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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2022 11:30pm-12:00am CEST

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what we're talking about here is not only disorganized violence, it's not only terrorism. it's colleges. founded over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d w. ah ah ah, welcome to global $3000.00 bi, catch how over fishing is threatening the last remaining stocks of shocks and raise in the mediterranean carbon capture per solution to climate change or a dangerous adventure glass waiting for the rain
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spot on weather forecasts for farmers storms droughts, floods and wild fires over the last 50 years. the frequency of extreme weather has risen 5 folds. one of many shocking figures from the world's meteorological organizations. latest report, over 2000000 fatalities have been attributed to these events and weather related disasters are also inflicting a growing financial toll. the damage wrought world wide since 1970 is estimated at over 3.6 trillion u. s. dollars. climate change is accelerating the frequency of extreme weather events. but advanced early warning systems can now alert people to potential disasters. and farmers can put such technology to good use to as we see in india.
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like millions of other farmers in india, robbie potty, dar wonders every summer. when will the monsoon come and how much rain will it bring a lavish girl, but it can be pretty well i'm totally dependent on the monsoon. eddie burnham had a basement lady showed their money onto him without it. we can't do anything on our farm. kilman fossil was a bam. they say body shall be as hidden. we can start sewing seeds until the monsoon begins. debbie wake up that climate change has made monsoons, unpredictable without the southwest monsoon reins there will be no harvest for more than 100000000 farmers in the country. c rabbit patty, dar lives in john, a poor village in the state of madhya pradesh. for him, the harvests aren't just crucial for his own livelihood. the 38 year old and his
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wife and gaeta sent their son to a boarding school and it isn't cheap. they want him to have more opportunities than they had only had enough. the farmer also takes care of his elderly parents. ela, been in the unpredictable monsoons would jeopardize the harvest, isn't it over the re ravi party. dar needs to know when it will rain at least 30 days in advance. that way he can plow early enough, so the seeds are already in the soil. when it starts raining. the country's weather reports weren't precise enough, so he sought help elsewhere. online. oh, well may 30th. oh yeah. i searched on google and found one of elena sorta vietcong as articles. later i came across your e mail address and wrote to her, she answered and sent me her forecast or any channel next angle you ah forward unit . helena. so of yacht tina is a russian scientist at the potsdam institute for climate impact research. she
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developed a simple model for predicting monsoons in central india when they occur. and when they end, the project is financed with money from the international climate protection initiative. rule eliza data and they found door critical point from indian subcontinent. if we compare door temperature one in east and gas during the year, and another one in northbrook is done voyaging figure. we will farm said these are temperature course intersect, device one source, is it all set off monsoon and central india? it's another type is it is doable of monsoon if unbelievable, fine robbie party dar relied on the researchers forecasts and fared well. the monsoon withdrew in the middle of october, more than 2 weeks later than normal. but elena saw of yacht cannot predicted it
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would do so 70 days in advance with the farmer planted soybeans that can survive and extended monsoon period and it paid off his harvest was good though they deliberately did it, but he soybeans with stood heavy rainfall. cody, they suffered no damage, and i can have a good harvest. i was able to achieve that by choosing these soybeans and relying on eleanor's forecast. him give it a chemical follow garnet, and if your dilemma cor, but how many farmers in india know about soviet kenneth forecast? and how did those who do find out about it? at this workshop led by the agricultural university in the state of talent, gonna farmers are learning how to survive in this era of climate crisis. they suggest that farmers use more climate, resilient seats and utilize more efficient irrigation methods. consultants also
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inform farmers about elena sort of yet can, is forecasts by a what's up or email. there are more than 5 and a half 1000000 farmers in the state of talent. gonna this is the india meteorological department in puny, the government's whether agency with their predictions of when it will rain and how much they help save lives. like they did during the maha, roster of floods in july of 2021. though 250 people lost their lives, 350000 residents were able to be evacuated. monsoon whisper, elena serv. yackino in germany is very thankful for the work of india's officials, especially for the data on air moisture and temperature that helped with her forecasts. sir of jak tina is widely respected among india's monsoon experts. her predictions are welcome,
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but only as an input to the media. ology officials own models for predicting rainfall, for they think publicizing them as a separate monsoon forecast would be problematic. a bit of a be confusion among the you the which one to pick. so we have to gender, do no one single output and to generate that one single output, i'm sure to know there are many really nice and we knew i said in many lean us in the contribute this type of information during a pause in the harvest, robbie party dar has a zoomed date. hello, annie. hello, tony. how are you? it's so nice to meet you. i would like to tell you thered, ma'am, are you a dealer ones when prediction in so long done without majority? so i have been sued and aid survived that in and micro outside sales and my i am about to earn my living so award. so want to hear this. thank you, ma'am and thank you. but while the monsoon forecasts help people adapt to climate
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change, they won't solve the underlying problem. as in lean problem of climate change, his english and her the neat to reducing emission and a safe our blanket all together. this is our main goal, and it's our responsibility in front of our children with raleigh partied our and his soybeans have done well the season as they did last year with the help of a scientist in germany. the unpredictable monsoons are a bit more foreseeable. there's a constant stream of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere from below. the main source is our burning of fossil fuels, such as oil, cold, and gas, primarily for heat and electricity. some scientists say climate change can only be
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curved by removing c o 2 from the atmosphere and storing it on the ground. but is that feasible? we know we're currently pumping too much carbon dioxide into the air. but wouldn't it be amazing if we could find a way to suck it all up and send it back deep underground. turns out this seemingly cutting edge idea to capture carbon is actually decades old. the u. s. navy use capture as a way to clear the air inside submarines and space shuttle that filled up with c o . 2 from the breath of soldiers and astronauts. more than carbon capture technology is basically this c o 2 scrubber on a bigger scale like this plant in south india, 1st to polluted is sucked into the industrial system through into new fans after being cleaned for impurity as it is transported towards the absorption plant. where
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it is cooled and then sent to a liquid solvent that absorb c o 2, which is then move further into the plan for processing while the clean air, which is mostly only water vapor, is now released. the c o 2 was later stripped out of the solvent and can be used to make other products like so the ash oh, i did use the heat, greenhouses, or even as a fuel you can capture c o 2, right at the source of the pollution like the indian factory where the bond coal and strip the c o 2 out of the emitted small and diverted to the adjoining. so the ash factory. this is called point source capture, hundreds of pilots and small scale facilities and over 50 large scale plants around the world are currently doing this. then there is direct air capture where big fans sucked large amounts of polluted ad directly out of the atmosphere. 15 plants are currently doing this worldwide, but experts say the potential is huge. the better thing to do for the environment,
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of course, is to prevent emissions from ever entering the air. so companies are now working to inject carbon deep into the ground in a process called sequence creation that can preserve their indefinitely. this is considered carbon negative, as it actively remove carbon from the atmosphere. we know from the arithmetic of climate that we need all of these things and we need as much of them all as we can get to the next 30 years. have to start removing about 10000000 tons of c o 2 every year. currently, direct air capture companies worldwide capture $9000.00 tons of c o 2 per year. but at the moment, it costs over $200.00 to remove a ton of c o 2, to direct a capture to scale up the industrial company said that need to be better financial incentives. these can come either in the form of credits offered by the government in exchange for removing the humble substance from the air. all when captured
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carbon can be traded at a good price on the market. does it could also come from taxing companies that allow their carbon dioxide fumes to escape. in the absence of large incentives from governments, all capture and sequestration companies are collaborating with, paradoxically, big oil companies. what do you need to take restoration? you need someone that you can store the carbon dioxide, and one of the best price is to store that is owed oil and, and where the owners of those asset, hamby oil and gas companies. well, that's a very strategic rate for them to go down and use their existing assets. at the same time, putting the captured c o 2 into the ground, builds up pressure and makes it easier for even more oil to be extracted in a process called enhanced oil recovery up to 88 percent of carbon captured and
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sequestered at the moment is used to extract more oil, and this makes investing in carbon capture financially viable for these oil companies. fossil fuel companies can continue to admit, and we just suck up some of their pollution ways. there are many other problems written fossil fuel industry in addition to greenhouse. yes, there is local air pollution, there's water pollution, permanent justice. and so finding way to extend the life of fossil fuel is essentially finding a way to continue poisoning. to keep the technology going, we need to ensure a clever combination of incentives for non oil companies. taxing polluters and pricing for you to hire sugar is a key ingredient in many favorite traits. that's too much is bad for our house. and it's production to also causes damage to the environment. one young woman from
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acura in ghana has moved to the countryside to help locals learn new and better methods of sugar cane farming. audrea st. darko would never have guessed that one day her work clothes would look like this. she grew up in garments capital, arkwright and studied business administration. now she lives in works in the countryside. good morning. how you doing? it's been an amazing journey, but one that has been a roller coaster as well. and our journey started about 4 years ago, where i came here as a researcher and also asked a tourist just in the hopes of finding more about what sugar cane is all about, what are the benefits of it for communities within gonna ship if it's
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a major crop in the south eastern volta region, and it's here that adrienne darko has set up a small production facility for a cannick fertilizer. that's ok. the chief component is sugar cane waste, which accumulates in great quantities during harvesting. farmers often don't know what to do with it. first, the waste just dried that chart and processed into fertilizer. the name of a product here is southern tara, and that means to make the new again. and here at testing poll, our goal is to empower farm is to grow food organically and also improve their soil health using more accessible and available organic. so blend or input during farming workshops are held as a small model farm next door. 30 farmers belong to the network. here they can learn about sustainable farming. not just growing organic vegetables,
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but also that healthy soil is good for the climate because it stores carbon. instead of burning air sugarcane whispered out on farm. we decided to a use it as organic blend, which helps improve the soil fertility. so with this aspect, i believe that as a farmer, i have a middle role to play, which is fightin. climate change. this is our main focus. it's mainly farmers with just a few hector's of the land who cultivate sugarcane in ghana. they sell the product at the local market. it's often used to make sweetener and alcohol. 40 years ago, sugarcane production was still an important industry in ghana, but all of the bigger factories have since closed down. one of the principal reasons was miss management. andreas darko wanted to find out more about it. she
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specialized in agricultural sciences and decided to go talk to farmers directly. i realized that the culture was different. they had been used to conventional agriculture making ease of a lot of chemicals and how they planted, how they prepared their land, burning crop residue in the fields is also a common practice. despite people here feeling the effects of climate change. at 1st hand, there's been a change in the amount of rainfall and harvests are diminishing. the fires put a big strain on the already severely depleted soil. nature and supposed to work with us. ah, to better our life, that theme of human degrading it on a daily by burning it by destroying the biodiversity and engaging in bad practices . um that put, put um, that put the phone on the floor in extinction,
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as is just frustrating for me. because we should be appreciative of what nature gives us. this community is located directly on the avo lagoon, an important wetlands. the canals are used to transport the harvest and growing sugar cane itself requires a lot of water. it's an area rich and biodiversity. but the use of chemicals in farming is damaging the environment and there are fewer and fewer fish. phillip thomas low and his father are noticing that to they own around 5 acres of land and have a big family to support all the more reason for them to rethink things. maybe leonor at the go as i giggle, my fear is that if we continue applying chemicals on our farm lands, our children will suffer and they'll find it difficult to cultivate sugarcane in
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the future. langoria bona adria star co occasionally takes a break from the countryside for a trip to acura. in gun is cities. urban farming is a new trent. hastened by the pandemic. audrey knows paulina from her university days. the software developer is one of 150 or so city dwellers who have their organic fertilizer delivered to their door. i plug some feet and prevent across you with that and alice light, i mean i clung about 15 or so of them. and for face you with that and i had that feeling that jackie, i am eating something i planted my l as i gave the countryside might be a world away from the city, but adria darko enjoys her new rural life. she's the only member of her team to work full time for the project, which she founded in 2018 together with other students from the university of acro
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. they also developed the fertilizer in the university lab. she wants many more farmers to become aware of its benefits. it would transform their mind sets about seen waste as a resource and giving them more knowledge and more um, urgent zeal to pass it, pass this information to their children and their grandchildren. andreas darko knows how to get her point across and has gained the respect of the farmers. now she just needs to find financial backers in order for the sub own soccer project to flourish in its full potential. oh, with staying in africa. we go now to to new zia, where fishermen are in trouble taught his according to an e, you study, the mediterranean sea has seen fish stocks drop by a 3rd over the last 50 years. the vast majority of native species and now
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threatened by over fishing visitors entering the town of our z s. will notice a work of art that looks more like wishful thinking than the reality on the ground . precious few fishers and tunisia bring in a decent catch these days. many simply abandoned their boats. and young people are leaving. when this villain was looking at the current situation and i have to say that there was no future in fishing, i can only tell young people to consider a different line of work. training to be efficient these days is a waste of time. you can't make a living theme of you at the moment. if you have biologists from the national institute of marine sciences and technology and fox are looking for reasons behind the dwindling fish docs. the prime suspect toxic algae, which repeatedly turn the see water read. climate change, high water temperatures and rising phosphorus and nitrogen levels provide
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a perfect environment for the algae to flourish. native species such as see brain suffocate and are dying off in huge numbers. on her, i dramatically, i said if, if we discovered that a toxic species of algae is responsible for this phenomenon of the mean is enough in 2019, there was a very high concentration of the algae species called korea bravest full on the need of all astir said cassandra, in 2020 it stocks this like a lower good idea here. i need to be blood enough, a per se, but this year that increased again in eva, eva if one of us your, the lack of, especially in the area around the port of galvez. when you add the father to this to make ends meet with fishers, frequently resort to illegal methods, such as catching fish that are actually too young and small to sell like this swordfish. at the fish market in fox,
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you also find cartilage in his fish like raise and sharks, which are in fact endangered and protected species. well as if there are more and more sharks on the market here in the past, there was little demand for cartilage and his fish. but in the meantime, people hewn sparks have become accustomed to them. and demand is especially high among younger people, like elisa roberts, on their best year, sy edi and need ultra elsie, are trying to reverse the trend. they want fishers to stop catching sharks and other endangered species. there. part of the project med bycatch, which was launched 2 years ago and began with extensive data collection. oh, nice though good. we've collected a lot of data up key which will use to make proposals on how to reduce unwanted by catch up of endangered species. and we're luck up for all of tenicia the vin,
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the up lot, all the thought the law thing is he need us rebel, see, has developed a good relationship with the fishing community and the port as are these he tells them about the research results and provides insights into the concept of close season. this is when the different species lay their eggs and can't be fished . oh, the evaluation of the samples makes it clear that fishing in the mediterranean must become more sustainable. one solution would be using different fishing methods. trawling can be replaced by long lining, which involves long plastic lines with sardine baited. hooks attached at around 6 meter intervals. met by catch plans to recommend this type of fishing. lynn filled up with long line in and hook line fishing canada. the fish have the choice. if
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hillary barella and the fish that go for the bait wouldn't get caught, they began in the others don't. it's completely different to trawling can em, which basically catches everything in the sea and all of the copper said deborah muggle. laugh at ben shoemaker is an advocate of the long line method, but to day he can't go fishing. the wind is too strong and the waves too big conditions are simply too dangerous. so he heads back to the harbor. preserving the ecosystem in the mediterranean will also require more fishermen like las had been shoemaker, to switch to alternative methods and not only ins, ours ease. but across tunisia and along the coasts of other countries bordering the mediterranean sea.
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that's all from us at global 3000 desolate thanks for watching and don't forget to send us your feedback. we love hearing from you right to global 3000 at d, w dot com. and you can check us out on facebook to where at d. w. could a below ideas see you next week? take kat ah
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with ah ah, a little tougher. only so stronger and little brave i am still paid a lot less. why must women fight their way through the world of work? and how much better do they have to perform ah, agenda required, teach at made in germany in 30 minutes on
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d. w. o. warren, during war delivered by ukrainian surrogate mothers, fear of the bombs has prevented the beast from being picked up. oh rena, and spent not have been teaching here in this key bomb shelter for weeks. ah, focus on europe, 90 minutes on d w. oh mm hm. just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day and in depth look at current news, events analyzed by experts and critical thinkers. not just another new show.
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this is the weekdays. on d, w. my name is jonathan dunn and i have paid almost every price of being a journalist in a country like $20.00 i was try to. i was jail. i was a tad molten like meal guardians of truth, john dud and mexican investigative journalist, unavailable not. this is i, you know, every day the government is saying mom, she's been digging the country soil to find out the truth. they want to kill me and they try many times. they can some of my sources just because they don't put me
12:00 am
facing with a gun can change your life. people need to know what is happening with gardens of truth. suddenly 3rd on t w with ah, this is d w news, and these are our top stories. ukrainian troops in the besieged city of maria paul have ignored a russian ultimatum to lay down their weapons by the ukrainian commander in the city has appealed for outside help. saying the troops left in mario boat might only have ours left to live. ukraine said agreements with russia to evacuate civilians from mario pole had not worked as plant.


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