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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2022 3:00pm-3:30pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] ah ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin, an urgent plea from the united nations to moscow. antonio cherish tells russia to allow the safe and secure export of grain from ukraine to prevent global food
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insecurity. onstar vacation. also coming up. germany is, chancellor shaw says he will not accept the peace dictated by vladimir putin in a speech to parliament. he also promises to help cop copper europe free from its reliance on russian energy plus a d. w exclusive investigation poses. the question is, europe helping modernize china's army, we join a team of investigative journalists, super uncovered links between european academia and chinese universities that are fostering of fusion, which with the military and civil society. ah, i've got office, thanks for joining us. the united nations says the war in ukraine could make a global food crisis, much worse,
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leading to hunger and famine. that last year's speaking of the major un summit in new york, secretary general antonio good harish said. russia invasion of ukraine was the latest factor driving global foot in c insecurity. on top of the pandemic, and global warming, with her said he was an intense contacts with russia and other countries to address the situation. there is no effective solution to the food crazes. without reading the grade, think you cranes woods with action, as well as the food and fertilizer products produced by russian bellows into world markets. despite the war, russia must permit the safe and secure exports of grain stored in ukraine ports. alternative transportation routes can be explored, even if we know that by itself, they will not be enough to solve the problem. and russian food and fertilizers must have unrestricted accessed to world markets without in direct impediments. earlier
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our correspondent int he of max sunday explained how important ukraine is for the global food supply chain. incredibly important get. ukraine is called the bread basket of europe. for reason it's one of the world's largest and producers and exporters of different types of grains, different types of agriculture products, such as wheat or barley and corn. and in 2020 ukraine was actually the 5th largest exporter of wheat in the entire world. so this has huge significance for worldwide supply chains, and also a lot of humanitarian aid to some of the poorest countries in africa and in little middle east comes from ukraine. so also huge implications there. now in which way is the war currently impacting food production and exports? right, so farmers were conscripted, some farms couldn't operate due to a war activity going on in the region. the russians have in the past and still,
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or targeting a sales, for example, in every cultural businesses. but that being said, ukraine produces a lot more agricultural products and it can't domestically consume. and at right now the country is sitting on a huge stock. all that it cannot get rid of. it's actually running out of storage capacity at the moment. that is because the ports are blocked, the ports are the, the main exit point for, for these goods. and the se around maria, pull that the see of i was off is controlled by the russians. and in that southwest, a port of odessa is a block, and ships cannot leave and enter at to take away the exports. i know we're hearing that right now, roughly 90000000 tons of grain are stuck at training ports and cannot exit the country. and now what's being done to address these issues. right, so there are talks between the us and russia and other key key actors in this, um, these talks are intense and there's not much information coming out. so russia has reasons to keep the situation as it is. it is,
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it is profiting from the situation. the you, on the other hand, is trying to help explore other ways of trying to help find a routes through europe. this could be, for example, river ports in the south west of the country, close to the remaining border. but they are nowhere near the capacity of the see ports and then the most feasible offshore right now what's being done now is grain is being load not to trains and is being brought to the you borders through the countries like poland, slovakia, and romania, 2 ports there, but this also takes a lot of time and there are some obstacles and in terms of this, but this is pride now the best option to exports, agriculture products, mcsaunder rebooting from key of that for us. thank you much. as a quick look now at some of the other developments in the war in ukraine, the red cross says it has begun registering hundreds of prisoners of war who surrendered at the ukrainian port of mario book fairs
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a growing that russia could be organizing short trials for the soldiers accusing them of war crimes. some russian lawmakers have even called for the prisoners to be executed. the 1st russian soldier on trial for war crimes in ukraine has asked for forgiveness in court and keith. he was addressing the widow of a 62 year old civilian whom he admitted killing in the 1st days of the invasion. it's the 1st such case since the war began. 3 months ago. germany has stripped former chancellor gerhard heard of some of his official privileges due to his business and political ties to russia. it follows a call by the european parliament to sanction it should i left office in 2005, and has worked for russian state energy companies ever since. now german chancellor will have shows, says ukraine's allies will not accept
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a piece dictated by russian president president vladimir putin. he was speaking to parliament ahead of an extraordinary european council meeting in brussels at the end of the month, focused on the war in ukraine. shots also pledged to supply arms to ukraine and to work quickly toward european energy independence from russia. but he said that would be no short cuts for ukrainian u membership, saying it could take many years. 3 months off, the russian invasion schultz has been heavily criticized for not doing enough to help ukraine. he has yet to visit the country. unlike many of germany's allies. let's take a listen to some of short speech to the german parliament today. no, emma globbed, quoting putin, still believes that he can bomb his way into dictating the piece. what is wrong of yours that he was wrong in judging the unity of the ukrainians? or, you know, under the termination of our alliances, johnson, russia will not dictate
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a piece because the ukrainians won't accept it. and we won't accept in the shock to appear on the la area. i asked the ws chief political editor michelle acoustics to outline her key takeaways from the german chancellor. speech it can take away was that he simply once you're up to stand united and to stand up to vladimir putin. there was an interesting nuance in his language though he said that, that rasa must not win. and that ukraine must withstand, he didn't st. they say that ukraine must win. so my interpretation there would be that he is quite clear about the fact that he might have to sit down at the negotiating table was letting me put in a hopefully in the near or rather than the further future. and calling on european unity that he spelled out a bit what homework you still has to do, and that is the joint fund. it wants to set up for the reconstruction of ukraine. and on that key question of whether there can be
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a fast track or towards you membership, he clearly said no, but without really endorsing or rejecting. what the french president in mano my call had suggested when he was talking about a community of political community of values that could exist on the road to membership, creating something like a fast track there. so the lot to talk about when he does actually sit down did abuse chief litigator, michelle, are crucial as being to me a little earlier sweden's prime minister mcclellan anderson and finland's president solely in any store are meeting joe biden in washington to discuss their application to nate to join nato. the 2 nordic countries this week, set aside their neutrality and apply to join the defense alliance. in response to russia's invasion of ukraine. either turkey has blocked the start of accession talks in the nato council saying the 2 countries would support the band kurdish militia in syria. let's bring ended abuse,
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enos paul from washington in as wise the u. s. so confident the issues with turkey can be resolved. what can biden offered one another by an administration? god knows how important good business relations are for turkey. this nato member countries took his present, adeline, who's actually facing an election next summer, basically kind of ford, any economical backlash as his country is already struggling. so many experts here in the u. s. believe that out one actually does not really want to prevent sweden infringe, but finland from joining nato by the that he just kind of uses the moment to raise his case. as you're just mentioned, anchor as main demands are for the nordic countries to help support for kurdish militant groups present in their countries that now or other from talking to add on what
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a support can bite and give to the swedes and fins. spell the plan today is to re assure both countries that they have the full support of the u. s. and the rest of the nato alliance to join nato, despite turkey's objections. so the u. s. has been negotiating directly with the turks and they believe that they really can move conversations along. and this is probably also something biden wants to put out today to really re insure the leaders of sweden and finland. now what's the view there in a political washington about the impact of his nato expansion on the war in ukraine? well, it is another proof in of how unified nato is in its fight against the russian invasion into ukraine. that will haven't psychological impact on both sides, russia and ukraine and, you know, god, god,
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we also have to keep in mind if this deal cannot be reached. it would make a significant, sad bank for, for biden, who is touted. nato unity as a major achievement. also of himself and it would also leave the nordic countries, much more werner able to aggression and attendance and influence from russia. so this is very, very important. not only for nato and the 2 naughty countries, but also for biden himself to w's. washington bureau chief in his fall there, thank you very much. in this from all the more serious international repercussions of the war and ukraine. i earlier spoke to a leading historian, sir christopher clock, a veteran advocate for european unity and author of the book, the sleep orcus, it details how europe unknowingly walked into wood. what one. i begin by asking him whether he so parallels with a worn ukraine today. will be for the before the war i had actually broken out. i
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felt i couldn't see some parallels. partial parallels the, the constant huge concentrations of troops along the ukrainian border reminded me a bit of what happened in the winter of 1911 to 12. and the russians and the austrians come to mobilize against each other along the austrian, the, that the border between the older and urine empire and the russian empire that sort of cat and mouse game of counter mobilizations. it was, it was an echo of that. but now that the war is broken out, i must say, i think that the analogy with $914.00 is looking less strong. firstly, we're not all sleep organs here. i mean, everybody is very much. we're gonna maps a little bit belatedly, but we have last woken up and the 1st one wouldn't break out with a frontal attack on someone else's territory. it opened with a very complex the structured crisis in the balkans beginning of course with the assassination of the you in the alter of an astronaut duke in sorry, ever so it's very different inception, very different causation. and to me,
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it seems the parallels are strong with the 19th century. i mean, if you think of the, of how that saw, for example, in 1848, how he justified his intention to invade and occupy, we're late yet the country around was to day booker, as in today's romanian, he said, there are powers with whom one treats on an equal basis, and there are near territories into what into which one can go if they don't do it one once. and i think put in regards ukraine as a territory. so it back in the, in the world of the 19th century, rather than in the world of 1914 ok you say is mostly bulky into award. today. there's been much debate here over sending heavy weapons to ukraine. support to say, sovereign nation like you grants should be given the means to defend itself from attack. but others are warning that there's a risk that it's growing europe into another long war as its opponent claim. do you see that risk? well, there is a risk, whatever we do. i mean, if we do nothing, there's
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a huge risk naming that we affect the license this extraordinary breach of international law and of humanitarian values and principles. if we overreact of the, we re risk, you know, provoking russia to, for the brush of a, put into further escalations. the fact is put in, started this conflict. he's or he's already, i mean, you think of the, the argument he makes, these are the finland, unsweetened ways. as you know, it's very bad for you to join a choice. i read that as a provocation, and i will respond in a very real and military technical manner. that's an absurd threat because i mean, for the last few years, russia has been conducting overflights over finish in swedish space. there. the provocations haven't just begun. they've been going on for years, so it really was time to draw a line. so many understandably asking how and why another questions of how and why are logically inseparable but lead us in different direction. what do you mean by
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that? well, i think that's actually, i'm glad you asked that because it does seem to me, it's good, interesting to think about how rather than why we got into this war it's, it's probably not hugely helpful to blame people. i mean, i think that though the west didn't handle the situation after the collapse of the soviet union, particularly wisely or well. but there are lots of mistakes being made along the way. and perhaps more could have been done to make space for russia in the future. world order than was actually done. but all that said, none of that cancels out the extraordinary brutality and the illegal criminal quality of the latest poaching enterprise. this is proteins wor his, his now helping to run it personally. and so i think that the questions about how this all happened and the place of the west and the nato and the you and of all the other actors in how we got into the situation. that part of the story. but we also need to look closely at this naked act of decision which took place in moscow and
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brought about this at the invasion of ukraine, the historian and recipient, although charlemagne mattel, sir, christopher clark, thank you very much for joining us here on the w news today, thank you very much for having me dw, an investigation has revealed how collaboration between scientists in europe and china might be having some very unintended consequences. together with partners from 6 other countries, d, w has been working with china science investigation. for months, the team has been probing how european researchers have cooperated with china's national university of defense technology. now they've revealed some starting findings. they come to a doctor to this is a promotional video for one of china's top universities to meet you. my, who should enter the journey of strengthening the military and below the champion of building
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a wild class family. the videos for the national university of defense technology will n u d t. a place it's deeply integrated with the chinese military. it's all part of what's called military civil fusion, as practiced by china's ruling communist party, military civil fusion or m c. f is enormously important because it essentially inserts the military into all aspects of the economy and vice versa. ok, so why are we talking about this? well, the new d t and other chinese universities like it have been getting help in their mission . from right here in europe, d, w and it's partners in china's science investigation for been investigating links between these institutions and european universities. and we've discovered a huge array of connections. including almost 3000 scientific publications,
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co authored by both sides. someone highly sensitive subject. german researches have worked on more than 230 papers with the n u d t. so this is a big trove of papers. we looked at a lot of them and lots of them seem quite a lot kids. but we also find some papers that might have a jewel use applications, so that means they could be useful civilian, but also for military purposes. one quite interesting example is a study that looks at how you contract groups of people and china of causes a surveillance state that might have an interest in tracking. for example, a certain ethnic group like the week is. so you can see this is an interesting example that could have civilian but also more nefarious military application research on dual use technologies is meant to be carefully regulated. so we talked to the head of one major funding body not to the list that was on the d. i must emphasize that the german research foundation doesn't fund any research with
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military relevance that is excluded from our funding for the home. and yet, as our investigation shows questionable, research projects have been happening yet not so he asked the junior minister, responsible why the government isn't preventing this. he pointed to germany's constitution. one is a sort of in dalton, germany, we guarantee academic freedom. so research buddies and scientists decide for themselves, we can't do that centrally from belinda and we don't want to any mom. now there's no evidence at this point that laws have been broken. but both the european union and germany have declared china to be a systemic rival and authoritarian state. there's hushing for a very different kind of world. china expert dd kirsten tattler says doing the kind of sensitive scientific research with china. the we've uncovered is deeply complacent. there is a fang, don't bite the hand that feeds you and i would actually turn it around and say,
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don't feed the hand the bites you shoot. you. the national university of defense technology is clear what it's trying to achieve with the devotee the lives to the modernization of the national defense army. do question is to year a p and universities really want to help. well, i'm no joined by a santa pit osman. she's the head of the w's investigative teams on her. welcome to the studio. now, what's wrong with corporation was calibration. it was with, with china. why, what's, what's the big deal here? well, essentially get, we are looking at the grey zone of scientific corporation between chinese and european and scientists here. so what i mean by greys owing is it's not like european scholars are actively collaborating with their chinese partners to help china build the world's best army. that is clearly not, they are intention,
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but as one security source here in germany told us, scientists are living in their very own scientific bubbles. so they want to advance research there one a progress and science. and that's as far as they think. now to give you a practical example, especially when it comes to basic research, you do that as a kind of blue sky research. so you don't really know what the application at the end might be. you just plow ahead. and in doing so, let's say a researcher is looking at algorithms to coordinate objects. now that can be very helpful, for instance, when it comes to traffic, but it can also be very helpful if it comes to lethal drone swarms. and that is particularly the earned gray zone that we have been looking at. so why them cooperate with chinese university anyway? a other supplying of funds or whatever is it's, it's different reasons for a science and technology, their advancement, it needs openness,
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it needs international collaboration. that's what everybody from the scientific site here in germany has been telling us where they're at universities or from the government site. and there are, without doubt, a lot of brilliant minds in china and also if it comes to and the big question of mankind like the big scientific questions that we need to solve as rooms climate change, for instance, you can't do it without the chinese. i mean, you really need to collaborate, but maybe you think you need to think more awfully about the field of collaboration just because there is something as scientific freedom enshrined in the constitution . do you really need to collaborate in every field? and if it comes to sensitive issues like quantum signs or, or artificial intelligence, maybe it's worse to think twice. i was just wondering do. european research is realized that there may be abuse mom, world war 2, do have a feeling of being abused. it's not the impression that we got through all the
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talks that we had an obviously the european universities, some of them are catch strep now as well. i mean, we, we just to need to keep that in mind. and china is very willing to invest in research and term scientists around the world. not only in europe, also in the united states are obviously contributing if it comes to international collaboration with chinese fund now. or what does the chinese military want from these collaborations and what does it actually good? well, china has a very, very clear goal that stated, you can read it a very publicly. it wants to be the scientific global superpower by 2050. that is the aim and in order to get there, they have a concept what they call military civil fusion. so science essentially has to serve the state, the party, the military and scientists are in a way subjugated. and my feeling is that the scientists here in europe rather look
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at the individual which might be a nice guy, a nice woman, braille young collaboration. and they kind of ignore or are complacent about the system behind that. and you very much some a bit as one head of dw is investigative team. thank you. ukrainian president wagner. zalinski has address ukrainians in a new video message. this time though, he was not wearing his trademark t shirt, but an embroidered shirt instead to wish his people the happy bishop bunker bay. that's the day to celebrate friends for additional shirts which are part of its cultural heritage. despite the war, people have been wearing the issue longer around the country as a sign of that. patriotism on this maternity ward in odessa you watch and dw news, and he has
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a reminder of the top stories were following for you. un secretary general antonio, we'll tell it says he's an intense contact with russia and with you, praying all the efforts to restore the export of brain from the region with her says the war threats to tick tens of millions of people over the edge into food insecurity. on german chancellor, all of shaw says ukraine's alex will not accept a piece dictated by russian president vladimir putin in a keynote address to germany's parliament chose also pledged work quickly to wants european energy independence from russia. coming up next cindy w. news asia, questions over a plane crash in china that killed all 100? 32 on board. last march. did someone at the court intentionally fly the boeing 737 into
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a month. and 3 months after the philippines coven lockdown ended. why are so many schools still low back and a lot more in a news asia with my colleague parish advantage e, and that's right off to a short break. and then at the top of the hour will of course have a world news update for you in the meantime, as always, a website where can find a lot more news and background on cal offers in berlin from you the team here. thanks for watching. with ah,
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