tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 9, 2022 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST
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[000:00:00;00] ah ah, this is news life from berlin, standing shoulder to shoulder for ukraine. europe's 2 most powerful leaders joint forces here in burlap, newly reelected french president. emma, when michael begins, a state visit to germany, dominated by the russian invasion. no change a message of defiance from vladimir putin vowing to press on with the war. the russian leader uses the annual victory day parade in moscow to justify the invasion
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of ukraine. blaming the west and dictator son, ferdinand mar cross junior heads for a landslide election when in the philippines, the man known as bong takes a commanding lead over his main rival with more than 80 percent of the folks counted ah hello everyone, i re laraca. thank you so much for joining us. german chancellor. all of schultz has received newly elected french president, emmanuel michael here in berlin. mr. mccall is on the 1st trip to germany of his new term. president mccaul was welcomed with military honors at the federal chancel . read, they reiterated their support for ukraine, and highlighted the importance of close coordination between europe's 2 biggest
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economies. and here's what chancellor, olaf short set just moments ago. it remains the case that we stand money to you with ukraine. we said, militarily, as well with weapons social, it cannot be the case that borders in europe can be moved around through violence and we will do everything we can to ensure that the war does not spread to other countries and to enhance our defense capabilities. there was a transfer speaking just moments ago, here in berlin and with me on the set is political correspondence. simon young to unpack a little bit what this bilateral meeting means. ukraine has had a profound impact on these 2 leaders. yeah, i mean, no less old. so talked about the shock of war and the way it interrupted, for instance, the one of europe sort of reform projects, the conference on the future of europe. something that emanuel micron is driving
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for with the france will have the presidency of the european union. they, they've, they've been sort of, you know, pushing these, these big ideas for changing europe, making it more effective. but of course, they've got a real concrete problem in the form of the war in ukraine. and both men mentioning that that's what they're looking at. they talked about the need to stand with ukraine using that phrases you, as you said, shoulder to shoulder and talking, not in concrete terms in those, in those initial remarks to the media. they're particularly, but making it clear that they believe this is where their focus must be. and you know, this is a key concern, not just for france and germany, but for all of europe at the moment. the 2 leaders also talking about energy. and obviously, germany is reliance, mostly on a russian gas and fossil fuels. how do you think they will resolve that?
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yeah, i think, you know, both men kind of came to this a little bit obliquely, they're both mentioned in the context of climate change actually. but are short saying that, of course, what's needed as we look to change. europe's sources of energy is a reliable supply. and you also said that it was a boat to keep prices affordable. so clearly thinking of the, the potential challenges as you are also not just the question of climate change because those are running down energy sources, fossil fuels coming from russia, a manual micron. i think kim just saying that it's necessary to reduce the dependence on rush. hey, oil and gas, and i think you're behind the scenes. you know, he, the french leader may be seeking to some of the german side to go even further than it already has this year. contextualize at this meeting are for us because
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obviously every newly inaugurated president french president, 1st stop is elaine. is this just for optics, or is there more to it? no, i think it's, it's more than not take. definitely. if you think about the french presidential campaign and marine le pen the far right challenger to emanuel macro said she was going to sort of change the whole nature of that relationship between parents, lane and would have upset it. so anyway, this is, this is to say, you know, we're still here, this is a continuity relationship. of course. manual macro works closely with angle america for many years. and you know, could rely on her to be, as it were stable ankle. that's to say, a great lover of the status quo and sort of, you know, keeping it keeping the ship moving steadily forward. i think that there's a lot of continuity with a lot of shows, but the 2 men have got to deepen their relationship at a personal level going forward. and i think
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a manual macro wants germans support for some of these big political reform projects. he wants to do as well, because if it goes around saying, well, this is a french idea, or my idea that he may get less support from other european nations. and if he's got german backing, of course, france and germany very strong to work together out of europe for legal correspondence, i'm here, thanks so much, greatly appreciate it. i should present lanham revert, and meanwhile praised his armed forces finding the war in ukraine and promised to push on with the invasion. mister burton was speaking at moscow's annual victory day parade, celebrating its 1945 defeat of nazi germany. thousands of troops and military vehicles paraded through ritz where mister potent repeated his claim that western countries provoked the attack on ukraine. he went on to claim falsely that western countries planned to launch attacks in east and ukraine, and that ukraine tried to obtain
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a nuclear weapon. and that he launched his so called special military operation. only after exhausting every other bid for peace. nicholas, but i see it is all russia calls on the west to an honest dialogue to search for reasonable mutual solutions to take into account each other's interests for us, all in vain. the nato countries did not want to hear us, which means, and in fact, they had completely different plans. and we saw it. there were open preparations for another punitive operation and on this and they put us in for an incursion into our historic lands, including crimea. we've announced possible acquisition of nuclear weapons and the nato block started active military colonization of territories belonging to us. so an absolutely unacceptable threat for us was created directly near our borders that you then you put a lot of and here with me on the set is the w reporter,
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aaron tilton. he has worked extensively as a correspondent at our moscow a barrow when it was still open. so good to have you here on the set with me. aaron, i want to start off by asking you a lot of analysts have expressed surprise at what mr. newton did. not mention during his victory a parade at speech. were you surprised? yes to certain i was. i mean, all the chatter we've been hearing out of intelligent circles and my analyst is that they were expecting a greater commitment of military assets from vladimir putin today. basically, the current operation in ukraine is still considered the part of the russian government to be a special military operation. that means they can't bear the full force of their military and directed on ukraine. and a lot of people were kind of expecting to see kind of a call for general mobilization, more drafting, conscription of new soldiers, and a full declaration of war in the part of the russian federation. we didn't get that and that did seem to surprise a lot of analyst. instead, what we saw was, i'm gonna attempt by mister putin to reframe the narrative. the war really kind of
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change how the international community also it his public views. there are operations in ukraine at the moment, rather than a declaration of full war as many animals expected. that is really and i want to pick up on what you just mentioned, that they're changing of the narrative. it seemed not seen, but he actually made it look like this was an existential battle. for russia, you very much had an accidental battle is really the right way to look at it. he constantly put this in connection with the historic struggle of the soviet on the soviet union against nazi germany, because that was literally an existential threat. that was threatening the soviet people's. basically, you have to remember germany under hitler basically said they were going to ask elite eradicate the soviet union that they were either going to commit genocide or in slave the soviet people. so for them it wasn't existential threat. and you have to remember the, so people suffered more than any other major nation when it came to the effects of world war 2. i mean, there were 27000000 people who died directly in the battles. now, mister putin constantly tried to invoke those images of the struggle against nazi
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germany. why he didn't mentioned ukraine very often. the speech directly, he constantly said that this was a fight against nazis. this was a fight against these radical nationalists and tried to put it for a minute in that language that these are an external threat of ukraine. some health presents an external threat because it is somehow governed by nazis. no, of course we know that's not true. that does not jail with the facts in the ground . you can't forget that prison folders. zalinski is of course a jewish man who was elected democratically so it's just, it's not even valuable that there have that there's something that's not the control of the country. but at the same time, bladder report was constantly using that as a tool to basically frame this as a giant conflict between east and west. and one that really is an ex central threat for the current russian federation. essentially weaponized, where it was a very painful part of russia's history and to justify the invasion of ukraine at the end goal of this war still remains very ambiguous. i mean, he didn't clarify anything. i mean, what is he going for? exactly, and i think that's actually intentional because you have to remember that it does
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seem that mister putin, as an intelligence service, thought that they were going to steam roll on the country. they thought they were going to be able to bear the entire brunt of their military on give and really just steam roll the country. now they have gotten one black eye after the next from the ukrainian people because to be honest, it really seems like a, despite the incredible amount of money russia is pumped in the military in recent years. it's not up to stuff like they really underestimated the tenacity of ukrainian people when it comes to defending their home country. to be honest, you know, it's the same mistake. the soviet union made in afghanistan is the exact same mistake united states, minute iraq, and afghanistan. you should never underestimate of people who are defending their home treat and because of that, because blood group wouldn't, can't really point to the successes as concrete successes that he probably wants to . i think he's playing cards a little bit closer to his best. instead of actually giving us concrete definitions, what victory looks like. he's in stand use this victory day parade to basically tell his people that this is going to be a long fight. it's not going to be over in the next couple months. it's probably going to go into the winter and probably into next year. that's what this will be
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point of his speech and his preparations today. they were basically pointing to the russian people and say, look, we are a long fight ahead of us. we're not giving up here in tulsa and i did a request on thank you so very much was good to have you here for that analysis. appreciate you. and other developments in the ukraine conflict. the russian ambassador to poland met with loud protests at a victory day, rece lane in warsaw. and then he was flattered with red paint. the polish government opposed any large scale commemoration and offered little security. the russian diplomat said he's proud of his country and president sweden's ruling. social democrats will announce their decision on seeking nato membership. later this week, sweden has been militarily, not aligned for 200 years. of public opinion has shifted since the invasion of ukraine. the son of the former dictator ferdinand marcus has taken
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a commanding lead in the philippines presidential election with more than 80 percent of precincts. reporting for net mark was junior has more than twice as many votes as as may rival. lenny robledo marcos junior did not present a clear policy platform during the campaign, but he is expected to provide continuity from the hard line approach of his present predecessor that he would do that day. and our correspondent give marta says, says a new era is beginning in the philippines really looks like we see history in the making here in southeast asia, a with her that a marco's dennis t coming back to the seat of power. 40 years after his father was ousted by you, a people revolution is really looks like his son, reading on marcus junior will make it in, in this raise a quite a, quite an historic moment for, for the philippines. he has teamed up with through debt as daughter and the
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concerned here by many, particularly in the south of the philippines where there is a strong hold of his biggest opponent or lenny rob rate, or is that the authoritarian style of ruler to do character or has use in the past 6 years, or will now even worse, and under a marco's to tear to a team approach, or whether the daughter of to dare to being to the vice vice president in the country. i really want as to see what, what, what comes out of that when you talk to people. a concern, of course, is that whoever wins this race, it has been such a divisive campaign that a healing those wounds. bringing the people back together and will be essential that is one of markers, a key promises and for many of his supporters hold that he will uphold. makes true on those promises he whitening every news. coming up next in his every news asia, hong kong names a new chief executive, fewer than 1500 out of hong kong,
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7000000 people voted friend and how chain as 0 call the policy is connected to its strategy for a changing world. so it's a whole lot more coming up in just a moment with my character ash banner g. i'm f all of us here. thank you so much for making a part of your day. and eames continues. my dear. he's a master of the art of confrontation. this is wrong, a veteran of, i mean you're gonna really, i try the undisputed champion of tough political talk. we try to frighten people. no, it's a fact. everybody understand that except you enter the complex zone and join tim sebastian as he holds the powerful to account. this is a big failure,
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