit. it contains a victim in unsaturated fatty acids and other healthy ingredients. but i also have quite different benefits. they have higher for that, that the activity 234 time a more than any elanda plant. and they can grow 10 time foster as any land plant. that why they can bind viewed amount of significant amount of carbon dioxide in short time new the v g bar is always trying out new al. he recipes for example, east to branch with algae in terms of taste. algae powder resembles matchup pow did green tea desserts has a few other company pathology. go very well with citrus fruits or with nuts like
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walnuts or hazel madelyn was an assisted. c acid, you actually the alpha bucket only say yep. his associates don't keep us unless he did it by company. if we, if we combine very well with fruits like lemon, grapefruit, and cherry insanely so he's up, us have a copy of it. well now we have to wait a little bit deeper. micro i'll be, have been cultivated and researched at the technical university of munich for around 10 years to grow. they absorb seo team from the air, which is good for combating climate change because be ivy gram much faster than corner. so for example, they also consume more greenhouse gas is a simple calculation is that the more we use, alkie is food, the better it is for the climate. and you can do not with algy as well. i will put a fear demon in flushing the pound. you produce oil that can be converted into a wide variety of products,
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from pharmaceutical applications to plastics and biofuels. so one 5th, all conceivable. alice thankful. east and bread with algae, that's what you get when a creative pays be chef and dedicated scientists join forces. blip up less on. do you do you own the l. connie? because the rural population is growing very fast job and there is less and less airable land amounts were algae present? a simple alternative on the because you can grow them almost anywhere. a tanks are in a lab. it's all even here on the walls. it spears arable land, so it benefits nature is pamela gamble, and that it contains is sweet to do something for our planet, especially with master baker ludovic ship one. i hope he opens
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a baker here in berlin. now we're off to northern spain. when i take a trip to new city, i like to plan a few things in advance. but would i have more fun if i left up to chance? well, that's what i reporter did in bell bow. she asked the locals to points her in the right direction to get the best out of her trip. still bow always the largest city of the best country in north and spain. it attracts visitors with art culture and call no retreats, some 350000 people live here. but what do we get to thinking if we look things to chance? don't ask the locals for recommendations. for what you can't miss in both bow is a visit to the guggenheim museum, or for argue to address bianca texture is spectacular. and very different from other museums here. or what eminent and temporary exhibitions are great, and what i'll ask is on monday, if you guys 1st stopped,
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then the guggenheim museum in the city center. the building was designed by world famous architect, frank gehry, in 1993 visitors are greeted by a 12 me to hide milk. sculpture puppy by jeff koons. waiting at the rear of the museum is a spider called mama, a sculpture by artist louise bourgeois. the guggenheim museum with its connection of contemporary art, is certainly a good place to start and build bower. but what else is there to do near the museum, ed woods or the therapies or re bridge is a lovely place to take a walk. it gives you some of this views of the centreville bow food, but when i walk across it, you have the feeling that it's moving with the wind. but it's very pleasant. i don't very nice want to go, but up, build bow is located on the river near you own 9 bridges connect. the city distracts as obesity. pedestrian branches, one of them. for many,
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the most beautiful. it's name is basque and means white bridge. it was built in the mid 19 ninety's, according to a design by spanish architect santiago, calatrava. so we're to next i last, one of the best things about bill bough is the old town with the pin chose and especially after the sphere. but there are lots of musicians and dances and masked folk, lawrence culture that would go to us. we'll find out more about insurance in a moment. but course we're going to enjoy the hustle and bustle at the storage district on bill powers west side. it's core is the theatrical yes. the 7th street, which nate? back to the 14th century. there are lots of shops, restaurants, and campaigns. yeah. my can. what should you order though
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those have been just good, but that allows you to try the pinches which you'll find at the counter and all the bars. there are always a good way to test a slice, a bit bow valley. they love the palate, pinch asada bill bow. i walk, tap as are 2 other areas of spain. they can be found in countless bars and restaurants. for example, in till my e danica resorts gonzales works there. he shows us what's on offer. those been just the image, those are the most typical thing. you'll find him about it with a small snack, but you can during the morning or afternoon, then when you have a great selection. well it, most of them are salty that are hardly any sweet pin shows. us how to do it on august the city us how only i took the beef me paul. yeah. our specialty, those have you get 2 of them if you order a pinto, they are very to miss mumble gone then the ham toast with olive oil. very typical, he'd be glad if i could have caught until fuel, which you'll find in almost all the restaurants until and the tune of salad with anchovy, the one i take, that would and see my on to the next location. recommended to us by
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a local expert and who knows the city better than i capture either. what tit for the barrow does he have for us? if we were going out this week one day or 2, i would recommend that you visit the are turned the mountain hill from the top. you get a great view of the whole city on its way out. we do. we got the only philosophy that yes, there i begin. now again, your van can make a mental note of what you want to see and where it's located. we thought that the name of the study through your the yes, you can get at the top of the mountain by cath, cable car, or on foot the cable context just under 3 minutes to reach the top. the outlook is perched at an altitude of 250 meters. it's the best panoramic view of the city, and yet another angle from which to appreciate bell bellow. it's difficult to imagine how this lump of clay could be transformed into delicate
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works of art. trust me, it's much harder than it licks dutch artist sessa camper anc doesn't just make it seem easy. you could say her artworks are poetry in motion. she wants her audience to become emotionally involved when her sculptures start to move. countless ceramic circles are linked together, creating, combing and soothing sounds. they are the work of dutch ardor feel competent. her ceramic sculpture is reach out to all the senses. i make things that i've never seen before. i've never heard before to make new things, new combinations that make me happy or make me feel on who that strange or that's
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and an or what, but something else. yeah. so, so now lives on the dutch island of tech. so as a child, sesa was already creative and showed a keen interest in dance and art. after one year at a fashion academy, she switched to visual arts where she enjoyed exploring different materials. she finds inspiration and her surroundings. natures white, biggest inspiration and then especially the movements in nature. so where changes are like the tide, like the wind, like the blot in our festival was like the heart beat, all those nature movements that are going endlessly. her ceramic sculptures come alive in her studio since she's working with the clay as kind of a conversation with the material as well as a learning process. she works on each individual ring with the utmost
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concentration. she feels the ends with water so that no air bubbles can get in between. i really love that kind of stubbornness clay hes in doing its own. because every time when i fire a kiln and like more than once or twice a week, things happen that i didn't expected. so it's, it's still i am. i'm still exploring her love of dance inspired her to set her sculptures in motion. the sounds that are produced create what is known as the a f m r effect. this evokes a tingling feeling that her sculptures trigger and many listeners, hey, the only thing i so isn't that something are
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lid in like, are you making a recipe? and let's do some art and let's do some ceramic a. let's do some dance. but it turned out that way. if you're here on the island of texas, her sculptures have been showcased many times in the gallery pastries. she's worked with galleries, maurice crystal fun male: since 2010 it's different from the other authors will show because it's abstract and the other are to some mainly figurative work. and there's something magic about it because it's, it's, it can move within it to his sound. it has movement and people can touch it or rearrange it. and that's what we do when we exhibit her work. so those artworks have also been exhibited abroad, including in south korea and japan. she hoped to revoke an awareness of the world we live in through her artwork. that's a hopeful thinking that people,
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as when they see my work and know about nature or feeling the nature maybe even more, get more respectful nature, you know, in the future. so. so camping would like to work with dancers and create sonora sculptures for the stage. the theme is not to dom cathedral standing tall and all its former glory. the 15th of april 2022, mikes. the 3rd anniversary of the day that the iconic building caught fire. it will be years before people can enter the cathedral again. but a paris based film crew has used modern technology to give visitors from around the world, a virtual tour of this icon, of the french captain. ah, knocked her down to see drill a symbol of paris in flames. the images from april 2019 sat in the world
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filmmakers, chloe lashley and victor aguillon, had been shooting a documentary on the world, famous landmark, just weeks before the fire ramos, it's the day after the fire, we realized that our images are of extremely great value for them we captured a moment and not till adam's history that will be able to pass on to the public or whether european american asian, or parisian, every one who ever visited has a special memory of not to them. that they combined footage from before the inferno with newly shot material to make a 2nd documentary titled rebuilding not dumb. their images of the current cathedrals, interior of the only ones of that kind else
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is mo, these images are in special because they were shot for virtual reality. that is in 360 degrees, with very high resolution amd in 3 d. remember that produces one image for the left eye and one for the right, which gives you the illusion of death feel as if you were actually there. with a v r headset, people can immerse themselves in the world of notre dumb for 16 minutes. motion sensors allow them to move through and explore the structure independently. such an experiencing actual reality is no longer possible. not her down is now close to the public service. and when it's also a tourist landmark, that each year drew millions of visitors, of any faith, or even without one selma. this is the monument of importance to a history of france. and it was important to was to put that across in our film address after the animal. ah pascal lea, vo works for the french culture ministry, and is one of the few allowed on to the construction site. his task is to preserve
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knowledge about the cathedral psychologist is his tell the structure that vest embodies the history of paris. it was built right in the heart of the city on the banks of the river, sang less emma, and all the great events in french history have at some time or other been connected to notre dumb assaults. yeah, not for them. as reconstruction is underway, scientists have set up a notre down research site. they're examining among other things, exposed building materials to learn more about the cathedrals origins. ah. so it's just joy, the research will impact not only notre dom that a broader understanding of our heritage. oh boy, that called fossil you, betsy, one to make his elf rebuilding notre dum acquired a very rare permits to film inside the damaged cathedral. but in some spots,
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only one member of the team was allowed, the camera robot crumbling walls and high lead contamination posed too great a hazard to people. in these areas, law choices, we decided to use this robot to get right to the center of the cathedral beneath this gaping hole. it wouldn't have been possible otherwise it was such a great opportunity to get the camera in. there's a preschool night dish, real good. i wouldn't have been able to go there in person to school, but i can do it with virtual reality through mish prenatal her distress. now view as the world over can watch the documentary at home when possible, it'll be screened at of harris cinema. director chloe or chalet is delighted that she managed to be in the right place at the right time with the right technology, mimosa. when the fire broke out, it brought home to us that nothing is forever new. even a building that so old and deeply angered in the identity of paris is can disappear
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despite the land. but the soul of no to the dam is still here sort of, it will now be about. so i am quite optimistic that it will be possible to restore this building to its former beauty. but it will take years of work to do so. if you don't want to wait that long, you can now to an orchard um in virtual reality. and that's all we have time for, but before we go, just a quick reminder to visit our website for all the information on dw latest uncensored clothing collection. it provides tips on how to access blocked media around the world. and as always, don't forget to follow us on social media from all of us here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care with
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. ah, ah ah ah, with
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ah, who made the world a little bit better with t these entrepreneurs are providing all traditions in their way with fair wages and organic quality, and as climate friendly as possible. t new ideas for a traditional drink. 15 minutes on
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d w. and he used to just wait for the ray because he used to be able to rely on the monsoon today, robbie battlefield, unpredictability of climate change. just like over 100000000 farmers in india. he has found some help out the other end of the wealth with global 3000 in 60 minutes on d w. o a . what people have to say matters to us. i am. that's why we listen to their stories reporter every weekend or on
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d w. my name is jolanda and i have paid almost every price of being a journalist in a country like switching. i was threatened. i was jailed, i was a tad multiplan, a guardian's of truth, john dunder and mexican investigative journalist, unavailable. now this is, i mean, every day the government is saying mom, she's been digging the country soil to find out the truth. they want to kill me and they try many times. people need to know what is happening in gardens of truce starts may 3rd on d, w
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ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin, ukraine's prime minister of vows to fight to the end. as russian forces close in on the besieged port of mario pole, moscow also steps up a tax on key cities including the capital q. and hope francis says the world is seeing and easter of war. the pontiff tells the faithful ukraine has been dragged into a cruel and senseless conflict.


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