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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2022 7:30pm-8:00pm CEST

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dw, ah, if you ever have to cover up a murder, the best way is to make it look like an accident. raring to me you've never read a book like this. literature list under german st. oh hello and a one. welcome to the 77 percent. our program for you africa youth. i'm either kimani and this week we have a very special so for you coming to you from l door, it's the whole of champion this week we take a deep dive into the world of sports across the continent. here's what we have for you. we investigate how to tackle corruption in kenyon, sports institutions, marathon ledgent, and she'll get till the secrets on how to keep your mind on track. and in south
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africa we meet the be a meg for been as of the west of africa has produced some of the greatest names across different sporting disciplines from footballers to basket bowlers. and of course from right here, distance runners. yet the continent continues to grapple with lack of government investment, for example, or growth, mismanagement of teams. and perhaps was of all corruption is bosses. do sions, one of the continent lagging behind despite the immense natural talent? well, i spoke to a few people here in kenya to try and answer the question. when webster lucas is getting ready to lived, it looks like he is preparing for war. a battle between himself and an unimaginable 150 kilograms over his head.
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this is the life of a weight lifter and webster is one of the best in kenya. he was well on his way to becoming an olympian, but things didn't go quite as planned. i played my body, i should, i showed up in the gym. i put all dabbled a good, but unfortunately for example, when my federation, which was supposed to be like, go my link to the scholarship and the olympics of really misappropriated fund. that was supposed to help me, ended up not making it to the political event and not finding enough points to be able to qualify for that same year. webster was locked out of the olympics. the sports ministry was riddled with corruption scandal that left the former minister facing jill time for misusing olympic funds for webster. the experience was too much forcing him to quit the national team and say good bye to his childhood dream . really like depressing the point where like i was like
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yes. so the local mental strain but like i never experienced before. and then i think i just decided on my goods. so i ended up fighting alone, and unfortunately, to my knowledge, like them, as the new spots, journalists, but not, don't tell me. webster's case is not isolated. that in fact, most kenyon sports people, are amateurs. here turn around us of football, use leagues, purportedly training, the future styles of africa. so ways a disconnect. it's only been can you find a player playing football stuff like this one. and then you move on to play in professional artificial stuff. you have what it's called culture shock because you're not exposed to such facilities. and that is usually the biggest, biggest, biggest problem when it comes to sports in general because there's no system possibly. and if there's some semblance of a system,
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it's usually very adult. it's very positive and you find that if i want to start laying sports at a young age, i want to show about the future. those that do make the cut to compete at international games like the olympics face, a different kind of struggle. photos like these, showing stranded athletes at airports or videos like this one. showing the dilapidated accommodation of elite athletes are not uncommon. the most common complaint, however, is delayed payments or none at all. one person trying to change that is cynthia mumble, under her company's sports connect africa, the former basketball player is hoping to create structures that generate profits at multiple points of the ecosystem. all for the benefit of the athlete from buying a phone, the phone is a product. what the foreman competent? what behind the scenes, who's creating? who's selling that form?
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who's making sure the experience for, you know, the quality is good for, for, for the person who's buying the. exactly the same. the only difference, and the biggest difference is that you're dealing with human beings. and that's where the value competition comes, because you must respect. you must respect the fun. everybody else is in the for the young players of the capital basketball camp. it's easy to remain optimistic. back at the gym however, webster is not so sure. while he believes, can you me one day be represented in difference post disciplines at an elite level? he doesn't think that day is coming any time. soon. at the beginning of 2022, the cannon government directed all sports, federations and associations to prioritize mental health in their programs. now, while kenya continues to produce some of the best distance runners, sports in this country has been grappling with cases of sexual harassment,
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mental health, and even and unfortunately, gender based violence. well, i had the pleasure of sitting down in control gay, arguably the world's greatest marathon runner, to see what can be done about this. i also had a chance to ask some of the cuff questions and his answers. they might surprise you . the press called him goat, which was short for the greatest of all time. and marathon runner elliot. keep sugar indeed, defies human standard. especially since the kenyan broke records in vienna, in 2019. as the 1st human in history keep ciocca broke the to our barrier at an astonishing average pace of completing one kilometer in 2 minutes. 50 seconds. in 2021, he won his 2nd olympic gold medal, but that's still not enough. now age, 37, keep taya dreams about winning all fixed. the person behind the world, famous athlete. where does he get an unbreakable, mental strength from me?
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we wanted to find out and travel to his farm near elder it an exclusive private moment with elliott keep chubby. oh, it's a very big form. it's very beautiful. oh, you don't plan on retired simply. no, no, but though not yet, but they both bertolli no longer. so we all will eventually here. but you wouldn't stop running, i'm guessing, maybe not competing or not so from here. how many years has it been now? it's it fabian nunez. this is the 18 fear. when you see everything that you've accomplished, shirley, you must feel very proud of yourself. oh, so i'm proud of myself. i am proud of those who are kalu. herb in my my surrounding with tow tomorrow collier. good, dear piano. yeah, that's actually what i wanted to talk about the people who are around you and how you are able to keep
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a very strong mind despite all the challenges. so is it okay if you go sit in your barn, i saw some haystacks to dubia going to take you back to earth and put you in history . oh can okay. it's good athletes in particular endure a lot of stress and pressure. they have mental challenges, which they sometimes don't talk to people about here in our country last year. 3 great athletes, unfortunately, losing their lives. how would you assess the states of sports men and women, their mental health, particularly in kenya right now? oh thing i could a distress, so we're good sports men and women natalie's is increasing them unfortunate. but tow it sold over. it's a, it's a, it's a sad asylum po, leaving would have been surrounded by negative people. have you ever found yourself in that situation where you were experiencing these high levels of stress?
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and if so, how did you deal with it? i have been surrounded 4th 18 year for the last teeth in us. would been possibly people for touch olean in sport, and i'll take the spot. so now my lucky one, i've been aqua lu, over globe following now the right term failures. and i've in the file, you are clearly myself with a call which i can live without it. help things with egg and die with those things are, what are these values that you see? you know, they're so important to you that you actually can't live without them before you are kalu for integrity in sport. what they mean by integrity is crater to quarter. the next a mile carried to face and had been wound in, in your life, to find you of the family to find yourself discipline, to find you of consistence so i can live without, without those values. and that is not really. so who are these people that have surrounded yourself with? will you see you know that the ones who called you together when things are a bit shaky? oh, i'm surrounded by my a coach but dixon. i'm getting older fellows. i am cutting her. what's needed from
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him, as far as steven know, leaving his cancer here. yes. can you tell me may be some of the, the key points that her, he is his taught you over the years. you've been with him a long time. yes. that you the 1st of a boy in his trust and myself o 2 to myself as the best to one leading openness to life. those are 3 points i colutus, which he told me that when i was still young. yeah, i guess i'm trying to understand how you manage to control your emotions so well, because he said in previous interviews, a discipline is one of the ways to do that. is this the only way? because you're very tempered, i understand life. no, no, in this world, so you need to understand life and anything comes in no way in a negative we need to understand because they see where they to slave. then there's a challenge. so how do you deal with some of these challenges or how have you dealt with them in the past? because, you know,
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at least get injured all the time physically. and they can imagine that causes a lot of pressure losing a run that doesn't feel nice, not having a good training day. maybe you're just feeling off here at those. all of them are challenges if you don't or if you don't feel of the best to in today than tomorrow's any. but it's good to, to up the worst of tuning into the but, but finished a tree with can give her would, can give my i can keep myself. i call you my mind to come quasi. when you buy it, i salute the training was a little faithful. but i finished. yeah, that's wonderful. and how would you advise, you know, these young professionals, i'm sure you run with them here all the time. they must see you on the streets and want to give you a high 5 and one to get your autograph. how do you advise them to face the challenges of to day because young people are grappling with the lots are unique to the sure that you are really proficient? not of your professional is just your bill, your career, your respect,
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your profession, allison, you walk actually and respect your ethics, or pope or, or, or you're prov, chanelle. since all is somewhat loose. kelley, of february, and a person, it's easy to manage it. so is it to instill anything on to him stealing a busty boy, but to run with him stealing a thing negative because or for you? he saw e e e, or he, she's a family oriented man or homer who cannot actually persuade him or her in a negatively. and i really loved the teacher coming back to this holy deal values. and i think i'm finally getting it that if you stand for something, then it's hard for people to, with their own evils in you, in a sense, when you think about your future at the moment, because you are a man who has accomplished everything in your career at this point, oh what do you visualize? oh oh did i in visualizing that so i need to my co, our country around and country and, and all neural around and one of the full color tall for color. difference in the
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sport and steel, m seal unclipped of her form to inspire the next generation. hm. and and, and, and, and 1010 people with a totally view if you say yes in your heart and transfer to your mind, i'm sitting more than you can. so the more thought that's about any other profession, doctor, we need to book a little respect their professions. we need people to do in 1st in themselves and in 1st in their families, their friends, their neighbors that sudden on. but that's what in my it says, my back at least here. that's a very busy bucket list. so how do you plan on making us are running nation while running world? because it's one thing to be inspired by you, but it's another thing to wake up in the morning and run yourself and turn felt people thoughtful for, for you to anything you can spare your 30 minutes. sandra, whereabouts wrangler? seeing a b, they don't have time. it's too busy the schedule. what do you say to that?
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there is no produce presumably. so there is no responsibility in this work. that is our responsibility, but not responsibility. there is. thank you just need to make time for it. yes. here and stick with the time. now that's an interview that i am sure. i will not be forgetting. and speaking of memories, i grew up riding bikes. well, maybe not quite as big as that one, but you know what i mean? and it was part of our play time. often we came back home, so dusty and we punctured tires. but trust me, maneuvers weren't nowhere close to what these young south africans are up to. they're part of a growing be a mix culture that was born in so little showcasing a very cool and unique cycling style pinning like the big one. and so wait till racing waving and spinning is not just the sports for more to ask the user to wait till taking the form to a new level onto their own customer bikes. when we can some, it's a way to write as a taking over the st. the township is home to
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a thriving liking culture. the king discipline is painting and mac quickly. a mckesson is unrivalled of the people. when i spend my bicycle at like getting into a tron, there is a demon inside me and i changed from being my quick way to my case. 4 years ago, most cash with the fast double, like an extra long be a mixed bike, with plastic bottles around the black wheels. it's perfectly seeming and a lot of quick, quick pain. and my reason you'd be like, that's why i called my case choice because you might be the team of one came to interesting us to see where was inspired by cast pinning. i'm also sports that involved driving cars, a speed in circles to perform stance and winning originated in 1980. this started so tough because danced the culture. young men from the township expensive cars in
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well of about if the high school successful, the sophie was hurried back home until the tires. but since then, winning has evolved into a popular so classic and moral support. and the youth is really pick up on this. equally important to the ceiling skewed other nooks of the bikes, which a custom built and pinged to the brit custom made bicycles mortified me. want for food chains and pegs. however, come with a price dog and a lot of sacrifice. we would fix other people's bikes and charge them, but we also hooking up events, mixing up with other cyclists and helping each other. because with parents it's tough. they don't give you money, just a bike, because for them, this is no korea buckle. mclaughlin gets his by clarity for special event to cause peanuts have invited him for a joint spin on the road. they have heard of mccook with double bike and got a trip to meet up and been together. lady dally races her car into
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a street corner and stuff the show. moments later work with joins her in a dare devil. the 2 spinners looking to host events together, but wants to check out fast how people on the street like this can. the there's a lot of however, in the car you know what i mean? and we do a lot more damage than the bad bad like he brings on the so you heard the people really whatever you read, that was amazing. amazing. yeah. well, what was double bikes? spread all of us a way to and neighboring townships for him and others. the bike has become an instrument to express their freedom and creativity and leave the foundation for the new bikes of culture. his wife will mean the wild to quickly he lost his parents a few years ago and stopped going to school. he now stays with these on. when i
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started with my mother was very supportive. before she passed away, she would have been proud of me because i have an impact in the spinning. and i'm also teaching others how to spin. you know, lots of people are following me. so my mother would have been very proud of his loose sports. cloak was passion too, if not without its hazard. friends of him have been seriously injured when they collided with passing cars. so have you been died from weakness, 4th floor faith. the writers also meet up at a venue without cause and traffic. look, a part of me really wants to try that, but perhaps not before. sand boarding. now sand boarding is as extreme sports, which is very similar to snowboarding. actually it involves writing across or down a sand dune. and what better place to try that then? or maybe not here. perhaps one of the world's largest sunday in the media. i think,
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yeah. oh, it's fun. it's fast. it's messy. sand boarding is growing in popularity and the sport is about to step into the shoes of its big brothers surfing and snowboarding . championships like this one held an acre peru in 2019, bring together pros and fans from around the world. but sand boarding also has a home in africa, maybe as a swatca, one is a prime location for the adrenaline field sport. and some locals want to make swap of a sand boarding paradise. with some of the world's biggest sand dunes located here, san boarding has become a source of income for many like blanco, for the 1st love is the hodges. but then eventually after their it gets easier. polanko takes tourists up the sand dunes on most days, telling them to hang in there. but walking a 150 meters in height is
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a strenuous form of exercise. never mind that under the fox namibian sun, you still have to wear winter boots and carry heavy snow both to enjoy your moment of glory. and they are no alternatives. blanco and his crew have to use winter sports gear from europe to fit their purpose. for them. blanco's friend ravin nelly, is improvising a rep and before each right, he also makes sure the boards all up to scratch. literally, it turns out waxing, is extremely important for a smooth ride. we got to always before a dried, make sure we apply some cobra x polish waste that on before it dries some sand on it works of douglas. meg works on vector a few years ago. sand boating was considered a serious sport. there was even a south african league holding regular contests in these very dooms. the
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organization, however collapsed and san boarding for the most part became only a tourist attraction and last year wasn't exactly grateful business either because of cove at 19 restrictions, but revenue really keeps coming back and boarding road. and near my home was here. we set up is mills and boarding team and also, you know, we bring tours out here, instruct him on how to write this and we got the best of both worlds. we gotta do. and right here is right across the highway. we've got the ocean. so freeman, free spirit, ravenel and his friends are looking forward to teaching many future visitors. how to move about on a board, and who knows? maybe one day there will be another championship in these beautiful do let's bring you back here in kenya, where we meet a man like no other. are you a lulu muscle trains, cox to fight? yet you heard that right?
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cock fighting is actually a big part of a culture gain western kenya. but the traditional sport is losing popularity as modernization takes over aspects of rural african life. massapequa is however, determined to keep the old sport alive training his champions with the help of his children. a man ready for a fight? are you a luma? sackler is the king of cock fighting. he's famous in his home reaching, coming a county in wisc and kenya. but before he heads to the ring, a youth checks his sheree to see if it's working. cock fighting here is nothing without this instrument shrinking in the background. 6 cock fighting is embedded in the culture of kenneth louis. our community. the sport has been passed down from one generation to the next. and i use a lulu once his children to keep his legacy alive drunk. like when my kids grow old like them to be proud of the coach and to know that it's paid for the education. they should not just be seeing news on to your read on newspapers about their dad
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on, on. they should know the what part of the culture from the what go on the actively participated. they used to sing and dance, just like you've seen this kid stone. all of them from the young to the old well to struggle quite okay. like any family business, every one has a role to play. the young girls entertain spectators while the older boys take care of the cockles and daughter molded malesky regaled every one with the rosella. i started playing with him when i was so young, i can't even remember my age, but my mom was still alive. at that time we were playing with him, we were go to most of the functions that he would train me how to play. so that when we have something like this, we was ela. he would tell me this is how we blow it. so i started getting the skills bit by bit been progressive, and right now i know how to play several other instruments and i'm so happy. but as soon as the match starts, the only thing that matters is the playing field. i lulu is the referee. keep close
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eye on the potto and sometimes steps in a thing thought getting to harry for i lou lou this is more than entertainment it's how he earns with living every time i see my dad stayed cockfighting matches i feel so happy because it means that we are able to go to school, eat our personal needs, met at home, and every activity that we do is from him like her siblings, mildred knows full well what her father's work has done for the family. she wishes the cockfighting culture was appreciated. more like many other traditions is at risk of extinction. i pray that as the days go by, he will get some one who can promote him. put him up there and not below the cock, fighting as a bad rap among animal rights activists. and for good reason,
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but a lou doesn't want his animals to get hurt. after a few minutes of clacking beaks and a few lost feathers, one of the cockles simply walks away. eleanor hoist the champion into the air. he might be the only one of his kind, but he's hopeful the tradition will live on through future generations. and that's all we have for you today. do let us know what you think. remember, you can always get in touch with us by a facebook, instagram or even youtube. we want to get the conversation going on top. it's an important to you. thank you so much for watching. i'm edith. you money coming to you from this great town of l. dorit and we'll leave you now with the music with auditors, with every, every night from a my
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god, a early read me. ah, ah, with,
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with what making the headlines stand what's behind them? dw news africa, the show that the issues shape in the continent life is slowly getting back to normally where on the streets to give you enough reports on the inside of our cars fund that was on the ground reporting from across the continent. all the trend stuff, the mazda to you in 30 minutes on d. w. ah, the magic of the mountains oh,
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ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin crane more that washer plans to expand, thats or cost europe. president vladimir savanski says neighboring. moldova is in moscow sites offer senior russian commander, hinted at extending control right across the ukraine. and the final comes out to francis presidential election incumbent emanuel kong and his challenge marine la penn, had made a final pitch to voters.


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