tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 19, 2022 9:00am-9:31am CEST
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seeks to explain his policies ahead of the major you summit. we will bring you special live coverage. ah, i'm a new cubes. mckinnon. thanks so much for joining us. chocolate will show it's will shortly be addressing the german parliament ahead of an extraordinary european council meeting in brussels at the end of the month focused on the war in ukraine. now 3 months after the russian invasion, shaw has been heavily criticized for not doing enough to help ukraine. he has yet to visit the country. unlike many of germany's allies, germany has also been criticized for being slow to deliver heavy weapons to ukraine . although it is a major donor monetary and laid off to 2 cars and 20 me now from the german
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parliament as we wait for the chance let to make his statement is d w as chief political editor, mikayla cook. now good morning, mckayla. can we start by getting a sense of what we can expect from will efforts today? or we can expect him to map out his line that he's going to take at the end of the month when there is a special summit on ukraine. and as he mentioned already, there is quite a bit of criticism that he hasn't gone to careful though. his counter argument is that he did go in those days, leading up to the war on that last ditch, attempt to find some kind of a diplomatic solution with ukraine and with moscow at which of course, spectacularly failed. and we see that this war is now going into its 3rd month, and it will have sholtes has been perceived to be a bit slow off the mark, both in terms internationally of western allies,
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supplying weapons to ukraine. but also when it comes to energy delivery and here we already saw some movement, both in europe, but also here in berlin. where in denmark, yesterday there was the announcement of a big rollout of renewable energy. it e u upping the ante, making its targets tougher. now wanting to produce 45 percent out of renewables rather than just 40 by 2030. now this is all on paper so far. so there's quite a bit of pressure. it was a here from m p 's to hear how he will translate that into action. now, as you been mentioning, the chancellor has been heavily criticized over his perceived weak response to the war in ukraine. but also for his lack of christmas. what does he need to deliver with this speech today? well, he did win an election or with that very lack of christmas. and he did win that
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election in september or by calling full respect or for individuals by being somewhat macalester or very calm speaking. what he did to is that verbally, he took a lot of action, a few days after the war, just 3 days after he declared a titan vendor, a new era, a new, fresh, more sober look at russia. and he declared to put his money where his mouth is by saying he would spend an extra 100000000000 on german defense now for that, he needs the opposition. hence, it's very important for him to be persuasive. here in parliament as well. to convince angular, michael's conservative the see the you party to vote in favor of constitutional changes that i simply needed to install these extra 100000000000 as into actual spending and translate that into action. and i do expect him also
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a to stress once again that yes, germany has it handed over, but mostly pledged the weapons that it has in its own stalks. most notably, the gephart or howitzers are which are the state of the art, but also together a with the netherlands is now training and staff to use other defensive weapons. but that is not seen as enough both by the opposition, but also by allies and certainly by ukraine. now, one thing that he really came under fire for is the fact that he still hasn't visited ukraine since the war began. can he put off going for much longer? well, the question is, m, is that there was a whole diplomatic em spot almost between ukraine and germany, because the germ president you officially, according to protocol, and also constitutionally how holds the highest office here in germany. wanted to go,
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but frank fighter stain my as one of the key architects of that rasa policy that has so spectacularly failed and that something he has admitted. but he was not wanted that ala, we're going to have data being the advocates. i believe that charlotte cert, short shall it is actually about to start speaking say thank them, we'll come back it instantly beck league and i'm calling my name dominic resident, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, concepts 1st implicitly. p. stoba is something we take for granted for is, are, we couldn't have imagined the de la 10 years ago since the humble president of the european council. so compact said, these sentences rely on in oslo. this was when the nobel peace prize was being awarded to european union from long point a mentor on places. words at the time were referring to the situation within the european union. and indeed, a war between the european member states remains something we cannot imagine. on flight to go,
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this remains the greatest achievement of european unification. when blinking of you, however, in looking at the ruins of matter, you pull cecelia from a hard jefferson when and when we think about the mass graves of butcher or post, you may also force noise. the images on the bombed homes. liberals are and cars, and the corpses of innocent men, women, and children, big children, we become all too painfully aware of the fact that war is no longer unimaginable in europe who have done zip such gently. piece is only something we can take for granted. if we are prepared to defend it, was this delivered the girl? well, this is the lesson we have learned from the brutal attack of russia on like crane.
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this is the turning point in history that i spoke of when i spoke to the end of february, hearing ownership, the colleagues from happy or if there are all manner different. crises that the european union has over common reason, years of those war on a very doorstep is the greatest with had a doubt, an item of evidence of music visiting for amazon. but this crisis is like the others in one way. the greater the pressure from outside, the more we joined forces as the european union and act together while different thinking in front of it. because the war unleashed by putin goes against everything or let the european union stands for it is almost the project of peace borne from the idea of opus ending war, and hostility between the peoples of europe, once and carp, and for all our countries are free and democratic not like the autocracy of put in,
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and we meet one another with respect of our trust on an equal footing, knowing that compromise is not a weakness, but that it is our strength. these are hotel and it is with this hot approach that we will continue to develop the european union and continue to work in lockstep together in one room or call us back on be glad to book the big man. when my comment for confirmed this via done last week when he was visiting and i am grateful that his 1st visit after he was re elected, took him to berlin door. that's a commitment of about 2 franco german cooperation. that has always been roy than just a bilateral project. darvin russo for neutral culture. it's a mist to find solutions for the future that are good for all of the european union member states. that this immigrant keeps on. this must be the
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driving force behind the franco german locomotive. the turning point in history requires that in europe, we think beyond just a day. and we will also be following the many good doctor proposals that the european citizens gave us as part of the future conference and europe day that we presented their proposals. all gonna give us a monopoly, your chin citizen, just want to have a more efficient european union that is closer to the citizens and of it. we'll be focusing on this. many of the proposals are very specific. one doesn't want us to make moral progress with european union that with the environment rather, they want a better progress with defense capacity cap abilities and closer ties within your don't. many of these things can be put into practice quickly. that's good office, healy dean. only this is also true for many of the ideas about making the european
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union indian more efficient. for example, in the council having majority decisions and in recent weeks and months, i have seen that this idea is and is becoming more and more popular and verify that and where necessary. we could talk about an amendment of the treaties and about a convention. this is not a taboo, but the most important thing is that we have the best possible consensus, because if there's one thing we don't need now at this time, we don't need to have navel gazing on institutional issues that takes a lot of time and energy in the open about and, and this would also not be doing justice to the expectations of our citizens for a europe that works there for the turning point on history affects the european union as well. and yes, we will will further develop the new and just as decisive as our national response has been. our european response will be in the same vein. thus in 10 days
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i will go to the special meeting of the head of state and government in brussels. that's gross of the role of germany as clear as the greatest country. we have huge responsibility for the unity of the european union. and more than this on like almost never before our co operation with the strong economies of the g. 7. torque has rarely been as efficient as it has been under our presidency in germany, which is why i look with great confidence at our summit at the end of june, so forth. and rarely before has the trans atlantic alliance been so close, so vital and so essential as it yesterday. president biden has done much to achieve this. i am extremely grateful in what we all share. one goal,
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russia must not win this war. ukraine must prevail. gordon gibbon, gibbon. that is what it's about in everything we do on duty also in our sanctions against russia or in the old taking in 1000000 refugees in european union in terms of supporting on job the ukraine in many different ways. humanitarian financial and yes, in the delivery of heavy weapons as well. and i know that this is contentious in our country. are you to in your constituencies will experience struggle with these discussions. there are concerned citizens writing in and i feel the same ones understood publish. michael, some feel we aren't offering enough to support others feel we are going far too far with our support and all of our citizens are concerned about peace in ukraine and peace here at home and i honest guns thought so there's one thing i want to say without missing my words, 100 of
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a brutally attacked country don't need help. hello to in being defended, and doing so cannot be turned escalation. lynnwood argued, is not an escalation. mean it is an attempt to repel the attack and therefore, to end the violence as quickly as possible in putting continues to believe that he will be able to bomb a piece, determined by him and dictated by him. but he is wrong. if he looks at the resolute defense that ukraine is offering and the strong ties in our alliance which he was wrong there, there will not be a freedom dictated by russia the ukrainians will not accept it. and we will not accept it either.
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newsman who does the only when putin hasn't understood this, only one person understands that and how he cannot break the defense of ukraine. will he be prepared to seriously negotiate about peace stuck with? and this is why we are strengthening ukraine in military terms as well. where doing this, having thought it through, carefully having weighed up the pros and cons and having like negotiated internationally and it remains what i said on the 8th of may to our citizens of china lodge no longer. there will not be a unilateral approach by germany. everything we do must harm russia more than it has ourselves in our partners. we will do nothing that would allow nato to become a warring party at that time. and we will continue to ensure and strengthen our own defense capabilities. gotten of the bonus bit of symbol and for this is the more bundeswehr needs the
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special funding program for a 100000000 euros asunder for we are working with your party. mr. mounts as well to ensure that we get there to get off the ground. and i'm grateful for that because that way we show that the government and the opposition are taking the responsibility. we must take out a state this specialty, the fund ensures the freedom and security of our country in these difficult times. and with this special fund, or you're sending a clear message to our friends and allies from saying yes, we mean it seriously. when we talk about collective defense and the mutual defense clause young that's buffoons, right? still looking sex an upstairs in the nation or the greatest and population and economy germany is doing. it's bit as appropriate. i analyse expect this of us within the framework of the near tell objectives and we are prepared to do this
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colleagues, even because we know you, there's a willingness, this commitment of one for all and all for one is what makes the transatlantic alliance, whether it is a mutual defense clause with walton built is a good visit and the certainty that we have from this door can be seen when we see that finland and sweden want to join with one without any hesitation. le, let me say, how friends in sweden and more than land lou our most cordially welcome with you. on our side later will become even stronger in europe even safer. waltman's wonderful. the russians russians attack on ukraine has made any other countries in europe to rethink their security investigations. like many have been investing considerably more in their defense. since this attack will pop
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observation against us. and this is why it is of the more important that our special fund is put into place to implement our efforts in this regard with similar to defense system, merkel vehicle but must be better coordinated with in europe to be added with other visit yarnell do for years now, we have known that she was healthy. mm hm. oh, difficult and expensive. all of the different defense systems are that we have in europe let, don't tally, which is why we want to look at how we can take a more collective defense approach in order to devil tailed with the defense industry here in europe. and we'll be discussing about the decision is necessary at our summit at the end of the month, it's about more efficiency and greater compliment heritage of the door. and on your end view of the russian threat. it's also about taking an important step towards the future towards a common mark, european defense, which remains an important pillar within nato,
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about looking to the future host. oh, that gives us a quote, you know, mean slideshow, talk to her answering until a further discussion about ukraine's bit of it that hopefully this will will come to an end sooner rather than later. and it's already clear that the real construction of the destroyed infrastructure and the ukranian economy will cost billions on this is why we as the european union must've sprung paved the way for a solidarity fund. the fed by membership fees from the european union and our international partners. so that way we will help ukranian speaking to the dog, get rid of the destruction and rebuild on the basis of solidarity as european neighbors. li, meeting of our heads of state and government oversight, showed that ukraine is part of a european family, and this volleyball is, remains true with
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a solidarity fund of books. we will support them in their path to europe and to support good governance rule of law and democracy in the country. clean up i'll talk with ukrainians will have applied for you membership. all pearson on the commission expects to give it's assessment of this application at the end of june to the council. and at the same time we all know and am i know mccomb was right when he referred to this that the accession process isn't something that just takes a couple of months or years yet. so, and this is why what we want to focus on now is offering support to ukraine quickly and unpack magically. and i will be debating with my colleagues about the best way to do this all week and kind of good. there cannot be any a short cut to sort of entering into you membership is only fair towards the 6 countries in the western balconies. for years now,
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they have been undertaking intense reforms and have been preparing for last week sessions on the fact that signal and if we want to stick to our promises or to them isn't just a matter of credibility. now, more than ever before, their integration is in our strategic interests as good, major line musician. it's not just about the security of this region and capital in which external forces are wrangling for escaping primacy. not just russia. it's also about our own security just by and without a stable european western balconies. we will not get this security numbers over to you yet. and this is way from the e. u has to deliver on its promises to the western balkans and i stand to these prompts as by entering enter discussions in order to achieve progress in the negotiations to try to remove the last obstacles to e membership of the berlin process as something we have re established now that
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increases lead dialogues between the 6 western walkers states and i. i will be going to this region before the summit of the end of june, with a message that the western balkans belongs to europe. union newton lightens to colleagues with another issue and will be very much on the agenda and 10 days at our summit, it is one that many of our citizens are concerned about as well. it's about the security and independence of our energy supply. however, it's about affordable energy via both must be provided on an international and will european level. it's a whole pierce behavior on a national european level. we also need to bear in mind that the price hike beer, which is to blame,
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which rushes to blame for it is not something we believe any one along with this good guns belong missus, particularly to my through the citizens on a low major level income. they feel every single day that it's not just filling their petrol tanks, this become more expensive, but that their food has become expensive. you'll do energy price, cooking, oil, lancaster and hunger. those companies who have lost their business in russia pristine because of the war can also expect our support. we've got to relieve packages that we've decided on and that will come into voice in the next week's getting rid of the renewable energy levy. and the energy lump sum of 300 years and to the support for the all manner of low income families. and students is of the nightly road ticket to encourage people to use to have it transport more. all of
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these packages and more will support our citizens quickly and efficiently and we will give you can do some of them go to bonham and for the support of these measures through the future under. so let me so thank you. on the european level and, and the amos to ensure that we don't have bottlenecks with regard to energy supply in certain member states. this is something that you are appealing. i saw the director, you must leon. and part of this is expanding the trans you will be an energy, but the i network good victim answered from expanding this study is the only response that we can fulfill. see, 9 take in order to make ourselves more independent from fossil fuels, which is the way forward. very good. mine's ample, uncommon old making progress together in early to me is something that my meeting is in for my colleagues from denmark, from netherlands in belgium and commission, no president of the commission funder limes law,
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showed me this legal minister had become myself. agreed with our colleagues thinking my, that the benefits and advantages of idle shore wind in the north sea, or is something we all want to achieve from the commissioners for the present of the commission talked about how important it was to increase our independence from the fossil fuels from russia and to drive renewables forward. this is an important aim of the commissioner within the facility itself. and we will look at these proposals quickly. and in the extraordinary european council meeting, we will discuss them. what we want is that it's, and sig knows to accelerate the expansion of renewables for greater energy efficiency and for industrial transformation. oh that's good for the fit for 55 would be package of the in you as well is a program that plays an important role to it must be approved as quickly as
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possible. our aim is cleared up because we want us all to ensure that we increased europe sovereignty with regard to energy and achieve a climate goals together. typically gonna colleague national colleagues like the community. it is not just here that we see the sweeping changes and impact of the russian war above and beyond security policy when it comes to energy supply. the prices of raw materials or resources, the world wide food supply. many countries in the world are worried as to what will happen next is about food security because of the ukraine. we're a diagram for because this is way at the very start of the russian attack, i said the impact of this war will affect us into the portable and at the same time it is my firm conviction that we will overcome the impact here in europe and across the globe office long because we hear these are
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a strong country. we have strong partners and strong alliances, my business. but, but also because we know what we are defending freedom, 5 piece liberty, and real law. thank you. good counselor, all our thoughts addressing the german wonders talk. they're stating birds. war is no longer unimaginable in europe. peace is only possible if we're willing to defend it together. i to thank our interpreter, i, catherine johnson for translating or love shelters, words. and we can now cross again to d, w. 's, chief political editor, mikaela. christina mckayla, can i ask you, what did you make of that speech?
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there was anything surprising that came out of it. lubbock was very, very clear that he was not giving a decisive answer to french present him on my call, whose curtain his current free currently holds the presidency and his proposal that there could be a european political community, a broader circle of countries much closer associated with the you but not proper members. that was on an attempt of course, to even the way and to speed up and ukraine's attract towards the european union and almost in a macalester tradition. or we heard order salts at say that at this must be in line with those bids by the western balkan countries to join the european union. they must not be disappointed. they've already been working their way along that route. and that's why he announced here to day that he would also travel into the region to make that point that the western balkans belongs to the wifi saying that because
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at the ukraine war has also raised the alarms over more spheres of influence. and certainly there are signs that rossa considers the western balkans as such. so that's why would i shoulds is making the point here that the you need to be very persuasive in tying those countries very closely to the you and not risk them drifting towards russia. so that really stuck out also that he said it that he would be open to changing the e u treaties if necessary. but that most of all, the european union must show unity and we all know that that's something that you has been struggling with from the word go. he did talk a lot about unity not only within the european union. also are talking about the trans atlantic ad ly alliance. can i ask you when we talked about the criticism that champ flashlights has been facing? did he come across strong enough? did he, did he come across in a way that would silence his critics?
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the so dancers know, because he didn't go into those issues that he's most criticized on. he did not go into much detail weapons deliveries. he didn't announce any new weapons deliveries, but then again, this was all about the speech about the new aspect of things which didn't necessarily have to stop him from announcing something new. so that criticism remains, although he does stress time and time again that his announcement of the site and vendor launched a change in mentality also in other countries. and but that i don't think that will sign as the critics here quite clearly. now the speech comes ahead of an e u summit at the end of this month. what can we expect on the gender at that summit, based on what he said today. what he did map out is that there will be an e u solidarity fund. that is partly financed by the you itself,
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