tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle May 22, 2022 2:30am-3:00am CEST
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and a south, a mother is going to spend the rest of her life behind bars for murdering her 3 daughters. if you call me back, i really need help with . i see the sign was part of psychosis is an awful illness. post fordham is a nasty mothers nightmare starts june, 4th on d, w. and we eat and drink, gives our bodies the entity to perform a wide range of functions. but not all of it gets used and some of it as even toxic . our body also produces its own substances that have to be excrete it quickly. the human body has a built in filter system made up of our kidneys,
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bladder and urinary tract. if they didn't keep our bodies clean, it would be just like a fish tank with a broken filter. the conditions could become death. in today's episode, we experiment with using your own urine in health remedies and investigate whether it's possible to cure a bladder infection without antibiotics. but 1st, let's get up close and personal with the principal organ that filters waste and poison from our bodies. the kidney. welcome to in good shape the health show on d. w. i. i a run of the mill office job grenay cove. never pictured himself being a disc jockey like this. he was a nurse for 20 years, but he has chronic kidney disease and at some stage his job became too much for him . the most was calling for him as a nurse,
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you always have to be physically fit and give your full attention. and when my kidney function started to decline, those abilities diminished and yelling, full tune up about the license to colleagues had to support me more often with certain tasks which left us under scrutiny, or by a division of iden. renee cough was 6 when he was diagnosed with cysts in his kidneys. he had to make regular trips to the doctor ever since. but for many years he was still able to do sports. kidney disease can develop for different reasons. sometimes it's causes unknown. sister, kidneys like and renee caps case occur in about 7 percent of sufferers, medication and misuse of medication caused 12 percent of illnesses infections can damage the kidneys to but the main causes of chronic kidney disease are high blood pressure and diabetes. detecting a diseased kidney is not easy because kidney pain rarely occurs. it's
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a problem kidney specialist professor eulley irvine. mondanca knows, well, she had the nephrologist apartment at mines university medical center. and that's a some that how probably my, it's actually the main problem with kidney disease. now that we don't notice any symptoms at 1st half and only when it's far advanced and we noticed them mac and wisdom tooth are characterized by fatigue. the exhaustion possibly itching and you may notice you have must urine or sometimes the color of your urine is changing. when it assist you, we have of health, but you don't really have any specific symptoms that say, i now have kidney disease. ian kunkle. laboratory tests provide information about whether you might have the illness proteins in the urine can be a clue. and blood or urine tests can be used to detect diabetes, which is a risk factor. the coco, we look for risk act are sent neutral talk. so we look at whether patients have
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high blood pressure if they have raised blood sugar levels. are they on any medication that might be dangerous for the kidneys under, or are there any other underlying conditions like hereditary diseases, auto immune disorders, that might play a role in terms of kidney function? i'm in between often young and then you would treat that disease. it or my visa conklin brown would then stop the progression of kidney function impairment currently slow it down significantly without swimming to start with for long thumb . if kidney function declines sharply or completely fails, dialysis is the only option for renee cough consistently high blood pressure was the 1st sign of the disease. annual checks with the kidney specialist followed and finally at the age of 30 dialysis, which he now has to have 3 times a week with coin michelle, when i look forward to coming for dialysis after the weekend, because i know the water and toxins will then be drawn out, and afterwards you feel a bit better again on bison,
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missa rene calls could not have prevented his hereditary kidney disease. but many cases of the illness can be prevented by avoiding the things that lead up to high blood pressure and diabetes. and by having regular checkups with your family doctor, that's the only way to detect these illnesses and chronic kidney disease early and to treat them properly. another rule for good kidney health, adequate hydration, drinking enough fluids. ideally, water is vital for the kidneys to do their job, along with a balance diet that's low and added salt. i'll kidneys deserve special treatment after all. cleaning the blood for the hot to pump hundreds of times each day, hard work, ah, among the human organs there are those that play on their own, like the heart or the stomach. and then there are twins like the kidneys. but do we
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really need 2 of them every day, the kidneys filter the blood several times over about $1800.00 leaders on balance. yet they are only the sides of the cutters. in the 1st step, the kidneys filled the materials like a soup. larger components like blood cells stay in circulation, smaller substances that the body still needs are also returned. things like sugar and various nutrients, as well as most of the water. what remains is one or 2 leaders of urine per day. this collect in the renal pelvis and flows into the bladder. useless substances are excrete in this way through the urine. things like your acid and fatty acid, foreign substances and excess electrolyte. after the heart, the kidneys are the most important organ and the regulation of blood pressure which rises when the kidneys excrete less fluid. for example,
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they also cause the enzyme renan to be secreted. this, in turn, causes blood vessels to constrict, and the blood pressure increases. during stress, the adrenal glands release adrenalin, this abruptly increases a person's heart rate and blood pressure. but blood pressure that is permanently too high, can damage the kidneys in order to keep filtering enough blood, they increase the flow and the blood pressure rises even more. it's a vicious cycle the kidneys filtering work is done by so called nephrons h kidney has about 1000000 of them. but nephrons die in the course of a person's life, which reduces the efficiency of the kidney. that's i, it's good to have replacements. oh, if push comes to shove, a healthy kidney can do the work alone. and even if it's hard to say good by, the 2nd one could save another person's life. when
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a kidney is donated. busy kidneys are the most commonly transplanted organ in the world that demand far exceeds the supply. so many more people need a new kidney than those who are willing to donate. funding alternative means would be a scientific feat. but creating human kidneys with 3 d prentice successfully using animals as organ down as or a combination of human and artificial components is likely still a long way off. currently, the only way the life of those needing a transplant can be saved is if another person is willing to give them away. and even then access to sophisticated health care and good luck, a still needed to have a chance. these 2 couples have a complicated relationship. marita left was do needed, a kidney by anya and gearhart donated the kidney to anya's husband constant,
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a crossover transplant. he hadn't yet either hope we had no idea that this option existed. we'd never heard of crossover transplants to something, no negro who that and i still can't quite believe how well it works. yes. finish my name, my kid name does it serve as for my race and now shirliff at army. my help my wife because this way she got a new kidney melina. it all began 4 years ago when karsten develop cysts on this kidneys. a hereditary disorder that impairs kidney function on you, decided to donate a kidney to her husband. but their blood types aren't compatible. the self employed from that was a big shock. as the, the huff we never gave up heart that we could find a solution on big only company in cynthia. the couple found out about a procedure called incompatible blood type kidney transplant. this involves the removal of anti bodies from the patients bloodstream. beyond you of a science,
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we were only able to remove some antibodies, but not as many as necessary for a transplant to be possible the other. unfortunately, it wasn't possible and carl's case does not 50 when they told us the transplant definitely wasn't possible sky. the antibody values was still too high. it was a real blows up on it. by this point, carson's kidney was failing, and toxins were building up in his blood. he had to start dialysis therapy. for many patients with kidney failure, it's a race against time. less and the life in germany, patients can go on the euro transplant waiting list and we'll wait an average of 8 to 9 years. and that was hard because at that stage there's only a 48 percent chance of surviving that long. less than half on the list live long enough to receive a transplant to evaluate because while karsten was undergoing dialysis treatment, marita was struggling with similar problems. she was about to begin dialysis. her
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husband couldn't donate a kidney because they of incompatible tissue types. they turned to the same specialists in cologne that karsten and anya had consulted the doctors realize that crossover kidney transplantation could be a viable option for the 2 couples by their leaders with living donation, we always examined the donor and the patient very carefully. specific medical criteria must be met, they both need to be insufficient, good health to undergo this operation to why the specialists propose the crossover kidney transplant asia and put the couples in touch. happy dot and i couldn't believe it if it does. how is that even possible? get stuck needs to be kathy kind of thought. it was so out of the blue v. awesome. him a the fire at my going. yeah. it's just amazing. it, it's possible that this kind of organ exchange can happen at all. that fins last live on. it gave us hope again the fall off. if i'm going to fall off know marita
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called anya immediately. she was very excited and the 2 women instantly got along well. doctors checked their bloods, kidneys and tissue types and confirmed that the procedure was viable. the couples then had to undergo a psychological evaluation. the final decision was made by an independent ethics commission. it gave its approval 6 months later when done is done finally, the operations would perform simultaneously into adjacent operating theatres. in each room, one organ was donated, and one transplanted. it all went smoothly. the 2 couples were operated and woke up next to each other. they went through the whole procedure together. if it falls and i'm glad she's louse, this is i'm a part of her and that's really great. is a he attended? as i cannot, i see it as a blessing. this is and i have a lot of gratitude, hancock heights in me off up all it is and will not to me,
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it's the greatest gift they can ever receive when gunter for the rest of their lives, marita and carsten have to take medication to make sure their bodies don't reject their new organs, a high price, but one they're both willing to pay. they hope that crossover kidney tries plantation can save others to. now let's head from the kidneys to our bladder. it's often claim that urine therapy dates back millennia, but to date no evidence has been found to support this. commonly studied historical sources of medicine have not turned up any records of urine being used medicinally, but people in many cultures swear by treatments using urine. there are claims that our p can cure diseases, strengthen our immune systems, and make our skin more beautiful. with promises like these, it sounds like a miracle care. but is there any truth to it?
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what's in all those small plastic jars? could it be urine? urine is around 95 percent water, the rats as urea, salt hormones and colorants always products at the body no longer needs each day an adult produces about a leader and a half of urine. but not all urine ends up in the toilet. some people collect it and drink it as an alternative treatment against illness. others rub it into their skin, inject it into muscles, or put drops of it into their ears and eyes. urine therapy an alternative medicine is known throughout the world. i'm chinese, a certain region in china. they drink like
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a virgin child. you are in to get things hailed. i think that's a so i think it can be used as a universal treatment. it's been known for a long, long time. that one theory many, many years ago, paul, possibly even be a read all the people who dream. i'm renewed vigor you don't feel framed. euro therapy is also popular online. there are loans of videos that reach white audiences off the claims are nearly always the same. euro therapy is good for the skin, heal, physicists, and promotes well being. so is there anything to these claims? what's the truth about urine therapy? can it really cure illnesses? i'm time a lot. is no data or evidence supporting the theory that you're in can cure diseases? absolutely, nothing has been proven. we miss, i'm in the side of ultimately urine is an excretion product. meaning there are
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substances in it that the body wants to get rid of. there are decomposition compounds, protein metabolites, salts, and minerals in size. there are no studies or fact suggesting that you're a therapy could be good for you, but it's a myth that has been around for a long time for thousands of years in fact. but there is no research that proves any real health benefits. kind of continued as him. he believe. many people also use urine tough medically to help their skin and make it smoother. after all, many skin creams do contain area. spin 7, i have near a dime as high. listen, i do know urea creams, but that wasn't my own urine. i was using it was euriah cream from the pharmacy was the uptake. it may be processed. urine may be helpful, but maybe because it's in nature as it's after all, maybe it's had something to do with the ph off the skin. maybe for me i would never put it on my face and for the help. no, definitely not. so if you're in really good for the skin is good
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this little there are products the contin, uriah or use it in a processed form in creams or ointments. it is said to help against itching and inflammation. some people say it helps. the listed as mentioned, has been to the claimant, harmful if i put a cream with urea on the skin, then urea molecules penetrate the skin together with a ball of water and hold it there in the skin. that helps ensure the elasticity of the skin which is a desired effect. the urea in urine is chemically the same as the urea and creams. the difference is that a, i don't know the exact dosage and b there are various other components. i'm also putting on my skin at the same time with mazda. one thing that is absolutely clear euro therapy cannot cure diseases. there is nothing to suggest that drinking it has beneficial, especially when there are many things that taste better are definitely good for you
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. and not quite a disgusting things like purple t a, but it's not old down the drain. urine can definitely come to the rescue for those with so called honeymoon societies. these are infections of the urinary tract and bladder, which women having lots of sexual intercourse, are prone to hence the term honeymoon bacteria behind the infections, but urinating quickly. after intercourse can prevent the bacteria from taking hold . bladder infections have different causes, often drinking plenty of fluid and staying warm provides relief. but not always. many women are all too familiar with the discomfort of bladder infections and cloudy uprights is no exception. for many years now, she is endured recurrent playing while urinating as an undefined hunter. so the
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infection started when i was 16, then things got a little better towards me. they stopped recording for a while, but i started getting them again after i turned 20. larson and soon since then, i've gotten $3.00 to $4.00 bladder infections a year. it's been a difficult process. it's slim i in fulfill claudia takes antibiotics regularly, but they only alleviate the pain for a little while. the infections still have a major negative impact on her daily life. been sworn king victor. i have problems when i want to go somewhere. like when i make plans to go hiking or visit the swimming pool or young glasses or come on an infinite mit, i can't go to places like that if they don't have toilets than i could use if i needed to own. and that's no fun at all, and possibly the pain can be really intense once in this since the urethra is shorter in females, entities in miles, bacteria has an easier time reaching the bladder. when they spread the it leads to
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a bladder infection. ah, professor mac, a super 0 gynecologist at the university clinic and phi book that specializes in issues related to the pelvic floor. he says that even in cases of acute infections with blood in the urine, antibiotics should only be prescribed as infrequently as possible. and in order to leaving him as if we're overly generous with our prescriptions for antibiotics, then there will be increasing numbers of pathogens and bacteria that become resistant to say publication on urology. 6 out of 10, women are prescribed antibiotics for acute bladder infections before other options . are even explored. there are also alternative methods available. pain medications like i've you proof and do more than reduce pain. they can also contribute to the infection going away altogether. and into santa alpa,
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there was an interesting study to find out whether women with infections would start to feel better if they only take pain medication in duncan. and 2 thirds of all the women who took ibuprofen were symptom free at the end of the process. without taking any antibiotic kind antibiotic coupon. in cases of mild infections, the body has the opportunity to recover on its own. the bacteria is excrete it over time. d men, us a natural simple sugar can also be used to fight infections. it makes it so that the bacteria has a hard time getting caught in the bladder. another interesting study compared to groups of women from 5 and one group got d. meadows and the other group got an antibiotic and, and then at the end a comparison was made. and it was found in both groups that the frequency of
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bladder infection was significantly lower ending equally so between both groups. gleiss group, nita, herbal remedies such as horseradish root bear, bear relief and sandlewood are approved to treat you d eyes in germany. but are they effective? wow, there's a lot that might have a psychological effect as well. how to find with sandlewood. it's even the case that kidney damage has also been described under prolonged therapy. want you to really be aware of and think about these things. but there was still really no good data to recommend, something like that. bladder and kidney teas and cranberry products helped some women cranberry works in a similar way to de mentos. the bacteria partially lose their ability to attach themselves to the bladder mucosa. however, study results on the effectiveness are not clear. in the case of recurring
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inflammation, anatomical causes could also play a role like a prolapsed bladder. residual urine easily remains in it a paradise for bacteria. because where it's warm and humid, bacteria grow particularly quickly. the patient simply can't get rid of the inflammation. the prolapse can be reversed surgically or through physiotherapy. ah, claudia pirates got rid of her constant letter infections in otherwise 2 and a half years ago, she found out about the possibility of basic immunization. she tried immune stimulation with the drug strove back on the recommendation of her urologist doctor macau. the hook, the active ingredient contains inactive pathogens from various strains of bacteria that are responsible for sea status. a total of 3 injections are given in the upper arm at intervals of $1.00 to $2.00 weeks of construction in there are already
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studies on this for they are always called into question. it has been shown that it helps about 60 percent of the patients who are usually treated with it and that it brings them significant relief and that they are less susceptible to infection. and felix and basic immunization is also available in tablet form. but the success of the therapy is not guaranteed. the method worked for claudia, pride's she got her last injection a year and a half ago position and told me it's a dream really are beloved, this burden of antibiotics that you had to take so much in storm or that pain. you always have one that's a great feeling of really i'm so bark. a few today are ally stone, free of symptoms and above all, finally free of antibiotics. ah, and now here is an exercise to do at home without fitness trainer arcadia darman.
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high to day we train push up, so you just go on your met, hands below your shoulders. then you go to on your fits, then your chest is moving to the floor and then you push up again, down and app. if that's a problem, no problem at all. we go an hour nice and then we do exactly the same. so you go down and push up your arms or next to your chest. you train your shoulders, your check, your stomach on of course your you should do just as many reps as you can so i can do maybe to read. next week i just try to increase my read.
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you showing up on the coat a celebrity at the 75th cans film festival, but what does it like on the other side of the red carpet celebrity? so for tony elk woody, when photographer danielle angelie, revealed answer to that question of close and personal with the stars you romance. in 30 minutes on d. w. lean queer in the boat, it takes a lot of courage. they frequently encounter violence and discrimination.
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but more and more queer people, one ability and to leave their own lives. a cultural shift is underway in the region. the fight for equality has begun in 75 minutes on d. w. o. mischief whether the next crisis will come. but only when and how the media will deal with it. how can we stay focused on what is important? shaping tomorrow now, exploring opportunities for media professionals in times of crisis. the global media for june 2020 to get your ticket now.
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one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world are in a race against time. the d. n. a molecule though has 28000000 different our glasses . they are peers and rivals with one daring gold to outsmart nature. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. more life starts may 28th on d, w. ah
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ah, this is d w in use live from berlin. change at the top down under the labor party, wins office in australian elections. incoming prime minister anthony alban, easy promises to unite the nation after ousting, longstanding conservative government and ukraine fights on after it. symbolic defeat in matthew polt, but president lansky says victory will come true to pro.
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