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tv   Kick off  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST

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saving of human lives. and this is exactly what good terrorist wanted to achieve as a peacemaker. all right, we'll have to leave it there. you're a rochette in riga. many things now in ukraine itself, volunteers are working to evacuate thousands of civilians in the east who were living with daily and nightly russian artillery, telling the hiding out in basements and shallow shelters, many without electricity, gas, or water. this man is being evacuated from his home and hockey's trapped in his flood. it is a miracle he survived. no. oh no in knows they've been gone barring us all day and all night. now sheila blew up in the beginning. it was quieter and lighted. sparkling the bombing only happen during the day or will overthrow later they begun bombing at night to well not pull grove boulevard,
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missouri hit here in the yard, but it is eula who would war har. keith has endured a barrier of russian attacks. cons than shelling has reduced much of the city to ashes. now, some 50 residents have been evacuated from brun frontline neighbourhood. they have been taken to shelters where they hoped to be safe about 400 kilometer south safety is still a distant dream. russian forces continue to pummel the as of stell steel factory. the last pocket of resistance and mario pole. the port city has been under siege for weeks now. most of it has been wiped out by russian bombardment. the dire fate of mary poll has been a warning to other ukrainian cities to protect them. ukraine's president vladimir zalinski has asked alice for more support, shew every one in the world,
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even those who openly did not support us here, now agrees that the fate of europe, the fate of global security, and the fate of the democratic wisdom is being decided in ukraine and it seems like his calls for greater diplomatic efforts are being hurt with dozens of nations willing to support ukraine in a war that it simply cannot win on its own. and from levine and ukraine, i'm joined now by d. w correspondent, young philip shaw, president. the lensky has been pressing germany hard to step up its military support. now we've seen germany promising deliveries of anti aircraft systems. how has that announcement been received in keith? it has been no very well received here in ukraine. as you know, a president lensky has been pushing for this search for a long time. he says, sir,
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ukraine has a very great soldier, sir, has a very high moral, but it needs more heavy equipment. so germany has really come under a lot of pressure in this regard, not only from ukraine but also from other countries. so of course, ukrainians expect to still more earn more weapons from germany, but they see it as a, as a step in the right direction. let's listen ourselves to, oh, what some of the ukrainians have to say. well, i'm on now. north national, possess 2 new match. and as part of that, we know that germany's position regarding ukraine is ambiguous markets as a cramp. there are a lot of questions to ask mr. short term memory, but we totally support the fact that german society is putting pressure on the german government to help ukraine and in particular with heavy weapons and greens. look, i'm, i was, i was acquired so ah, disappointed by the time read sher germany to could to make this decision. because as i said, i believe the time is so pre ordered,
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now goes every day our people are dying. and on this donkey on the stance on z so hard to reap on defense life for of our citizens. and philip police in the mold dove and separatist region of trans in this tree, or had reported new explosions there this morning. moscow has troops station back. can you tell us what we know about bath? yes, the recent attacks in the pro ration separatist region of trans mystery have 1st started to worry many people here in ukraine. of course it's, it's not a good sign as some security analysts say that it might be a false flag attacks by, by the russians who want to find a pretext to send more troops into this region. it's officially part of moldova. but it has been dominated by pro russian separatists for a long time, and
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a russian, a senior military official recently said that they want to create a corridor in ukraine, in southern ukraine to connect russia with the moldova, with the separatist region of trans mystery. ok. so this would give, of course, russia more geo strategic options. also in the current war in ukraine. the un secretary general is in moscow today. does the government in keith hold out any hope? the antennae good terrorist will be able to achieve anything, then talks to be honest, i don't think the expectations are very high. ukraine is involved in very heavy fighting in the east of the country in the south of the country and the options for diplomatic solutions from the side of the ukrainians. at least they don't look very optimistic at the moment. however,
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some of for you and the secretary general's words and moscow were received some of his very open words, even though a president zalinski repeatedly said that you think he thinks that's a mistake that he 1st visited moscow before. coming to keith in 2 days. but what was definitely well received here in ukraine was the secretary general's announcement that the un will help to create human cherry, a humanitarian curry doors in maria pull to help for evacuate civilians. this is something that the ukrainians have demanded for, for a while. no can finish shots in the ve, thanks a much the head of the you ends. atomic watchdog has described radiation levels of the chernobyl nuclear site as quote abnormal. and his warmth at rushes brief occupation of the fight was very dangerous. rough al. gracie
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made the comment on a trip to the site on the anniversary of the world's worst nuclear disaster. russia seized control of the chernobyl site early in its invasion of ukraine weeks after moscow's forces. left reports continued to emerge of the reckless actions they took bath. this is one of the most radioactive places in the world. yet the more than a month, russian soldiers lived here. digging deep into the contaminated soil of the chernobyl exclusions own ukrainian officials say that bunking down in the zone so called red forest mand up costing some of the troops their lives. little boom. will you see their shoes? 3 little corporal in the red forest where russians dug trenches, ally, they lived here only breathe in dust here. usual cooked their food and set fire's hair. a hoodie la for a while when the thought cuz the grass was burnt and they inhaled burnt substances you with the holy, which hang
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a 3rd of course it will damage their healthily fix. it will kill some of them slowly for thug legs, and some of them will be, will die quickly. ah, dick mobile with go with it. but rushes occupation of this site, but more than lives of its soldiers endanger. for a time, the decommission plant was cut off from the power grid and forced to rely on diesel generators to keep critical safety systems running, sparking phase of a new nuclear disaster reaching well beyond ukraine. when russian troops hurt a left, at the end of march, they looted offices some report. li even stole highly radioactive materials, possibly to sell. chernobyl was never ready for a military occupation. authorities are working to make sure it will be more prepared in the future. i've seen you an atomic watched cold radiation levels, actionable abnormal, i asked flu on giving from the german government office for radiation protection. how he would assess the situation that well,
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of course he was talking about the exclusion song, which is one of the most contaminated sounds after the accident which took the channel which took place 36 years ago except the 36 years. it is a very highly concentrated area and is not recommended to stay there for a long time in the continental areas. and what we know about the russian forces is that they stood there for many days, many weeks actually. so, staying there for such a long time and as such highly contaminated area, there is some significant risk or occurring from that. so you can call it a dangerous activity. what has been done for the top of them says who were staying there. and he said they were there for about 6 weeks. the plant was without electricity during this time. what was your greatest fear during that time?
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something going really quite badly wrong? well actually the blonde, it says all the facility on the ground was without electricity only for 2 days within the 6 weeks. and within this 2 days, there was some extra power auxiliary power given by a diesel generator. so there was none of the situation that there was no electricity on the side of the site that that was definitely not the biggest risk coming from the loss of the city of electric power. because this is not an and heidi active, not anymore. what is it the, the nuclear power plants were shocked on more than 20 years ago. there's only really old nuclear fuel on the place which does not require a lot of coding. so the biggest fear we had was a military attack against the storage sides of nuclear fuel intentionally or unintentionally. or it takes against the shape of the damage to react to want to
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know. we said we were not so much of that about it. ok, but what about other ukrainian nuclear plants? so their concerns about them were to be honest, we were and we asked is more concerned about the situation in the ukrainian nuclear power plant, simply because these are active plans. 7 of out of 15 nuclear problems are currently operating in the ukraine, and the others have been shut down not so long ago. and if you have such a situation, an active nuclear power plant, the, the heat production from this power plant even is if it's going to be shut down, is much higher than from the old reactors internal good. and if you have a high heat production, you need to call it all the time and you need a lot of energy to cool. and it's much more dangerous situation than with an old long that's called it in china. so we were always in there are still afraid of the
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possibility of military attacks against the other operational moms or even a takes against the power supply of this lands. because these nuclear power plants could run into trouble if they lose electricity for some while. all right, we'll have to leave it that way and dealing from the germany from the german federal office for radiation protection. thanks so much. thank you. now reminder of the top story that we're following for you today. u. s. defense secretary lloyd austin has applauded international support for ukraine and announce the us and its allies will meet monthly to coordinate military aid to keep austin with speaking after hosting a meeting of military leaders for more than 40 countries. at the i'm fine abbe in germany. you're watching the w news live from berlin. i'll be back with more world news at the top of the allot. and if you're looking for more global headlines, of course, always our website,
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that's e w dot com. and you can follow us on social media. my mind you can, we can and thanks so much portion with hold slash her agenda. i think that's hard and in the end is a me, you're not locked up to you anymore. we will send you back. are you familiar with this? with the smokeless reliance of it, what's your story. ready ready of you wasn't, i was women, especially of victims of vine and asking them to take part and send us your story.
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we are trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor, not a guests. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information ah ah, what can, what will 44000000000 dollars do? you must wants to take over twitter and turn it into what he calls a, even for free speech. what's behind that? and is it a wise idea? we're going to next, we're also on the show. we take a look at how the e u is trying to strengthen its relations with india. the hope the deli will loosen it's ties with russia in return on frisk over. welcome to the program. twitter has accepted a take over bid from e long musk,
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the at times controversial tesla c e o is putting on the table a called $44000000000.00 for the social media platform. he's already announced that he'll be taking the company private and move that has his critics up in arms. muskogee. mister musk bills himself as a champion of free speech. but some analysts sworn that his plan to remove all moderation on the site could open the floodgates for dis, information and abuse on one of the world's most important social media platforms. so twitter is one of the world's leading social networks with more than 400000000 active users who post more than half a 1000000 tweets every minute. but twitter has struggled to post a profit. it has, had, has had more nat lost and profits over the last decade, including 222-020-2021. last year. it posted the net loss
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of $221000000.00. now, despite these losses, twitter has a market valuation of $33000000000.00 in on mosque offered $44000000000.00 to take it over. and that has many asking if the millionaire is paying too much for the social media firm. or if he seeing an opportunity that many have missed over the last decade. so there's quite a lot to unpack here. let's do that with erik jensen. he is an associate professor of sociology at war university. he joins me from crabby and thailand. good to have you on the show, eric, you know, musk wants to turn twitter and tape into what he calls a haven for free speech. what do you make of that? yeah, i mean, it is a little bit concerning. when you think about what that means in practice, so in practice, if what he's imagining, which is what people assume that you poll the existing efforts to try to reduce the
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amount of use of speech on twitter or the amount of this information, particularly around the health issues like of 19, you know, there has been some headway made on twitter in terms of removing some of the worst elements. well, there's still an enormous amount of problematic content on twitter. and so if we roll that back, that doesn't mean that there's better free speech availability. if you have the loudest voices able to shout down and abuse others and not participating, that's not really free speech. i want to put up a, a quote here by twitter seo, jack dorsey for yours to see who is that the launch goal of creating a platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is the right one. this is the right path. i believe it with all my heart. now if you believe that a twitter under ellen musk will be dialing back all these moderation features.
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what do you make of that quote? yeah, i mean it's, it's kind of the optimistic take. i mean, there, there are some reasons to be optimistic because moving twitter to private does allow for some moves that should have been done a long time ago. like seriously cleaning up the amount of bots and fake accounts that occur on twitter. i, which is another priority. the mosque mentioned that could be a really positive move if he's willing to do it. presumably, one of the reasons twitter has been slow to do that in the past is that if we cleared out all of the think accounts and all of the box, actually twitters number of active users will probably be a lot lower. and that would be a big problem for publicly traded social media company, but it's something that a private twitter could do. so there are some reasons to be optimistic here. a
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speaking of attractiveness, a privately owned or rather a twitter that's been taken off the stock exchange and turned a private is that more attractive to companies to put on ads on twitter? i mean, it really depends on how things play out. i think if it becomes a kind of anything goes like just kind of rife with abuse and, and all kinds of, you know, racism and horrible things happening on the platform that will be something really scary for advertisers they'll, they'll run. but if it is a kind of cleaning out all of the fake accounts and creating a kind of scenario where you can really believe that the people you're engaging with on twitter are real people. that will also be attractive to advertisers who don't want to be wasting their investment on advertising to box or fake accounts, erik jensen of warranty university. thank you for your thoughts.
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maybe the freshly set up trade and technology council will do the trick, the european union and to boost ties with india. the block normally not only wants to increase commerce and sharing of technology, but also to encourage the countries prime minister and ramadi to reduce indian links to russia, which is india's main weapons supplier. ah, european commission president was elephant lion pays her respects at memorial to indian independence hero. mahatma gandhi. the west was rattled when india sided with china in backing russia's invasion of ukraine on a visit to new delhi, the europeans now hope to at least keep trade and tech co operation on track. clear, i was just supporters of international
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and oh, we have a long facing challenging china is india's leading trading partner with 12 percent of total indian trade. that's followed by the u. s . with 11.7 percent. the e u is in 3rd place with $62800000000.00 euros worth of trade or 11 percent of total indian trade. this will be the 1st such technical agreement for india and the 2nd for the youth. so far it's only set up a similar mechanism with the u. s. d. u hopes that trade can keep the relationship between india and europe warm that get more this from d w as charo cartucker in delhi charo. what does this joined trade and technology council entail? well, it's a, it's a one of a kind arrangement as was the one who says, but knowing that you only has one touch of mentor and that is with
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a us. so she kind of, you know, underline how significant it is that the european union has opened the arrangement with india. now this is largely to sort out all bottlenecks on trade and technology collaboration issues. and significantly, what she mentioned was, this is going to be a sort of an institution that will take care of political bottlenecks in the deepening of the trade and technology relationship. remember chris, and then you have been trying to finalize and f d a for a very long time that have been several bottlenecks which are largely political called. so what it appears at this stage that this, the, the, the objective of this kind of an arrangement is to, is to steer is to provide a political steer. the free is that on the land use to the trade and technology relationship between india and chris, tara. the underlying question though, is, is this council? is it likely to help shift india s stands towards russia?
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i mean, india is foreign minister says the country is prepared to take a much bigger role in global affairs. well, chris, as i see it this at each one seems to have twin objectives. one is of close to to, to give the necessary push to the long term india, your pre relationship, which has been as, as wonderland mentioned, which has a lot of potential that is get to be unlocked. and of course, in the immediate term, it is aimed at attracting india to sort of reconsider is downs towards russia. as far as the ukraine water is concerned. whether it will have that effect on the situation on the ground in new delhi or not. that remains to be seen so far. the indications from delhi have been that there has really been no reconsideration of the standing. yes, pretty much in the same position as an, as it has been since the february end chris,
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the year one se calls her relationship with india as it seeks the strength and ties with partners other than russia and china. what is india looking for when it comes to the charo? well, chris india has been looking at the you as an export partner does already, i think the 3rd largest, 3rd largest export partner. but india wants to market to open up much more. the free g agreement between the india and you has been languishing because there have been several points on which consensus has been wanting from both from certain things that you has been pushing for. and it has been reluctant to agree to them. and then there are certain things like geographical indicators which india has been pushing for and which has been reluctant to grant. so this is something that india has in mind unlocking the potential of the trade relationship between india and
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chris w as charo car to k on deleon char, thank you. as rosy cheese flee the war ukraine, men are responsible for the bloodshed. there aren't feeling the effects they might affect be lounging with caviar and champagne, some of them here and the durham capital sanctions should be hitting exactly these people, the wealthy man closest to the russian liter flooding report. but hunting down which properties in germany are owned by russian oligarchs is harder than many had been hoping. a quiet side street in berlin. the war in ukraine seems far away from here. but these 2 buildings proof that it may not be very far after all, whether the buildings belong to russian. oligarchs is unclear. finance expert christ of cloud feather believes that the sanctions and russia can hardly be implemented in the real estate sector since in berlin. as far as i know, no real estate has been frozen and affected by the sanctions at all in berlin.
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because we don't even know who owns these properties recently, and it will be in her that's the case with 6 berlin, real estate companies, they in turn belong to 3 other companies that are registered in the british virgin islands. no information is being shared about who is behind these companies. berlin has been popular with russia investors for years. private individuals and companies have invested about 442000000 euros in real estate here since 2011. germany has had a transparency register since 2018 companies are supposed to identify their true owner to this agency. but many still on follow through. authorities are helpless yamisha kind of good. we have no agencies that have the legal man. they detect the asset psych to sniff them out like a bloodhound. it's not regulated in germany. unlike in italy, where the godaddy finance i started confiscating yachts and villas once sanctions
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were imposed and also show for now for more check out our website at dw, not com slash business, or the d. w. news, youtube channel. cross colbert. i'm raelynn, thanks for watching. every self a successful day with with ah,
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is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like. return to normal. and we visit those who are finding it difficult. with success in our weekly coven, 19 special. every thursday on d w. my name is jungian dan, and i have paid almost every price of being a journalist and a country like switching i was threatened, i was jailed, i was a tad more people like me and guardians of truth. john didn't done. and mexican investigative journalist, unable or not, this is i, you know, every day the government,
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hey seymour ah, she's been digging the country soil to find out the truth. they want to kill me. and they try many times. they can't some of my sources just because they don't come with me facing the gun can change your life. people need to know what is happening in gardens of truth socially. 3rd on t w with
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this is dw news live from berlin, a u turn from berlin on sending heavy weapons to ukraine. after a heavy criticism, germany vows to deliver anti aircraft systems to the ukrainian military. for the 1st time, defense minister christine law says more support is on the way. also coming up military leaders from some 40 countries meet in germany to try to help ukraine's military fend off the russian invasion. the u. s. defense secretary says allies will quote, keep moving heaven enough to supply.


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