tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle May 24, 2022 1:30am-2:01am CEST
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the russian national anthem. they came to show their support for russia and its president vladimir putin with we're on the right side on russia's side. ah, they chant serbs and russians brothers forever. and we don't need the e u we support the russians because they are our brothers. what does this letter stand for? for victory? what does russia mean to you? that's corona, it's l brother land given to me. it's the only country a part of serbia where i could live for the great people. great culture. simply the fact that russia exists is good news for it was. uh huh. who was this fool?
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for austria to austria, the enemy, why didn't you say that straight off? ah, these demonstrations a regular fixture since the start of the war, a new crane, are organized by a far right group called the peoples patrol. their self declared aim to free ukraine of nazis. russian brothers, no, but sibyl, and these bad times, we will accompany you on the way to the kingdom of heaven middle, long lives, serbia. ze long lived russia and conventional that 1st and foremost i support the russian people. when they're completely, i've been thinking for a while, i should have intervened and ukraine wondered, a little saginaw go, the mountains have been dying if there's one other. there had been atrocities on the don bus region against the russian bible if or yearly or that that's why i support this operation. i don't, i hope it's brought to an end as quickly as possibly with the fewest possible
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victims. you know, and that the denot allocation of ukraine icons reality fil slotted. oh, the russian war of aggression against ukraine is re interpreted here as an act of self defense. little russian propaganda is accepted at face value. ah, belgrade is the only city in europe besides this, don bull's still operating flights to russia. 6 ah nadia keith oliver and said gig every love have left moscow for belgrade. they've been living here for 4 weeks now. he's a photographer and she worked as a food designer in the advertising industry. when the russian economy collapsed because of sanctions and their work began to dry up,
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they decided to immigrate their debit and credit cards no longer work abroad. in moscow, they emptied their bank accounts and exchanged their roubles for american dollars on below. they are now making ends meet with this money. i have no, even one minute of thinking. come back and rush. i think that as the way is close, there is them will a dangerous situation. and we don't have some future in our children. duncan, some fishes there. the stalls in the city center are stocked up on russian merchandise. the couple from moscow was familiar with the nationalist symbolism from back home in belgrade to they're confronted with the face of commander in
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chief potent on t shirts. the military is glorified here. a lot of people here is just supporting russian government supporting war and thinking that food is doing great job, or slowing people who don't think sold, where the firms. and the reason we're here because we don't feel guten russia and would have to escape somewhere. but we can say that ria is big lead, sees the server logs, you can just lay it, what is it? and we're feeling better here because people are more friendly for russians m b, i can see where using these friends. sure. ah, for as long as proven remains in power, this couple has decided that they have to remain refugees or is begley c as the serve. say they're determined to start over here.
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many serbs feel so close to russia and such a deep rooted skepticism towards the west because of their own experiences of war. 23 years ago in spring 1999, a dell bombers attack serbia. following the collapse of peace talks with the serbian government, the aerial bombing was intended to stop the displacement and the murder of kosovo, albanians by serbian troops in what was then the province of kosovo. alex, a good above ich was just for when bombs fell on belgrade, the events have been seared into his memory. i have with purely co op. this is what the cell is looked like. where we sheltered
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from the nato, arrives health of all modeling. no one knew what to do, not either cuz we didn't know whether there would be an as strike or not him. if a bomb hits the building or will it to lapse into the cell by the most god, how will we survive that? always? there were a lot of questions didn't talk with we just said from royal hide, when you're quoting, he's, when he's in a moment like that. what instinct triumphs are the lunch, english. one of the chaise think that i when i went to college at the the, the sellers were fooling south as i recall that every one who lived in the pablo lunk was inside the nic as well as people from other blocks who didn't have sellers locker. it was crowded mortal doing. people spent hours sitting on the floor, every pool pool mission salty. massapequa sat on the door ah, at 1st alexa and his family fled to the cellar. every time the air raid sirens sounded, days or weeks into the bombing campaign, or they just stayed put in their apartment. oh, alex, as parents still lived there?
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yeah. his father was in ukraine for work at the time of the bombing raids. the rest of the family in belgrade re on the lost locked it became clear to us that the bombing would go on for a long time to sell a polish. we couldn't spend a whole spring in the seller yummy. there were people who did that. but i had to try to lead a normal life of what i came out of with small children. there was no question of staying there in the cellar crockett pharmacy the nato bomb struck strategic military targets. but as the campaign went on, civilian infrastructure also entered the firing line. the chinese embassy in belgrade was hit on the night of may 7th, 1999. immediately followed by the hotel yugoslavia alex as family lived in a block right between these 2 buildings. but it's just around the corner. some of
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the machine are windows, look out under the chinese embassy. ali got the when it was hateful of, i was home alone with my young children from on that. so we fled to our neighbors on shaky there. apart on local, under the hotels yugoslavia which was then struck by a bomb to pluck with the same doctor. he had made the rectory molla bustle, michael, that's more ball on the same evening for fulfilling in our neighbor's apartment. we all sheltered under the dining table to shield ourselves from flying glass and like a bed. we had no idea where to go. in the end, we just hid under the table in the summer garden. the 2nd said that is my 1st memory, little dot, but of the fear of the tension, the bones throughout the sirens. furniture born bas seriana eve. and if i remember rightly as a powerful earthquake owner cuen all good omens and auto dishes way shouted the windows sole source own immediately by living the smell of
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fire, the fire engines civils. i wouldn't wish that on any one luck, never wagner wasn't hostile. it looks that a new brother, portion of junior, after that night they left serbia and joined alex, his father and ukraine in safety. astorga sachem tranecia there where bombs are now raining down. history is repeating itself. it's often the nato intervention lasted $78.00 days. you can still see some signs of it in serbia to day. it's impossible to overlook the ruins of the former yugoslav defense ministry in belgrade. a 100 meters from alex as apartment behind hotel yugoslavia. the damage caused by the bomb strike is less obvious. with a truck either one of the 3 holes,
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right through all 3 stories where the bombs dropped and then exploded down below a $100.00. clearly, resentment towards nato remained strong. it's regarded as the aggressor whose bombing campaign led to the loss of kosovo cockle. mister turner coleman bumbled. what would you think of some one who's gone? giles abra dalbert at ease, but i don't think that it was a good move. missing the click was through his eyes, then echoed in organization that propagates freedom. democracy and peace. democrat did nick over to an organization that is meant to protect people make can hardly justify its bombing of civilian areas, form but of the line him nike civilly. but also, the ottawa, possibly i'm dam nato, in the way that the average ukrainian condemns russia. he saw most lot of the young all motors, no not older. you just create hate that lasts much longer than it takes to rebuild
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the ruins. saw that i had a coastal tubule called, or victim. the scars of war are also very visible on the headquarters of the serbian state broadcaster, journalist nino. but i of it used to work here nowadays. he's the chairman of u. n. s. the journalists associate of serbia, which stands up for the rights of journalists. aflac lists the names of 16 employees who died in the bombing raid 23 years ago. and the word why mm. ah, that vis serbian t. v did perhaps broadcast propaganda, but it also showed the victims of nato bombings, really dead civilians, whiskey, not military target, yet best in the end, the t. v building itself was atalla. this practice has been employed in other
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international conflicts. r t. b stations are subjective to targeted attacks. the lesson, the world during the war is on serbian territory. russia was always a loyal ally, place, and so trust has grown in the countries big brother and speaking to r t afterward, liliana and savoy, lego village flick through the foreign news channels on their television over highs . they see the russian news as the most reliable source of information. they learned russian at school. while the european union has banned the russian state broadcaster r t, formerly known as russia to day, you can still watch it, and serbia and linda sweet joins. ashley mobiles, amazon. what are the so i still did the band, if to be well informed, if you need to hear both sides shenika can even our children in the west can watch rush and channels like i t, it's only western europe that's taking action that get off down. i don't understand
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it, it dominey, but she asked emily where the mouth is. they are investing the equipment western media show the civilian victims of the russian bombings. while russian tv shows those killed by ukrainian troops. it's a battle to win hearts and minds to create the dominant narrative about the war suitable. so oh, i school thought bridge louis 20 years ago i saw had the war in yugoslavia was being reported on from abroad. hilda, to the overwhelming majority of t. v reports consisted of lies to be la. to log tackle basil tional mon, cute on the pictures were put in the wrong context luck. it was unimaginable. the toll brownstone is obviously all back. then i completely lost my trust in western media on black moves up and stumble. maybe it's just my personal opinion or such a, but i trust russian media more. lucy,
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because they report more objectively on and honestly bush than it is this, though. russia has already won over their hearts and minds and the advocates of free speech and serbia don't think outlying russian channels as the right solution. the journalist association don't want our tea band here, may be they'll it. so it's a human right to have free media at the v. a banning media infringes on human rights. let's gabriela, dashing. a ban is only appropriate it media support terrorism. it inside hatred or violate the constitution. abraham shall go on in a case like that ocean you media can also be banned and democratic stable. conversely, not the but i knew in public space symbols of close ties between serbia and russia are very prominent. with a clear pro russia election, campaign incumbent,
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serbian president alexander voucher which was reelected in april oh, yoke. vela bit is a political analyst and writer. he says that the only candidate who would have one more votes than the serbian president is vladimir putin, himself to skepticism towards the e. u is greater than at any time since the breakup of yugoslavia. according to the latest polls, the majority of serbs no longer want to join in last than years. ah, we could see the glorification of vladimir putin glorification of everything that russia does. ah, so i think that this is just the result of that. and this is a, and this makes a situation very difficult for serbian, or tory if his and for serbian president footage who, even if he would like to make
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a swift from the russia to the vest. it's going to be very difficult for him because she created those narratives and he created that public which is strongly supporting russia. so i think that is something that could not be changed over night. so in meal voyage has clearly been influenced by this climate of opinion. by profession, he's a production manager in film and t v. but when he's between jobs, he works here to make ends meet. one look at his helmet tells you what he feels for russia is me up with the 0, although i'll tell you straight, but i will. i support the right of the russian people to fight for their freight out of up with i have no problem with telling you that up front. i honestly think that this is a battle between christ and the anti christ and yet over you'll, ukraine, is the anti christ lane and all the people say they're neo nazis got no,
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not the thought, their anti christ, plenty fiction, even if they were cross sony. so sony, sony castillo, antoine to christian. he says that he's come to this conclusion because he's seen a lot of videos of ukranian atrocities on his phone. was a thought if you shoot some one lying wounded on the ground in the leg and mistreat them, then you can't be a christian. when he got a christian would never do that. have you a christian would tie their legs together and take them prisoners when you, but they are mistreating people robbing the do? do have you also seen the crimes committed by russians and ukraine? oh no, i haven't. oh yes. oh, nice won't about. it's possible that they exist for the loyal but yes, i mean, i've also been to war, emmy said recently, well, i know that a few people on our side did terrible things without delay. kiddos in flood. in the wars during the break up of yugoslavia, in the 19 ninety's he volunteered to fight in bosnia and kosovo. the idea of
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uniting all serbs in one state was one which serves were willing to use force to implement. but the plan failed. the bosnian serbs live today within the bosnian state and kosovo, has declared independently and he dresses is you said at in values the fact that russia has refused to recognise the independence of the break away province of kosovo. and his enthusiasm for russia is matched by his distaste for the west. beautiful also bore them. people speak about the rainbow prowl with a z that about people having the right to live the way that they want to do. and then the russians are suddenly cast as villains that have to be expelled is they're thrown out of theaters, what's radio stations and galleries he does and they're monuments are removed. what's that about? it's hypocritical. so the only thing that i feel i love is love for russia,
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was instilled in him from an early age that she was in a while my go to for of, of my mother. and father brought me up to love russia. i would even though he but on a healthy basis, not blindly, all the nickel jam with i love russian literature, art and russian hero is so if, if the russians have died in battle for us, serbs since the 19th century gal as usual, they came to fight with the serbs in the liberation from a turkish rule over the full and so on. hook up august, the 8th of what i didn't have none of them that god saved putin. then there will be peace on earth in between me. that's my opinion. in that, maybe i'm also mistaken. pollution with them. so this is barbara, good singing russian cossacks song, set at a meal, which is driving home for the weekend to get ready for the game with his favorite soccer club, red star belgrade with me and my exile. go get my soccer things out. so i
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to, they had them i was, what does this jersey mean to you? this, the jersey is like an oath for me, an o that, but i'd never put my club before my nature, the cool, the nation comes 1st to do and then the club. that's how it is for me some and it's not. so serbia comes 1st. and then red star belgrade. oh no, no, no. russia is in 1st place and then serbia and then red star, bell, gray, libya. that's the order of things for me to. it will always be like that in my house. that will do it. why? which, why is russia in 1st place? because russia is the mother she, mike lou. the eastern serbian city of zaya. chad has been home to andre, even of since the start of the war and ukraine. he fled here from levine in western
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ukraine. his grandma and his sister live in z. i a chad blue. shortly before the russian invasion, the 30 year old was warned that ukrainian men would soon no longer be allowed to cross the border. he managed to leave ukraine and continues to work as a graphic designer, a job he can do from home. and just 11 weeks he's learned to speak serbian fluently and feel settled here but of august although from quote lots of people. i mean here they are like this done for russia they are in friendship with raja and that i know what is their historical background of his friendship. so, but i don't find it a problem for myself because i cannot tell what other people,
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what they should law or that what they should. and they are free people here. they can, they can decide their friends no matter what. so it's not a problem for me. at all, a local journalist who is also the wife of on the sister, wrote an article about him, fleeing to serbia. a val. nicholas de leon of ich, worked for the independent newspaper of dana, which is critical of the government. says she, after the story was published, things turned ugly. many all the family faced a barrage of info, the dim ostrich. t pothole. affixed to supposed to be honest with you, support nato's. and you are not see one person righty. oh, how this if you need, let's east on it. the article caused a storm on social media mentor and i context awful, monitor caribbean. shortly after the article was published in donna's myself, my wife and andre were insult him and patting his where people called us nazi's and
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also to sympathizes. chevy buckles from the salvation. his will not, and accused us of hushing out the rush of victims and spreading misinformation. about suppose it ukrainian wolves, devils making dancing for a mark. c o guys cannot move. so from the journalist to knows some of the comment writers, personally, his neighbors are among them. middle ghost ayana, which is a sports teacher by training. but he was refused employment because he was told he had the wrong political views. he set up an office in his parents home and has been riding about local, social, and political topics for the last 4 years. post a social media storm like the one unleashed by the story about. andre is a new experience for him. the war in ukraine has polarized people propaganda colo sunny. there is quite a bit of propaganda, such as in the magazine informa the front page headline was ukraine attacks russia . the own use type is likely aloe or republican. i mean,
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i can't believe my eyes when i read them. no one did that. my article got the reaction that it did when i consider what kind of country i'm living in is not quite as him as you. aah! here in brussels, the russian friendly tendencies and serbia are being viewed with suspicion. serbia has been an official candidate for e u membership since 2012. this expert from one brussels think tank says you can't have it both ways. is quite clear that at one point in time, serbia has to decide either it's going to wholeheartedly commit itself to the european union accession and support the european union in all issues. particularly now with regard to the sanctions against russia, which serbia does not want to join it or it goes another way or and or so this is a, a clear decision that serbia has to take. and obviously,
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since it started that accession to go see ations, we expect them to, to follow that logically, to its conclusion. ah . in april, the serbian president had a symbolic message for the country's european partners with great pomp and ceremony . he presented the militaries newly acquired and modernized equipment. it included lots of aviation hardware from russia, modernized, mig 29 jets from old russian, and bellow russian stocks as well as russian helicopters through the new air defense system comes from china. it's based on the russian as 300 system. it is more or
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less a copy, but cheaper. the u. s. had worn serbia against making the purchase. possibly good pressure from embassies from the west or the east doesn't interest me . america, americans, russians, or europeans, is all the rest don't matter to me. look was while my decisions are made purely in the interest of the serbian republic. last or even if i'm alone in the world, much like what i've been elected and over the next 5 years because i will take decision was to benefit the serbian people. floors long lived serbia threat. i with me, security analyst, alexander adage, says that the government, symbolic gesture is a denial of political realities. serbia, is a member of nato, is partnership for peace program,
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to the dismay of the majority of serves so name of those to completely. yes, olivia has the 2 faces, easy math. one is for a domestic audience, a 2nd here, the media shows russian weapons so that the pro russian elements which dominates public opinion, god gets the impression that the purchase of russian weapons is a priority for the serbian defense of is up there. oh oh. but in reality, the majority of weapons come from western states and on nato oriented from us in m . nato. in the long term, the serbian defense industry is aiming to cooperate with the west. it almost that all the components of serbian weapon systems come from the west virginia bowl. as it says, upolu, russia has long been the big brother who has stood by serbia. and here war criminals like former bosnian serb military leader, radco melodic are revered as heroes. since the invasion of ukraine, a new mural has been created, it's already been defaced and restored on
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a programmer, but for decades he was fascinated by the way children learn and decided to build them a brand new kind of school. the school in the cloud in 75 minutes on d, w. d w's crime fighters are back that africa most successful radio drama series continues. all episodes are available online. and of course you can share and discuss on d, w, africa's facebook page, and other social media platforms, crime fighters, tune in now. ah, this is d w news, and these are our top stories. according ukraine has sentenced a russian soldier to life in prison for war crimes. when the 1st.
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