tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 19, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST
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ah, one of the many success stories from a bastion of biodiversity starts may 20th on dw ah, this is the w news line from berlin, more ukrainian fighters leave the as of styles fil, planted mario, paul, under russian. god, bosco cells, no more than 1700 of surrender, but there's been no independent confirmation of where they've been taken. he hasn't commented on how many still back also on the program, the u. s. president offers,
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he's full backing for finland and nato's as finland and sweden, nato. every nato requirement. and then shell minority countries rise to join the alliances of russia, wages war on ukraine, but turkey seems set to div. they'll let plant plus marketing concern over a brand potentially deadly illness. a growing number of countries are confirming the cases of monkey pox, alaska infectious diseases expert. how worried we should be ah i'm so gale. welcome to the program. hundreds of ukrainian soldiers are facing an uncertain, uncertain few jeff to surrender to russian forces in the force of mario pole. moscow says most have been sent to a prison camp in easton, ukraine,
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controlled by russia. cave hopes to get the soldiers back in the prison as well. but moscow has threatened to put some of them on trial. soldiers surrendered to an unknown fate. this footage, released by the russian defense ministry, shows ukrainian soldiers laying down their arms after weeks under siege at the as of style. still, plant of the 1700 soldiers, russia says, have surrendered this week over 700 did. so in the past 24 hours amid international concern about their fate in russian hands, the international red cross has registered hundreds of the soldiers as prisoners of war. moscow has also released footage of what it says a surrendered as of style phases, reporting on how they've been treated. i d l a yet. no, i didn't really know what to expect considering what we would have liked and what we've got. it turns out to be better than we expected with
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what i am now in a hospital in the city of nevada's office. i'm being treated well no b as miss treating me physically or psychologically the treatment is good. the government in cave is hoping to exchange the soldiers for captured russian troops. but pro russian authorities in ukraine's east have suggested that some could be put on trial. while in moscow hotline lawmakers, a demanding that captured ukrainians, face the wrath of russian justice. all of which means that the fate of the as of style soldiers remains far from certain lead only correspond, that is bullying. it is in ukraine, 2nd biggest city. if you told me about the ukranian reactions to the news of those that soldiers being captured, people obviously worried about them. they have been following this very closely. it
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was very emotional. these people have defended murray. you for a very long time and that has also had an impact on the overall war. so many people here see them as heroes. and of course, the fact that they are now in russian hands, and the fact that nobody knows whether this prisoners will ever happen, that the 2 sides seem to have talked about, of course, has people worried him. and so what's the latest on the fighting around the country while fighting is intensifying in the don bus region, especially, or on the city of civil or the net that's probably the next big for the next city that, that is suffering in a very on a very large scale, it's being shell, the russian troops are on the board. are pretty much like in hockey, where i am now that which has been shown for 2 months and almost like my uber, although it's not completely surrounded. but it's michelle from these 3 sides. so
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that's for the people there are suffering a lot, and this is probably the most. this is the next most is a battle here, right? and where you are there in, ha, if you create 2nd largest city, what's going on there was arc, if there's a bit, little bit coming back to life because the russian troops have been driven away. however, fighting is still going on outside of the city just a little further from the city. so the city is not being showed as much as before. but of course, like every city in ukraine, rockets can still hate people are carefully coming out of the shelters, especially in these northern districts that have been show during the whole time. and some people don't trust it. we were to j a to subway station. many people told us they don't want to come out yet. they're still afraid that something might hit and hockey, thank you. and re, i said, showcase the ukrainian and paint from the opposition hollows party. i asked him how
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warranty is about the soldiers that taken from manual. i think we should be focused on just several things for everyone who is watching us. so 1st everyone shall understand that all the people, i mean, the printed military. it's not on the original kind of it was also a police in money will, but it was a national guard. it was different law enforcement people who are jointly defending open for almost 3 months almost without foods, without water in absolutely terrible weather conditions. because during march, it was extremely cold looper by they made a miracle. so they were protecting city almost 3 months. by doing this, they saved ukraine because they have a lot of russian forces in the south. not given a chance to russians to move up for to bit north of you brain from the facts they
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did miss. all i did, but where they are now as well without we're not sure where they are now, and i'm interested in how you feel about their faith at the moment. look, i understand well that everyone wants to know the sensation, but to you need to understand that you bring and political leadership wants to have alive heroes, not dad heroes. for the last the one month, we did all possible and impossible to save civilians and military personnel from milan, rooper, and from his old style. we successfully completed the vocation of civilians. it was a huge amount of people there. most of them now and safe, and we're happy that we did that right now. we're in the very, very sensitive process of education and saving of all our military personnel, which is physically unable to continue to fight. so this is why i will ask everyone to be very careful with all comments. understood, understood,
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less than talk about you cra, ukraine and nato. because of course ukraine has been trying to join nato on and off since the early ninety's. and obviously it's been given more urgency by recent events, and i wonder what your feeling is about the speed at which nato has embraced the applications from finland and sweden. there are several details here. first. wallington understood that other problems with joining nature was mostly because of russia because your indicates russia was making huge influence on the west on nature, in fact overly threatening nature that induce you will join, you bring it with a huge problem. and unfortunately, a lot of major countries were afraid of russia. and now we know that probably it was wrong. but now i think if the pros this, with this, we did the and till, and it's a good example from one side that to didn't use extremely bad strategist. because
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3rd, during last year, a few threatening nat geo that the shell drove back from the blunder. so the russian, but she received absolutely opposite result. you will receive additional, i think, 1200 kilometers all the nato, a border exactly lose to russia from another. had this good example for ukraine that is possible to join nature much faster than we thought before. i knew where for the moment isn't this, would you bring an army? is probably the most advanced army nature countries in europe. so that's why we hope that we will follow the example which is shown to us by sweden and finland. and we still very much started on joining nader as soon as possible because it is probably the only option to ensure that for you. great. and in fact point i, your thank you so much for joining us. ukrainian, the m. p. andre, of such a small developments and the
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a war. now the us senate has overwhelmingly approved nearly $40000000000.00. a new aid for ukraine emergency package includes military, economic and humanitarian assistance. decision came as the us authorized the shipment to ukraine of another $100000000.00 worth of weapons and equipment. from pentagon stocks, russian missiles of his grain warehouse in easton, ukraine official save the storage facility. south east of separation is now completely unusable. russia has repeatedly targeted ukraine's grain warehouses and other civilian infrastructure move likely to exacerbate food shortages at home and abroad. and chancellor, olaf shalt says ukraine's allies will not accept a peace dictated by russian president vladimir putin dressing. general lawmakers ahead of a european meeting with ukraine, and later this month, mister schultz pledged to supply more reference to the right to work quickly make your independent of russian energy. will humans warning that russia's blockade of
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ukrainian grain is fueling a global fuel crisis that could last for years? secretary general antonio terrace. the war and other crises threatened tens of millions of people with food shortages, malnutrition, mass, hunger, and famine. he added that he's an intense talks with russia and ukraine over efforts to restore the export of grain from the region with those russian blockades threatening to jeopardize food supplies for millions around the world. alternative routes are becoming increasingly important. the romanian port of constantia is a vital hub for great shipment, the w's jack, a parent reports on the challenges facing this. ukrainian cone would never have been here at the port of constantia before russia's invasion. it would have been shipped out of the now closed port of odessa, 250 kilometers up the black sea coast. it's good for business for the operators
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here, but there are concerns about capacity. i see we've moving goggles that come on them. we're going to be done done. we can manage over the main one in the, in green one, no green mandate, many store but of course, you're not moving a harvard region. what was this vessel leaves? port 210000 tons of ukrainian corn will be shipped out since the start of april. but that's just one percent of the 20000000 tons of grain that needs to be shifted in the next 3 months. before these ukranian fields are harvested to avoid major bottlenecks, which could cause it to rot. pretty much all of the corn that coming in to the puerto con thunder is from ukraine at the moment. this boat is headed from here though, to rotterdam. but many of the vessels go to north africa and the middle east,
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and there are real fears of an increase in fish shortages and famine. if supply bottlenecks arise, the port authority says it's doing everything it can. we don't have other choice. what are if i i skimming and the here hedrick where it's very easy to scream, i don't, i cannot do nothing. i cannot, this is showcase is hard time. everybody, this is a special her situation and everybody must accommodate this situation. friends, solution concerns. a port has another problem though. 700 of these wagons lay rusting on the ports under used train lines held in judicial limbo, following legal battles between state and private entities. the countries transport minister says a new 40000000 euro projects will renovate 95 romanian train lines before the end of the year. partly to make switching wheels to accommodate trains. arriving from the east, which use wide tracks for 30 or 40 years is the tracks wore a ban. so now we invested in gullets, in order to,
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to modernize this line, the soviet type of food lies and to come directly in the hell hardware. this really is a graveyard of these old cargo carriages right now. were few 100 meters away from the ports of can stanza. and the plan is that this won't only support with the ukrainian shipments that are coming in, but also that it will help rejuvenate this area for the future. but in the short term, europe's approaching summer will only me more grains coming in and with no end to the war in sight pressure on the infrastructure. hearing cassandra, the only set my alarm and u. s. president biden has given his full support to sweden and finland applications to join nato. the northern countries made their formal applications on wednesday in response to russia's invasion of ukraine. turkey has blocked the start of accession
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talks in the nato council accusing the 2 countries of harboring kurdish terrorist dispatch meeting the 2 countries leaders, the white house to day president biden gave them his full support, sweden and finland have strong democratic institutions, strong militaries, and strong and transparent economies and a strong moral sense of what is right they meet every nader requirement and then some having to know nato members in the high north, well hands, the security of our alliance deepen our security cooperation across the board. well, hannah smith is director of research and analysis of the european center of excellence for countering hybrid threats. i asked her whether she thought turkeys opposition to sweden and finland military membership a could be overcome. i believe so. it might delay
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a little bit and the whole process, and it is kind of an understandable one of those things that belongs to this process that already nato members are always testing, perhaps the new comers, but i believe that this will be overcome how. what will turkey receive in order to remove its objection? well, that's perhaps a little bit early to say ok because both of the finished president, i'm from the swedish side and even from the us side, they said that we take the matter very kind of practically calmly. we look up the list to we start discussing it and go kind of on factual basis. i'll forward to it. so i think that this is the process needs to be there and the diplomatic mean. so the ways to go forward. it normally takes years for countries to join night or how long do you expect the process to take this time for sweden
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and finland probably to end of this year. and why so quickly? well, perhaps nato has been practicing already taking a new members. they also have learned that perhaps the countries like finland, sweden might in fact strengthen their lions in the, in the end. this might be a good idea. and also the fact that there is so certain that perhaps a reason to think about it, the fact that the process is, could be a little bit longer. so that there isn't that kind of a gray zone situation of time for too long. nobody saw the turkish objections coming through. all that like are to be other countries who hobbit doubts about this latest expansion? well, it is in the way that perhaps nobody saw it coming, but to be honest,
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perhaps the turkeys president who makes the decisions. and the policies had not said anything about it. so in principle, in fact, turkey is still saying what it has all the time said that it supports this, but that it wants to go through this negotiation process. it is possible that there is someone else, but so far, no one else has come forward. so perhaps turkey's the only one. ok, russia says it face to face nato expansion as a threat or a firmer than swim expecting and doing prob, preparing for retaliation of some sort when at least from the finished perspective, i have to say that we are always prepared for anything that might come over the border from the east. so in that way the situation is not too new. obviously there war in ukraine has changed a lot and understanding that russia is ready to use military the, on its borders to its neighbors, et cetera, has kind of changed
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a little bit this thing done. so it is clear that russia has several times said that it's going to make its own threat assessment and then it will react. how exactly is it military mean? so political means about the spokesperson kremlin, said they let the military to decide. so it remains to be seen, but we are prepared and knowing a little bit of russia something will come. thank you for that. honest with, from the european center for excellence for countering hybrid threats. thank you. and the united states were authorities in the state of massachusetts, every quarter. the 1st case of the rare illness, monkey pox. and this comes as a growing number of european countries report cases most recently in france. u. s. doctors are now investigating whether the massachusetts case is related to the european outbreaks. monkey pox is a rear viral infection, usually found and small mammals and waste and central africa. the spread of the
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virus is usually caused by people traveling to those areas. that's why dr. is at the massachusetts general hospital in the us were initially surprised to be confronted with the disease and a patient during the course of their admission, they were identified as a possible monkey pox suspect. and this was really unusual because the patient had no travel history. no exposure to animals that would be known to be reservoirs. however, the team thinking about the patient and hearing a just over the weekend about some of the cases, the united kingdom thought more broadly about the patient's diagnosis. doctors and now working to establish whether the infection is connected to small outbreaks currently being seen in europe. italy in sweden have become the latest countries to confirm cases following britain, portugal and spain. authorities say they're monitoring the outbreak closely.
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it's not likely that it will generate a significant transmission, but we cannot rule it out. we have to be very careful with that. we monkey pox is similar to humans. smallpox, though milder. most people recover from it and a few weeks. symptoms include fever and headache, feeling tired and swollen glands. the viruses usually transferred through close bodily contact or bodily fluids. while the world health organization says the general public should be aware of unusual skin rashes. expert stress, there is no need for alarm. it can then spread from person to person, but it's not very efficient at trench missing. and so what we normally see is maybe one or 2 people get infected from that case and then it dies out because it's not very infectious within human population. while authority
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stressed of the risk to the general public is low there urging any suspected cases to self isolate immediately on our final thing is an epidemiologist and co founder of the world health network. welcome to dw dr. how worried should we be? do we have to get our face masks back out? well, i think we, if this is still early, but the speed of the spread, it's a very unusual because usually most countries only see one where to keep the entire year. we already have 75 confirmed and suspected cases and suspect it is very obvious, given the very, you know, strong nature of the boils and other scabs that the monkey box produce. it's very similar to smallpox, so 75 potential of cases in 7 countries, all within the last one or 2 weeks. actually one week is very alarming. and i don't
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think what used to be the norm for monkey parts. we should assume that the norm again, because there is something very unusual in terms of the speed in which it spread. and also the long intubation time, 12 days and sometimes actually 21 days. mean that you could silently incubate a many people before we realized that and this is why i think we're now we're seeing a son surgeon in spain right now. has one of the biggest outbreaks yard or are just soaring with monkey cases over 2 dozen of them. and if they're a sort of fav and theory about how and why these cases are popping up so far from what you might call that the virus is natural habitat. yeah, normally it's an, it's an animal do not it. and obviously we don't really know that, you know, there is some discussion that now sexually transmitted because the mention in many countries and well attended. massachusetts one,
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the mentioned sexually transmission potentially. but i don't think that inherently the main cause. there's also discussion that airborne because there have been experiments to show it is also respiratory. it's not just direct contacts, but also potentially respiratory and possibly airport. and if that's the case, then it could be much more contagious. we don't know enough. now the problem is there's 2 se class to strains of the west african strain, the one percent mortality even affected the but the call you go straight had 10 percent mortality. in fact, i think right now it's hopefully the, the milder version, but still one percent mortality is a very severe and this almost is much more severe in children. so we have to really cross our fingers. we don't know exactly why this sudden outbreak. it, is it a new strain and now behaving a different way and better adapted even will soon find out. all right,
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and this is for some contacting you talk about the constraints, one percent and one at 10 percent mortality. just compare that to, to coven, for us, well coded, you know, before the age of back scenes. coby, it was a really barry, but it could be, it was more the beer and elderly, and then a milder and chance. but although now i'm trying to is more severe and kid by the way, i'm kind of, it is 5 times greater hospitalization rate than delta cobra and kids under 5. so, you know, i think it really depends on the variance and the cases. and now obviously, although if you're boosted your chance the hospital vision and death with cove, it is about the flu. many people are not boosted and the new variance will cause b infections. reinfection in the surging number of infections, especially with waning immunity. because even if you previously infected with
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a previous strain, doesn't protect, you got to be just re, i think kogan is very worth the code. it is. although it's usually around point point 5 percent in some population, in terms of 3 tale. and even if it's a little bit lower than experimental spreads will always kill more people. ok, it's late at night and i'm not going to sleep well tonight. but thank you for joining us, epidemiologist, eric final thing. but if football and after i'm trying to frankfurt a thrilling went in the opening on wednesday, the teams arrived back to a hero's welcome. in the city and 100000 people packed frankfurt main square the hell, the man who beat glasgow ranges on penalties. coach oliver glassner goalkeeper kevin trap and rough l. a. who scored the winning penalty among so? so think of the claim. as the has said, he's going to party a through till saturday and there might be
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a few fans who follow suit. the great composer vandella soon wrote the soundtrack surcharge of fire and blade one has died at the age of 79. his career music spot more than 50 years and included count was film schools, 992. you got the sound trout, ridley scott's, a film, conquest of paradise, which felt the chops in many european countries on dallas had no formal training and times he never learned to read to music, to report the dive and we back in just a marwood, j, d, w. taking you through the big stories of the day in the day, but by fact with
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