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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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ah, ah ah, this is, it'll be news live from berlin under attack in the east. russia launch is a massive new offensive aimed at secure in ukraine's industrial heart land. the kremlin says capturing the dumbass is now its main objective, and our correspondent meets ukrainians, trying to rebuild their lives. russian soldiers may have left a pin, but this is a city that's been left in ruins. there isn't a building we can say that doesn't at least bear some scars of the war and many
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a ruined beyond repair. residents find some comfort in cleaning up, but live in fear of the russians returning and sports for peace. how ukrainian football club shocked our donuts have fled the fighting and are touring the world to round up support for their homeland. ah. hello everyone. i am layla rock. thank you so much for joining us. russia is stepping up its battle for control of ukraine's industrial heartland. officials on both sides are calling it a new phase of the 7 week war areas that you will see here marked in blue. and the map are already under russian control. after days of regrouping, lamid putin's forces have launched a full scale offensive in the east and dom bass region and new frontline,
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marked in red that you see here stretches along hundreds of kilometers. recent weeks have seen russia suffer humiliating setbacks around the capitol. keith, the kremlin now says seizing dumbass is the main goal of its so called special military operation. shots fired on the front line. ukraine says these are some of the opening salvoes in russia's offensive in the east. in footage, released by the ukrainian defense ministry troops to say they are ready to defend the don bus. let them come. this soldier says they will stay here forever. there is enough land to bury them all ukraine's president confirmed the start of the new phase in the war. in that as or more than we can now state, the russian troops had begun the battle for the dawn of us law, for which they hadn't been preparing for a long time. soon as she or a significant part of the entire russian army is now concentrated on this offensive,
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no matter how many russian troops are driven there, and we will fight. we will defend ourselves and we will do it every day. so we won't give up anything ukrainian green school navy, the more thousands of residence, and now trapped in towns under constant shilling. this woman lives in the remains of a village near the front line. she describes living in a new no man's land. you sell you but we don't even know where the shelling comes from. we wait for it from there. so i'm thinking that the ukranian army will protect has then it comes from there. it's pretty not that they're selling from all direction. just one humanitarian groups race to evacuate sick and elderly residents from the contested donates region, adding to the estimated 10000000 ukrainians who've now fled their homes by any means possible through us citizen. the main difficulty
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is that people who have problems moving you had to be evacuated, or you very old people who are living there final days or weeks or months. and that's why it was so difficult. you watch in the garage with russian forces in control of much of the south and east. one pocket of resistance remains the as of style steel plant in mary paul, several 1000 ukrainian forces are entrenched here under heavy attack. on tuesday, russia issued yet another deadline for them to give up their arms. but here as elsewhere, ukrainians are refusing to see any of their territory without a fight, or correspond as much as is in the v is in that western ukraine. emma, are ukranian officials already confirmed that the long expected russian offensive against the eastern part of the country had begun our people bracing for the worst?
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exactly a lie here live if we're in the western part of ukraine, which has been relatedly sped the fighting. you know the bomb being so yesterday we had erstwhile here in the city, but that has happened very rarely since the beginning of the config, but people here are nevertheless very aware of what's happening in, in the eastern bards. they are bracing themselves afore diesel offensive on the eastern parts of the country. and also does city here of leave is or so has also seen its population triple since the beginning of the rush and offensive in ukraine . people coming from those affected regions of the east have sought shelter. he in the view so you see them in the city center. you see them in shelters here. they know very well what is happening in the east. and of course, they are preparing themselves for the worst out aware of what's happening.
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everybody is following the news. you here at the national anthem, everywhere here in taxes are here in the central stations in cafes, everybody's checking the news. it's a very tense situation here. even if we are far away from the front line and i am, are russia has again called on ukrainian forces in the besieged port city of multiple to lead down their arms. what do we know about the situation there right now? well, a russia had indeed a cold on ukrainian a sold years and are not even if not to dare our superiors, individual soul, d as to lay down their arms. and the answer from the ukraine and the forces is that they would fight up until their d. n to we see reports on social media. we see pictures of street fights happening right now in mario paul are right now in the other style, mit allergic or industry,
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our sites are so heavy fighting seems to be happening right now. a very 10 situation at 10 situation or so because there's not only ukraine on the forces are holding a position in air that industrial side as those so are reportedly hundreds of civilians who sought shelter in the other style as site or who are trapped there. while fighting is ongoing, you to be corresponded. emma schanzer in levine, reporting, thank you for your continued coverage. the russian foreign minister has confirmed a new stage in what the kremlin calls its special military operation. so the law says moscow's overall objectives have not changed. ration in the east of ukraine. it wasn't those from the very beginning to fully literate then. yes,
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going to look around sort of books. and this operation will continue because beginning, i mean another stage of the situation is beginning. and i'm sure this will be a very important moment of this and thought a special duration i like to reach on our to vic, remember at all, he is a associate professor at the united states military academy at west point sir, a very warm welcome to dw news we just heard from russia's foreign minister, mister sergey lab were off announcing the start of, quote, another stage of what he calls the military operation in ukraine. was this new phase in the war expected? and what does it exactly mean? so this new phase was definitely definitely expected. i mean the russian, the kremlin, has said from the onset that one of the major goals is bass region and benefits getting their bay in the initial invasion. they basically had a stone wall going against ukrainian defense. so naturally when they would do is
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pull back, we consolidate and then try to try focused attack on me. pacific region. dr. break the creating defense. is there, get some gains, consolidate those gains, and then see what happens when there is there a risk that the russians could be spreading themselves too thin? so in this case, they seem to be early on in the invasion. they absolutely spread themselves too thin. they didn't necessarily have the strategic assets necessary to support all their different operations and seeing time this new assault will likely be a lot more concentrated then their initial assault. so there's great, there. they'll be a little more coordinated. can ukraine what stand this intensified offensive in the east? so i, i think they can, i,
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you cleaning at mounted an amazing defense and the russians have taken some pretty heavy losses early on. it appears that the ukrainians, looking at different opens or sites ukrainians have appeared to target a lot of strategic assets and empower russian assets instead of going after that. 40 mile conway of the whole, they were very deliberate about what they took out. russian capabilities are significantly diminished. they, when they reconcile day, they didn't take the nest russians and not necessarily time to actually fix a lot of their equipment. so they're pushing back into the don bass region with broken equipment and units that are not fully up to strength the ukrainians that have a good defense so far and i think they can, i think they'll be will with san this 2nd assault at a, at a nato,
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a meeting ukraine's foreign minister just recently predicted in very stark terms that the new offensive in easton ukraine that's taking place right now would be reminiscent of the 2nd world war in terms of scale. how big will this attack be in your assessment? so out ingle necessarily reaches the scale a 2nd war war, but the initial invasion was a 120 battalion, tactical groups from the russians. this new one, i believe, is about $24.00 additional counting tactical groups. so it's a, it appears to be a slightly smaller operation initially, and they're doing their, i'm trying to do some shaping operations than likely be some follow on efforts. but it should be though it should be more concentrated attack than the initial one. but preview similar scale advantage when vision in military terms,
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does ukraine possess the right weaponry? i mean our allies doing enough to help ukraine. so the, the quinn has been provided to ukraine so far as been fairly substantial and very, very effective. i mean, they, they stopped the russian military out. i'll think many people quite expected that. so they, they have a lot of very good equipment. another large issue is just down the russian defense base. their industrial base doesn't necessarily haven't been, hasn't really been turning out a massive number of new, new pieces of equipment. and the new technology that the russians have produced over the last decade and been very limited in numbers in limited only to a couple of italian tactical groups. so the russian, the russian military that they're attacked, that they, the ukraine,
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the far cry from what they try to protect themselves to be. so the craniums have a good amount of equipment, but they are biting, starting to run low. m answer. request for additional equipment. and a final question to you, sir, at the sinking of the mosque voc, how has that changed russia's military strategy if at all so it's changed on a couple of things. so 1st off, it showed her that i think the aggression navy felt that they could operate with a certain amount of impunity in, in the area and the show that even the russian fractions, vulnerable. so the ships are craig and at pola be about 200 miles off the coast. but they, so either cruise missiles appraised, only watch goes into the port hounds. but the russians probably won't try and, and fabulous landing, which was widely on the tables are to try to secure some of those port townsend,
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who doesn't for chron mit all associate professor of the united states military academy at west point. sir, we thank you for your time. thank you for taking our questions. a thank you for having me. with russia now focusing on the dumbass region, some ukrainians are able to return to what's left of their homes did have your correspond, rebecca returns travel to the city of urban residence there have started to rebuild . despite their fears that the russians could return. one thing that strikes you when you enter a pain is the silence. these once bustling straits now scorched and deserted, then sometimes the silence is broken. by the sound of people trying to put their lives back together. i have nothing in my route, 300 square meters of roof is missing. above full of the apartments. there's nothing
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but the blue sky above the top of the thing in abba ogre is the caretaker of these $82.00 flats, and she lives in one of the top. one with my apartment is in this part of the building that was damaged by missiles. she stayed right through the occupation to try to save them from russian soldiers taking them over, but was helpless to stop the missiles. no, not over. now it is in this state, the house is uninhabitable until we rebuild it to you more next door to alga, another group with a similar story, they tell me this wasn't the 1st time they've had to flee. one of putin's was one. what you want to hear, maybe live here as a last resort. do you understand what you many of us are from done boss. we came here from war just to simply live and war came here after us saturdays love. we are peaceful people. we don't want anything bad. we just want to live what law. however new hike you were brought the human rubbish. the most important thing is that it
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doesn't happen again. person could come back at any time even to morrow. there building was also badly damaged by rocket fire. one woman shows me where her flat used to be several almost by now. this was my bedroom and there was a balcony behind it larger and no. there is no balcony there at all or so from my things where they are like a little away says butcher, which i know it's gone. oh, with butter on them while russian soldiers may have left a pin. but this is a city that's been left in ruins. there isn't a building we can say that doesn't at least bear some scars of the war and many a ruined beyond repair. while the physical clean up is underway, the emotional scars will take a lot longer to heal. for many who fled when the war broke out, they have little left to come back to. but for those who stayed behind many will
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have an even bigger recovery to contend with. that if the wall comes again, i will survive in any case. i will always survive because i have a bear and he protects me. oh, near shy one. yes. a shad yards de la shortness i still get frightened by every loud noise which i don't know if it will ever go away. but for now. and that's how i am more than less your ordinance a talk. the not so silent trauma that my live on in their lives forever. well, people in russia are taking to social media to show their support for their army in the war. and ukraine posts and videos with the hash tag, white arm band. i've been widely shared online, particularly by state employees, regional politicians, and teachers, as well as entire school classes. russian children have been involved in several
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online flash mob since the war began. the white arm band hash tag picks up on the strips of white fabric that russian soldiers wear around their arms and legs to distinguish them from ukrainians. in the war. russian state television has been presenting the war in ukraine as an operation to quote, liberates ukrainians. let's take a listen to some of the social media videos. people have been posting. now our russian, our army might strength and bravery. we support our army, guys because you know, everyone makes their own choice. i support the russian army and our president, this white arm band shows who's on our side. we see what is happening in ukraine. we see how our guys are saving civilians from shooting and freeing them from radicals about that if you call them. because the, you know, everyone makes their own choice. we support the russian army. this white arm band distinguishes our guys to move like last and with me here in the studio is my
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common colleague rather emily, sherwin, our former russia correspondent. i am just a little bit more about those that white arm band and its significance. while these white arm bands were you said it yourself, inspired by the white pieces of fabric that russian soldiers have been seen wearing in the war and ukraine. apparently it seems to distinguish them from ukrainian soldiers. of course, white also has this association with peace and surrender. whereas one social media user put it with the bright future that the russian soldiers are fighting for. you have to remember that the kremlin narrative is that this is not a war. the special operation, protecting russian speakers within ukraine. and they have been emphasizing again and again on russians de tv that there are largely know civilian casualties. that's the narrative. that's the narrative. so that brings me to the next question in terms of public displays of support for this war in russia. do we know
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a little bit about how, how much support they can count on? well it's, it's kind of hard to know whether displays, like the one that we were just showing are kind of grass roots displays of patriotism or whether they're kind of organized from above in some way by local administrations and so on. many of the posts are that we just saw are from, you know, librarian school teachers, employees, essentially of the state. and the phrasing in many of those social media posts i noticed is kind of the same. so it's almost seems like people are sharing the same text amongst themselves and re posting it. this is the newest, of course, in the series of patriotic kind of flash mobs that have been going on on line. you might remember pictures of people posing in, in the letter z, which of course has been on russian tanks in ukraine. and there have also, though, been reports that universities have been receiving direct recommendations from the presidential administration in russia that they should be displaying this kind of a zed or these symbols of support on their buildings on their websites and so on.
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and i understand children as well, have been spotted wearing these white arm bands. what does that tell us? well, children's children wearing the white are men's all supposing in, in z, z, and there's been also a pretty wide, wide spread descript discussion. generally, i think about education, about patriotic education in russia since the war began, including, for example, one presidential aid talking about perhaps introducing something like a pledge of allegiance like you have it in the us in russian schools. today, there was a decision to teach history starting from 1st grade, including the history of the 2nd world war, which we see is very much mixed up in the kremlin narrative of this war. you know, the ideas that they're fighting, ukrainian, nazis in ukraine. that, that's why they're in there. and there have also been reports of schools and universities actually receiving pamphlets and materials about how to talk to students and to, to school children about the war, including actually
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a list of sample questions and answers that had it has been published by journalists, for example, in siberia, where for example, if you're asked was this war avoidable? the teacher is supposed to say, this isn't a war with ukraine, but a special peacekeeping mission to contain nationalists who's been pressing russian speakers. so as you can see, we have these kind of parallel. now narratives and almost parallel worlds going on sundays, and we sure and thank you so much. thank you. while the war in ukraine is affecting all aspects of life, including sports, with the football league, suspended after the invasion, ukrainian club shocked our donuts have begun a series of charity games. they're calling the global tour for peace. their 1st matches took them to greece and poland. and today, they're playing in turkey. the games aim to raise money for ukraine's military and how people displaced by the war. i hardly a moment goes by when me calamity ankle isn't thinking about the war. back home in
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ukraine. even here on the training field, in the tucker city of a stumble before the quarter thought. so for much for your hood in your heart, if you want to stay there and help all of your people go, i can move or divide. your brain seems to tell you that infected me. you can't do anything sister to little and the only thing you know how to do that can help the country is playing football at our football, marty ankle and shocked our donnette. have had to run from bombs before in 2014 fighting between government forces and pro russian separatists broke out in east and ukraine shocked us stadium. the don bus arena was badly damaged by shelling. so just her as a young boy, i often went to the dunbar, serena, and it was my biggest dream to play at this wonderful stadium for a shock. dog donnette school started,
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but then the war started and we left right on the stairway. my rear ended up since then shocked our has led a nomadic existence. they 1st fled to weston ukraine than east again to harkey. eventually the capital keith became their new home and that's why me calamity ankle was when the russian invasion began on february 24th feminine amount of as affordable, reddish. that even today, i can't believe that this has happened or i felt so worried because i didn't know what to do. so when you're, when you're coming and that hasn't changed and you feel so empty and because you realize that your people are suffering. so for an adult though, it's very hard now shocked, tom is on the moons again, although ukrainian men of military age are currently required to stay in the
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country. micheler and his teammates were given special government permission to leave in early april. here in istanbul, they are now preparing for a series of friendlies all over europe to raise awareness and money for the war effort in ukraine. the 1st friendly match was in greece against olympia, accost dockside, basra sahalina. what unites us as a team is more than football, football, we share a common tragedy. sher did that. i heard there was rhonda in the game against olympia coast walk if we were t shirts with the names of the cities that were attacked by the russian army lynbrook, or some bro. as why not though, i thought it was the whole world should know the names of the cities or any sort of see even the people who don't know about it yet or in those in his life, or who don't want to believe what's really happening or causal lou demco thought or more at the show on his neither linear, so still a so this is a war and not some kind of special operational i'mma. i near cook the thought at
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the parents her see them stories for carrying. i've always dreamed of living in ukraine, and i believe that it's still possible. i hope that piece will soon return to my country in those then football will return this and we'll be able to continue what we did before. he must modern brother, right? to do a lunch, let me call on that vehicle. doesn't know when that might be. he currently doesn't even know where his team will be training next month. but he says he won't give up on his big dream. to play football again one day. back home in ukraine, in the dawn bus arena. why? i, you're watching, you know, when he was coming up next to the w news, asia protest, scriptural long guy has an economic crisis. makes, puts a squeeze rather on daily life. and how a bear in mark has become
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a target of protests against the military. those stories and a whole lot more coming up in the news. asia with b rush, banner j on my rock and roll, and on behalf of all of us here. thank you very much for spending as part of your day with us. we'll be back at the top with with
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. ready are you there? we just have one wish, or maybe we want lots and lots of goals with the supplies with the bond is legal highlights. kickoff. in 60 minutes on d w. then jen
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w at any time i am he plays easing means video velez. we have like a bit of a thing along to the as the combo t from super munsey c o t for time interactive exercises everything is online, mobile and interactive and gym and for free. like with d w. i'm just kinda, i want that tag and in the end is a me, you are not allowed to see you anymore. we will send you back. are you familiar with this with lions, the what's your story. ready he wasn't, i was women, especially and victims of financing. i love to take part and send us your story. we
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are trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor, not the guests. you want to become a citizen in feel, migrants, your platform for reliable information. they said it of the news asia coming up to date. should uncle rulers face the heat over the countries economic crisis protested the de bonding. the president stepped down, but he's sticking to his guns. how much of the crisis is his government's fault? and how is it affecting? she lumpkins? we report from the country club. the beer that's flat out of favor in me and math because if it's linked to the military. oh.


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