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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2022 9:30am-10:00am CEST

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what we're talking about here is not only disorganized violence, it's not only terrorism. it's politics. found it over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d, w. a mountain slope collapses. it's too hot to turn, the frost is melting the cause is the rise in greenhouse gases. c, o 2 emissions need to be cut much more quickly than has been planned. more and mole court rulings are calling for that. ah,
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the zone bleak observatory is perched more than 3000 meters up in the hall tower national park in austria. here scientists are studying weather and climate change. this building dates back 135 years and has withstood snowstorms and gale force winds. so far, elk eluded vague and mock olafson doing important work up here. with dozens of measuring devices to climate, researches are recording the rise of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. the temperatures here have already risen on average 2 degrees celsius with knock on effects. be it wasn't they, it off, they're not. as i said, the summit of this is the northern terrace of this and like observatory, come on here in particular. and on the northern flank, you can clearly see the effects of climate change up here in the mountains and the measure and adaptations needed to protect this infrastructure. there's
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a lot of concrete under here. the entire terrace is concrete, it over a so no water can penetrate. i'm clean, can. the concrete posts are also showing up the mountain peak. the reason for all these measures is climate change. permafrost normally holds together the mountains interior, but it's melting. $200.00 iron balls and a steel net. now stop the mountain from crumbling. although the observatory is far from any industry or other greenhouse gas emitters, the researches are finding that carbon dioxide concentrations keep on rising here at zone blick, but also at the other end of the world. at mauer loa observatory on hawaii, for example. it's the same problem everywhere. as h one v a n, which was a car from mount a la is amazingly similar measurements. there was started in 1958 under the walls,
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longest running question. we now have 420 p p. m. so that's point 04 percent c o 2 and the atmosphere hawaii almost the same as in hawaii fall and it clearly shows it doesn't matter where and when c o 2 is emitted, it's globally distributed super fast ohio that also means the earth will only stop hating up when c o 2 emissions drop world wide. that's precisely what happened during the coven pandemic, and was measurable at san blake that their huge bon shot on some food upon the me out. the global shot down in the pandemic lead to a drop of about 6 percent of global c o. 2 emissions accumulates here through the to reach the paris agreements go. so we'd need to count emissions by 6 percent every year between now and 2050 the site that shows just how dramatic the reduction is that's needed. these are, these are these unknowns when they get up to him. time is pressing the e. u ames to become climate neutral by 2050. with a net 0 emissions,
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it remains unclear how that is to be achieved. climate change is creating anxiety. fears felt by my teen adoption. the 27 euro decided to fight back with other climate activists. she filed a suit against an oil multinational. it's logo, a c shell. we won the court case against one of the biggest polluters of the world, shall at that company, which is super powerful. and we feel that the movement is actually more powerful, and that's, this is one of their next year. we are kind of setting when shells co, business is oil and petro chemicals. fossil fuels released millions of tons of c, o. 2, when they combust in may 2021, a, caught in the hague rule,
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that royal dutch shell had to reduce its c o. 2 emissions by 45 percent by 2030. it was a legal sensation also for donald pulse, a co, plaintive martina. dobbin made him on the dutch north sea coast. donald pulse is head of the environment organization, malaria, defend, see. the judgment is the 1st in the world which calls upon a company to curb its greenhouse gas emissions. to be honest, the oh, would not have been possible if it wasn't for people, are you in the 7000 another guy lives. the people that says financially supported it with more than half a 1000000 euro. shell is appealing the ruling, but the judges message is loud and clear. it has set a precedent world wide. there are about $1000.00 such claims, pending is fighting climate change in the towards an opportunity to make real
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progress. martina, dolphin think. so. what drives me is an activation is that we see the effects of climate change everywhere for a very long time or in especially even go level. so was the flooding symbolism weak ed oil skills, and i cherry add a heat way. see you as a in canada, and yet we still, we don't know anything like policy makers are waiting to act as though there's a lot of activism needed. and now it's also coming closer back at the moment. there is big flooding in the south of the lens and in germany are missing. people are dying. in july 2021 extreme rainfall and catastrophic flooding. the west in many, many decades, had devastating effects in west and germany. many people were made homeless for months, more than $170.00 people died. hundreds were injured and many had to be evacuated. residence lost their homes and their livelihoods.
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a few days earlier, the us and canada had said temperatures of over 50 degrees celsius, fires destroyed residential estates and entire villages. dozens died of heat exhaustion. climate change is making extreme weather events like this more frequent . for over 30 years, scientists have been raising the alarm and urging a major rethink before the pandemic. hundreds of thousands of young people held climate protests that hit the headlines. yet no major policy changes were forthcoming. then in april 2021, germany's constitutional court in causal were declared, the federal climate change act unconstitutional in parts. the top judge's said it particularly violated the younger generations right to freedom because if current measures were too lax, now they would lead to disproportionate costs off to 23rd. these future obligations
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to reduce emissions have an impact on practically every type of freedom, because virtually all aspects of human life still involve the emission of greenhouse gases and are thus potentially threatened by drastic restrictions after 2030. this is that it is the most far reaching top court ruling on climate change in the world for freedom is also the freedom of future generations. and the freedom of all the people, world wyatt, him, was a needs counterbalancing over time. so that's a sensation. felix echoed co represented the case. the law professor is the director of the research unit sustainability and climate policy in leipzig. he can see the impact of climate change in the cities our valid forest. the droughts of recent years are endangering ash, trees and sycamore maples by the expert says it's not just the woods future that's in danger. the chemo climate change threatens to destroy democracy's physical
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foundations and climate crises was water shortages and must migration will leave little behind of our free lives. miss matthews, or even of symbolic it, but vital things like the german forest things, a nature in its current form in germany. european nature were, will no longer exist in this form with unchecked climate change exist when he, the swift radical exit from fossil fuels in all sectors. felix eckart has achieved something historic together with environmental organizations and other individuals . though the obligation to protect the environment is enshrined in the german constitution, it had led to little action. the decision is also getting a lot of attention from legal experts. up to now, only people directly affected by climate change had a chance of bringing their case to court. some constitutional law specialists believe that it might lead to a new understanding of the law across the u. lunches. august was when the summer
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saying it's an act you popular us and that any individual could now su, due to insufficient action on climate change. yeah, that's not quite true, but it has opened up this restrictive law and given access to the court. well, some of this and it has recognized the concern of citizens in the wider sense so that it is now possible to refer a bit to future developments. and that's important for curbing climate change. your mind victim gets well from the same goal, from cra across the world. people are experiencing record breaking temperatures, the zone blake, scientists are also saying them rise. the world is only 0.9 degrees away from the maximum to degrade, increase in the paris agreement. if global warming continues, the situation could spin out of control to keep the tipping points in the climate system, the changes that are no longer stopped little within a human time scale can be found throughout the entire climate system,
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whether it be vegetation, ocean currents, or i sheets, but we cannot define the temperatures that would trigger these individual all multiple tipping points. but we know the higher that global temperatures rise or the more likely it is that we reach these tipping points to read these. the kipling, the eyes that will overshoot access to the ecological subsistence level is linked to human dignity for fossils. germany's constitutional court has made ruling about the social subsistence level when there is of course, also an ecological one. that in turn is connected to planetary limits hypnotic bushway if we exceed these planetary limits in the so called tipping point, still sooner we could face a scenario of utter destruction. this would leave us in an environment where it was practically impossible to find existential living conditions, fit for human beings. lim, speaking all 4 fingers. we continue to extract fossil fuels like coal and oil. and
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so the emission of greenhouse gases continues undiminished. some $37000000000.00 tons of c o 2 are pumped into the atmosphere each year. more than the earth can cope with. the earth's atmosphere is like a bath tub filling up with greenhouse gases. but the plug to drain, the top is only tiny, since humans began producing more and more greenhouse gases. c o 2 levels have risen and so have temperatures. global temperatures are now 1 point, one degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. as the boss fills up with more and more greenhouse gases, c o 2 concentrations are increasing. 8 can remain in the atmosphere for up to a 1000 years. if the courts now calling for urgent measures to stop climate change, why is climate legislation falling so short? had eden in franconia in his party, c, a c politician. and long time parliamentarian joseph gal has gained
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a reputation as a climate change pioneer. he filed the legal suit along with felix. i caught an indirect challenge to his own party. it been fair to rudely vile. i'm very happy as this is a very big signal from outside the political sphere for you to convert the polarity shake law say head to the political class would not have most of the strength itself to agree real climate protection measures stop the require changes in life starsky li bidding in to reach lisa the court ruled in favor of yoseph kettle, even though he is not personally threatened by climate change that can't be said for his home region, which now suffers from ever longer lasting droughts. yours have double hopes the ruling will be a wake up call for his fellow lawmakers. if birthday my estimate as that at least half of the parliamentarians even believe the things won't become anywhere as bad
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as made out denial for hash this return shortly. alice lifestyle. i law is feel dark. there was a lack of awareness and that is also connected to the professional backgrounds of the lawmakers out. we didn't build funds for some indie impala mean for 3. the she'd did not do her business after the people with science background story to or in a minority. i a, i mean to hide this is i instead that's one thing. it gets done. our no pets, even the more neutral ones have a get out north. i'm sorry, moll, and that is in we can manage the changes with improvements and technology yamaha and as me they said had tiffany. but the c su politician is convinced that technological advances alone are not enough. he says there is 2 little time left back in life 6 o vas. felix echoed also believes the speed is the lessons. he plans to file
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further suits against the german government and says, the new climate change act doesn't go far enough. he also plans to go before the european court of human rights. i'm came, i get my the climate involves weighing up different spears of freedom. parliament. you see when the parliamentary majority has exceeded its jurisdictional bounce, that we're basically suing the legislative. but anyway, i will very likely fall and of a suit i answer, but administrative decisions like planning commission for roads or power plants, huff hulu. so soon, face more legal challenges class that in this that, that the ruling made by germany's constitutional court is not an isolated case. top courts elsewhere are also coming to similar judgments. democracies with functioning judiciary is are leading the way judges in france. island, belgium, and the netherlands have reached decisions similar to their german counterparts. environmental and climate protection is enshrined in law in many other countries.
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it is even part of the constitution in $110.00 states. 189 countries have signed up to the paris agreement, but it is not possible to go to court to directly enforce legal compliance. ah, how much action is being taken on the ground to curb climate change at local authority level? for example, a few years ago, a toy manufacture for built a logistic center in years of go those hometown of hayden arable land equivalent to $25.00 soccer pitches in area were covered over with concrete and asphalt, another climate killer. the business wanted mal warehouses. the expansion plans are currently off the table, but the farm is next door remains suspicious. the c su, politician and climate activist use of gl mates the vis molars humanely grow ry.
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here the land is very fertile. the farmers are very worried, the local council might relent and give the company the go ahead. man, but i crossed on, but no one asks you whether you want to sell or not. it is simply agreed. they say that the zoning plan and it has been earmarked for certain uses and that's that, that's not good. and we don't want to sell it. it's our property. and we've been tending the land for generations, luasa canada through and the vis mueller's. and yours of gal argue that if land is built over to create new industrial estates, it doesn't just mean the loss of valuable arable land. agriculture is one of the few sectors which store carbon in a natural way. the often in odd movie, open breathable soils, have been on the valued up to now i'm can the entire climate, the bite, a baby at the name in here. try outs. i absorb c o 2 from the i bought on
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the organisms in the soil file, convert that to carbon and store it in the homeless stove. on log on in, indy who were skirt picking. that is how it works. that is dear for kung land, farmed in a climate neutral manner, plays a vital role along with forests and more lands. if local authorities and invest is aimed to develop greenfield sites. they can expect legal challenges in the common interest versus young guns, which to give a very important and very welcome part of the motivation behind the constitutional courts. climate rule acreage, is that it also focuses on how freedoms are shared between the generations. and precisely, that is formulated in a long, dorman article of our basic law form. it says, future generations must be taken into account. that's what has happened here. i think if we don't act now and that's already late enough and the impact will be all the more drastic on future generations come from the longer we wait, the more drastic the impact on future freedoms slides pursuing holes. i've measures
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honest the sorry, but what should we do when key industries are among the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide? cement is a basic constituent of concrete and practically irreplaceable. in the construction industry. worldwide, it's responsible for emitting twice as much c o 2 as air traffic. the problem is the process of turning limestone into cement. limestone contains carbon dioxide and when it's d carbonized in large furnaces, the c o 2 escapes into the atmosphere. carson is chemically speaking, limestone is calcium carbonate, lime, and c o 2 the by these 2, split the burning processes i have to be separated. otherwise cement wouldn't harden off to water is added to the c o. 2 emissions created during this process of the really big challenge we face all over the michigan for many years that the
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cement industry has been working on techniques that would allow it to produce as much concrete, but with less cement, less limestone and less energy. despite rising demand, the construction industry has been booming in recent years. but that's bad news for the climate and the cement industry will not find the answer on its own. over the call, we need a 3 pronged approach involving industry politics and society. if we don't work together, we one succeed all the technological challenges which we had to miles to up to now they were challenges that we could more or less master on our own, procedural optimization, energy saving measures, low emission targets. we could do that, but now we offer the 1st time in a situation where we can offer the technological prerequisites on the one hand. but on the other, we also need renewable energy. we know how difficult it is to expand capacity in
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this area. the whole thematic field opens up. the sheet of the cement industry aims to become climate neutral by the year 2050. it's a project that will cost billions costs that could be shared with the state. yet the pos to climate neutrality also presents an enormous economic opportunity for businesses that caught c o 2 emissions more quickly than they competitors in financial centers like frank food, it's already become apparent that companies that are profitable and climate friendly to are attracting more investors. hunter hunger, the founder and ceo of right based on science has develop a model that enables the c o 2 emissions generated throughout a company's entire value chain to be calculated. first of all, a company's entire workflow is analyzed and all emissions are recorded. then
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a projection is used to work at how quickly the temperature of the earth would rise . if all companies acted in the same way. the result is a theoretical temperature in degrees celsius. just was unarmed, is a more data special thing about this model is that it's forward looking at if i so if i'm a business and i project my temperature in this way, it might tell me 4 degrees collect few. so if all businesses were like mine, then global warming would be 4 degrees, and that's uncomfortable. i'd rather not know that up of others, but this model also gives me the opportunity to change in the future and to say, i'm not going to carry on as before, and i'm going to reduce my emissions. i'm going to change my business model. i'm going to be innovative in terms of developing my business. my don't, i mean to and because this data allows companies to tackle the climate impact of their business more efficiently,
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which areas are more harmful and which less so curbing climate change becomes part of the business model. fund managers at one gym and bank are already using it for customers who want to invest in particularly grain businesses. the software shows in the projection how close the business would be to meeting the paras agreements low at $1.00 degree target. it has a console by it, that's the art finding, the most profitable companies, which are conforming to the paras agreement and also fulfill the expectations of the customers and the investors in terms of dividend, 60 and with the ex d. c. with our forecast, we've actually found a link between temperature and profitability and also risk if you have a detailed awfully cycle. the new economics, the new philosophy a company can survive when it consistently pursues climate friendly policies. climate activists like martina doping and donald pulse are pursuing the same goal,
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but using different mains, they're suing big companies that are not reducing their greenhouse gas emissions quickly enough. i. p. c. c. analyses show that action is urgently needed. the earth is already 1 point one degrees warmer than before industrialization. if the global community exceeds the paris agreements, $1.00 to to degrade target, the consequences will be dramatic. heat waves and droughts would directly threaten up to 420000000 people. there would be water and food shortages, severe storms would hit many coastal cities, tropical illnesses like malaria, dingey fever and the zika virus would spread across europe. recent extreme weather events showed that immediate and preventative measures unnecessary to protect people in risk areas. to discover what might happen in the future.
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martina dalton is visiting the university of utrecht earth the simulation lab. she has an appointment with bio geo mo. follow just martin klein, hans, he and his team are researching how c waters find their way in land via estuaries. and rivers did geological structures of the netherlands were created this way. 500000000 years ago. from the results klein, hans concludes that humans have no option, but to move out of the endangered regions and yield to the water. the dutch will tell you that the solution is that we are very powerful and water management and engineering. we need to build back in big a directional batch. and that's mostly rubbish. actually what really needs to happen is that we stop climate change as soon as possible because that's the calls are handled and it's not, but not just the nipple and we need to worry about the rest of the plants. and one 3rd of the world's population is living in low lying areas, river flap, planes, coastal areas dealt ash and all those areas are going to be in big trouble. martin
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klein han sees only one solution. the rapid phasing out of fossil fuels like oil and coal way, his words boast to climate activists, martina doping ahead of her visit to the u. n. a climate change conference in glasgow on the world. we and build, sorry. i cannot close my eyes and ignore it. it says this is the only right thing to do. and it's really like touches me is it holds me from, from his leg. it keeps me awake during the night. so i'm just very worried. and the only thing to do it is, is taking action. and yeah, so for me it's just the only way the north sea coast of the netherlands by the end of the century, sea levels could have dramatically risen here swamping this coal fired steel works to yet since the court victory against shell
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martina, dobbin thinks there is a good chance that its own as might switch away from fossil fuel or up until doubt that that's the, that's the biggest polluters netherlands and they really have teams fast to, to make sure that we of we reach our goal for the guy for the group, for repairs agreements and about a year ago they were saying, yeah, we will keep on going using coal as energy source for our industry. but also the court case, we are invited to really advance in done those invited as data still. and they told us that we didn't, we, you know, did we have to go faster? and i think they also scared because if they won't change, then we will start a new court gate who keep on going the route to climate mutual future. we might be able to speed up this process by taking the fight to the courts, but what humanity needs is for governments, business climate activists and societies all around the world to pull together to
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achieve this goal. eco india, it once was a bio diversity hotspot. lake philly, cat in southern indian, but pollution and climate change have destroyed the rich ecosystem. yet people keep going out of desperation. i don't know, denying lou, i don't want to love gonna one long. they've been. busy that demanded
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a little me on i'm at the one with a gun with was alternatives. do they have eagle in 30 minutes on d w. ah, ah, we got some hot tips for your bucket list. romantic corner check hot spot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot d w. travel. all we go ah
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ah ah, this is dean w. news live from berlin, moscow sense thousands of troops to attack your cranes industrial hop last as part of its new offensive in easton ukraine, the crime says capturing don bass is now. it's my objective. also on the program, german chancellor left shelves is under fire fighting to supply heavy weapons to ukraine. critic say he's laughing the country down as it asked the world for the military support.


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