tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle May 4, 2022 8:30am-9:00am CEST
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oh mm. sometimes the bis right out at you t. v. highlights fresh in your inbox every week. not come up with on you tube. leona tells a story of how she came to triathlons. she may be plus sized, but she is an avid athlete. a dozen may also have a few pounds too many and is a famous yoga instructor in the us. and holly demonstrates exercises. many things 1st would be hard pressed to perform. so can you be overweight and bit to find out now on dw is also in good shape
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at this fashion. show the women on the catalog audio typical models in parts of africa and southeast asia. when it figures are often considered beautiful and healthy, but in many other parts of the world, thin is in both women and men who are little on the chubby side often suffer. not so much due to their weight, but from the disparaging look and scornful remarks. melanie bulkhead tells us what that's like bank, it's like, wow, that woman must ate a lot tuesday, or they think just eat less. you eat too much. yeah, there's something wrong with her. and then there's look her cook mall that hurts.
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the simply melanie bianca has had to put up with comments like this all her life. but in reality, she has a disease, obesity, a chronic metabolic disorder. as i read this forth is always an element of blame, especially with obesity. myths and the finger pointing only makes it harder for people to cope with the disease. yeah, these are concrete looking as if i often get the feeling that in the eyes of society i'm worthless, deserves, especially because i had to take early retirement biden. i can't look any more, i feel horrible about it and i'd like to work. but i can't hope this. melanie was a chubby baby back then. every one thought it was cute. as a child, she was overweight and every one told her she just had to eat less. it was hard on her and on her parents. when would i? my mother always kept an eye on what i ate. my father encouraged me to get
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a lot of exercise. i play table tennis. my dad started a soccer team just for me, a girls team and that kept me very active. and a lot of people would still probably say, well, obviously something went wrong. there is, and it's true that something went wrong, genetically located. my body is genetically programmed for survival. it doesn't need to store fat, but that's what it does. at all. melanie kept gaining weight. as a young adult, she weighed 208 kilos. her doctors didn't offer her much by way of help. some even referred her to a psychiatrist when she was 27. she had bariatric surgery to make her stomach smaller than it was before. her weight dropped to $102.00 kilos. then she became pregnant. melanie was thrilled, but the pregnancy affected her weight subsidized till i gained 70 kilos. when i was pregnant, i had to which had every one wandering again. oh, my god,
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what does that woman 8, what is she doing to herself to them? i was a loser. an idiot, without any discipline or self control to plead lore. melanie has lip edema, a disorder, and how fat is distributed in her case. she tends to fat build up in her legs, arms and buttocks. the hormonal changes of pregnancy, exacerbated her lip edema and her tendency to gain weight. dr. sylvia viner has been treating melanie for years. she's an obesity specialist. as it was at us either obesity is a chronic inflammatory metabolic disease. when i say that a lot of people are surprised, i like because they associate obesity with a lack of willpower and self discipline. and it was, it has this obesity as an excessive increase in body weights and body fat percentage. and it's often caused by a variety of metabolic changes refundable. in the meantime, melanie has had 3 gastric surgeries, which means she can only eat small amounts,
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but even that is more than her body can metabolize. not everyone with obesity has this problem. melanie is a rare case scepter like we help patients. volume surgery is the ideal treatment. and we can bring that weight down into the normal range and live the longest. some one has been obese or the more complex the causes, the harder it is to treat like so to, apart from surgery, there aren't many real treatment options. while a lot of research is being done on medication, which might also target hormonal changes. but we still don't know enough about the disease whistle, that's really what our conklin overtime melanie banker became depressed the constant pressure and blame, got her down. she confided to her therapist and started dealing with the emotional fallout. i used been as sola, i realized i feel angry of men. i'm angry at people for stigmatizing me this way. i don't know anything about me, but they still judge me for worse. that's something i want to change on. but i can
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only change things that are under my control. so i decided to speak out melanie now volunteers is the head of the german obesity surgery, self help group. she also co founded an alliance to work together with politicians and insurance companies. to educate people about the disease does my way of dealing with the frustration my form of revenge. oh, melanie knows that eventually her mobility problems might force her to slow down. but she's doing her best to prevent that. she hopes that one day people will be kinder to each other irrespective of body size. if one is like my, i always feel so happy when a stranger comes out to me and says, wow, your outfit looks nice or you've got a lovely smile. that so much friendly
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a message than oh, look at her site fighting. that's just more evidence of the lack of empathy and respect people feel toward each other, including people with obesity. when from it had to pull stuff up these days, melanie bunker no longer tries to avoid the limelight. she's an advocate for people with obesity and is determined to make sure they're treated with fairness and respect. ah, you are hungry when your stomach growls right now, it's not quite as simple as that because we've tried out stomachs to growl at mealtimes. hunger can also be triggered by just the sight of food like this tasty looking for. for example. smells can also induce hunger as can the brain just the thought of a delicious cake can make your mouth water. and it actually was, here's an instruction manual. what if our bodies energy system
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came with operating instructions? here it is. but 1st, the basic components, our brain, which needs fuel any excess fuel, is stored by our body in the form of fat, our stomach and intestines, which breakdown the food blood vessels connect them to the brain, our bodies central processing unit. the energy supply is constantly monitored by a blood sugar levels. they're connected by blood vessels to the brain. the control unit on satiety mode, the energy tank is full when it runs low, the body switches to hunger mode. if the fuel supplied rise up blood sugar levels, drop our brain, the central processing unit sounds the alarm deep in our brain. the hypothalamus which regulate food intake is ready to spring into action. when our stomachs empty it's walls release
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a hunger hormone that activates the brain's hunger center. our body is now running on hunger mode. but to prompt our body to replenish its food supply, the brain has to be activated. inside the hypothalamus, proteins are produced that trigger the sensation of hunger. all that sensation of hunger is what tells our body it's time to eat. as our stomach fills its walls, stretch built in sensor since signals to the brain. the 1st satiety hormone is released. that tells the brain satiety center, the stomach is full. but the satiety center isn't fully activated yet.
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downstream sensors check whether the food supply actually contains fuel or just water. if there's fuel, the 2nd satiety hormone is released. but even then, the satiety center is not yet fully activated. the intake of fuel carbohydrates in particular, also causes blood sugar levels to rise. that triggers the pancreas to release insulin, that in turn lowers blood sugar, acting as the 3rd satiety hormone. in addition, fat stores secrete a 4th hormone that tells the brain more about how the bodies fat reserves are faring. the satiety center is now completely activated. proteins carry that message to the rest of the brain. and we become aware that we're full satiety is a complicated process. it takes around 20 minutes to fully kick into action,
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and for us to realize we're full. so it's best to follow a few safety instructions. first, avoid over eating, that can have unpleasant side effects, like bloating or nausea. second, timing matters. replenish your fuel supply at regular intervals with brakes and between that will keep your bodies energy system happy. all right, so try to shed some pounds with fug, swing by apple cider vinegar, while others only eat meat kind of right here, acupuncture is said to cut the appetite when the young and rings like these are advertised as veritable wave house. one with the very best dna diet. good that video and such a healthy weight loss without starving yourself or experiencing a yo yo,
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we thank you dear. she bowed off is keen to see if it works. and so are we the dna diet starts with a sample of dna a. so to any upstate market, i'm supposed to take a swap from inside my mouse and send that off on done what i get back as a dna analysis is to do and information about how it work. my nadine, on what would be the easiest way for me to lose weight for me? i forgot so up newman yet. and what types of exercise i should do and what i can and can't eat? and what cobra hoped as some car only you, alina shabani, does regular exercise and tries to eat a healthy diet. she's already tried to lose weight dozens of times, but with no long term success. they have a way by test give us a weight watchers except is, is, is the retina piece. we're really tasty lading with the soon as i stopped,
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i put the weight back on the numbers. yeah. i tried cutting back on cob school. you had that, i think that didn't work, hotmail, mechanics. you brought your kids at the moment on trying not to read in the evenings as, but that's not doing much for me either. oh, nice. she's now hoping for new insights from a dna nutritional analysis in a lab, her genetic material is extracted from the oral swab. each person has around 21000 genes. but 99.9 percent of those are identical to every one else. the variations between us a very small. busy dna is similar in shape to a twisted rope ladder. the rounds consist of full organic bases, adenine, fi main, guanine, and cytosine, 80 g, c, the building blocks of life. changing just
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a single building block can have a big impact. the diet tests looks at about $23.00 gene variance that effect metabolism. a d r b 3 regulates the breakdown of fat. and e p ah, regulates appetite. m l x i p l is thought to be linked the yo, yo, a fate. the analysis is supposed to show what kind of diet and exercise regime will help you liam. most effectively. the startups found us as the $23.00 gene sections was selected by a scientific advisory board. these 23 gene sections were shown to have the largest influence on weight loss. and that doesn't work. we asked tunnel daniel from unix technical university. she's one of germany's top experts on the connection between genes and nutrition. when it comes to the d n a diet, she's a skeptic. when the bidding does the whole of when it comes to cardiovascular
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diseases, which are also affected by nutrition, we've already identified about a 1000 genetic variance in by young. i'm for obesity. another 1000 variance is mac level of a few methods from type 2 diabetes, 4 or 500 variance. again, the bins and the majority of the genes only have a tiny effect over. so there's not much you can say by looking at $12.00, or 3 individual genes, but toggling the coughed, oh, so how's you'll, you're getting on with her dna diet. after 2 weeks of waiting, she has the results of her analysis and offended as there's a entered, as it's really interesting. while e dad says i'm allowed to eat carbohydrates and that i digest, fought quite well. now effect timley. i didn't know that will stick on it. when you're you and the yo yo effect is low on me 40 how much i always thought i was a yo. yo, dieting picked sport under sex eyes. it says strength training for
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a normal duration off on guns. more mindless. i stick so i can exercise normally and don't have to overdo it to lose weight happening. oh, recommended diet consists of 20 percent protein, 50 percent carbohydrates and 30 percent fat. which corresponds exactly to the advice of the german nutrition society. jojo will follow the recommendations and recipes suggestions and keep a video diary for us. she wants to lose at least 5 kilos in 4 weeks. maybe more 70 kilos. way too much. he to fee i guess is alvin. hello everyone. my, it's day 2 of my diet. i've eaten 5 meals with snacks. if i didn't feel hungry at all, we had to have bob kiner, homer. we have
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a full of energy. i could run a marathon not up on that in and like you to get those down. i'm really proud of myself. me isn't like these have been too long weeks how we feel. i've exercised twice a week. i cooked twice a day habit. it was a lot of work or is life threatening. unfortunately, i didn't lose all that much weight. a lot of studies have shown that the dna diet doesn't perform any better than regular diets, but it does have a positive psychological effect. the missile blanding on some tac. we spend all day thinking about nutrition and reflecting and what they told you is mostly the exact time on somebody. so you could say that's the success behind it. all. this is the out of hope. it's a commitment you make to yourself or to your nutritionist, in this case, the company, i feel like dr. my money is also a factor indian file. if you've spent all this money,
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you want something in return money. yep. so good guy. also him, it's will offer stuff on harm. julie is now been on the d. n a diet for 4 weeks. she stuck to all the recommendations and has noticed some positive effects. if isaiah be guys that i'm, i'm thrilled with how my skin la. calmer. yeah, was fine. i've never had such great skin before me. it glue thrived. he had the sauce money. and i feel great. i have loads and loads of energy as a good, helpful energy. and what about her goal of losing 5 kilos? she started it's 70 kilos and now weighs $69.00. he called me out of what i expected more every year. like every woman, probably. if it does that i wanted it to come faster. but i just have to keep going . i'm really work at it with eulley is motivated to keep exercising and
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watching what she eats. but when it comes to weight loss, it seems there are no short cuts to success. the guidelines used to be pretty clear. the factors someone is the higher their risk of contracting diabetes, heart problems, i'll throw says even cancer. but when does someone count as overweight? for adults, the measure is our body mass index or b m ali. to calculate it, divide your weight in kilos by the square of your body height in meters. if your b m, i is over 25, you're overweight, according to the w. h o more than 30 and you're obese, which is classified as a disease. but scientists are increasingly skeptical about such generalizations. ruth laws, a belgian obesity researcher, says a recent study shows we can be obese, but remain healthy fat, or thin sick,
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or healthy. it's time to get to the bottom of things. now, in our interview of the week in good shape reported peter sher, haute miss, doctor, me, her bosh, man. in berlin for more than 3 decades has been researching obesity, and its effects on health worldwide with here is of the world have the most problems with obesity. and related diseases. lamar's no thoughts. no, it really does vary greatly. as you can see on the growl, the top one show obese men and women and underneath are severely obese. men and women blow as the blue here is europe, or where it's still moderate, both for men and women. that's off the phone. oliver in this graph also shows the correlation with diabetes. what are they can if we got latin america in green or asia or africa, those are the orange yellow and red pink areas. then it goes up drastically snow
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with both in more so for women like this, this shows the changes between 198-2014 until so over 35 years we see a dramatic increase in diabetes, especially in severely obese people the perusal perfect. so there's a clear correlation between the increase in overweight people in diabetes. yes and obvious and dramatic 1. 1, looking at asia, latin america and africa, obesity in the risk of associated diseases is storing. why is that on with of contracts we records or talk through them? i think hopefully it's mainly diet related to the deal when people eat in these countries has changed significantly, especially in asia, where a western style diet has become more and more popular as, as you know, in china, for example, it's now common to celebrate birthdays by indulging it well known burger restaurants needs done the genetically, these populations are not used to those types of foods who was put on the same can be said for african countries of the call genes also play a role and how predispose someone is to these conditions. yes. so all these factors
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come together for 20, so some cool or 5, when i did, i say you have 2 people who were equally overweight, one experiences related illnesses and the other doesn't. why is that one hanged up back up little, quite a gustavo, that's where 2nd variable comes in. when combat distribution 2, people can have the same b, m eyes. but they're fat deposits are distributed differently from color, federal da, she to so long as most of the fat is under the skin known as subcutaneous fat on it doesnt post too much of a probably a lot of in fact it has health benefits such as protecting muscles and bones. but if the fat deposits are mostly around internal organs, like the intestines, liver, or within the muscle tissue, then it increases risk of disease is called us. there's a clear correlation. the more visceral fat someone has, the higher their risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. for example. can you see fact distribution by looking in a mirror weighing yourself or don't need to see a doctor that, that little school? that's precisely the problem is. it's not easy to see if we need something like an m r. i, and i won't go through that would give you
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a very good picture these days. edwards, as i miss. so the location of the fact within the body is important to cover one other factors determine whether an overweight person becomes sick, but you can post the esl food. we eat way too fast these days, like we don't take enough time and grace on the side. we had the result that the satiety mechanisms aren't able to function as they should on just what they need at least 20 minutes or within a standard meal. time should be at least 20 to 25 minutes, uncle and france in italy. that's the case. the 2nd aspect is timing from what you have to pace your food intake isn't to her to go to day. we're used to food being there all the time. excellent. and we now know that a break of $45.00 or 6 hours between meals is beneficial from here from the exploring. it activates the metabolism of does the door open as you deplete exist activity inactivity. this is paulette essential for health point us let's us would most. finally there's having a regular daily routine that should include at least 7 hours of sleep as emerson's laugh, implicit of your limbs. so lifestyle on the whole plays
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a crucial role. and do you have some chips for us or worked on swiftness pv, also physical activity is very important. mom, even young children at school on active enough that the moving around is vital because it activates fat metabolism and is especially important for overweight and obese. people to regularly activate fat metabolism. proper exercise is even better because that also stimulates glucose metabolism, independently of insulin. cool. that's one fact articles i'm smoking is another computer. there's also hulu, here, lots of diversions, rules for white management. it's slowly maintain food. fidel is between meals and alternate between activity and rest. do you have a question on health related issue? then send us an email with a bit of luck, we'll discuss the answer to your question on one of our upcoming shanice.
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ah, now to show us how to be moved blindfold kissed martin schmidt with welcome to mindfulness exercise for the census. our central perception always takes place in the moment. therefore we can let our senses guide us right into the moment . for this exercise, we use natural materials to day in the form of stones. what's the 1st thing you notice when you look at this stone or any object you have available? in terms of colors shades, what kind of details can you perceive? and how does it here or sound? when you hear the finger tip against the stone?
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these indians spread that the game, 50 percent of the country's green comes, but if space groundwater is growing scared. demos, i'm a research project is now helping farmers to better manage this precious resource. eco india. in 90 minutes on d. w. o. in one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world are in
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a race against time. the d. n. a molecule though, has 28000000 different power loss that they are peers and rivals with one daring goal to out smart nature for a longer, healthier and fuller life. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. more life starts may 28th on d, w. ah
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ah . is it w needs live from the land? bratia launches, new air strikes. al levine in weston. you cried. strikes cold power cox in the city, and that's become a haven for refugees from across the country and ukrainian fighters say, russian forces have renewed their assaults on the stage. steel plants in the city of mattie is coming up japanese opposition later friedrich meds travel to you're trying to assess the destruction of the all i've shown.
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