tv World Stories Deutsche Welle May 14, 2022 1:15pm-2:01pm CEST
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ah but most of us, pretty michael grantham. how can you see ukrainians, but a russian, it's all romanians as foreigners. and these places as foreign countries, e, it's very difficult. and russia of foreign policy expertise in regard to post soviet space is very weak. that even the experts acknowledge this expertise, this sounds strange and paradoxical, was which they were part of the same country for so many years. a complex legacy. despite the dissolution, the old dependencies continue to exist. the entire infrastructure of roads and railways, power lines, and oil and gas pipelines was built according to the needs of the soviet union and
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its centralized power base and moscow. the institute of economics at the academy of sciences is examining the relationships to moscow. as they were, and as they are now, roseland greenback is the institute director. this long time confidant of mikhail gorbachev has reached a simple conclusion be might, if yes, that i have to understand that all states of the posts of your region have one single principle when it comes to that relationship with russia. and it's been this way for 30 years, achieving a maximum of economic advantage from russia. so only while having a minimum of political obligations manual patricky. she said that the soviet union was formed in 1922, the joining together of the union republics. voluntarily. at least this is how it was framed in the constitution. but the right to secede from the union had never been tried in practice. and certainly not a withdrawal of all its members. but in 1991. that is what happened?
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the country dissolved into its constituent parts. the west looked on amazed at the rapid disintegration and 25000000 russians were left in shock. they suddenly found themselves inhabitants of other countries, compounded by the uncertainty of whether they would be accepted, barris, citizens, opium, now to keep the homes and land. mm. let us laugh. baylof is the director at the center of german studies. he is no political ally, a flat map who's in that he agrees with the president's claim that the fall of the soviet union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. ready mores the celestial sir. yes, but one can agree with his statement, which is by geo politics. you primarily mean the interests of certain people and i'm alone. and if we consider the fates of millions of those who g at the unconstitutional, i repeat,
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unconstitutional dissolution of the ussr found themselves trapped behind the borders of the country in which they thought they lived linear. though i'm talking about 25000000 russian speaking citizens who over night, woke up to find themselves living in another country. at 1st, there were attempts to rebuild the ruins, following the collapse of the soviet union. the tall right panis in saint petersburg was to become the seat of the commonwealth of independent states, a loose organisation of the former soviet republics. however, the 3 baltic states, georgia and ukraine withdrew, who chose not to participate. and the commonwealth of the remaining states exists only on paper. no summits have been held and yes, the c i s has no power. yeah, hartman got walks of the university of in spoken austria and is one of the west's
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most renowned russia experts. he also sees the c, i asks a failed attempt to continue the legacy of the soviet union over mondanca in moscow. although in moscow, on the yeltsin, there was certainly the expectation that some kind of confederation would be possible. i would then, but as the armenian president said, at the time of this confederation of independent states was more like a vehicle for an amicable divorce. i dylan, disembodied, and indeed that's what it was. and it's incredible. but this association still exists today. h t, at least on paper yet because no one wants to kill the baby as it were by dissolving the organisation entirely such, but it simply has no practical political significance anymore. she built on the baltic states played a special role, estonia, latvia, lithuanian with a 1st to break away from the soviet union and successfully pursue that and pass
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that relationship to russia is. ready creating mm hm. yes. the lithuanian capital. the viewing platform of the tv tower is a popular attraction. from here, one can see how the city has changed. in the last 20 years alone, around 50000 new apartments have been belt more than anywhere else in the baltic. states. in the center is the country's parliament. since independence it is known again as the famous bruce lana spot or no of us is a philosophy graduate at wax for an m p of the social democratic party. massive in barometer ramos. i'm glad you know we've integrated into the european union and the west and are living standards have increased. the borders were opened up for us, and many lithuanians emigrated to western europe. but at the same time, our main problem is inequality problems, inequality of incomes, unequal opportunities given in 30 years ago,
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miscellaneous was home to 3700000 inhabitants. but then the exodus began 900000 lithuanian last the country young people, especially most of them. well educated and went to find work in the west, a huge problem for the small republic. despite this, the capital and the country as a whole is embraced the modern world. and your economic growth has long been around . 3 percent. and lithuania has one of the best fiberglass internet networks and all of europe. but lithuanians also have a strong sense of national history and identity. these hunters in apartment recall the independence movement of 1989 at cooper scope. as part of our history is our guide, and many things that are going on in society now are linked to our past company. to me is the goal of our security and foreign policy is to make sure that history does
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not repeat itself is to close the ticket. never sick of book lithuania has long felt part of the west and exhibition about the so called forest brothers partisans who fought against the soviet occupation until 1953 is currently on display. at the same us, the younger generation can take democracy for granted. immediate passcode she might a studied educational science in germany, but vilnius has remained her home as shook de la could have been built. yeah, this is the was i was talking about this with my grandparents just yesterday or this is we were discussing what we have gained after 30 is independence. if bigger and my grandparents said, just one thing we slain of medical out, that we can express our opinions freely that we live in a free country, monarch and that i see my generation and young people in general are often told even my parents say this, that we don't know what freedom is,
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because we've never lived in a country without freedom. we can't appreciate what freedom means life because we can just get home with our life and believe it is normal. it wants to to, and this is probably true to go to your right. yes, sir. emily belongs to an organization that wants to influence the political discourse. in lithuania, you're nemo. debit high youth debate. mazda of the mich end of the way. yes. the organ that said to mothers through our care, in lithuania, we organized programs that are supported by the european union. so every day i am living in the valleys of the european union. i consider myself to be more. if i'm allowed to say this a citizen of year, i need not to was look at the, you know, this is for lithuanian ties to the west to becoming closer every year. in 2004, the country joined nato, along with its baltic neighbors, estonia and latvia,
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and 4 other members of the format eastern block, military spending in lithuania, now mix up around 2 percent of g. d. p. in 2021. nato. carried out exercises here, reflecting that deep mistrust of russia, another legacy of the soviet era. but the baltic countries a home to a large russian minority who do not want to give up their identity. roslyn us knows this while his own father is russian. wanting to pretend and refers, i think russian influence today takes on a more hybrid form as such as influence over television, which a lot of people in lithuania, still watch it and over the internet. at the voice that internet bill, for many people, russian is the only foreign language they know record. and so if they want any information beyond what's provided by lithuanian tv and websites library, they'll go straight to the russian platform, scissors dog america,
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the national park valley. lithuania seas, russia as a potential aggressor and is counting on support from nato, the european union. ah, in moscow, there is little sympathy for this position. not even at the influential and critical journal garcia for global nie political. russia in global affairs is to be able by the outcome of leer. if i were polish or from one of the baltic countries soccer. i might also see things that way. music was my thoughts on that. but when you look at it from a rational perspective, it's not at all clear why russia would attack poland or the baltic states. what would it achieve? e. g, at on the idea that russia wants to test nato's readiness, decrease, and thereby approve. it's incapability is in my opinion, complete fantasy monopolies are storing as possible. nick, our soap is of course, we don't agree with nato on us, but no one who wants to risk another world war just to test nato. so what will be
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the point of an excursion to tennis, nevertheless, demonstrating rushes military strength by carrying out its own maneuvers on the borders to the nato countries. tension is building on both sides ah, military marches in front of the kremlin. the message russians should be proud of their army while the west and nato should be deterred the country is a fortress under siege as pooh and throwing up so it's people must stand together, you know, order me ago. last year, russia spent 4.3 percent of its g, d, p on its military, vomiting a year for the under yelton. the army was humiliated, insulted, under financed, and its soldiers left to staff sold when putting came to power in 2000. it was suddenly paradise on earth, there was peace and happiness in europe. and today we have astronomy and military careers are desirable. again,
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this is all part of the propaganda. the imperial mindset of the former soviet union persists in russia to day legitimized, through the victory of the red army over hitler's germany and the 2nd world war 27000000 dead. the great patriotic war, as the russians call it, has left its mark on almost every family among russians, but also ukrainians, bell russians, cossacks, and kick us. these memories also shape to day society rivera door for my garage than you will this believe that we russians are a significant power one that can push back against hostile pressure and hostile influences from the outside world. this is an important part of our collective identity with juvenile assessment, and like this belief in the soviet union and russia's unique authority chip, and that we are a special civilization sci somewhere. so wait for eliza. this compensates for the feelings of dependence,
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poverty and humiliation. that means that people have in their private lives senior, a chill eric of just leisure, isn't it? what might seem strange for western visitors is for russian is completely normal. a mural of gay yogi shook of the great 2nd world war commander proudly overlooking and in a city shopping street. this modern day veneration of war time heroes sends another message. never again will this, once glorious army present, such a shameful image to the world. as it did after the collapse of the soviet union. ah, today russia is showing its strength again, investing new atomic weapons. the military industrial complex established in sophia ties is now experiencing a renee sauce. the country as a whole is paying
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a heavy price. he preaches futile. the buy and the political leadership is making the mistake of believing that a 21st century superpower needs only to, to find itself militarily. and when will st. east and russia is only a superpower in military terms, yet not economically, not financially, not technologically, and not demographically off to the purchasing power of the russian people is increasing at a slower rate than or less anywhere in europe. still some slight growth is currently predicted for the russian economy that is mainly due to high a commodity prices. rushes companies simply not innovative enough. there is bally any investment in infrastructure. many of the countries transport arteries are in a state of disrepair. yes, as it is a study slit in the lose the stitch, i regret that we have not been able to achieve an economic miracle of a kind to seen in china transparently in for at least in terms of transport
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infrastructure up here, we still only have one load away right from moscow to st. petersburg, wellness. it's an embarrassment. let's touch them with you. style of our main transport route towards the east connecting moscow with beijing is still being rebuilt. it's an embarrassment adar must gloat on our moscow while. yes, moscow has changed, but as you, but i expect to see this all over russia. that was the roads and the infrastructure to be improved across the country. and you switch to the indians with the money has disappeared. but nothing has been built. genia is chism. now russia is looking for strong partners all the more so since relations with western europe have cooled. mm. russia and china are working together from the huge inter continental projects known as the new silk road, opes a high for large prophets and grace gina type giggles.
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china is pursuing a very cautious policy towards russia by not actively letting russia feel that it's the junior partner, at least in economic and financial matters. because historically, china has always been and still is afraid that russia can easily switch sides and align itself with the west and i city and this should be prevented at all costs. keena dismissed him on the didn't. the hinden, russia has refocused its attention on central asia in order to secure its traditional sphere of influence. the central asian republics of welcome, this enlarged part is a counterweight to china. there increasingly dominance neighbor. yet the opposite is true, and ukraine, where the majority of the country looks to the west rather than the east of all the former soviet republics. ukraine was probably the best place to make a success of its independence. but to day the country finds itself in crisis,
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president followed demille zalinski has failed to fulfill his people's hopes for peace and prosperity. ukraine today is the most corrupt country in europe, making a formal alliance with western europe extremely difficult. the country is deeply divided, while people in west and ukraine overwhelmingly support joining nato and the european union. the east of the country feels a strong connection with russia, especially in new hunts, and don't ask regions industrialized during the soviet era known as don bass was home to protests against the national government in key f. a pro russian minority took issue with the ukranian state, propelled by fears that they would be discriminated against in a western leaning nationalist ukraine. ethnic russians make up a large minority of the population. 8000000 out of 42000000 citizens with backing from russia. these protests turned into a separatist uprising,
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a civil war that has sat the hold of europe on edge and shows no signs of obeying. debussy could hon. crane's can switch gears rena dumbass was never ukrainian in terms of language and traditions. my mama, my mother comes from east and ukraine. oh, she comes from the zapata, she and cossacks who settled along the don. but the appraisal when i visited her village is a 5 year old getting married. i didn't understand a word yet. that was from your mom. so who am i exactly come up or was my mother's ukrainian? my father is russian papoulias. trouble for my wife's parents is the other way around. it is to remember, my mother in law comes from western ukraine, a 100 percent still zap and yet sca papa, her husband is russian. so of bob who away of associates to know a little ski torment in 2014 the crimean peninsula are in south and ukraine. the came the scene of an escalation and the russian ukrainian conflicts to day russia
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claims crimea as a part of its federation. a huge new bridge is being built to connect the peninsula to the russian mainland. it's intended to send a message to the wild. we have taken back crimea. it's a show of strength towards former soviet states demonstrating what happens if they turn against russia. orchestrated by moscow, the overwhelmingly ethnic russian population had already elected a separatist parliament. this led to the annexation of the territory by russia. what western europe saw as a flagrant breach of international law was presented by russia as a free decision by the majority of people in crimea. at the berlin, the stay a sheer, we bought a. this was a real election story i'd made. probably not, everything was carried out in line with international law problem, the past switches. so, but this was not a military occupational by in them. it was not an annexation law. it was a declaration of will by the people. a bull of will is uletha grass done in russia,
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it is hard to find any one who does not consider crimea to be a part of russian territory. a new russian patriotism has taken hold. 30 years after the fall of the soviet union. for some perhaps, or so encouraged by memories of its former greatness, blah blah, chased alamo. and we were a large country. we still are a large country. well that's just a fact is nightmare. i did silicon valley. that's where my parents fell in love and everything positive that they associate with their lives back then. they also associate with the soviet union in the faith with them. so for you guys in the soviet union, people were tracked. none of those empower promised one thing, but it's something completely different. underwear, glue, pushing roster. it was a very simplistic idea of what the future would bring. good when you still, we will drive out the communists. the communists will disappear and a new life will be possible. i was a better lighter than well, so sure. horses,
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everyone thought that the good parts of socialism which used to be would remain pretty basic and that these benefits would be supplemented by 2 new aspects. i study, but firstly, consumer choice, excuse me, we're and secondly, freedom, it was very and that together would be perfect happiness, air durable nation. the transition from a socialist command economy to a capitalist market economy was abrupt and came almost without warning. on her own young is to day a successful business consulted for her what occurred back then was akin to shock therapy and those law. and that all you have to understand that we've been living inside the soviet system. the right to private ownership was not recognized today. even today we have a very specific relationship to property rights and entrepreneurship in russia. so imagine what it was like back then. talk about the people who had been concerned with completely different matters like science or culture. and then suddenly,
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forced to become more decided to become business owners, right? because they wanted to somehow live and survive. privatization was a part of the shock therapy that her be to privatization was chaotic and forced through without regard of the consequences. for the end of the 19 ninety's, russia was plunged into a major economic crisis for older people in particular, memories of this time a painful the rubel was dramatically de valued. g d p harvest child mortality rose to frightening you levels. and life expectancy was shorter than in the 3rd world or compounded by unprecedented corruption at the highest levels of power. ida huntington alden demise, all small vol. this discredited the concept of democracy and the very term democracy in the eyes of most russians. it is a marson, fast democracy almost became a dirty word due to the experiences people had with the transition to
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a supposedly democratic system during the 19 ninety's touch on is seen english hall and even today. thus, we see surveys from independent institutes gains that suggest only around a 5th of russian people full would like to live in a western style democracy katina, this kitchen for pete scene studying. but what ordinary russians think of their country, one of the best known public appalling institute the levant center regularly poses this question. the center operates free of state control and is therefore treated with suspicion that miss brochure from san francisco. pity when at the end of the yellow era, we asked russians what they expected from the next president. most people expressed to hold you 1st that the country would find the way out of the economic crisis. news could and achieve an increase in living standards or when you're 1st. and 2nd
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for that, or that russia would be restored to a position of superpower that had held during the ussr reporting and putin, with his demagoguery, his rhetoric for his strengthening of the military and the countries power structures could you believe seemed ready to fulfill these expectations southridge shall open a song of rebellion. vladimir hooton's fast. tom and office began in 2000 and he immediately tightened the reins to the country is powerful oligarchs. he made clear that a new era had arrived. he promised that they would be free to go about their business unhindered and that their companies would not be re nationalized in return. they would grant him that unwise myles here his message was this. stay out of politics and i will leave you in peace. most russians applauded this and the current ruling party achieves its political aims much like the old communist party did, through domination with them needed up. it's like the old joke that was going
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around on the yellow sentinel, whichever party we create, watchable will always end up with the communist press, break up so fast, and i will turn it. on the other hand, no, the russian political establishment of the russian power structure is much more flexible than the soviet 1 pm of life gentlemen logo, but it is capitalism were fiasco, and a capitalistic. but not only russia has a highly centralized authoritarian government and take belarus, nestled between russia, the european union due to their shared history and related languages. belarus was always a reliable ally for russia. even the national flag makes no secret of the country's close ties to its soviet past. only the hammer, sickle and star have been replaced. reminders of the soviet union ubiquitous, both in the capital minns and across the country. the country's economy is central
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control with a mixture of private and state ownership. an absence of democratic structures and high levels of media. censorship abounded international condemnation. since 1994 belarus has been ruled continuously by the autocrat, alexander lucas shanker, a one time soviet political officer since his re election in 2020 opposition to his government has become louder. hundreds of thousands of bell russians have taken to the streets, demanding democracy, and lucas shank. his resignation. all in kazakhstan to a president with autocratic tendencies, has ruled for many years, yet with other and for russia. more favourable conditions. thanks to its oil and gas supplies, cassock ste on is the richest country in the region. it's long saving form. alida no. so latan, nasa by have was a member of the pony bureau of the communist policy in soviet times on my
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context on the once poor soviet republics of was pakistan, kyrgyzstan took medicine and touchy kissed on initially struggled with their new freedom. they were too dependent on the centralized seat of power in moscow. millions of people from the former soviet republics in central asia have come to russia as migrant workers. especially to the cities of moscow and saint petersburg . they work on building sites in the service sector, or in agriculture. people from the caucasus meanwhile, often work as itinerant traitors. their wages are usually the most important source of income for their families back home. most foreign walkers come from here. kingston in the capital, bish heck. life is shaped both by islam and the legacies of the soviet era
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in a suburb of biscuits. early in the morning in one of these houses lives, rita egg assured her she is a tailor by trade, her husband and 2 of her 5 children live and work in russia. she also spent several years fan together with her daughter, so tonight she is taking the bus to work at the market. here rita owns a small shop, is selling lingerie bought with savings from her work in russia. here's what i see here because it's almost version of law. i don't believe the case time can survive without russia was in the village, but all the former countries of the c i should be on friendly terms, said a lot and they should maintain these important links in the future. it's fit. this is becky stan tajikistan cast on for those. all of them was a big star projects done because of both of them are. well, that's what button christie do i me lu, over 2000000 gig is
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a russian citizens that under working there. what do my daughter and my son have decided to stay there? because this, you know, every family has someone who works in russia. whether it's the husband, wife, daughter, or son, was july the bus, the bus dodge islam in the country is a recently revived legacy of pre sophia times nearby as an imposing russian orthodox church national heroes from centuries past, revered, as are others from the more recent soviet era, quickest on has 6 and a half 1000000 inhabitants. 800000 of them are ethnic russians alongside characters . russia is also an official language here. rita cannot understand why so many of her fellow care guests are embracing his hum. under pressure from muslim man more and more women no longer go out to work. instead excepting to stay at home and be housewives. yogurt sir, it is,
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let's come say years you will have worked. i think women's rights were better in the soviet union. yet women were more equal as bully was a convert to day women and becoming more religious wearing headscarf so fail system . i don't like that in the near dodging in that i would, so they don't have a voice anymore that that's what you understand. why they haven't no identity. but i'm sure dearly just zation of no g as any yet when you call us up when you mesh so you will. yeah. the indians to south of the country is home to many was back in the past that have been out ranks of violence between them. and the curious one reason that differing expressions of religious faith, the os bags tend to follow a very strict interpretation of islam. while the canvas, a more moderate islam, that islam is important for everyone. you just that of course it must be too
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straight now, not to strict lily again, religion, almost those shall i be the most important thing is our humanity. closer blue religion. my secondary to that mazama mazama person to day islam is allowed to shine again and care castanan in jalal abad. the mom. misty was back on my yard. madeline. he completed his theology studies back in sylvia times. as the mom, the 66 year old is not only a religious leader, but also a kind of man in his local district to the yellow house. in my opinion, life in the soviet union was good if you think there was religious freedom, and religion was valued in the home of the state, didn't into fair and it respected religious boundaries on others. amana is and they didn't monitor us as much and tell us what to do to get a proper religion was preach when the, when the band or terrorist organizations back then no has presumably hobbies,
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homer or santa fist. i'm mother and we never preach to anything that was forbidden, but over the late fall of all those numbers. the level of that is that we taught how to pray correctly and how the faithful should treat one another 1000 down of them. but today, there are more extremist organizations love and the state must be more careful. asthma. kingston defines itself as a secular state. yet this no telling how strong an influence a radical form of islam could become here. e, mom, model e. f preaches a moderate interpretation of the faith. every friday, the mosques are full. i'm lather. joviality that with all of them. melinda, i love them that you. in the atheist, soviet union, the man was a civil servant and on a monthly salary. to day he owns his income, through the mosques, own bakery and a butcher shop. he receives donations and runs a small farm. even he,
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the man must head out to the fields after work each day to gather hey, this is the reality of life for a religious leader in kingston. a la yama, dani f. misses the soviet union of mild basil hamlin, but held in a bike in the soviet union. every one was in court. and as there with i'm rich and poor were on the same level in ballard, even i as a mom and 80 roubles, a mother size law these days o r e, every one is divided up into rich and haul. yeah, i literally all the, all the boy come on, all of them back in the capitol, biscayne this moving house is the headquarters of a local n g o. one of the activists is dinardo or sure who nova these women campaigning for more democracy that against corruption. yes sir. such a getting cut off. sir leicester wrote you bashful. what asthma corruption here has reached new hire to set to report it's out of control?
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pit of i cheered nice the people in power, they're, in my opinion, yet primarily to enrich themselves and not to govern or to help the country products if they want to turn politics into a business opportunity for themselves to hold your business by beach. the fact listen, n g o can publicly promote its goals in this way distinguishes kick as society from other countries and central asia. but dinero, a russian language teacher by profession, wants to get even more involved. she supports the new reform party because as she says, there are too few truly democratic parties in kingston. huh. that we bought it to just look at the last elections. there was 78 different parties on the ballot. i was only $34.00 or 5 of them, the democratic and liberal. he had the lattice concerning. hm. oh, that's why such new parties are important. if there is a demand for more new parties in our society,
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i am at the edges of this one's multi ethnic state, the russian army as long seen itself as a guarantor of stability. since the end of the soviet union, these boarder regence of being the sites of bomb and power, struggles often with the participation of russian troops such as here in the now autonomous chechen republic. chance group way, never put in your mouth the chechen was, were viewed very negatively by the wider population, both the 1st and the 2nd around 55 to 65 percent of russians sold. these was as unjust anyway, and felt it important that they should be ended as quickly as possible. the journalist on a palette coff sky had reported for years on the brutality of the chechen war and corruption at the upper levels of the russian army. in october, 2006, she was shot dead in front of her moscow apartment block was her assassination ordered by political circles. around the kremlin august the chechen leadership response on despite trials and sentences handed down. the real masterminds when
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never identified the killing, was seen in russia as a warning to critics of the regime. yes, the mobile do smoke at each unless you to walk through it. but if we look at the situation clearly and objectively, there is reading thou, serious opposition and russia, close major difficulties for the kremlin, say all be considered a threat, but she needs the principles of show strength and crushed descent. nothing obviously works. you but he put a meeting because that'll differ on for about the with this principle recalls the power mechanisms of soviet times in the 19 sixty's, the time homo soviet egless was coined the soviet citizen, defined by conformist values and attitudes. many people and the former soviet republics remained shaped by these fundamental values even today. mm. is my interest the soviet citizen develop the skills required to survive and
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a repressive state, which he learned to deceive the state, to tolerate its arbitrary judgements, to feign doughty towards it all while taking care of his own problems and trying to survive in this hot and repressive environment, the advent of putin and his authoritarian system was no accidental, but rather a continuation of the soviet regime. good evening went. oh, but if there is only one real difference to the soviet union. today, the blessing no longer comes from a single all powerful party putin, the one time member of the communist party. now as the backing of a different authority of the russian orthodox church. the church has no objection to the strengthening of conservative values in russia. so to years ago, the red flag of the soviet union was taken down from the kremlin. hardly any one,
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objected bush. and you know, the rest of the blue, we entered red square, 300 people who had come to speak out against this astonishing decision. a building and there were 287000000 people in the ussr. i always say, should i go for 1000000 citizens? only a single person showed up to protect the soviet union. ah, at deborah, it was very strange. russia is the largest of the success of states. it is still struggling to find its place between europe and asia ah, in schism. and is the developments of the past 30 years have been confusing and difficult. as a result, yet, russia has regained that status as a global political player on that, but at the same time, and it's fallen far short of where it could be today. mc, i'd with a more visionary leadership i to saying, cont,
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western european style democracy is not a model of russia is trying to emulate fire to more ish church. that's why there is such a longing for one's childhood for the school years for our time as students. but there's not much about the soviet union. so putin was right when he said, any one who doesn't mourn the soviet union has no heart. but any one who would go back to what it was has no hat when it's yet 30 years later, the dream is of the past have been replaced by new realities. whether the collapse of the soviet union really was a geopolitical catastrophe, or rather a new opportunity that some of its all misstates are being slow to grasp. and the time hotel ah
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with secrets lie behind these wall, discover new adventures in 360 degrees. ah, and explore fascinating world heritage sites. d w world heritage 360 get the app now it meets tina a saxophone operator who wrote her master's thesis on the potato. raring to read a, not the turn on. well, it gets more ridiculous from their d. w literature list. 100 german must read. what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating
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2:00 pm
ah . ah, this is, these are the news live from berlin, g 7 countries called for an end to russia's food war in ukraine. germany is foreign minister says millions of tons of grain are going to waste while russia blockades, ukraine's horse, the g $7000.00 not to lead moscow's aggression. 60, also coming up ukraine, claim success and pushing russian forces away from car cave. russia abandons tanks and territory as it pulls back from ukraine, 2nd city, but president, the landscape warns of a long war.
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