tv Eco Africa Deutsche Welle May 4, 2022 5:30am-6:00am CEST
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oh, what people have to say matters to us. ah, that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on d. w. ah, with hello and welcome to a new edition of equal africa, did abuse environmental magazine. my name is sandra, queen of your and today we're going to look at how the sports world is starting to champion environmental poses. that's right. we can all do something to help curb climate change our preserve nature. my name is chris alone, so great to have you with us. this time we'll be looking at how trash lift
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by taurus is frustrating island as a synagogue. how activist in ivory coast or tackling waste and global warming and how a traditional irrigation system can save farmers into the show from suffering water shortages most the force tend not to associate sports with a drive to beat the climate crisis. but why not? it's all about team work, isn't it? the initiatives sports for future allows athletes and fans to joined together to support global environmental projects. how does it work? let's take a closer look at one german nigerian initiative soccer brings people together even across continents. the students of nathan and lang,
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secondary school in nigeria have linked up with professional footballers in germany to help the environment. climate change is here with us already on the front line. so if i meant i'd be glad on, you have gone wrong. will you have to turn out so by pulling to want to get up? to be part of miss susan who knew me robinson is an of our mental activists in a quiet mom in southern nigeria. today he's visiting a high school in the village of o 2. he tells the students about his green school project that he developed for schools in rural areas. there, intrigued as he talks about what individuals can do for the environment. many i hurrying this for the 1st time, but soon catch on messaging codo. guinea sundance. robinson aims to motivate and mobilize the students making the environment a firm part of school life. what is the greatest point this i think is all about is
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for us to establish a cons of us on clubs in school. we want them to be a very passionate about issues. so we want to understand these issues that want to be there, want to drive the message to the society. after the lessons the students head out to the soccer field. for many, that's an added incentive to join the conservation club. it also strengthens the group dynamic. each club has its own sports team. promises organization provides the schools with shirts and equipment and organize a small tournaments, mostly competing against environmental clubs at other schools. next is time for the environment. robinson and the students plant fruit trees developing the schools very own forest. the students learn how to plant and take care of the trees so they can expand the forest later on their own, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change in their region.
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$373.00 is activities. once in a week, it hasn't brought highway next to us to know more on how we can kind of include that in the environment from your ocean. climate change has left his mark on the region, causing both floods and drought. the green school project is designed to limit the damage and improve life here for the future to come also to miss owens is everywhere it when polluted environment is implemented. so c o 2 chains absorbed it, so to are released also into rows. so chip is very important in clap, middle meeting gets on teams on the front light, isn't that out? i just had to but via the saplings in large quantities is expensive. so the initiative is getting help from a german charity called sports for future. it enables individual athletes and clubs
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to support an environmental projects in africa. the world of mannheim, southern club has decided to sponsor the green school project. robinson keeps the germans updated and have the project is progressing. not beyond a specific student. of course i like i said, i did jamika that they would give the message to him of, for the opinion of the manheim soccer club plays in germany's 3rd division. he doesn't earned the big box of top fly football, but he wants to make a difference. for manchester clothes, if we have the big responsibility to decide see through our fonts and the project to do, we can help others. education is key and it's important to promote that in africa. might have heard on the club. does that through its sale of soccer shirts, donating 3 euros for every jersey sold. the squad is playing well right now, and that's benefiting the green schools project. they sold more than $7000.00 shirts this season, producing
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a 5 figure sum to buy tree saplings in nigeria. as an untruth, as i named him again al here to the man and thus income that we've generated but aren't using for ourselves. maybe it means will buy one player less, but we knew we wanted to help where it's needed. most of my ability to build the donations from germany, also helping the commercial school in the small town of wil you it to has joined the green schools project. will ye me, robinson talks about his work and inspires the students to get involved at this school. it's basketball that brings the group together. ethel is a student here, and president of the schools conservation club. she discovered a passion for preserving nature and wants to pass that on to her fellow students.
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you never can tell the one that comes with watching was your plans group. you might not realize it. i mean, you shouldn't put this to a dot com. is it and want to reading and adding such as is what i tell you. there is no way you won't you writing telling someone or without food to eat came from a tree i planted 6 years ago. oh you me robinson was once happy just to reach a few local schools with his project. now he's getting requests from schools in other regions to thanks to the financial help from germany. the project is deadly growing. available to abs codes is for dr. diskin was our target. you still get our gross? oh, that's good indicator that i will be done in the next 5 years. we're going to keep these pockets an ambitious goal. but the german, nigerian partnership is already very successful. the students of the green schools project have planted over $10000.00 trees so far and counting
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what's a terrific initiative? clean green energy. so gold, many countries are striving for another is getting rid of the trash diluted beaches, waterways and landscapes even when the sources, obvious finding solutions can stupid challenge in here is this weeks doing your bids, but the sty from senegal. ah, just 20 minutes off the coast of jacka is the small island of glory. it's historical significance to the atlantic slave trade and it's beautifully maintained . buildings make it a popular destination for day trippers. but many you come to enjoy this unesco world. cultural heritage site fail to respect it, piles of garbage, literally the streets and rocky beaches. mostly plastic bottles and remnants from
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picnics that visitors have left behind, much to the dismay of local residents. therefore, they've done the computer stuff every day. we witness the same behavior. people tossing plastic waste on the ground, even though there are 2 rubbish bins in front of every building, but at times the island welcomes a 1000 visitors the day and they bring a lot of plastic, which they leave behind the as we saw it after i said, we clean up every day and every 2 days we transport 700 to 800 kilos of ways to dakar. block back up. in contrast, organic waste is now benefiting go res, 1500 residents. it helps keep their island green and generate a little income on the side. a yes was very good at to improve waste management. the islands town hall set up a system of sorting and composting to transform and get value from organic waste.
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viewed of obama, palm canada, the resulting compost is used to nurture the islands flora, link or not, or bagged and sold for a profit. it's still not enough to solve all of go raise garbage was though. the biggest help would be for visitors to take everything they bring to the island back home again when they leave. ah, and tell about you. if you are also doing your bit, tell us about is visitor website both send us the tweet. hash tag doing jo, banks we shall, you'll still always obviously their seal a long way to go, but that's why we're here a co africa often reporting things that really change in and active is committed to making that change happen. yes, we do, chris, and today we shall kiss at 3 young people from ivory coast who devote their time
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and energy to carbon pollution and making the world a grain of life. let us learn how abidjan i re caused economic sent ice undergoing a breathtaking transformation. construction sites seem to be everywhere and they are new and todd districts appear in to the city now has over 5000000 inhabitants, niche isis of urine, while pollution commute, the city eve laundry. kwame is one of a growing number of people. take an action to ensure a healthier abby shop. in december mental blog, he writes about a huge problem of electron at mosque mover prosecutors, where what scares me is that we'll reach a point where we can no longer do anything for the environment. in fact, long run, the blogger feels that ignore us to threatens the environment. he hopes that his documentary work will raise awareness and motivate people.
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like what was it? for this account was on lunch lesson, she made more than 50 percent of the population of english. this marina illiterate, so a big population like that is not very aware of the environmental protection issues, ecological issues, the link between the activities and the consequences that they may be on the planet . oh, that there may be for their own healthy i was in represented. could at least a part of this will be recycled? what looks like real stone is actually recycled plastic in it quasi herself developed the concept during her master studies environment and plastic waste management. she asked herself how she could help solve abrasions garbage problem in concrete terms. like again for battle, i checked everywhere to see what we can do with plastic waste, especially in ivory coast highway. and the means that we have at our disposal was that they could, oprah winfrey, ivy, i discovered that there are physical products available, such as paving stones brakes, and many other things,
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such as granules. they can renew again, and they are in big demand. one hotel house hot, it's dry. we paved with recycled plastic breaks. hello. did idiot quasi found at her own company in 2019. and now she has 7 employees. she's convinced that young entrepreneurs like her can bring about change in our bayshore. see good in other young people get involved and green entrepreneurship, we will be able to make ivory coast and even our african continent, a world that works to reduce atmospheric pollution. harvey alamahood shall do. it involves the ecological impact and promoting a green city and on ecological city them will see due to promotion disease, which is the vehicle whose and that's what the students at abbey shas university. do. they are planting 30 trees on campus, and that's just the beginning of it before is synergy dog. a synergy of actions is
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needed to address environmental degradation. some or column organized activity. he has said geography students union here. they received the trees for free from a state company, morsa aligned with the ivr and environment ministry, and he host to plant even more tra, zillow. was that up to la la, like i cuz i live in a few years, won't be here thick, but also come after us should really be able to enjoy the same conditions. does me, did i have been using the kumasi district in south eastern observer is a concrete westland. now dimia hofstadter to re green some avenues some more cornum . and it it quasi. see this as a good sign. they are not alone. india efforts for a greener city. our next report at texas to spain to the emperor delta, the largest wetland area in the western mediterranean region. it is home to
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a vast variety of plant and animal species. he had to climate change is upsetting, nature's delicate balance. and while the government is looking for ways to keep future damage still minimum, some proposes huff and at the local farmers, they could end up losing both their livelihoods onto balance. this is where his neighbors, holiday home one stood says jose one, saudi bass to day. all that's left is a pile of rubble. the house was destroyed in a devastating winter storm storms like these have become increasingly common. so deep as says such weather events demonstrate the drastic impact of climate change on spain's ebara. delta jojo vicky both the storms and the authorities in action are harming us and law. they won't let bloom the emerald delta protect their land
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marshal during the locals are growing desperate. extreme weather events and rising sea levels have eroded the coastline, leaving little more than this strip of land near the mouth of the april. it's the last line of defense between the sea and the countless rice patties that lie inland . the spanish government wants to nationalize over $800.00 hector's, of privately owned land, to turn it into an additional buffer zone. but the plan angers local rice phone is saudi. there's fears, he could lose half his cross, and it's not clear what sort of compensation he would receive in return. though, like most of the farmers, he's not only concerned about financial losses. id, i simply mean this is emotional. in many cases,
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rice fields have been passed down through many generations or i worked very hard to get market by the government plan doesn't bode well for the delta. in fact, it will destroy the delta and our value see it. but at the end of the, of us iep at the low, low risk at the name of that not everyone opposed as the government's plan. environmentalists regard the delta as one of europe's most important wetlands, over 300 bird species inhabit the region. sophia, the buyers runs a private bird sanctuary. she doesn't like the idea of piling up tons of sand or dumping break waters in the sea. as farmers are demanding ill build that wonders if there was one more. when we turned the entire delta into rice paddies, the mentality was to exploit nature to the absolute fullest, also just healthy. now our now it's time for change and not everyone is happy about
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it. but scientists say natural solutions are better suited at reducing the effects of climate change in, but i, me to, god ill come locally my the got some time environmental groups have been protesting against another related problem. the ebara river is carrying hardly any sediment into the delta of all him loving. that's because dozens of dams further up river are keeping the mud back. and mud is what the delta is made of. at this rally demonstrators symbolically poor soil into the river. to highlight that without natural sediments, the delta will be at even greater risk from climate change is we've you to meet the girls effect a little. it will be extremely difficult to offset the effects of climate change or specifically flooding and loss of lands on the more or more rigorous urine. what is on these more? it's crucial that we restored as like a logical function of the river level, often with uniglobe piccadilly. york well,
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well, what i rise farmers cerebus and his friends don't agree. they don't want to spend years waiting for the river to bring sediments back to the delta. they want their government to take action now. oh no. or divide it as a how to deal with the threat of climate change and the eroding embryo delta. by the time environmentalists farmers and the government reach a consensus, it may be too late. the next winter storm is always just around the corner. the thing on the subject of water to needs is close to region, is the demographic onto economic backbone of the country and important share of each export oriented irrigated agriculture is concentrated in the coastal zones. but the country fesses severe water shut. it is due to the effects of climate change. farmers and other residents are desperate for submission. now,
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a traditional system that uses see water to grow. fruits and vegetables could provide a nasa. growing potatoes here is only possible for ali garcia, thanks to a centuries old farming method known as romilly, which means on sand. it's unique to this sandy region surrounded by salt water antony, just north coast. bare of settlers returning from under lucia in the 17th century. set up small plots along a salt water lagoon near the town of har elementary. ali garcey, a retired teacher, and farmer sun has long thought to keep this farming tradition alive. it relies on the tides to water, the crops, a little milk. the salt water comes in from the mediterranean with the tide. once it reaches a certain level, it pushes the thin layer of fresh water up from the firm. sandy substrate to reach the roots of the crops from the amount,
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the silver. you have up to what we know that fresh water weighs less, so it always stays above the salt water. so only fresh water reaches the roots of the crops and the amount that you la muster was your daughter and up the fresh water comes from rain fall in the hills. and that's how the plants are irrigated by issue to the other. we never water them from above and we wouldn't be able to. good, we don't have any wells here or reservoirs, latanus or newton. ali garcey is preparing furrows ready to plant potatoes. each plot of land is no more than 4 meters wide and surrounded by reeves to protect it from wind and erosion. the natural irrigation system allows the farmers to grow crops all year round. no additional watering is required. and there are other advantages to no pesticides are needed. the salty soil is a natural deterrent for most pests. the farmers can produce up to 20 tons of potatoes, beans, or onions,
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perfect air each year. the vegetables are highly prized for their unit. take a look at it, but all the work has to be done by hand. it's tough going. and many farmers have given up long. zora enough has come to see ali garcey. she's the president of the local farming and fisheries association. she spent 2 years working to get the rom, lee method, certified by the u. n. food and agriculture organization. as a globally important agricultural heritage system abilities of, of that i certification is a key step and upgrading the value of the produce. it will allow farmers to sell it in major supermarkets for a higher price with a label like the one for other organic food. it's the only way to encourage the farmers to keep going fail. oh, but i would after all this is organic food that and it's more expensive to produce than with conventional farming you. my ear has a blues ear. more money is one thing. another is the need to protect the ecosystem
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on which the farms rely. farmers, engineers and scientists meet to discuss how tenicia water supply can be managed, more sustainably. ali garcey takes the opportunity to present the virtues of the romilly system, who is he's hoping international organizations like the worldwide fun for nature can help protect the regions unique ecosystem. if a limb walk on panel, good to people really need to understand that all unregulated development is harmful to the surrounding ecosystem. this area benefits from lots of water inlets, both from the sea and land, that increasingly these are being compromised to mainly due to changes in the way the land is used. people are building on land that is not suitable for building. it's a huge challenge. and we are working with all those involved, especially the tunisian government and the state to explore possible solutions. late that tunisia, the acceleration of climate change along with unregulated urban sprawl. and growing
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tourism infrastructure along the coast have all affected the area as for buns in men. now, the water no longer reaches all of the romilly plots at high tide when they built the road right through the middle of the lagoon. and it was obvious that water coming in from the sea to the lagoon would be blah, blah. i don't know when we complained that the authorities agreed to dig channels under the road to let the water through holes, but very little water gets through and that's affected the whole ecosystem on which our farms depend a lot not to spot the moment apart from stopping such building projects, zora enough, f wants to know what else could help motivate young people to take up this traditional farming method. i did not know how we're trying to encourage the farmers not to sell their plans and see how we arrange training courses to show them how they can adapt to the new situation. that obviously we're organizing workshops together with the world wide fund for nature and the un development
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program i love need. we also give the people subsidies to encourage them to keep farming candlewood via me photos via the potatoes from ali garcia's plot. show the work is worth while he's hoping to persuade the 300 other farmers in the region to hold fast to the romilly tradition and preserve their heritage. we've run out of time for today. thank you all for watching and don't forget to check in with us and all our social media platforms for now, i am under tween audio thing, bye bye, from compiler. here in uganda. it's also time for me to bid farewell from here in lagos. papa shows by you to find ways in which you too can support climate action. i look forward to seeing you again next week till then. stay safe. ah, a
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who the freeport system, a world wide network of duty free. hi, security warehouses. what's that? how is it stored? is it cleared through customs who controls this? or is there types of asian legal loophole for tax evaders or nothing more than just a temporary story? secluded treasure. in 15 minutes on d. w. the world of fashion. what has changed
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in the text honeymoon t 9 after the disaster than how fast we need to look at your local sustainable production was made in germany. even 90 minutes on d. w o. just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day and in depth look at current news, events analyzed by experts and critical thinkers. and this is the
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ah ah this is the w news live from berlin. russia launch as new as strikes on the viv in west and ukraine. strikes cause power cuts in the city that's become a haven for refugees from the countries east. meanwhile, ukrainian fight to say russian forces have renewed their results on the steel plant in the seed city of mario, also coming up, japanese opposition lead out frederick meds travels to ukraine to assess the destruction. the chance that.
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