tv Covid-19 Special Deutsche Welle May 6, 2022 8:30am-9:01am CEST
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it's members fight for races, state route. why white supremacy? what we're talking about here is not only disorganized violence, it's not only terrorism. it's apologies. founded over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d, w. b. o. o. overall, the number of covert cases is going down worldwide. are we finally getting the upper hand? will the pandemic soon be over? well not in china, although beijing is sticking to its strict 0 cove at policy, the number of infections there is rising. welcome to a new cove at 19 special. among other things, we have a report from shanghai. we're entire city zones are still in lockdown,
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and millions of people are not allowed to leave their homes. also in the show, living with a risk factor more than a 1000000 americans have died of covered 19 in the last 2 years. almost 40 percent of them were diabetic. ah, but 1st we had to the u. k. and to gina and her little daughter, the mother caught covered 19 during pregnancy. her baby had to be delivered prematurely. we see how jena lives with the trauma and how she's plunging into new adventures. 015 month old bonnie is a happy, healthy, cheeky baby. is a testament to mum gina's, remarkable strength after her battle with cove 19. in february last year gina began suffering severe symptoms while pregnant was forced to deliver bonnie prematurely.
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i couldn't brave, i felt like it was i was drowning. that's the annual can explain it. our member earlier was in the morning, takes in all of my immediate family, tell them i loved him because i didn't think i was going to buy carp. and in the morning they come in and pretty much said, right, we're whizzing you down straight away. you got to be, it's got to be done to die. i was may be and ventilated. gina was so unwell, doctors told her a c section was the only way to save both her and her daughter. i felt sad so angry . i felt so scared. my husband could be there. no one was there. they just held her up so i could say whether she was a boy or a girl. and in that was it. she was was to why not sincere for 14 days. that was of her the 1st time i got to see her face play in the photograph. bonnie was delivered at just 30 weeks. maybe sent me in the low brown in vibe. so that was how i saw her . one neat wife in particular,
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i just held my hands out to her because i knew she was the one that was deb him for it because i wanted to help her. he couldn't couldn't touch anyway. it was something a of a saw farm evey because some by old consultants in that they had these quite big lot more sown with tubes coming around into oxygen tanks and so surreal, so surreal, this was me, me enough for the 1st time during her pregnancy. gina was advised against vaccination. pregnant women were not included in clinical trials and data was limited. expectant mothers were not officially advised to get the vaccine in the u . k, until april last year is may my husband and her for the 1st time as well or health officials. now say women like gina will let down a st. printing. one has had a lot of mixed messaging through the pandemic. so originally that was said ok. so fine, don't worry, you know, it doesn't seem to affect the pregnancy at all. then became, oh, you're within
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a vulnerable group. so take extra special care, but don't get lunch. and i said, until we have the food safety data from the vaccines coming out, saying, actually you can get vaccinated. experts say studies now make a clear case of vaccination in pregnancy. the latest national data shows almost all pregnant women, hospitalized with cove 19 or on vaccinated. and the government's running a campaign to boost maxine writes, noted of axiom does not cause miscarriage does not cause the best as not in consider score by pretty mature, burst. and for now, we are confident to add a command vaccine to bring on. it's, it is true that the best way to protect and breaking a woman. and her baby is to get the coven. bessie supposed to tell me the risks of cove it on pregnancy are also clear. professor iris papa joe joe as the cobalt of a major label study which documented how close it increase his risks for both
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mother and baby. in part, he says, because expectant mothers immune systems a weaker, it is clear that covert during pregnancy increases the chances of premature birth increases the chances of blood pressure and moms and through the process of premature birth also causes significant effects on the baby. as well as a risk of still both to the day although cove had restrictions in the u. k, we lifted our to the emergence of on the chrome risks for pregnant women, remain, or is, is now co authoring. another major label study researching effects of new of variance on expectant mothers and newborns with less known about their impact. on may crohn seems to be on the face of it, less severe, but we need to be a little bit cautious because women, the population, lots of people have been maximizes or had the condition and therefore have antibodies. sometimes it can appear that viruses less severe just because lots of
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people have immunity. but for those people who are not immune, it may be that the wire still has a significant impact. that's of money in the call of os for gina the trauma of her battle with cove. it lingered before but today she and bonnie as the lucky ones will come to what gina is raising money for the near natal unit which can for bonnie is her way of giving back to the team who may well have saved her and her daughter's life smooth d, w science corresponding derek williams keeps on top of the latest scientific research. today he answers the question of a risk. fax is that make you more likely to contract lung cause it o as you can probably guess. and this kind of research is just super complicated to carry out,
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not least because the term long covert doesn't describe a straightforward condition, but a wide range of complaints that are all still generally lumped together under the medical term of post acute sequoia lay of coven 19 or pasco, but we're slowly starting to untangle what risk factors seem to be linked most often to it. let's start with some straightforward aspects. some studies indicate that women are at higher risk of past, especially 40 to 60 year olds. in general, middle aged people and the elderly, appear to be more affected by it than younger people are. and the evidence is also piled up that if you're not fully vaccinated, then your chances of developing past,
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after catching the disease are higher. now on to the more complicated stuff, a recent study involving hundreds of test subjects and over 70 researchers worldwide came to the cautious conclusion that at least 4 other factors could be playing roles. in the development of past. the one that stuck out most was the presence of water called auto anti bodies, which are antibodies produced by the immune system that attack the bodies, tissues by mistake. a long coded sufferers often seem to make auto antibodies very early on in the course of their infections. i'm a 2nd contributing factor, could be heavy viral load during an infection with source covey to perhaps, unsurprisingly, people in the study who, for whatever reason,
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had high levels of the corona virus in their bodies. while they were actively ill. they seemed more likely to go on to develop past. the 3rd factor that appeared linked to long cove, its symptoms was the reactivation in the body of another pathogen called the epstein barr virus, which causes the disease. mano, nuclear doses, also known as glandular fever. now nearly all of us are infected with this extremely common virus as kids or young adults. but even after we shake off the symptoms, the ab steam bar virus doesn't disappear, but instead goes into a kind of hibernation in your body and it can reactivate again later in life. that flare up also seems to regularly happen in some past
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sufferers. and finally, the 4th factor linked to long cobra, that the scientists identified was a common co morbidity. of those who have type 2 diabetes, also seemed more likely to develop past in the wake of a coven 19 infection. m. o experts have found that one thing in particular that can be to a severe case of 2019 is diabetes. d, w correspondent in his pull focuses on the people living with diabetes. the numbers are shocking me. over a 1000000 people in the united states lost their lives to the co with 19 pandemic. in the last 2 years, almost 40 percent of these were patients with diabetics working as a nurse, i saw
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a lot of people lose their lives from comorbidities and, and cove. it and was diabetes, it comes with, you know, kidney failure, kidney disease and, and that plays a big factor as well as on top of being sick. insolent chrysler are tough right now . you know, people are rationally insulin, no, in order to, to just to get by because they can't afford it. so a lot of people are unfortunately losing their lives from not having the correct amount of insulin. but amy nose is better than most because she was diagnosed with diabetes at a very young age. as a 7 year old. you always want to fit in. you want to be the same as every other kid . you want to go outside and play sports and play recess at school. and i was sometimes taken away from that. if my blood sugar was low, i kind of had to sit on the sidelines and eat a snack to get my blood sugar up. i'm if my blood sugar was high, i had to go to the nurses office and take insulin. so i was kind of taken away from those normal activities that a normal 7 year old would participate in. there is some stigma towards people who
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have diabetes that having this disease is somehow their own fault, something the doctor rodriguez fides through his diabetes, summer camp many children don't have a schoolmate or a friend that has type one diabetes and it can make them feel very isolated to be able to be at a camp in some cases with 100 or more children. that all get up in the morning. they tested blood sugar or they're using a continuous because monitor, they're counting the carbohydrates here, dosing, harrison and all of that in and for them to realize that they aren't the only individual diabetes. i think it's tremendously empowered to understand how to empower the people. it's also crucial to understand the core of the disease. so maybe this is a complicated disease. we have some people who are born with a predisposition for type one diabetes. we have folks who may have
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type 2 diabetes and may be at risk because of the environments that they live in there. so. so you can michel, status, education level, all this, which people use diabetes at a very dangerous intersection. this cold over 19, has had an impact on all of us. this virus is this infection just exacerbated their condition and also put them in severe risk for complicate complications from the virus itself. i've learned that we need to put aside all of our biases and just be human beings again. dr. rodriguez from the florida diabetes camp has some advice. so specifically for children, i would say, and their parents, honest, obviously, learn everything. you can learn everything,
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you can surround yourself with supportive individuals and i don't let diabetes limit your asperger's so far. over 6000000 people have died from the corona virus. every day, thousands more around the world are added to that long list. what makes the virus so dangerous is that it affects many different organs, dw recorded, if on it solving. listen to the latest research. since the start of the pandemic, scientists have been describing sars covey too. as a multi organ aggressor. the virus can be found not only in the lungs, but in many other organs of the human body. and now international studies have been reporting new findings. more than 400 people who had been infected with the corona
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virus sometime earlier, were examined at germany's university medical center. hamburg happened off all you k e damn your physicians. but with examined people with mild and moderate cases who had not gone to the hospital. and interestingly, and surprisingly, we found evidence of mild functional impairment of the heart which will kidneys and lungs you 6 months later, not fixable, not long volume was reduced by a total of up to 3 percent compared with a control group. hard examinations showed an average reduction of pumping strengths by one to 2 percent. kidneys filtering function, a 2 percent reduction big enough and also the mason. we assume that roster has organ dysfunctions aren't completely reversible. however, lasting minimal organ limitations cannot. i rule down some patients, especially those with severe corona virus cases. i'll skip. these are things that
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we need to examine more closely in the future. longer term studies took of the name of this thing. so we can see if he gets india from the filter in other parts of the body, such as blood vessels, the effects of even mild cases of corona, virus infection, a more apparent of number 29. and since it's chris factor illustrate, it's worth noting that larger, ongoing studies which have followed 150000 patients now for up to 12 months after their covert. 19 cases have shown that it can significantly more often lead to cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks. and strokes, thrombosis and rambo, embolic events, unfair that is indeed worrying about, oh, tumble, spilled on one company, bullish ny. this little dust isn't attach. one of the, one of the corona virus can also, in fact the liver directly and lead to inflammation and altered metabolic processes
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. as another you case study found, the brain can also be affected by a corona, virus. infection, smell and taste disorders are unknown and common symptom. the vegas nerve originates in the brain from there, it leads to the abdomen. it's connected to the heart, lung, intestines, and muscles, and it controls heart beat, breathing and digestion if sars, covey to damages the vegas nerves function. this can lead to diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, as well as a drop in blood pressure. the pandemic has had some positive consequences, though, since few people suffered infections in general, for your antibiotics were prescribed in germany, fewer than at any time since their invention. d. w reporter christina kirchner asks, if this new development can be sustained, couldn't talk to her from still free it. hello, mister vanstone afraid nice. he could join us today. actually. and during the coven
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pandemic, there has been a drop in the amount of antibiotics being prescribed a significant drop. could you explain why that may be? this is a difficult circling davina as at yahoo and no reply. yes, we've been seeing a decline in the use of antibiotics in germany for years now. bushland, the corner germany, is in any case in the bottom 3rd internationally and in europe when it comes to using antibiotics that has dropped even further during the pandemic. this the under upon the me not my daughters were glorious to reason. does that in keeping with a long term trend on yoga clinton busy in this even almost every year? yeah. we see a drop in the use of antibiotics. it was, it was will glow efficiency as often as you does that mean that far too many were prescribed in the past im and when it's not truly in a little of course, in the last few years we've become particularly conscious of the fact that every single prescription is potentially increasing the risk of resistance gillis,
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since we the course on naturally and of course it has something to do with public awareness goals. torn been d puts you into the patients, insist on receiving antibiotics this and they'll probably always be able to find a doctor who will prescribe. latrecia was mine not strengthened in montague to come for all this. so it also has something to do with awareness among the population, maintained wilson and the referral to, to him, thanks so much please. my pleasure. in shanghai, they were reports of people screaming out of their windows at night because they couldn't get enough to eat this film that can no longer be seen in china because beijing's online census deleted it shows the compilation of telephone calls impressions and recorded conversations in court. and of districts of shanghai yardi male too. i'm gonna be back for graham in that my now one guy asked to come that he out frankly will size. these are instead administering herbal remedies that are
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useless against coven 19, and also harmful to health. still china sticking to its strict 0 coven policy. shanghai has been in lockdown for a month. oh. it's not the 1st time traditional chinese medicine or t. c. m. has been used in china's battle against coven 19. but it's distribution among people in shanghai has been unprecedented. millions of batches of the homeopathic capsule, young watching, one were handed out to people under locked down this month. so. so its song says she and her 4 fled maids received 6 boxes. i actually, we don't take it because, ah, from the social media. i got, i followed it's not for late here in error, intense. it's not preventing you from that. kobe is either yamaha. ching,
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once ingredients include honeysuckle, licorice, rude, and other herbs, t c. m practitioner. say it can help suppress fever and sore throat, but health experts. one, it's not an alternative to vaccines. the leading chinese neurologists recently hit out at the promotion of young watching when he questioned why had received delivery priority in shanghai. when many people under locked on were struggling with excess to foot, we think that they are and then she is focus more on the basic nice for the people. reports have also linked china's health don luncheon with the maker of the pill. eeling pharmaceutical. john guides china's cobit 19 policy as head of the national health commission. he said to have received funding from eeling foyce own medical foundation and also signed a corporation agreement with the company. but beijing's also strongly back the t. c . m into 3 worth some 60000000000 a year,
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according to the world health organization. the promotion of this, this kind of medical market is something that certainly being encouraged, the idea being that if the, if this industry can be developed to a certain level of maturity, where of some very highly of drugs are developed, then you know, these, these can become part of the more mainstream mix of different types of treatments, not only domestically, but also internationally. the debate over the use of tcm has even taken on the nationalistic tone. people criticizing it, have been accused of betraying china. politics seem to once again, be trumping scientific efforts to be cobit 19 ah, the only chrome variant is the problem for china's 0 cove. its strategy in the spring hong kong had the world's highest desperation among corona virus. patients.
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now for the time being, the wave seems to have lost strength in the metropolis who's a hong kong travel agency circles to survive by turning itself into a grocery who set up troops. they sell food from overseas. many others us shattered because of the panoramic or the clothes she has made to traveling almost impossible for over 2 years. however, the air post departure terminal is getting busier. since the beginning of this year, whole whole snapped outflow, half peaked, as about a $165000.00 in april, over 5 times to total number of last year. many a foreign talent like john wood, who left with his business after a ts in hong kong. i want to be able to have my son where he has the freedom to do simple things like go to the beach or walk around out doors. a lot of mass guy, and as a global philanthropist, i want to have the freedom to travel around the world and raised my seed funding. and so for me, hong kong went from one of the most open,
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exciting cities in the world to being this thing that was closed. and petrified, where the government's policies seem to change willy nilly. the final straw is hong kong. so here is to china, your current policy prompting the toughest measures ever a meter, omega an outbreak. not only individuals are floating with feet, but also companies, companies or have significant problems to refill positions to attract talent, to hong kong, across industries. yes, even reaching as far as financial services industry, which has usually been perceived as the most resilient part of it. in the latest survey released by the european chamber of commerce, about half of the european companies in hong kong plan to relocate in the coming year. only 17 percent were family state. hong kong is actually a popular base will reach and the headquarters of all businesses. the exit comes on
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top of the local brain drain, triggered by political pupils and sweeping national security law. when you wake up every morning and see that journalists are being arrested, ah, that some newspaper publishers are being arrested. that there is no more freedom or sam boy, no more freedom of speech that hits me pretty hard if you can subtract the city state, tallest solitude if you do the cultural dna and your actual dna dies. it's like i 88 a global l i body set. hong kong has been effectively off the map as an aviation hub . flight spans and compulsory hotel quarantine have been slightly blessed up the backlash starting from may, visitors can enter hong kong for the 1st time in over 2 years. is a long wait at 1st step, a fall from enough for foreign businesses, as they call for a clear road map of who opening up. companies have to search for alternate super connectors. tokyo on call will not lose it's status with regards to mainland china
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ah ah, with who to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives with russia now pushing for full control of southern eastern ukraine. western countries are ramping up military support for key f is the west becoming a party to the conflict. find out on to the point to the point
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in 30 minutes on d. w. making. litter is preventing this little guy from lounging on the beach. plastic waste is contaminating the galapagos islands in the pacific. environmentalists pick up as much as they can, but it keeps washing up on shore. it's a race against time. because eventually, plastic waste becomes plastic, sand, global 3090 minutes on d w. o. and one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging
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researchers and scientists all for the world news torino race against time the dna molecules, they'll have 28000000 different our philosophy. they are peers and rivals, with one daring goal to outsmart nature for a longer, healthier and fuller life. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. more life starts may 28th on d, w. ah
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ah ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin. fresh attempt is under way to evacuate civilians from the as of style steel plant. we must continue to do all weekend to get people out of diesel scapes. thought to russia is reportedly continuing its ground to fell from the last ukrainian stronghold in mario paul. also coming up indications that us intelligence may have helped ukraine think a russian warship last month. the mosque bath thing king was one of the most high
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