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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 27, 2022 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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elaine, you'll find much more on our website, t w dot com. ah. last but not least, german chancellor o sholtes delivered the closing address today at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. he focused on russia's invasion of ukraine warning that the war must be stopped and contained at the same time, the leader of europe's largest economy also delivered a pitch for staying on the path of prosperity paved with free trade and globalization. the alternative, germany, europe, and the rest of the world could face a fork in the road. one way china, the other way, america. i'm burned gulf in berlin. this is the day. ah, they said, that's why our goal is very clear. hootin must not win his war. give it,
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we need to ensure piece in leases in ukraine. what we cannot have is any lifting of sanctions, any appeasement. so no matter what the russian state does, there is always someone who says, let's take its interest into account. this whole wind about ukraine, who has to make a concession to stop the war, failed to make it to start on. it's a matter of making it clear to pertain that will be no dictated piece. it's either them or us. and everyone in the world has to make a choice whether they stand also coming up a new german connection to the u. s. school shooting and texas plus the old debate in america over who should and should not own a gun. 18 years old. buying any type of weapon. how is that if i'm 20 under 21 year old,
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are not able to go and buy alcohol. her seger isn't under that. it doesn't make it. ah, was whoever he was watching on p b. s. in the united states into all of you around the world, welcome. we begin the day with german chancellor, olaf sholtes, and why today he may have felt white. the lonely leader in the west shows delivered the closing address that the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, a meeting where the globes economic and political leaders traditionally rub elbows meet and greet, but not this year. schoultz was the only leader of all the g 7 countries who traveled to dobbs this year. and the jury is still out on what being the only one there means or symbolizes the world's leaders, especially in europe. in the u. s. they're busy dealing with the board ukraine, broken global supply chains and soaring inflation. that's fair enough,
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but that did not keep ukrainian president zalinski from zooming with the movers and shakers in davos, still among western leaders. schultz was the only one he bothered to show up. we have this report tonight. discussion of the worn ukraine and its effects dominated this year's world economic forum. participants examined solutions for the leading global threats, food insecurity, energy, and the range of economic crises. these topics were also central to german chancellor. olaf schultz is keynote address, which wrapped up thursday's event, depend immune will slots to the pandemic. and russia is a war against ukraine, and we are threatening to roll back progress made over the last decade from comforting got most dramatic, the fight against hunger and poverty, english little boat. and we are risking the world's biggest famine and decades. if
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we don't respond as nicely on video during the g 7 presidency we launched alliance for global food security. with the world bank. germany has set aside nearly half a 1000000000 euros, a jada over broadcasted globe. it rings out near the global to the crisis is a major risk for poor countries in asia and africa. very difficult time for african countries because it's like it's gotten them offside countries a more debt because of it. countries are struggle with climate change. and 100 to 5000000 people got hungry the cause of good group globally, a little those 30 percent losing africa. another additional $100000000.00 pisec took that to go hungry. so this could be really serious. and now, as the world's most powerful players leave davos, the focus will turn to putting the plans and promises they've discussed into motion . with more now we wanna bring in
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a anastasia fedex. she is assistant professor of finance at the hospice school of business in berkeley, california. and she is ukranian professor. it's good to have you on the program tonight. i want to talk about the, the global economic aspect of this just a moment. but 1st, i want to ask you about what we saw in davos this week. you created president zalinski, criticized world leaders there for sitting on their hands while russia tries to cut off parts of ukraine. yesterday, the former u. s. secretary of state, henry kissinger suggested that ukraine should basically compromise with russia, find peace by giving up part of its territory. do you get the sense there that the world, the international community is trying to pressure ukraine to hurry up and get this war out of our way? yes, so we see those kinds of perspectives. some people like kissinger often people like noam chomsky on the other end of the spectrum. i'm still up to this thing that
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there's a fringe beliefs on, on both kind of the further right in the further left. because when we think seriously about statements like that, of course, there is the obvious moral issue, but even leaving those sites and thinking about the pragmatic side on there are 2 problems with this. and i believe that somehow seed in some territory to russia is a legitimate and to the war. the 1st is that it's incorrect on that. if easement leads to lasting piece does not what you see historically. and the 2nd is that i'm advocating this perspective also undermines you price position as negotiating table . i'm so i'm just even voicing it gives more negotiate power to russia. so that whatever kind of diplomatic solution we might be able to each will not be one that on leads to last piece. of course, from ukraine's perspective, i was our survey coming out on this past week. i'm going to the use of ukrainians in ukraine regarding the potential to seed, some territory and exchange for peace and overwhelming majority. so 82 percent of
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ukrainians are against that, including 78 percent of ukrainians who are actually in territories that are currently occupied. and by russia and of course the reason that ukrainians are so consistent in this is that they're aware of what their defacto territorial concessions in 2014 did. they did not prevent the war this year in let's talk about the sanctions that are in place right now. i'm wondering, are they enough to win the war for ukraine and are they strict enough for me? we'd still have europe. i'm thinking of hungary through the back door, transferring huge sums of money to moscow for oil and gas. and we just saw the russian rouble hit a 2 year high against the dollar in the euro. last friday. i mean, this doesn't sound look like an economy that's about to go out for sure. i'm and i think we should make a differential between sanctions that have been imposed properly. so some of the experts sanctions, i'm to rush off key components. i think those, those are working,
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the issue is in sanctions that are not whole heartedly imposed including energy sanctions in the you actually having a counterproductive effect from having these lengthy discussions intox without any action. and so in financial economics, we have this concept of rational expectations that the market expects something to happen tomorrow. it's going to price that in today. that's what we're seeing with this protracted talk of an embargo without actually doing an embargo. we actually see a rise in energy prices, so effectively, citizens in europe are paying more for their oil and gas without i'm having any adverse effect and russians kind of with worst of both worlds. do you think, professor, let's just take the case of germany, germany incredibly dependent on russian oil and gas. if germany were to go cold turkey this year, would it see the price that it pays for energy be higher than, than the inflation that you're talking about?
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that's already being pumped into the market price. yes, of course. and then when the market is already pricing that and it's not pricing it and fully because there's some uncertainty, rates of the market is partially priced pricing. and so it's going to be less dire than what we think when we assume that the market hasn't priced it in a. but the other thing that i think is really important for countries like germany to understand is dad. this kind of tie trade relationship with russia. it imposes constraints on both ends. of course, demand for russian, oil and gas is somewhat inelastic. it's difficult to, i'm get out. but so as the supply, russia can not just easily divert all of its energy experts elsewhere. i'm so temporary measures like price caps instituting those while we work out the details of a full embargo would be very hold on actually before we run out of time, is it, is it too early to be talking about reconstruction of ukraine? i mean, is it realistic? right now to be talking about a marshall plan, you know,
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marshall style plan for you creed, or is this just rhetoric on a gram skill that we're hearing right now? now i think it's absolutely realistic and necessary to be thinking about it for 2 reasons. first, because that actually inter place with what we just talked about now the price of say, russian energy that needs to be factored in some sense. europe is already paying a huge tariff on the energy imports from russia. and because every dollar that russia uses for weapons is basically $10.00 of infrastructure destruction in ukraine. and so it's important to kind of be aware of that scale and then price it in when you're making other decisions. but also on a brighter side and hopefully and ukraine is able to withstand this war and with, with a well design. marshall plan, i think, is going to be a fantastic investment opportunity for the world economy and stage authentic since the producer of finance at the hosses school of business in berkeley, california professor. we appreciate your time in your insights tonight. thank you.
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thank you. with the united nations estimates that nearly 7000000 ukrainians have left their homeland since the invasion began. over half a 1000000 of them have come to germany to night. we want you to meet a mother and her daughter who ornell staying with a host family here in berlin. sidney if ne of key, if after month of heavy russian selling much of the city is destroyed, it is anna and such as hometown. in march, the mother and daughter fled to berlin, their thoughts as though with their family and friends in ukraine. in winder he ok, i thought i said my friends stayed in sion if that died my classmates were i can't bear the thought that they did not have the chance to escape even though they wanted to. i think it's terrifying. what
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drives and even though i'm doing well here, it's hard because i can't help them in beckon ukraine and i was finishing up high school. sasha walked in a call centre than the attack started. now they live with martin and cornelia young english. he's an entrepreneur, she's a doctor. the couple drove to the polish ukrainian border to help any refugees and take them to germany. here. and the and susan's, it's honestly, humans are social beings. if someone folds down next to you, you bent down and picked them up again. it's completely natural for reception to day and an sasha at the social welfare office of like all ukrainian refugees and germany. they can apply for financial aid to day. they receive that fast monthly payment, $350.00 euros. each one will bid less nick on. they want to save up and send some
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money to grandmother so she can prepare her roof. the skin which was destroyed in the wool. but needless and then sasha want to integrate quickly. they have signed up for a german language course. a charge congregation organizes it for free hub in the community. do you have children? i have been, i am 2 children. if a little that if you go home, but it's okay. it did. so yes, we wouldn't. we want to start until monday. i play at them. so this is like a, that's why with my me a, with the mother and daughter, i slowly finding that bearings in berlin. and i could even mention studying in germany and most of the center. i wanted to come back to ukraine to see my family
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members. but i think about leaving in terms of my life. yeah. and you film both of us if the but i'm to, oh, to completely overturn my former life. oh, my relatives on ukraine and my house to go, i want and that to decide for herself whether she wants to st. germany over 20 ukraine. but i want to go home sunday. you leave that unless i yell at syllable that most of them went the bush. but at the moment, they had no idea how long that will take ah, to night there is new information about the man who carried out that school shooting in texas on tuesday. and there's a german connection. the government apparently revealed his murderous plans just moments before carrying them out to a 15 year old teenage girl in frankfort. the 2 had become online chat partners at the beginning of mate. on tuesday,
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the gunman reportedly told the german girl that he had bought bullets when she asked what he planned to do with them, his reply was just wait for well in texas and all across the united states. people are mourning. the 19 children and 2 teachers who were killed tuesday in the deadly of school shooting that the country have seen a decade. we have this report tonight from the town of you've all the texas. the town of nevada is mourning the loss of their loved ones. 19 children to teach us 21 lives it were needlessly cut short. the tightly knit community is the latest in the u. s. to be devastated by gun violence. but texas governor greg abbott beliefs mental health and not access to guns is the real issue. we as a state, we as a society, neither do a better job with mental health. anybody who shoots somebody else has
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a mental health challenge period. we have we, as a government need to find a way to target that mental health challenge and do something about it. democrat beetle rogue was vine to be the next governor of texas in an upcoming election publicly confronted, correct, albert during his press conference, he accused the republican of being responsible for the killings by liberalizing state gun loss. oh the question. all you need to ask him is why does he want violent criminals to be able to carry guns on our streets? go, go, ask him that he has not had to answer for any of this. and he gets by with this theater on calling it out. i came here to called out to stop this because if we don't stop it, it will continue to happen. the community is still trying to process what happened . i was at the school where it was so pre k and kate
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can every morning have to open their doors for them to get out. can you see all these new them? this is really sad. so we have to goes to do this. i am saddened by that on angry and our government for not only more about gun control, but even as people across the u. s. and around the world expressed grief and sympathy. few believe that this will be the last such tragedy. will we want to go now to our correspondence? if on simon's he is covering the story for as he joins us? yes. in front of that, rob elementary school where the shooting took place earlier this week. if i knew, i know that there's been criticism to day that it took the police too long to respond, but talk us through this and we're talking about a town of what just 15000 people. this is a small town and they were dealing with
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a well equipped, well armed gunman while he's sick the yeah, you're right. so, so small community police in force has to be required from a surrounding counties here to routing cities. just that town of you all a said not able to deal with something of this magnitude of course. so here's what happened. and that is new information from the regional director of the public. a safety commission or public safety department here in you've all the texas at 1128 . the shooter leaves the house after shooting his grandmother into the face as gets in their car. and the grandmothers and grandfathers talk ditches the car into a ditch crashes into a dish leaf, the car with a long gun with a rifle. and a back turns out later, the beck was full of ammunition. then he gets into the school. the school door is not locked. that is unusual. normally are the schools in the united states. there's,
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you know, as a 1st line of defense and for security schools, doors are locked and you have to ring a bell or go with the little batch and to gain access. that wasn't the case. anyway, police in pursuit going in the school. just say 4 minutes after he the gunman, and just the school. the shooting takes place in those minutes. the police is taken . rounds means taken fire though. officers who follow into the school at 1144, take fire, take cover and call for backup technical team. and that's the case here. this is important, the technical team who actually then went into the school into the classroom and eliminated the threat, killed the gun, men took 40 minutes to get here and to do with exec me then. and that is the criticism here that nobody really understands. and again, context, this is a small town, there is no swat or technical team on hand. let's we're,
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which is here in like one or 2 minutes. that's not new york. it's you've all day texas. and you know, you mentioned that the, the front door was not locked in. a possible explanation could be because this is the last week of school summer vacation is going to start tomorrow. this is supposed to be a time when people are relaxed, excited people are graduating. all of that now has been destroyed, has branja nailed it. this was supposed to be a really happy day in a, for the town here for everybody here. and now look at cross my shoulder. i mean, this is not a happy day anymore. this won't be a happy day at all. it won't be happy weeks to come here for this community. was trying to come to come to terms with what happened. he and that is so you see, i'm struggling putting this actually in words because we're experiencing all day
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people coming here by next door all afternoon, dropping off flowers and i'm having a minor breakdowns by watching those crosses. so this was the beginning of summer vacation of the summer break, the last day of school. i ya know, this is not a joyous time, not a joyous time for this whole community. and this will take weeks month. huh. what do i know? how long it takes to get through this and over this maybe never. and you had to that to morrow. the national rifle association is holding its annual convention, not so far away in houston, texas, that has got to be very hurtful. it has to sting the people there. were you war? yeah. right. that's the topper. i'm the national rifle association. huge lobby. the pockets that didn't see apparently anything wrong with holding a huge convention in use and just and off 3 hours or 3 hours away from here on this
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is at least it many think he insensitive and not the right thing to do, but apparently a, the national rifle association didn't think to alter their plants, so it is what it is. people are frustrated about this, but what can they do? yeah, that's what a lot of people are saying this week about many things in the us. what can they do or correspondence? stuff on simon's night joining us from texas trip on thing. ah . or today mark's a 125 years since the classic horror novel dracula was 1st published. of the author, bram stoker got his inspiration for his vampire till while he was on vacation in whitby. on england's north eastern coast, the town is now a place of pilgrimage for dracula fans or reporter joined them there.
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there was a bright full moon. with heavy black driving clouds, bram stoker's dracula was published on may 26, 1897 would be bay as were in the novel count dracula lands in the western world. twice a year the town celebrates whitby gulf weekend. the visitors have plenty of theories about our fascination with the count. very good, the story is spooky. i suppose this, this the, the, the fight. i have a good over evil professor catherine when has studied the elements that i wish. right up bram stoker took from whitby. the also did his research in whitby library and it was there of course that he discovered the name dracula. and he changes the name of his vampire from count one pier, which would never have worked greatly. it's very melodramatic to contract. ha. stoker was also inspired by the 1885 ship wreck of
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a russian schooner in whitby. he just changed the name of the both from the demetrius, the diameter, the only living thing that bangs off this post is a black dog. a huge how this huge hound is till after the 1st films ashan was f. w man aus nurse for our to the german classic has just celebrated. it's 100th birthday. i am that you live in 1931 hungary and born bella lagossi, created the template for a more suave incarnation. but for many christopher lee who played dracula in 7 classic hammer horror movies is the benchmark, bram stoker died before the 1st film came out. what would he have made of the enduring success of his creation? he was a theater manager in his full time job. and i think every theory manager in the rightful mind would love a long run of a 125 years lease inspired. thousands of writers and staged directors,
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when night falls, we meet some dracula. devotees who take the whole thing a little too seriously. on ain't gary! well known em lucifer lucifer to acu. yet we believe that van toys over. there's lots of empires in whitby. well, we're not sure about that, but 125 years on bram stoker's dracula has millions of fans around the world. ah, the american actor really over his dom d, reportedly died in his sleep in the dominican republic where he was shooting a movie. he became a star with roles as a mobster and martin scorsese's gangster classic good fellows. and as baseball player shoeless, joe jackson in field of dreams, leo was 60 so the day is almost done. the conversation continues online. you'll find us on twitter. the w news, you can probably be of britain golf
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t v. we'll see you tomorrow. with with the new gold rush in the andes, lithium, this like metal is the raw material of the future. and it's essential to the expansion for metro mobility. but them is creating political intention and
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threatening a fragile ecosystem. the mining region is rife with controversy. next on d. w. it is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like. return to normal. and we visit those who are finding it difficult with successes in our weekly coven 19 special. in 60 minutes on d. w. o. she needed out. unfortunately, she talked and
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a south bay mother was going to spend the rest of her life behind bars for murdering her 3 daughters. if you call me back, i am with i see the site that was part of psychosis is an awful illness. post fordham is a nasty bitch mothers nightmare starts june 4th on d w. ah, there's a new gold rush in the andes mountains. mining companies are trying to tap into huge reserves of lithium, known as white gold. st. vision that the incoming argentina wants to attract.


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