tv The Day Deutsche Welle May 23, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST
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a south, a mother is going to spend the rest of her life behind bars for murdering her 3 daughters. if you could call me back, i am with i see the site that was part of psychosis is an offer. illness. post partum is a nice the weather's a nightmare. starts june. 4th on d. w. the last world economic form in davos, switzerland. it took place in january 2020 for the global business and political elite. it would mark the end of the world as they'd known it. a pandemic left the global economy, no choice, but to place itself into an artificial coma. in may 2022,
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we're still coming to but to what this week the world economic forum would like to pick up where it left off. but it can't. there's a war here in europe that is getting in the way. i'm brigade in berlin. this is the day ah, this voice, really a turning point of history and the war would never have happened at the international community had taken preventive action. instead of waiting to react. the rid of the shape of political and our economic vents came in the coming years that you guys don't, don't wait for more deadly attacks. don't wait for russia to use special weapons, chemical, biological, or god forbid, nuclear. every one of you have to understand we defending you
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personally. ah, also coming up for decades, the u. s. policy on taiwan in china was known as strategic ambiguity. and tonight, new comments from u. s. president biden. that are anything but ambiguous? are you willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan if it comes to that? yes, you are. as a commitment we made, ah, to our viewers watching on p b. s in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with the business of war and peace to day ukraine's president vladimir zalinski accused global business and financial leaders of not doing enough to stop russia's war in his country. to morrow will mark 3 months since vladimir putin's forces began their invasion of ukraine. on the eve of that anniversary, zalinski made a passionate plea to leaders attending the world economic forum in switzerland,
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calling on them to increase economic sanctions against russia, including an oil embargo and to sever all trade ties with russia. zalinski, adding that an example must be made of hooton's aggression in order to deter copycat attacks by other countries. democracy. but even the story of foreign businesses must lead the russian market business. this must be done show so that your brand is not associated with war crimes. oh, yeah. them is so that your offices like accounts, goods in them are not used by war criminals, william to commit their bloody actions. girl violence in death were joining me tonight from the world economic form in davos, switzerland is my colleague. been for sewland, ben. it's good to see you. zalinski is telling the who's who of global business that they are designed to right now on who wins either brute force or the rule of
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law that they have the economic power to write this wrong is what he saying is he preaching to the choir? and if so, should more be done to stop vladimir pu well, to your 1st question. no. the world forgets so quickly. ah, we bombarded every night on our tv screen. sorry to use that term with pictures of death and destruction that people get tired of investors here in the same boat. they've got heaps of other geopolitical and technological and other affairs, including inequality, poverty, gender equality, things they're trying to fix or invest in. ah, they're trying to follow the, the next new trend and see where the big growth markets are and, and it's very sudden and sad that they forget so quickly. but it's a fact. it's wise zalinski gets on tv every night, every night of this war,
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almost 3 months in to remind the world about the atrocities that are happening in his country. and it is awful to be reminded about this every day. but he wants us waking up every day to think about what we can do, what sort of a difference we can make to his country. and there are so many more things we can do, but it's going to hurt both sides as you know. and we've heard about sanctions and severe sanctions, but they could be even more severe by whether or not germany and europe is going to go down that road is another question. but cutting off rushes oil and gas income that would make a huge difference. brent. yet in what about the russian influence at the world economic forum where you are, it has been indisputable for years but not this year. and zalinski is trying to use this to his advantage. it talk to me a little bit about what has changed there in davos regarding russia?
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will the russians, uninvited, 1st of all, and secondly, russia house has been turned into the russian war crimes house. it's a type of gallery all ought to be more precise at documentation center. there are 4683 verified images taken by ukrainian photographers of the mass destruction of the death. the killings of civilians all over ukraine and their harrowing images. um, i had to leave the center at some stage because the, the video that was playing was i, it was just too much to take. it was, it was really incredible and the stories they had to tell were just absolutely awful. the prosecutor general from ukraine joined by video link and told us about
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the mutilation of torture, the raping of mine, as the children who were being stolen and put into foster care in russia, in the hands of their aggressors, to grow up to remove their identities of being ukrainian and become russians. yeah . and it's, it's hard to imagine that this is part of a world economic form, but that is indeed the case and, and it goes back to that 1st point that so much has changed in the world since the last word, economic form, back in january 2020 i want you to take a listen to what with founder klaus schwab, what he said about that very topic earlier today. take a listen says small is severely atomic point of hastily and the rid of the shape of political linelle economic landscape insur come in years. but we also a talent off some o c, v, us health catastrophe of sir last 100 years. so fuel,
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traditional just happening sir. future is filled by us by a powerful community as you hear and says who we have some means to improve society. so sir road, but to conditions unnecessary. so 1st one is said we act all a stakeholders or financial communities said re self and although our only self interests at reserves are community sets, what recall stakeholder responsibility? and 2nd said, we collaborate. no big klaus swab there. he's telling us, yes, the pandemic in the warren ukraine. they have shaken all of our assumptions about global order. that also means that globalization may not be given anymore. and that's the case. what purpose does the world economic forum have moving forward?
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i mean, the movers and shakers there in davos where you are, they have always been the movers and shakers of globalization and over an intrinsically complicated world, which has changed so dramatically. i mean, globalization was working well for a lot of people. a lot of people would argue for the wealthy, but it was bringing a lot of people out of poverty. we saw that in china right up until the pandemic hit. and now with this war and global supply chains being shattered, and their worries about energy prices and food security, things are going to have to change. and basically, people here are going to have to go back to the original pioneering spirit of a diverse and go back to their routes. just take a look at time magazine. i thought their front cover was quite interesting. talking about together again, finding our way in a new world. no,
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it's really new terror tree. these are you spheres of influence, that they're going to have to deal with no longer a cold war where you have to big blocks. but a whole lot of different blocks are vying for their place in the world. and you know, before going on a time been last but not least you are reporting from davos as you've done many times. but this time for the 1st time there's no snow so you've got spring time in the out. the. yep. give us reason for hope. so what do you think the verdict is going to be from the office this year? how likely is it that inflation is going to get worse? how likely is it that a global recession is just around the bit? i'm happy about not having to trudge through the snow. i don't have to bring my ski on the way with me to where did my sit, but that inflation is going up. those energy prices a going up. it's not looking good. food security is
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a big problem for asia and africa. but if you talk to any of the chief economists here who've been pulled by the world economic forum, the number one concern is inflation. all right, been present in davos this year, force minus his ski underwear. and as always, thank thanks. read. it was a trial of huge symbolic significance, ukraine's 1st war crimes trial. since the start of the russian invasion and the sentence, as a said a clear precedent life in prison for a 21 year old russian soldier who pleaded guilty to killing it unarmed civilian ukrainian officials say that there will be many more trials like this 3 months into this war, they say that they are already investigating some, $13000.00 potential war crops in a courtroom in chief punishment for
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a crime committed during war. a russian tank commander convicted of killing a 62 old civilian in a village in northeastern ukraine. based on the above, the court has ruled that vadim ye if gain of ish, marin bourne october 17th. 2000 has been found guilty of committing a criminal offense on the part youth. article 438 of the criminal code of here, crane has been given a life sentence. ukraine's prosecutor general says that they are about 13000 ongoing investigations into alleged war crimes by russian forces. that list is growing by the day as russia continues, it's offensive in eastern ukraine. on monday, the city of hockey was bombed again. civilian area sprayed with a local officials say, a cluster munitions. let in the motion with that i must have been around 7 or 8 in the morning when we woke up thinking it was the end of the world,
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but there was the sound of explosions, at least 5 of them. the boon for 3 minutes of silence. and then, boom, again, people said it was cluster bombs, exploding sit matters are wallace. cluster munitions are banned under international law, while targeting civilians will constitute a war crime. even one book vadim, she, marian has admitted his guilt and says he regrets his actions. his is the 1st conviction for war crimes since russia launched its invasion, but is unlikely to be the last. anton corinna that is ukraine's representative in a case of the international court of justice, which is alleging genocide committed by russia. when i spoke to him earlier, i asked how could ukraine guarantee a fair process when the war is ongoing? of course, the international criminal court, the i, c. c, is seen as important to track as important instrument to bring for portrayed or so
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for lunched. crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes to responsibility. so of course we hear in ukraine. do recognize and do work closely with the i c. c in order for it to be to be effective until the fact of proceeding center. but of course, today's case is really a precedent as though this is the 1st case which happens since the 24th of february . and the 1st, i would say, really straightforward to case because the effects of the case where it really wary, straightforward. and it wasn't rather easy case to prove, i think in court because they were really 100 percent. sure. the fact that the russian soldier, but you know, she married, that he killed a ukrainian civilian. and of course, you know, the fact that a lot of russian soldiers are now in custody in ukraine. and there is a lot of possibilities that we will have a lot of such chords,
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court proceedings in key of, in many other cities and towns, while ukraine in relation to alleged war crimes committed by the russian soldiers. and what does this tell us about the ukrainian justice system? but it is remarkable that we're just in this war 3 months and that you're able to, to get all of these trials up and going in a country that is under assault by russia. of course, this argument is important, but i think that another argument is also important that this case started not so long ago, i think maybe several weeks or a months ago. and the verdict is here. so the case itself, the proceedings itself, where are the fast and defective? and i would say that ukrainian judicial system and ukrainian prosecutorial sort of, if they go, i think, and i hope they got used in a normal sense. i mean,
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when i'm saying this to the situation of russian aggression, because we already have russian aggression since the end of february, 2014. and we already had a lot of cases concerning human rights violations, for instance, in temper look at bites, crimea on temper. look, you bite areas of the next can look on screeches and we kind of specialized prosecutions. are specialized prosecution units who work for instance, who worked for the shoes of grammy and don bus donnie from 2014. so by saying this, i mean that this whole wasn't brought up from nowhere. and that there was already this experience and understanding how to apply international law. so i hope, and i think that really more cases a with shorty will come. and again, this case was really straight forward. and everybody here in ukraine understood that this is a real war crime committed in the form of killing, of a murder,
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wilful murder, wilful killing. also you crane and civilly an elderly man by russian soldier. and what do you think this means though, for the prospect of going to the i, c. c and holding top russian officials accountable for what is happening? you crate, you know, it's not a secret that ukraine would like to see. even perhaps whether you're potent stand trial at the i c, c for crimes against humanity that have taken place. and humanity has that possibility increased a little bit by what happened today. well, it's a different tracks because of course i, c. c has its own track, but you're absolutely right that it will concentrate on big cases on the cases of those who are on top of the tree. and of course, when we are looking forward to i c. c, at least ordering international arrest warrants for the political and military
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leadership of the russian federation. but here is this case, said the president, because we're asked i c. c takes the big fish cases all the cases concerning soldiers and officers, and they should be adjudicated. hearing you crate. so because i c. c complimentary works on the basis of principal of complementarity. so the biggest portion of cases should be listened here in ukraine. and i think that if you crane shows and a and they open, i'm sure that your grades will show the capability of our system, of our legal system to work with such cases. so war crimes which, again, before 2014, were rather than you to, to ukraine and now in 2022 again, i will say that there are people who understand how to work with those categories. so i called that this will, of course, bring the troll, says, and proceedings the nice you see closer to,
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to us and to renovate. we appreciate your time and your insights tonight. we will certainly be following these cases. thank you. ah, you as president joe biden is known for making unscripted remarks that can even catches staff off guard. his comments today in tokyo, or the latest example, biden told reporters he would be willing to use force to defend taiwan if it was attacked by china. a statement on you have ty, wendy's, policy with unusual clarity. president biden was welcomed with full honors for his 1st visit as head of state to japan. the united states most important post were ally in asia. talks of prime minister pooh milk is shita focused on regional security made china's growing power in the aftermath of russia's invasion of its neighbor ukraine. the issue of possible chinese aggression
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against taiwan has taken on great urgency for at a news conference. president biden was asked how the u. s. would respond. are you willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan if it comes to that? yes, you are. that's a commitment. we made reaction from beijing was swift to help me if on the yeah, we deplore and reject the u. s. remarks dick had i sure a taiwan has a unique part of chinese territory. hello monkey. taiwan is purely a matter of china's internal affairs social because we will not stand for foreign interference. the u. s. has long pursued a policy of strategic ambiguity toward ty, one, not promising outright, whether it would come to the islands defense if it were attacked by china. president biden said in tokyo, that china was already flirting with danger,
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by conducting military exercises so close to taiwan. over more than this, i'm joined now by sheila smith. she is a senior fellow for asia pacific studies at the council on foreign relations. she joins us from washington, d. c. it's good to have you on the program. there was nothing ambiguous about president biden statement on the possibility of military intervention in the event of an attack or an invasion of taiwan. did you see this coming well, i did in some sense know that there was going to be a statement by the president in tokyo. and i think it's important that he made that statement in tokyo because there's a great deal of concern in japan about whether or not the united states is up to the task. should china use taiwan? so i, it doesn't surprise me that the question came and it doesn't surprise me with the president wanted to give a clear answer. he then followed that clear answer of yes. with
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a look. the problem is that this is if trying to use force against the people of taiwan and the united states will have to respond. so he did an assess, qualify it by saying we would only act, should aggression occur in do you think that the president, the mean to say exactly what he said? and did he mean for the chinese to understand it as such? yes, i think he did. and i, you know, we often think that president biden says things off the coffin, sometimes he gets it wrong. and of course, the white house, you know, had a clarifying statement immediately thereafter. but i think it's also important to understand that in tokyo and across the region across the, in the pacific rushes aggression against ukraine is weighing heavily on their minds . when they think about taiwan, they worry that we will not be able to deter aggression by beijing. and so i think this is a an unqualified attempt to say we will respond and make no make no mistake about
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it. and i think he probably intended beijing to hear that loud and clearly. yeah, and you know, we really have to connect the dots here on the russian invasion of ukraine and the response of the west. how, how did they play into biden's statement on taiwan? well of course, here in washington there's a, there's a pretty strong debate going on about, you know, america's future security should focus on the endo pacific. there are some who argue very strenuously, that we should not be focus so much on europe or other parts of the world that should be, you know, focus like a laser beam on china. and yet you saw the mobilization of the european allies in including the g 7 partners and our allies in asia to the situation in ukraine. and i think the president is trying to demonstrate in this visit, that united states can walk and chew gum at the same time, so to speak,
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that we can mobilize ourselves for the crisis in europe. but we can also, we also can't ignore the realities that are underway today in the, in the pacific. and i wonder a kid can we say tonight that there's decades old policy of strategic ambiguity on taiwan? is that now history? well that's, i wouldn't say that today's press conference was a defining moment. i think what you've seen from the vital administration today is a gradual embrace of the idea that america needs a little bit more if you will, clarity, perhaps in, in the way it responds to the potential of behavior of the chinese military in and around taiwan. and so i think it's chinese behavior that is beginning to push the united states in a direction of reassuring its allies. and also trying to communicate with a, showing that the,
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the use of force across the straits would not be acceptable. not only to united states, but to the international community as well. yeah, i've heard about 30 seconds is was, let me just ask you, is there a lot of concern there in, in washington that if there were to be an invasion of taiwan, that, that the united states would not be able to win a military conflict against china in that situation, i think that's all there. well, i think are in the pacific commanders have, have said that chinese military capability is much more sophisticated today. and that we have to reckon with that. and therefore we have to prepare for the possibility that china will see an advantage. it's a military advantage is opening the door to the use of force in the re reunification by one. so i think there's an alarm. alarm bells have been ringing for some time. sheila smith with the council of foreign relations miss smith, we appreciate your time, your insights july. thank you. thank you for having me. ah,
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it finally denied britain's queen elizabeth has made a surprise appearance at the chelsea flower show in london. the 96 year old monarch was chauffeured around the ground with the help of a buggy. the queen's health is being closely watched ahead of next month. platinum, jubilee events which will celebrate her 70 years on the throne. and she looks great there. the day is almost done, the conversation continues on the line. you can find us on twitter and brent. gov tv will see you tomorrow with
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standing shopping and dining offers. enjoy alice services. be allah guest at frankfurt airport city managed by frappe waterloo. ah, ah, [000:00:00;00] ah! this is the w. news live from berlin tonight, a sentence of life in prison in ukraine's 1st war crimes trial. a 21 year old russian soldier will spend the rest of his life behind bars for killing an unarmed
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