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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2022 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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shy mom and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that north divides and denied. and this i have invited many deer and well i guess, and i would like to invite you to an end ah ah, this is dw news life from berlin as world lead us meet and divorce a call for unity to both defeat russia and to rebuild ukraine speaking at the worst economic forum and doubles, nay to achieve against arkenberg urged, well lead us not to trade long term security needs for short term economic interest
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. and you head was a laugh on the line call for unity to counter russian aggression. also coming up. meanwhile, as rush us war against ukraine enters is 4th month fears. the battles are underway in the east. the success or failure or fighting in the dorm bass region could determine the success or failure of moscow's campaign to seize control over east and ukraine. and the consequences of the war loom large over the german chancellor free country tour of africa in an exclusive interview, dw asks all of shots what held with germany should offer. ah, hello monica jones. welcome to the program. european commission president also left on the line has promised that the european union will help re of ukraine so that it
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can achieve its democratic aims. she was speaking of the world economic forum in double switzerland, where the focus has been on the russian invasion of ukraine. he is what founder line had to say. for years now, the people of ukraine had wormed for change. and that is why they elected for modem is a lens, came the 1st place the reconstruction of the country should combine massive investment with ambitious reforms. for example, to moralize ukraine's administrative capacity to firmly establish the rule of law and the independence of the judicially to fight corruption. get rid of the oligarchs to build a fear sustainable and strong competitive economy. and then
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to firmly support ukraine in pursuing its european path. ukraine belongs in to the european family. and here with me in the studio is tedious. chief, political correspondent, melinda cray and melinda. so this was the commission president ursula on the line. we also had to nato secretary general in stoughton burg there. from those speeches, what stood out for you, but certainly the words that were earth uttered by the e. u. a commission president, when she said ukraine must win this war because of course, we are hearing some debate now emerging about, you know, if this is going to become a long war of attrition. how long can the west continue to support ukraine as it is doing? is there a point at which there should be some pressure put on for peace negotiates and she is saying ukraine must win this war. the support will go on and she listed
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a whole live long list of initiatives that the e u is taking both in terms of the 1st ever direct military support to ukraine or so macro financial assistance for its budget and then longer term reconstruction needs. and the creation of a platform to do that. the one thing she didn't mention, interestingly enough, when she talked about diversifying e u energy supplies away from dependence on russia. fossil fuels with an oil embargo, we're told that it's days away, but it's clearly not there yet. and that is because there is still quite a bit of opposition, especially from e, u. member state hungary, which has a close ties to russia. so that elephant in the room was, it mentioned. but what we heard at the end of her speech coincided with a very interesting message, we also heard from secretary general, stalking back from nato. essentially saying that it's time to call into question the premises of globalization that were essentially the credo of this venue of
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davos. namely, the idea that everyone should trade with every one, regardless of political inclination. and that more trade was a good thing in and of itself. and the nato dance, secretary general said we must not sacrifice long term security to short term economic interests. a very, very different point of view than what davos has generally takes absolutely. does this, this backlash against globalization. we've, we're sort of heard some criticism of that already in recent years, but much has happened. and now when we hear it was a life underline saying that ukraine must win, it also means that russia must lose. and so far, those people in davos, there were the ones trading with russia doing business with russia. is this going to change now? absolutely. it's going to change. and it's quite fascinating because president soleski, when he gave his opening speech a tough both talked about a turning point. well, this is a turning point for this forum. this was the then you for the globalization,
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a lead. and it was a venue where russians were very, very welcome. many people, they are still remember the luxurious lavish parties that were given by russian oligarchs. vladimir putin last spoke in 2021 when there was an online version of davos called diverse agenda. and he was a speaker at that and talking about the crisis of values and the fact that we could lose continents of civilization. so russia house, as it was long known, has been now re baptized as the house of russian war crimes. but the discrepancy is, frankly rather jarring. this is a place where many people go to cocktail parties where there's a lot of deal making. and suddenly this jarring discrepancy with what it used to stand for. so i'm a real game changer. their d w's, political or chief, a little correspond to melinda crane. thank you so much for that. was 3 months into
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the ukraine war. the fighting has moved largely to the east of the country. there. russia is making a slow progress in its attempt to control the dumbass region. for now the center and west of the country are no longer threatened by russian artillery. but some towns outside a key if they're so devastating, fighting are still struggling to recover. d. w, correspond, and max asunder, visited the town of hostile mel, where an international team of psychologists are helping residents process the wounds of war. a busy morning at the clinic in the key of suburb hostile mil bullet holes and the windows bear witness to the russian occupation. medical staff have been working round the clock since the clinic reopened in april because they're dealing with visible and invisible grants. i think is kind of a collective trauma or if you're locker with people living, the communities, honorable psychologist malcolm hugo has joined. the operation here is part of the international organization, doctors without borders. he just returned from
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a home visit in the area. so the woman whose house was completely destroyed was living there with her son, who's sir, 30 years of age. and, and unfortunately he was killed her in there, dr. why boy? a rocket. and so she's obviously going through a grading process she's on her own now. the key of suburbs bore the brunt of the fighting in the early days of the invasion, that was followed by a ruthless occupation marked by violence against residence. the russians have left reconstruction is underway, but people here are only starting to put their lives back together. the emotional scars run deep. there are various types of trauma people here are dealing like those who experienced the occupation and extreme levels of violence than others returning to their homes. see not much left of it. and then there are those who are taken prisoner by the enemy kidnaps even taken across the board dock. and usually,
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industry only is one of them focus on that. he says russian soldiers shot him in both legs in front of his home. then took him and his son, and you probably lay, drop me on the porch and started to put the gun to my head. and in my mouth, we got us in that the way when my son saw this, he got on his knees and screamed. please don't kill my dad now. so they put us in the vehicle. blindfolded off his tables, courtroom tied our hands and took us in an unknown direction. you buy this, didn't you? just on the pavilion, they were taken across the border to bela bruce than flown to cost and russia. weeks later, o lick was freed than a prisoner exchange. his son still missing reasonable creditor sources taya. it's you from the inside and you can take away the sorrow with your tears. what it is, i mean, we need destruction. 3 work and life while we're waiting for his return reason
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we're was or done yet the worst or was called the renewal of there are believe to be hundreds of similar cases in this town alone. you do all that has joined the team of doctors without borders. seeking to assist the psychologists by sharing his experiences. doing his bit to help others heal rushes war on ukraine looms large over german chancellor will r shorts. his visit to africa. shorts is in south africa today, the final stop of his 3 nation tour schoultz started out on sunday and synagogue before heading to new year. there he backed an extension of germany's military training mission as the country finds an islamic insurgency. in johannesburg, the chancellor sat down for an exclusive interview with d. w. demons, as that we'll have. so if we catch up with you here in south africa, your last stop on your 1st africa trip. he starts in senegal. you went on to niger,
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your predecessor angle immacule, put a focus on africa. what does it feel like for you now to touch down here for the 1st time as german chancellor, africa's to continent next to europe. and it is of essence that we work intensely to have very good relations with all the states in africa. and also it is important that we developed our relations with all the democratic states on the globe. democracy, the rule of law questions that are important for us and not just something that was linked with the so called western countries. it's also very important if we look at all the countries in the world, so south africa to democracy synagogue. and this is why i visited them. and my, i think it is important that we continue to work together saying that the world has a good future. if we cooperate, if we understand that there will be
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a lot of very relevant states in the future in the fifty's of the century, we should now make it feasible that there is a good cooperation that we can create a multi lateral now the how to the ukraine conflicts looms large here. this is europe being very much busy with itself. there's a war in europe. and at the same time, he had many countries, particularly those that you visited are set to feel the brunt of the effects. there's a looming hunger crisis. fuel sausages, fertilize assorted, is what responsibility the germany feel to safe countries that have nothing to do with this conflict from the 1st russian invaded ukraine, started a brutal war against the neighbor country. and so it is important that we stick
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together to give the ukraine to chance to defend itself, its integrity of serenity. and this is also important for peace on the globe. we should agreed that there should never again, be successful, attempt to change board us with force. and this is what russia is trying to do. and this is why we cannot a subset. and this is why so many countries are supporting ukraine with financial means with weapons also. and we developed the sanctions regime against russia to convince the russian leadership that they should go away from the war that they should start negotiations with the agreement that they withdraw the troops from ukraine territory where they invaded. so the country and on the other hand, just obviously that was obvious that the lot of countries are suffering from this
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war and from the russian aggression. and this is why we are very decided that we will help the countries that are suffering. this is why we started to cooperate and fighting against palm, or the consequences of having and not enough food or for supporting the countries with their own economic difficulties they have. and this is why we also speak about how we can work together in this very difficult crisis. but the best thing to do is ending the war. and if russia stopped, it's aggression and would be ready for a peace. this would be the best for the whole globe. what concrete assistance can countries like, for instance, the don somalia night are expected. we are working on supporting the board foot program and we are starting to gather an initiative against the shorter trips
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that are coming up now. and we will work together with the countries on the unit global level together with the united nations. and this is what we are trying to convince. all other countries that have to means to do so to do together with us when i saw a chance of gemini on his 1st trip to africa. thank you very much. thank you. and d, w is mikaela kiffany. they are you watching the w news up next to germany, takes a mother sawing cries of oil this more with chris kolber in business. thanks for watching. with nico is in germany to burn german pollution pinnacle. why not learn with him online, on your mobile and free chest c w e learning course, eco's vague.


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