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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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ah ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin to night in ukraine, a russian soldier on trial for more crimes. a 21 year old man will be the 1st russian soldier to stand trial for war crimes and ukraine. since the start of the russian invasion is accused of shooting dead and unarmed at 62 year old civilian. also coming up at the g 7 meeting here in germany, ukraine calls on its allies to seize russian assets. russia must tape,
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politically, economically, but also financially. and a final goodbye thousands of mourners pay their final respects to a veteran. al jazeera journalist fatally shot on the job. ahead of serene abou accolades, burial is really forces charged into the funeral procession that was carrying forecast. ah, i'm bring gov to our viewers watching on p b. s. in the united states into all of you around the world. it's good to have you with us on this friday to night. a russian soldier is set to go on trial accused of war crimes committed during the ongoing russian invasion of ukraine. a 21 year old stands accused of killing a 62 year old,
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unarmed civilian during the 1st week of the conflict. a media scrum that ukraine 1st trial of a russian soldier on war crimes charges. the 21 year old is accused of killing a 62 year old man, shooting him dead to stop him from reporting the russian soldiers presence to the ukrainian military. what was the recording of some squeak on february 28th and a village northwest of how keith. the accused shot an unarmed and threatening civilian in the head with an assault rifle rose on the books a little boy, that's the trial marks the beginning of ukrainian judicial prob, into alleged russian atrocities on its territory. the attorney general says prosecutors are examining more than 10000 alleged war crimes committed by russian forces against ukraine civilians in a phone conversation with the russian president, chancellor, fall, it's made clear that ending the military operation must be a priority. put him on
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a couple, put in, must pull his troops out and reach an agreement with ukraine, and that must be a peace deal that isn't imposed on ukraine, but one that ukraine finds acceptable. you know, meanwhile, russia's foreign minister had harsh words about ukraine's you missions she uses you has evolved from a constructive economic union into an aggressive militant actor who she was going to with ambitions far beyond the european continent. was a big deal in europe basically continue. ukrainian, president vladimir zelinski also said he was ready for direct talks with the russian president, but he stressed the ukrainians would not like the idea as things stand for earlier i spoke to our correspondent ami an s. if who is in the western ukrainian city of levine, and i asked about that 1st war crimes trial happening in ukraine and just how
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significant it really is. well as significant because it is so unusual. now, as you know, the war crimes trials that we've all heard of. laker, nazi advisement in jerusalem happened after a war in order in order to hold the architects of atrocities accountable for what they did during the war. and this is often after the war is over against the losing side of that war, but this one is happening during the war. you might ask why they're doing it now, especially since this soldier is a very low ranking soldier. but i think you have to understand what ukraine wants to show with this. they want to galvanized support from the world to focus the attention on russian atrocities on russian aggression and the horrors of this war, which was brought on ukraine by russia. and they also want to draw a clear line between ukraine and russia. i think what's very telling is the words of the defending lawyer of this russian soldier. he's a ukrainian lawyer. and what he said to the media was that it was important for him
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to do this job in order to uphold the rights of that russian soldier. to show him that he is in a very different country from the one he came from. let me ask you too about what we know in terms of where this war is headed. there have been reports of ukrainian forces preventing a russian river crossing in the eastern don't bass reason region. what more do we know about that? this story has gotten a lot of attention in ukraine for 2 reasons. first of all, how it happened, and 2nd of all where it happened. the 1st one is interesting because ukrainian intelligence essentially anticipated the russians would try to form a bridge, a pontoon bridge at this river crossing and at sent their artillery there to wait for what they did was they waited until they built the bridge, waited for the troops to cross then destroyed the bridge with air power and attacked the units who had crossed the river and completely wiped them out. we've
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heard that there have been as many and as a 100 units last and so this is have inflicted heavy losses on the invading troops in that area. the 2nd reason is because where it is, is this of arrow donetta the region around that city. and that's the last city in the don bass that has not fallen to russian troops. now, if you remember, that dumbass has been largely occupied by russian soldiers since 2014, and they're continuing to shore up their gains, their u. s. intelligence has called it essentially a stalemate and ukraine's far east, but severe done yet, which is basically surrounded by russian troops has just had a victory against the russians who are trying to take that city and of so far failed. a correspondent, communist reporting tonight from believe in ukraine. i mean thank you. the mayor of the ukrainian city of deer hunt she in har. keith has said that russian artillery has destroyed a cultural center where local residents receiving humanitarian aid. at least 2
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civilians were killed. the attack no, according to the official and emergency services building and several residential blocks were also destroyed in 2 days of showing the strikes come as ukrainian forces say they've pushed russian soldiers from several areas near the countries warrant for 2nd largest city. earlier i spoke to harkey, the resident in activist maria of diva, and i asked her what went through her mind when she heard news that this war crimes trial is beginning. this is a very symbolic a meeting in for me and for all people here in your grain. because since the war started me myself on many, are you brain that activists together with the prosecutors and together was international organization. we're collecting evidence as all crimes committed by russian to cheater in ukraine. and we still hold that there will be a says at the hey, about this case also shows that the,
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those responsible for the war crime will be a will be held accountable. also starting from now and this, this trial will be on the 1st one on the theory as of right. because i know that there are several people, russian soldiers court by, you know, military and will now be we'll see the accusing in the court. and also there is a possibility, according to the green young law of this trial in their absence, which means it will be post them both to also have a russian, a top general miss. i'm the but let me just ask you, i understand that you have been in our keep the entire time since the invasion
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began. can you talk to us a little bit about what you've heard or what you've experienced and what people also live there in the city? what they've told you they've experienced russia has committed numerous war crenza here in this buy sell it by saying these. i mean that the russian troops deliberately target the residential areas and deliberately target them to us, which is a war crime. recently, the new investigators reported by seeing them revealed that their russian general drug law, who is in charge of the artillery brigade station in belgrade, gave orders to shout residential area in hargis on the 27th and 28th or february. and by the merch rock as these attacks are they killed and wounded man, any 2 new lands. and they were deliberately targeted residential areas. and i have
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been talking to the people living there and they are still threatened by the scale of that attack. it's even painful for them just to, you know, to speak about them, let alone those who did. and of course relatives were killed because i'm that attacks. and this is just one example because there are numerous examples and people are terrified. i have been myself in several recent blueberry, really just around the russian troops has occupied them for more than 2 months. and when they speak to people, they usually start crying because of the horror they have been going through. are you afraid that the russian forces could return? because we know that the front lines in the front lines are not all static right now. this situation is very fluid. ukrainian army is doing the right
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progress, and that gives everyone here hope that the normal life will return to the sea. because today they're very for that brain and to manage to push ration back even closer to the russian border. and that means that the russian troops cannot use artillery as much as they used to, to sell the seat. but still, there is a here that russia will continue target and this seat by the, along the ranch and middle ranch for kids. and then from that started sort of the russian federation mail got up in south club how they have done, for example, with merch at back. so the possibility is for the new a cell and it's still very persistent and people are advised not to return to the city at this moment and wait for some time until that situation becomes more stable
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. maria deven activists, residents of the ukrainian city of are here. we appreciate your time tonight. thank you. thank you. cranes. foreign minister, the metro colinda has accused russia of preferring wars to talk. you said that the meeting today of g 7 foreign ministers here in germany to labor was attending the summit as a guest. and he called on the gather representatives of the world's wealthiest economies, to step up armed supplies to his country. and to put more pressure on russia, she 7 countries have promised to support ukraine quote, until victory. the serene atmosphere of a north german country retreat. the venue for talks on the global effects of more in ukraine war, the western democracies working together to face down russian aggression. germany currently holds the presidency of the g 7. so german foreign minister and alina
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burbock was in the chair. he, you foreign policy chief years, it burrell announced more military help for ukraine. the recipe is clear, more of the same. i mean, more support to grain, including military's to port we had did of being union. we will provide a new tranche of $500.00 more millions to support military ukraine, ukrainian foreign minister demitra caliber was a guest at the meeting. on friday. he came with clear demands for support. today i asked a g 7 countries to adopt legislation and put in place all necessary procedures needed to seize the russian sovereign assets and give them to ukraine. give them to ukraine for ukraine to use this money to rebuild our country. to
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reconstruct our country, after all, the damage inflicted on us among the key issues facing the international community is the threat to food supplies. much of the world's grain comes from ukraine, but the russian blockade means very little is leaving the country together was just 7 to day. we discussed ways how to lift this blockade, how to make sure that ukrainian agricultural products will make it to the global markets, especially to africa and to asian countries. we don't care for foot security of african countries of asian countries and everyone who depends on thur, on, on supplies from ukraine, food weapons, sanctions. these are the concrete questions for the g 7 diplomats is they way their options. they're also determined to show that though the war drags on,
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they stand together and other developments connected to the war in ukraine. sweden's foreign minister says that her countries a session to nato, would prevent conflicts in northern europe as men on linda was presenting a parliamentary report on security a suite and considers applying to join the alliance in the face of russia's invasion of ukraine. a russian energy supplier have said that it will stop exporting electricity to finland, beginning on saturday as it has not been paid. the nordic countries grid company said that the move will not affect supplies as power from russia. accounts for just 10 percent of its total consumption. in jerusalem, thousands of mortars gathered on friday to pay their final respects to veteran al jazeera journalist, sharina abo accolade. the u. s. palestinian reporter was shot dead under disputed circumstances on wednesday, but before her funeral services could begin,
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israeli security forces charged into the crown, carrying her coffee it is meant to be a day of solemnity of respect and of taking leave. that us should mean up to our class, mona set out israel police storm the crowd beating them with battens. the pallbearers love said grip of the eclipse casket fell. police drabs, palestinian flags, a symbol officially band in israel and the occupied territories. the family was later allowed to drive her coughing to a catholic church, but those violent scenes will add to the groundswell of palestinian anger. anger that's been growing since a respect to janice was shot and killed by covering a military rate in the occupied west bank. blackledge killing has been the subject of bits of dispute or employ al jazeera says israel kilter deliberately and in cold
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blood. but israel says i was a shootout near where she was hit. it says that without ballistic analysis of the bullet, it cannot determined whether she was struck by israeli or palestinian gunfire. the palestinian authority, which holds the bullet, has refused, is rarely culture joint investigation. as mona's followed up his final journey, they paid tribute to her legacy. the objective professionalism, another woman, another man, another palestinian will stand up, pick up the mike, pick up the camera and he will be the new voice of the sun. apple atlas body has been laid to rest next to her parents. u. c the u. s. the e u and the u. n. have o back calls for full investigation into her kelly w's. jerusalem corresponded tanya kramer was at st. joseph's hospital when police began firing. she told
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me what she experienced. oh wow, was absolutely shocking. scene stare at st. joseph hospital, we were actually reporting from there. we were standing outside the gate. there was already a heavy police presence that had cordoned off the street surrounding the hospital. and once to casket actually appeared the police and rushed into the courtyard, which is also the main entrance to the hospital. and we heard stun grenades because at the same time then mounted police was just this. where a pushing against the people are outstanding outside and dispersing them in the street be also saw, you know, they were taking down many of the palestinian flags before morning, had waved palestinian flags. now d is where the police had said in a statement afterwards said nationalistic tans and stones western prompting the
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police to rush in. but for most people there on the ground or you know, it was the amount of violence was not really understandable. you could see the shock and disbelief in most people's faces, which should have been a very risk, respectful and a beginning of a funeral procession that had turned very ugly at that moment. and we know that the dispute remains over. she was responsible for her death. what efforts are underway to investigate to kilter? well, that's why there lot of calls, of course, i foresaw in transparent investigation ah, calls for accountability. there are under investigations underway as so be heard in the report to palestinian authority and also al jazeera, the network. a holding is were responsible for that. there has been an autopsy performed by the policy or sorry, t a and
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a statement there said that the results are for now in to says now the israeli military has also released a preliminary i report of the initial findings of that report saying as well that it's not possible at this stage to determine the source of the gun plan. they're looking specifically at that and the report or at the possibility of palestinian gunfire, or of aaron's guns, hired by an israeli snipe of a unit that was apparently a near by. so we have to wait and see there's a lot of international pressure, of course, i'm also from the u. s. administration. and we have to see what this investigation actually will bring. yeah. time will tell jerusalem, responded tanya, agreement tanya? thing and here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world. a massive fire in an office building in new delhi is killed at least 26
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people, dozens more, were injured. li say they were looking into what may have caused the blaze, and that the owner of the complex has been arrested. the united arab emirates has announced the death of its president shake khalifa bins. i had al no yon, he was 73. khalifa had ruled the country since 2004, but his role was largely ceremonial. after he suffered a stroke 10 years ago. the government has declared a 40 day morning period as his customary in islam. ellen musket says he has put his $44000000.00 deal to buy twitter temporarily on ho he tweeted to say that he's waiting for data about spam or fake users on the platform. now, the new sent shares in twitter, plunging, walking away from this deal would cost him about $1000000000.00 in contract penalties. and in another tweet later today, mosque insisted that he still committed to buy twitter. well,
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it's so much that time, one of the biggest nights for pop music fans is happening this weekend. it is eurovision song, contest time. and this year the song contest takes place interino in italy and in a competition that can be easily politicized. it comes as little surprise that one song seems to already be a clear favorite this year. oh, ukrainian for hip hop band girls orchestra is riding a wave of goodwill at the eurovision song contest this year. while i am the contests talk prize. their songs tiffany of fuses, traditional ukrainian folk music with hip hop, underscoring the importance of ukrainian culture and tradition. it's a tribute to frontman olive fuchs mother, and although written before the war, the song has come to symbolize the mother of an entire nation
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with the ukrainian band feels huge responsibility representing their country. at a time when fellow citizens are defending their homeland against russia's continued assault, with our name on this is so important for us because these days they're trying to destroy our culture. and we're here to prove that ukrainian culture and ukrainian music are alive. they exist and have a unique signature on a fortune. 41 countries qualified for this year's contest at russia was excluded from the event in the wake of its invasion of ukraine in february, a clear change of tune for a contest that has always maintained its not a political event. but politics are everywhere, even if ukrainian fancy the music does offer some comfort and respite arisen with like a breach of that normal life that we have before the war started. and may be like for a couple of units for an hour day work or just to save money on my,
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my best friends or my, my girls that are in kyo, from where you while. and i also where this caused them from him. because i know what they built. so the the things in the words i, i don't want anyone in europe to insurance, so it needs some work and needs everyone to understand what's your credit is going through right now. everyone is affected and that could happen to everyone in europe at rehearsals, ensure in the members of color orchestra are doing their best to keep the momentum . deborah, or if any victory in any aspect would be very important for ukraine these days. because winning the eurovision song contest would lift the spirit of ukrainians,
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and it would be very good news because we don't have much good news these days on the la, on us, and that i bought mullins authentic jeff culture and politics clearly inseparable at this year's. your vision song, contest, an event that holds more significance than most europeans can ever remember. it's sim sports news. now the germans honestly wraps up this weekend and there are tense battles ahead at both. the top and bottom of the league had to berlin and stood guard, or both hoping to secure safety from relegation. while wipes are in po position to pip fryeburg to 4th place and champions league football like 6 vastly superior gold difference means a drawn way to already relegated billy felt would do. but they're coach says they would be sitting back. does that guns can see as much? it'll be a really, really tough much emma need. the ball is always actually,
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if we want to play for the win, if we're going there to produce our best performance and for that as you need everything up. so often under austell, alice leipzig, opponents and the german cup. final christian strace fryeburg are hoping to put one over on them in the league to fryeburg no a when in liver cruising could secure 4th place and a 1st ever crafted europe's elite competition. lever cozen of already qualified for the champions league, but their wish to give retiring sporting director and club legend, rudy fuller, a fitting send off means they won't lack motivation or the other end of the table or to berlin and stuttgart will duke it out to avoid the relegation playoff spot. the berliners need just to draw endorsement to secure safety, budged at god's unlikely draw last time out against champions by and has given them such self belief that their coach says no motivational speeches are needed to inspire them by entropy. last, an additional with an iron game, a gave
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a normal team talk. i thought it, it's british and i very self critical. he, if we ever we came out like fireworks and the boys know what it's all about. spirit, all the tension is feeling in your stomach. it rises every day in dark. hector, meanwhile, will hope their failure to take a point of hold to mites last weekend won't cost the dearly. and what promise is to be an epic been dis league of finale? you're watching the w news on this friday, the 13th after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day. stick around. we will be right back. ah ah, with
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ah ah. was making the headlights and what's behind them. dw news africa. the show that was the issue is shaping the continent. life is slowly getting back to normally where on the street to give you enough reports on the inside. our correspond that was on the ground reporting from across the continent. all the trends doesn't matter to you. in 60 minutes on
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hulu is a testament to the quality of the islands waters. one of the many success stories from a bastion of biodiversity season starts may 20th on d, w. e . long musk became the world's richest person by investing in the future as he sees it. think tesla electric cars. think space x and commercial space travel his attention and his fortunes are now focused on the future of the social media platform. twitter, he's offering $44000000000.00 to become the sole owner, a deal that would make him one of the most powerful influencers ever if he doesn't walk away from it to night. this monumental musk moment if suddenly.


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