tv The Day Deutsche Welle April 18, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST
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some of my sources just because they don't with me facing that gun can change your life. people need to know what is happening with the guardians of truth. suddenly 3rd on t w. on this monday, airstrikes claimed at least 7 lives in the western ukrainian city of levine. the 1st casualties there since the invasion began 2 months ago. but it is eastern ukraine where russian missile strikes are now happening almost nonstop in the city of mario pole. a group of ukrainian soldiers remained refusing to surrender, and it could very well be a final act of defiance to night. once again in ukraine, the russians are coming. i break off. this is the day. ah,
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it seems from the way russian army behaves in muddy vote. they decided to raise the secret to the ground at any cost. i think it's just a matter of time. before marable completely falls under russian control, the remaining suddenly korean army and large group of civilians are basically encircled by the russian forces. we will not leave our country, our families, our land, so we will fight absolutely deals. and those of in this worth of afraid of this is going to be a very gruesome and sad end to and the road fight also coming up, it is the biggest stress test for trying as 0 coverage policy, shanghai of city of 26000000 people has been under locked down since last month.
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public health is at risk. along with the public's patience, you prohibited us from meeting others or even cannot find anywhere when we can find it. now you want to put highly infectious people less than 20 meters away from where we live. what more do we have to put up as who our viewers watching on p b. s in the united states into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day at the start of what could be the deadliest chapter in russia's invasion of you, great to day russian missiles hit targets across the widest expanse of ukraine. since the war began almost 2 months ago. for the 1st time, missile strikes claimed lives in the western ukrainian city of lobby. but it is in the east of you great, where people are reporting non stop air strikes like never before russia today, claiming it hit hundreds of targets as it repairs for an attack. this time from the east and in the port city of mario pole. after weeks of russian shelling,
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these may be the final hours of resistance. mariel poll has not fallen yet. the port city has suffered the brunt of russian attacks in ukraine. it has been under siege for several weeks now. he crane says at least 21000 people have been killed and those who remain in the city are trapped without the barest of necessities. what is happening here and mario pole is expected to soon spread to other areas too. but he's given that russian troops are preparing for an offensive operation in easton ukraine in the near future. what they want to literally finish off and destroy the don bass. this, you destroy everything that brought famed to this industrial regional. russian forces are destroying mario poll. we want to wipe it off the face of the ass and other cities in the done yet and lohan, screech ins ramadi, the net,
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glasgow. bless day. on sunday, ukraine's remaining troops and marian people defined brushes, surrender or die ultimatum. some 2 half 1000 ukrainian troops are dug in here at the sprawling as of stuff steel plant. it is now the only known remaining pockets of resistance. many civilians and children also sheltering here. with the passing of the surrender deadline, pro russian separatist forces say they are now preparing for attack hoopa. is there only 2 blocks of buildings left before the mill? yeah, there's a small area around the factory and enemies. they're hiding in the basements, that your father gets over. we're preparing the ground assault. the artillery will show them 1st, before we send in close quarters, assault troops, which are about to talk to later. meanwhile,
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mario pulse defend his offset to fight till the end of my 1st guest. and i is frank leverage. he is a former british military officer. he served in the balkans in iraq and in afghanistan. he's now a senior lecturer in walton strategy at the university of portsmouth, frank, it's good to have you back on the program to night. you know, expectations and predictions in this war in ukraine, they've proven to be perilous, but mario polls fate. it seems certain tonight me, despite maybe 2000 ukrainian soldiers refusing to surrender, the russians are about to take control it is that your assessment is well well, i think that we may be holding an end to this particular back a little early. those 2 and a half 1000 soldiers, which are elements of the kind of marines as well as the as of the time in very formidable fighters, represent a really big obstacle for the russians. and the us of style plant is several square
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kilometer as far as i can see of industrial buildings. and it reminds me not only me of another battle in a battle city which was constantly near its end and the defenders held on. and that's the battle stalingrad and particularly the red october steel plant that and that held out for 3 months. now these guys want to hold out that long, but i don't think they're going to be surrendering tonight. and do you think that they could put up enough resistance that it could perhaps deal a significant blow to the russian military or at least force the, the, the russian military's tactics at the moment to change the brand? i think what that yeah, no, i don't think it's going to change the russians tactics the russians. it will,
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as they said, that they will show them and show them some more and then send insult troops, and then it's a fight fight to the finish. and who knows how long it will last what my point is, i don't think the finish yet. yeah, i think i think i think that got a couple of days in them yet. and how strategically important is more your poll? i mean, what will a russian more you, paul, what would that mean for the military calculus of the ukrainians? a 1st for the russians. of course, it represents the last lincoln chain between don't boston crimea on land. there is another way to crime it from russia. that's the current bridge is quite strategically vulnerable for them. so for them to have one bridge that to their other occupied main occupied territories significant. i think the person will be something of success and may be able to claim and if not is a victory. then at least as a fulfillment of one of the objectives. it also, if, if this bottle ends in the near future,
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it could release about 10 battalion tactical groups, russian soldiers to direct themselves north to try and envelop ukrainian forces further east. now my view on that is once several people talk about releasing those forces, i think probably are going to be pretty rob action the some time to, to reform. so that's a significance from the russian perspective. and ukrainian perspective goes what we have is a hero city. we've got a very heroic last stand on a symbol for perhaps future similar events in russia and ukraine in cities to come. let's hope not. but it's a hero city for that. we know that heavy weapons are now arriving every day in ukraine, coming from the west, mainly from the u. k. and the us with this help this military 8, can the ukrainians, can they hold the russians back,
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can be at least keep the lines the front lines stable and where they are today. i lost it or i'm sorry, i know with the weapons that the ukrainians continue now to get from the west. well that enable them to if not regain territory at least to keep the line stable and to hold off and repel the russians for making any advances. i think it can, it's going to be very precarious the way the ukrainians are fighting now takes advantage of the weaknesses of the russians. the russians are fairly lumbering. now we've had that view of them for a long time, but we thought that they become much more capable of what we call maneuver warfare and west. the battle of care which they lost and the other battles in the northeast demonstrated that haven't really changed that much. one of the reasons for that is essentially the endemic problems. they have of corruption, poll logistics,
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and po leadership. and that's very clear now. so the point here is that ukraine is facing, not only an army internally caught out by corruption, and we saw it is in the bottles in the north where the russians were deploying tanks with crews of 2. now that shouldn't happen. you simply can't operate, attack like done if that's multiplied across the field. what we're talking about a seriously depleted army anyway. so what you find is standing to do is fragment the battle field, which is what they have been doing. and the weapons that they call in the most recent trash in the u. s. and the u. k. and other european countries allows them to do precisely that. so you can have highly mobile teams getting it behind russian lines. weakening and even further fragmented russian morale, attacking the will to fight. and most importantly, of all, the talk, you know, logistics, the problem they face, which is less of a problem than it would have been in the past,
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is russian artillery. that's the leverage. the russians have and power and you mentioned that you needed it. russians are increasing that, but i'll tell her it is extremely logistic centric. one of the things we've seen in the last day or 2 of the plan is not just defending well, but they're going on the attack. they're attacking southeast of kia to cut one of the major lines of russian logistics. so they're doing exactly what we'd expect them to do exactly what we've seen during the past. the flexible, be aggressive, be highly use that use their initiative at those lower levels of command to cause serious trouble to we can rush in force and, and, you know, if i'm reading you correctly here, we have the potential to have almost a still mean here, 2 sides that just aren't going anywhere standing in one place running in place. do you think this could become a war of attrition? i think brett, it's already a war of attrition. what the russians were looking for,
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planning for their planning assumptions. all, all allow foreign aimed at was a war of annihilation even the way they struck your army, these, these battalion tattoo groups of people talk people like me talk about a lot of good, fast, fast or quick operation than it for enduring warfare that essentially basis of much bigger forces and russians and have those much bigger forces. so in other words, notions of planning for woven. i lation quick job in and out. occupy the country club it. what you think is getting them is more of an i lation it wrong or attrition, which is something that the crane is probably better tools and fitted for than the russians, especially in that we can state now i got one more question for a long walk. a long way, and that brings me to my final question. what do you make of vladimir putin spokesman? who over the weekend said that they're admitted,
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there have been major losses for the russian military. and that russia hopes to find it into this conflict. and he said within days, i mean, i was shocked to hear that what, how do you read that? yeah, it's very surprising. it may be one of those confess, deny moments where the level of russian casualties of the sort of parent now in general society have to allow for. so that's an admit to some extent that they have those losses. or another possibility is this. who knows that the mind to fly in a potent i only raises my purposes. but if mario paul falls in the next few days, then there may be a possibility that posted may say, well this is what we aim to do. if you're not the mother land with, with it's lost province's cation, the crimea dumbass, planning interesting that planning a referendum in pass on just slightly to the west of that. i round the time of victory day. yeah. who knows what he's got? what's in his mind?
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only time will tell. yeah, that's true. frank led, which we appreciate your time and your excellent analysis tonight very valuable as this new events of gets under way in eastern you. great, thank you. pleasure. but thank you. well, as the ukrainian army suffers losses in battle, more men are being called up to serve for now, only reservists are being drafted, but all men who are deemed eligible to serve. they've been banned from leaving the country for those already in uniform. this war is one, they welcome. for others, it is a fight they dread w's. i mean s it has this report tonight will have to grab a gun if i will have to fight for ukraine. so i think i will stay and i will do what i need to do when will yes it is. if i'm cold up and i think i'm ready, even though i've never held a weapon in my life and everything can be learned, step by step, i'm following a him saw as that it says no,
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no harm to any living creature. i didn't have some personal hate or desire to use a wireless like right to against people, but to well, if, if there was, if there was no option well and interesting in defending this land from intruders. and there's lots of other interesting ways of doing this currently on working, working as, as her dresser. it's my profession and i miss for journalists and i'm just derived from bridget lympics like on the 23rd of february. and like next the next morning, the divorce stars to ah verify y'all be present on our public broadcast
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nation. this has been a moving nickel. we evacuated for keep and we're continuing to work on the information from martini from that of. it's a very important moment now to move victim of the will not that up with someone. may i ask why we men aren't on the front lines, but i would say, anthea, we're also on a front line right now, but very, some of that of, i don't know what will happen, like in 2 days in 3 days here, but i suppose like every ukrainian have to who has to do their job, what to do? it's a main question. my wife and my daughter are in another country now and in poland. i can probably only see them off the wool when they can return to ukraine river in it. because i never thought, oh, clean my mom and my girlfriend's parents sold, they left on the road and i got the hod didn't i didn't call my daughter for the
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1st 3 weeks from like, cuz it was very emotional and i couldn't hold back my tears. but so i didn't call 3 weeks since i started to come down because we've been in touch with miss shelf. ms . varner, my chance. not just staying here, waiting for something i don't know, actually waiting for victory of the ukrainian army. when l to that locked down in shanghai and china's worst outbreak of coven 19 since the pandemic began to day, shanghai reported its 1st 3 debts from coven. 193 cases in a city of 26000000 a. how reliable are those official numbers? china says this is the result of it's 0 code 19 policy. what beijing may want the world to see as extreme success is being seeing inside shanghai as no success.
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simply extreme, we have this report tonight have rare scenes of descent, hinting at growing anger under shanghai lockdown, police and protective gear put an end to what was reportedly a protest against plans to set up an isolation complex in this neighborhood. well, the whole of this, he on law abiding citizens, we want to do what we can to help the country. you prohibited us from meeting others or even going outside anywhere when we complied. but now you want to put highly infectious people less than 20 meters away from where we live. what more do we have to put up with a loudspeakers summon residents to come out of their homes for mandatory testing. any one who tests positive is sent to an isolation center for at least a week of observation. regardless whether they show symptoms with as many as
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a 1000 people packed in to make shipped facilities living conditions. there are also a source of frustration doing to him only the bathrooms are not very clean. that's understandable because so many people are using them and cleaners and volunteers can't keep on for their little dirty. and we haven't been able to take a home shower. the lights are on all night long, and so it's hard to whom asleep. these are the things that people are complaining about, most pushy them on to sanisha location. and with hollywood and yvonne was on the doctors come by twice a day to take patients temperature with many exhibiting no symptoms at all. increasingly, people are more concerned about the hardships the outbreak is causing than the virus itself. or it, hey, she, at 1st people was scared of the virus and were panicking. but with the figures that are being published every day, people have started to accept the fact. but this particular virus is not that
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horrible then additionally, i think there's been a change in every once thinking but so far there is no sign of a change in thinking by china's communist leaders. they continue to insist that the country must stick to its tough measures aimed at eliminating the virus. all right, let's take the story now to dr. william shafter. he's a professor of preventive medicine at the department of health policy, the division of infectious diseases at vanderbilt university in the great state of tennessee, darting schaeffer. it's good to see you again. i want to ask you as a, a medical professional and if someone with experience at the national level of u. s. public health policy, how credible are china's numbers from shanghai or how incredible can we take them to be 3 deaths in a population of 26000000 that's under walked l. well brings it suddenly raises eyebrows, doesn't it? and it puts one in memory of former president reagan's comment trust,
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but verify. so i'm a little bit dubious about that. we recognize that only crime is less serious and that this is a highly vaccinated chinese population. but nonetheless, only 3 deaths in that huge city seems curious and police. i mean, yeah, trust but verify. you know, those were the days when you could actually go in and count the number of nuclear warheads in the soviet union in the us. we can't go in to china and get free access to information there, so we really can't ever know for sure what the real situation is. they are covered wise, can we? no, i don't think we can, but it's really very clear that the chinese, at least until this present time, our intent on keeping coven absolutely down as much as possible. and they've gone to very extreme extent. do that. why keep people up in their homes?
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once again, bringing a large part of the chinese economy, if not to a standstill, certainly will do see it very, very substantially. and now, as the report said, raising concerns among many of the people who are affected, who've had to go to the shelters, because they're tested positive, but aren't very sick. no, it's a good point. i want to take it now from asia here, bring it here to europe. here in germany, the countries health minister warned over the weekend that with no vaccination mandate in place in germany now and with restrictions being lifted. a new killer very, and i'm quoting him, killer variant could emerge by this fall is, is there a lot of science there in that warning? i mean, do you recognize science in something like that killer variant?
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well, what the minister on son is concerned about, of course, is that with unrestricted multiplication of the virus on a statistical chance, you could have a new variant that could have a, that protection of our current vaccines. perhaps that was not stated very skillfully there. but i think that that's what he has in mind. i would be more cautious in my statement, but for sure, for sure. busy new variance occur in an unpredictable fashion. yeah. let's just hope that he miss spoke with this warning. united states, u. s. federal judge today struck down the cdc's face mask mandate on airplanes. have hope, transportation. let's get out of the court room for a moment here. what does the science tell us is the right thing to do now? yes, so i won't touch the legal aspects, but purely from
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a public health point of view. i think many of us have been expecting just that, that the masks can come off after all, in the rest of our society, we're going to enclose spaces for prolonged periods of time. houses of worship, bars, restaurants, concerts, and people are no longer wearing mesh. so why on an airplane, the logic didn't appear to be there, and we anticipated that this last mandate on public transportation would soon come to an end. well, let me ask you, doctor schaffner, next week i'm flying to the u. s. and i still have to get a test coven test, done 24 hours before departure, and it's to have to be vaccinated, and i will still have to wear my mask flying to the us, all of that. and yet when i get to the u. s. i may not have to even wear a mask that does just doesn't make common sense, does it?
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i don't care that either. requirement for vaccination, i think is reasonable. the others i think, could be easily set aside. after all, putting people who have a positive test outside the u. s. is a little like asking somebody not to pour a glass of water into a swimming pool. we have plenty of the buyers here already. yeah. that, that is a very good point. 30 chevron is always it's good talking with you and let's hope that we don't get too many glasses being spilled this summer. good talking with you . thank you. thank you. all right, the day is almost done. the conversation continues online. you'll find us on twitter either w news. you can follow me on twitter at brent golf t. the every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. we'll see that everybody who's
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d. w. is math way more difficult in the space. we ask mathias malware on the international space station. we are curious to find out more . how do astronauts deal with weightlessness? and why is food and space actually spicier? to day, we are taking off tomorrow to do 90 minutes on dw store to know when to spooky intimidation, and transformed into an orgy of hate and violence. the history of the ku klux klan, the oldest terrorist organization in the united states founded over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d. w. sometimes a seed is all you need to allowed big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental
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ah ah ah, this is dw news live in from berlin to like ukraine says, the 2nd phase of the war has begun with russia launching a long feared offensive dub the battle of dawn box. hundreds of missile attacks are reported to day and for the 1st time russian strikes claimed wives in the western ukrainian city of levine. also coming up tonight, the coven 19 outbreak, and shanghai has taken a turn for the worse trying his biggest metropolis reporting its 1st fatalities. from the virus, the official death toll in a city of 26.
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