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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST

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gold to how smart nature for a longer, healthier and fuller life. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. down the hatch. more life starts may 28th on d, w. d. a large scale military drew in the arctic involving 30000 nieto troops in a defensive exercise. not far from the russian border. with i'm worried about developments in europe. well, we can expect tense time has been lucky that we go to america. there's a widening rift between east and west. something few people saw coming
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all these did with the war which created from hours mad to you a bit and you deal with which and that's why all the russian now are broken. and we don't want to return in the soviet times. the old fear of russia has returned, especially in the baltic region ticket. i thought that nobody doubts it, because i knew that go ahead, let dog albert 2nd guy, the cold war and the iron curtain were terms i know from history class, but rushes invasion of ukraine has changed all that. the old i squash divided suddenly back, which makes me both angry and afraid of take just one little spark to unleash a global conflict. what do people in north eastern europe think about all this and how are they responding to current developments
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for russia and the you share a border stretching over 2000 kilometers from the baltic states to northern finland . above is the border to nato member norway. there lies the town of cucumbers. oh, why does amelia ang alene has caught an intruder? stop down on your knee. she and her fellow border guards are conducting a mock arrest. anyone crossing the norwegian russian border illegally is not exactly given a warm welcome i'm. if you cross that are freshener, even water, if you get any help on the russian side. yes. okay, we're gonna do a quick visitation. this is a routine exercise for the 21 year old who's doing her military service in this
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remote part of norway, right? by the border to russia than i or it's always been important to guard the border and prevent unauthorized entry. but i personally feel it's especially important right now. when i look at what's happening in my brain are we're even more alert for lucas iona composite extra part of the 2 pairs of boots. how thick snow suit plus waterproof camouflage clothing? emilia needs extra warm clothing for this post. several 100 kilometers north of the arctic circle. her equipment also includes an assault rifle. i'm going out we have to be gear ducked in under 5 minutes. saw when the alarm sounds. we 1st come here and quickly get ourselves ready. although today we have the internet time slots, even hotter the team give their rifles of final check before heading out ah,
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the troops here have to be ready for action. 247. departing from their base in pacific, they'll be covering a lot of ground as they patrol the border to russia. that you countries are separated by a major river. when it freezes over in the winter, the border guards can patrol on snow, moves their route across the ice, takes them past the russian mining town of nico fin. mark is a sparsely populated region where emilia rarely meets civilians. but to day pear eric torsion is an exception. also about 62 year old has lived in this area for many years. also he tells us about how the cross border contract with russia has drastically changed all day. today you'll be in the restaurant. i work in the plumbing business or the whole band. we have a lot of customers in russia. if all your long, well things have gotten really difficult are all digital communication has got
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really tough for even phone calls. all fair to thing. while ball til of homer, it's just sad to say, sat around that but also for people on the alyssa horse. although to the, for a long reform, for now. after a brief break, it's time for emilia and her unit to continue on. norway's puerto to russia is just about 200 kilometers long. one thing i notice is how young the soldiers hero norway as mandatory military service for men and women, normally lasting 12 months. amelia is glad to be doing her service up here by the border. she's even volunteered to stay on for another 6 months. her family back in oslo is not so happy. lynette. i read
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with the alley through the group. my family thinks it isn't safe a place, but they don't really know what i'm to learn it. of course, they also farming the war mccray mall when i'm so they're always asking how i'm doing it. i always tell them everything's hired, our are the out of the mac and mean m emilia seems remarkably composed despite the tense situation. mm hm. in ah, the mood is very different, a few kilometers away in qc and us. our town that is direct experience with war. it was largely destroyed during the 2nd world war. to day it's home to about 3500 people at closely tied to russia. this large shipyard was built here in the 1980s.
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on the day we arrived there is a trawler for more months. in the main hall, the manager is in a pretty desperate situation. the sanctions on pu jeans, russia, he tells us, are also impacting his shipyard to have this ship is shed to, to set sail in 2 days time. and then we're expecting the new on from russia. found like will be for him. but i don't know if it'll work out because the customer is unable to transfer the down payment. so therefore, we monitoring the situation 247 variable greg era, his team deal solely with russian customers. over the years. genuine friendships have developed, and gregory learned a lot about russia. i oh boy, a little from the little girl i worked in russia myself in the light eighty's and still have friends in that title. somebody, lego, and i never imagined russia would invite them. look, we suspected the kremlin wanted crimea who had locked but the whole of you crying
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newly a photo way law, it's impossible to say will that regime or do next there that i really try to help them all is i slipping into a new colleague and take it off an old secular the shipyard has no shortage of orders. and yet it faces the threat of potential closure. many of the employees here are russians who moved to kirk unless a few years ago in search of better job prospect. no one can see what the future holds. gregor asks us not to film interviews with his staff. as a speaker from the my in here is pretty somber. the war in ukraine is the predominant assurance to the many people here are from russia and have families and ties back home. they're willing to express their opinions when we're not filming. a boss tells us they shouldn't do so on camera. dr. shut
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the norwegian minister of trade and industry will be coming by later today. 35 year old young christian investor stock saint paul horning speaking to business leaders . he defends the sanctions against russia. watkins of knowing they affect every one in his audience, including gregor and the shipyard. i came to see the office by the go, all full. if y'all down in the dumb off, the situation is dramatic, but they companies, he make a large part of their sales from russian clients, e keep long jobs, and people in the region is also important from a security perspective. again, another reason why the government agreed on extraordinary financial assistance and philip met extraordinary there who miss garrett hill talk. it should be easier for gregor and the others to get loans now. but gregor still has questions. i got up to you. i mean exactly. my counselor is already scratching his head too hard to get in touch with us. no doesn't. i'm for the oklahoma in mississippi on home. if we need
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to know, i s i p, so we can sort out the details of the out of the little were they recognized the challenge is particular one region. today i'm gonna, i'm said another we're in a special situation given the russia is all neighbor. vietnam was the novel mongol that's built to mystic soviet. to mr. arnold with there is optimism. but there's concern to we're still in norway, but about 1000 kilometers further west, where we're nato exercise is taking place off the coast of the low for 10 archipelago. were allowed to film on board to frigates, but 2 or higher. dow and the rolled alman. so each some, $5000.00 tons with $120.00 crew members they're part of cold response or nato maneuver. incorporating some 30000 troops
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on board. we meet the head of the low region navy, fully understand what the back when he started his military service relations with russia were friendlier than ever a time when there were even joint exercises. so the thought and help new syndrome, ah, the situation is new to me as well for where entering into a whole new era of european security. paula sunset the body theory. so it's important for nato members like no way in germany, there to now strengthen their forces, are most take a shape for sure. are kitchen so we can expand maneuver and improve military cooperation, vineyard, threatening it from your assistant lopez solomon when i picked them up. why here, the arctic is rich and natural resources with russia, among the countries asserting claims to the sea bed, but doesn't
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a joint military exercise on this scale constituted provocation. floor plan lock lang. it's been planned for a long time, along with full transparency. antelopes are better, we even invited russian observer the thought this is a defense true versus mark law, not like it's not at all a direct response to the situation in ukraine policy thoughtful. no, can i not perhaps not, but they're eager. none the less to take a visible stance because in my mind, conducting defensive exercises suggests of feeling of being under threat. norway, as a founding member of data neighboring finland has yet to join the military alliance . finland has a longer border with russia than any other member of the e. u. 1300 kilometers from north to south. our next stop is la bane run. it's
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a popular resort town. russians have long been coming here some on vacation, others for shopping trips. and there are a growing number of permanent residents here who are originally from across the border such as nadia. she moved here from moscow a few years ago. after meeting her future husband euchre was studying. their 2 children are bilingual. nadia felt it was important for us getting olivia to learn russian. nadia talks on the phone with her mother in moscow. almost every day. marianna, it changed quite radically. i would say when the intern it independent used channels were blocked. there was very strong censor. korea, i was like on what you can say, what we cannot say. and then she was afraid anymore to talk that openly. we accompany the family on their way to the local buying national school. whether
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pupils had russian or finish roots was never an issue. nadia tells us, but she fears that might change due to the war in ukraine. for more the most important been here was to why to explain to kids also political association so that they understand that it's not their fault. that was for me that the highest priority that they don't give themselves because i felt it's very hardly on myself . and i was afraid that, that i don't want that they feel the same. leave enjoying nadia at the local university where she meets up with some of her russian friends i. e and i get another name and i was and they've been helping refugees from ukraine, has i even that they fear would mean trouble. ukrainian peoples. you always have this like threat on the bank ground that what might be the consequences not necessarily maybe for me,
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but maybe for my relatives who leave they on the other side of the border. and nadia was never really interested in politics. but that changed with the war and ukraine for us. but some assistance. my uncle concurrent is a, i was really impressed, sitting with that group just now. i could have kept talking with them for hours and they asked me beforehand who we worked for. and also asked us not to mention their names and due to having friends and family in russia holding. so despite living in the e, u and finland, some of them for many years now, they're wary of talking openly. they think it could have repercussions for people back home, something i found pretty wild of diffuser filess. francisco kasicoda. similar fears have been driving russians to find a new home in the finish capital helsinki. by the time we shot this film in march, finland had already closed its air space to russian plains, but there was still a train running from st. petersburg. many of those on board were russians with just
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a couple of suit cases having left their country where they'd been afraid to speak their minds. i would just come about, that's their situation in russia that is starting to become a terrible and all this with the war which created from ours. mad, stupid l video which and that's why old russian now are broken. and we don't want to return in the soviet times, given the sticker on your backpack, can be a reason for you to go to jail or to be like, oh yes, stopped by the police. so it's, it's, it's not even a small chance to express your thoughts. shortly afterwards, the st. petersburg to helsinki, rails, if this was halted, russia's invasion of ukraine has put finland under pressure. finland and russia have a long and troubled history. in 1939. the soviets invaded their neighbor in what
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became known as the winter war. the things have been on guard ever since. we had underground deep below the streets of east helsinki to visit of all things a swimming pool. ola jacqueline is in charge of the it dekessa who swimming home. he explains the history of the facility and why it still exists. empty is about one day or 2 days. so that would be nice if there were going to be people who are gonna be full of people. the b one strained the pool could provide emergency shelter for nearly 4000 people. what lies beneath the pools is a labyrinth of tunnels blasted and carved out of the bedrock deep under the city? the entrance to the bunker was secured by 2 impervious iron doors. so
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with no it's pretty massive. yeah. the 1st door noise, like a pression or for the bomb. and the 2nd is for the gas. so their pitch. yeah. so basically like, so my thoughts in a nuclear bomb. my do you really say it's good that fingers prepared? i really scared of something. not, not really, but i think just as this is just smart like building stuff like we need to build a pool anyway we dont have space for his client not build their pool underground and he said shelter at the same time. so we have many sports facilities which is built like this, which works not a shelter. i like more like this bunker system is massive in scale. and modern to a giant bunker system has been expanded underneath helsinki since the cold war. it
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could house more than 650000 people and the fins thought of everything, electricity status and even toilet, at least toilets of the bucket variety. there's also a ventilation system large enough to supply people with fresh air for days on end. oxygen is already a much needed commodity down here. various bunkers are used as sports halls. this section of the bunker is the responsibility of the civil defense officer yardi martin, and he's been working here for almost 30 years now. he saw in collier iraq and i'm in an article so amazon york salty and i contacted mama the 1st shelters were building i rock at the image or 2nd old or can it to my grandmother were ada during the cold war course, collecting available,
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autopsy. i. yup. well then there were fees of radiation exposure and china has gone up to the rock and thomas thornton on at 10 o'clock. so we kept on building. right . doctor today. i called in austin. finland invests a lot of money in civil defense. it's the kind of protection people in the baltic nations would like to have as well right now. our journey takes us further south along the eas, external border from finland. down to lithuania, the country borders the russian enclave of colleen and rug to the west and bell roost to the east. people in the capital vilnius are becoming increasingly nervous . on this day, several 100 residents have gathered outside the russian embassy, but also they have many have brought along their own placards to protest against the invasion of iraq, rain, or snow,
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but not as it to the modern about the wouldn't. that was the good that nobody doubts it. lithuania will be neg as doesn't look good. let dog albert 2nd to remember that it's really worrying with this. aggression is so close to us. i can still remember when we were attacked before we assume i was just a kid and he had under the covers whale would allow, you know, how go but the yes, the life in french oh, it's been just over 30 years since lithuanian struggle for independence. it was the 1st baltic nation to break away from the soviet union. moscow responded by sending in the army. so he had the ship answer wound some one from symptom when some found it on. dimension kitten to fork on andes, o'donelly's sore cotton brooks. each los gatos really tearful, not alden, so delicious, unbidden. an exam on slanting fun. pants on you bolt. so dot. and she isn't any
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minute. as get daughter on 514 people were killed in this confrontation in january 1991 more than 1000 were injured. at one point, a young man stood defiantly in front of an advancing soviet change. in a tense encounter, lasting several minutes. we need that man more than 30 years after that light. in the shadow of the g. v. shower, which understand ravages shows is the spot where the photo was taken. but we heard short form and the air working with smoldering as though then the tanks came up this hill through it. you can still see where is more liquor the charter's can no longer explain what he was thinking when he stood in front of the tag. only that it felt right curse for my choker. this it was when it turned around and left her that i realized that one corporal that we'd owe one authentic effort is what happened
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back then is something we must never forget is not and it must never be repeated article. and yet we see it happening again. right now, in ukraine or grandma at home, we chart shows the photo to friends from ukraine, whom he and his wife garage. and i have taken an ogre of kazora's alena and oversee fled their home and gave you for 2 couples. have known each other for many years. i could hardly come to less when, when the war began. as we panicked. a chardonnay any regina sent us a letter ill? i'm it is, and it is this photo with that for, for barbara, who did the with that i feel with his face, with the different i took that gave us courage and strength of the bullet which he seated i. e at her. and alanna charla. i never imagined i'd seen russia attacking a country in the middle of europe in my life time. and now i was sitting with these
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2 people who'd fled the war just a few days earlier. not osi says that russia intends to strip ukraine of its independence in a bid to restore its former glory. the war in ukraine has left many lithuanians, deeply worried. liter chapel lay, a taxi driver, sees a lot of vilnius and its people every day. she too, was afraid that the baltic nations will be the next to come under threat. we go to the russian embassy, where the protests were held just a few days prior. though with her as with the human ma sanchez and get more or less and i never thought something like this can happen. gossum pussy, educate mazda, sir. okay, master law, i always talk about the 21st century in terms of what we owe, which he, you, assassin, your, that we're tolerant and innovative. the, what did i leave us a walk and now this is more breaks out. it's not an information we're out of real one in 4 months like we know from the history books or eucharist. carlos docs of
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your chemist gave it see the hard to wrap your head around. oh, it's the grill. always some guilty. russell. walk there to preston or shoes, something that's changed on the one side. we have this weight in police, and because we're standing in front of the russian embassy were being watched the whole time by a little camera. the protests continue year nonetheless. meanwhile, rita's parents live 170 kilometers away from the lithuanian capital right by the border to bellows, which is why region now phones are mom ynez more often than usual? think julissa on emma? yeah. ah, you live so i may give an immediate loss with us. yeah. they're so close to the border that they can see it from their house. yes. leave you there. really worried?
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yeah, go go. so when we talk on the phone, i try to avoid that subject and instead talk about nice or funny things to cheer them up with. some of your dagon were more to use it. and if reaches concerned over in vilnius, how to her parents feel innocent vito's chevrolet have lived in the border town of ferry chose for more than 30 years. vidarres used to drive buses across the soviet union. today, the 2 are watching news reports on both lithuanian and russian tv. they tell us about their fears, uneasy. nobody knows what to expect. we feel uneasy without knowing and regarding muzzle village doors revealing, but they run out of certain things to you to deliver issues or what a day or so he night is good. you know, there is no salt, it's a 35 kilometer drive to the next town to get salt and flower well out walking her dog,
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not far from the border even as his mind often turns to the past. during soviet times, they were free to travel back and forth. oh, there is a birch forest law global usually who go naturally for a jake. and on another side, there's an old oak for a hot dog which was also full of wild mushrooms by out. we used to cross country many, i'm in a bogus shadow. now it's the border. yeah. and it feels as if we've lost ferrara, they live right next door, but i can't go picking mushrooms anymore. so i now gully things that seem so close are further away than ever before. here it's as if the cold war as returned an alarming feeling, especially for people who lived through it before gave us give sure was open. when i hear an unfamiliar noise, even over there,
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monday i get old tense, faster. yes, natal provide symbolic security, but how would it be in reality? god forbid it comes to that. ah, the noise there are various reactions to this new cold war, but people in the baltic, which i seem especially sensitive, because they remembered their struggle for independence in the ninety's. many will remind you not all russian support toting which offers a ray of hope that east and west had reconsider to them. the bridges to make that possible were visible on my journey among the russian border, except at right now there eerily empty. awe
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. sh to sleep for listen carefully. don't know how with to the a girl. ah, feel the magic discover the world around you. subscribe to d w documentary on youtube. with
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this is the w. news live from bad germany is foreign minister on a mission to repair relations with keith alana back is in ukraine, the latest side of germany strengthening support. she promised to help you, craig, bring the brush more criminals to justice. also on the program of a dictator is likely to become the philippines next president, ferdinand macos junior appears to have won a landslide victory sparking protest. and manila is asked to be judged by his
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actions rather than by. he's read.


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