tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle June 2, 2022 9:30am-10:01am CEST
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a station in the rain forest contain carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. young people in the world are committed to climate impact because change doesn't happen on its own. make up your own mind. w. 4 minds ah, this is focus on europe are labriola. welcome to the program. ukraine has been at war for around a 100 days,
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and there is no end in sight to the carnage. fighting is especially fierce to new cranes east with heavy artillery bombardments, striking key cities as russia tries to seize don bass region. while despite being surrounded by danger and destruction ukrainians there, his river danko refuses to be driven out of don bass by putin's troops. the farmer has built a new life for himself in a small village. the front line is drawing closer with each passing day. many residents and even appeal you have had their livelihoods completely wiped out, still these ukrainians refuse to give up an idyllic scene, if it weren't for the front line not far from here. sir, he fair and shanker, came to the village of yvon obelia, 8 years ago. the entrepreneur fled done yet where he ran
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a retail business launch. im sure, what else can you do in a village? let a good one do nothing the most. i'm not used to working for others as an entrepreneur for 3 m 50. ah, it wasn't love of nature that drove there. he is moved back to the land and done yet he was known as a ukrainian activist. when pro russian separatists took power, he had to flee behind ukrainian lines. he learned how to run a farm from the internet. now the brutality of war has caught up with him again. recently a bomb landed only a couple 100 meters from his house, movies quote, to both soldiers were quartered here for a while to please call him him level of the they moved in here, then they were attack jalyssa blow, which i don't. oh yeah, that i think there were some nice neighbors who told the enemy about them laurel nice. in quotes, globally low, they will of go. yes sir. he suspects that some people here secretly sympathize
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with russia. for his part, he makes no secret of his dislike of ukraine's neighbour. he himself spent 2 years fighting on the front lines just 15 kilometers from here. in recent years, the situation has remained tense, but stable. all now the fear and violence are back. yeah, take your fire. he has already evacuated his wife to western ukraine. melissa, this is la. so just imagine this scenario. i a show hits the farm hero. otherwise i'd have to see to my own safety in that of the animals of those. and then my wife on top of that to cervical, was you have to understand it's much less worry this way. the said it's much easier to take responsibility for herself than for others to shiver luba. 15 kilometers away on the front line. sporadic shooting has been going on here for
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years. now shells rain down every day. welcome to new york population 8000 ethnic german settlers gave it that name in the 19th century. stolen re named it. no god's gay. but since last year it's officially called new york again with unit. oh, it bodies bought out of had hoped the name change would bring new energy to the aging industrial town. please, let's look at that couple when yet, there is no production here anymore. and he said that we thought the new name would attract investors to help us in this building was renovated with aid money. yet, as there used to be forums and cultural events held their executable sub. but i knew now the cultural center is surrounded by craters. numerous shells had struck the neighbourhood walking over the windows a chassis, but my roof came off. he could easily by danielle,
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i sat in the cellar while it happened gila, instead of giving readings of his work, bought out of now volunteers to care for the remaining residence, checking in on them and organizing aid every day, i mean, the seller, in fact, we've been in our sellers for 8 years, murder, countless houses in town have been destroyed. 3 quarters of the population have fled. bodies bought out of sent his wife to stay with his daughter in western ukraine. leaches. when you see what's happening, he himself won't consider leaving idea therm. helena, as they say, my hope is the last to die. i'm on the side of ukraine and i'm home. i believe the news and i was born here in this town. i'd wilted whistles. people as i
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hope nothing comes down here, that whistling otherwise we'll have to hit the ground on the farm. sir, he's very jenko carries on as best he can. he used to send his goats cheese from the front line all across the country. but since the fighting increased mail services have shut down, left a little go paula. our revenues have dropped by 60 percent. but the costs are barely tuning and sharp and moved. loser brother? ah. but at least he has been spared the very worst. he has 8 employees who show up regularly for work and the war hasn't stopped the nanny goats from having kids with him. if i were a pessimist, i wouldn't have started a business in a place like this. i won't stay if it gets occupied, but that won't happen. and if it comes to that,
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his uniform is still hanging in the closet. well, not far from ukraine is georgia and the war is wang on people's minds there too. but in the village of to vasta residents are also concerned about making ends meet their incomes rely on a small, delicate plant that is endangered in some other parts of the world. sno drops grow in abundance in georgia and are among the country's top exports. but who is really profiting from the demand? delicate signs of spring, snow drops or among the 1st flower signaling the end of the long winter in the caucasus mountains. with for many georgians there more than just a lovely flower. like many others here. katrina, you are kaylee, makes a living from the bulbs of these early bloomers. gay that we had talked to al young,
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see miss how my child is physically demanding i. i wouldn't say that i am ruining my own health, but i do get tired and my back example clearly her talk, it will show all day. i'm hunched over, working with her as a lead, but it's something i gladly do for the sake of my 2 children. oh, it's live, all of with the lesser caucasus is a beautiful but poor region. the bulbs of the local snow. dr. flowers are a welcome source of income for people here. and demand remains high. each year about $22000000.00 george and snow drop bulbs are imported by the netherlands alone. one of the world's largest flower suppliers. elsewhere in europe . the plant is listed as a threatened species. so for georgians, it's a balancing act. protecting the largest snow drop population in the world by continuing to make a living from it. here truly sacramental. this beautiful
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flower has been bringing us joy for centuries will go. our main goal is to preserve and spread its population mischief while we will be one of the most efficient ways is to study and expand the areas where it blooms and be said to establish, look that way. we harvest the smallest possible number of bulbs in any given area to return a bush. this strategy aims at building market demand while preserving the flower from extinction is as well as a law that's very important to us. we upper gear volume in medford, we're not with ma. melissa m a needs a is one of only 3 entrepreneurs in georgia license to exports, no drop bulbs to europe in a warehouse. the bulbs are cleaned and sorted with the boss himself getting involved just under a 3rd of the $30000000.00 bullets he exports each year, a wild coming from the mountains,
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the rest he sources from local growers. the spring flower business is important to western ga unemployment here in the countryside is estimated to be as high as 40 percent for many spring is the only time of year when there's work so must also scribbles. got him was out of the amazon to with 20 employees work at the factory. miss. kimberly was to run when we're preparing our product for export. we hired them on a temporary basin of shoe vomiting yoshi. we also use the land of several local families, which are usually quite large in this area. so they live out and we hire more than 500 locals to help pick the bulbs the southern move. well, the good market picks georgia spring flowers are big business in europe. it's not just the dutch, we're crazy about them. in britain,
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there are flower expos in themed travel packages. 10 years ago, a single plant fetched $860.00 euros at auction. that's an unimaginable price tag for george and snow drop picker. katrina, you're kelly in the small village of crushed her. she shares a house with her husband, 2 daughters and a few other relatives couldn't georgia . a former soviet republic has been independence since 1991. still prosperity has alluded most people here in the mountains life is modest to the locals. peace is what matters most. but since the beginning of the russian invasion of ukraine, katina fears, the worst lego of waste alo, sell them all of that. everything i do, i do for my children. i hope they can get
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a good education. j. miller. my husband and i will support them along the way. your lights hold cannot table god cleanable kit unless she i want them to live in a prosperous and united ga the i got a hotel. we see what's happening in ukraine on a shallow. i feel so sorry. for all the innocent people being killed and the parents who have lost their children are or parent or our children should never have to experience that. or sometimes i wonder what will happen if war breaks out in our country as well adults. what will we do? again, i pray that we can all continue to live in peace street that will be at the end of an 8 hour work day on the slopes of the lesser caucasus katrina and her family drink to peace and prosperity. the regions, small, tender flowers are playing their part in making that wish come true
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turkeys, president, wretch, up tie up air to watch those who air their grievances about him in public may find themselves behind bars. that's thanks to an article. and turkey's penal code, which criminalizes insulting the president and practice it's been wielded against dissidence, such as people who criticized the country's political corruption, crackdowns on the free press or police violence. and it's a charge he has been faced with wrapper or coon dk describes his lyrics as funny and satirical. but for the turkish president or cons, music is no laughing matter. lou gone long in his home studio in istanbul repel all con dk is recording new songs. despite being in trouble for almost a nautical modem,
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charge what i enjoy making music and yes and my lyrics. i also criticize what i think's going wrong. her the sure. ah, this is one of the videos for which the turkish president's lawyers have pressed criminal charges against all can go to a distorted photo of red chip tie a bad one. he wraps, send me money. there is also some swearing. that's where all can had to go to court . he was handed down to 14 months, suspend a jail sentence, for insulting the president. founded on the up gardener. i criticized earned on my putting words in his mouth mod, i let him say things that he does. i'm that's criticism, not an insult. in and above all home, it's funny to the river corner, but here in turkey, everything's now a problem. as though everyone's paranoid, anyone who hears a swear word immediately senses a crime. multiple people should relax, not just the president, but every one of the fish heard it. yes. oh,
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coolness 28 years old. he earns money with his rap songs. o'con isn't a celebrity. although he is sometimes recognized on the street. but you don't have to be a celebrity. to be accused of insulting the president and turkey. tens of thousands have been hit with the charge in recent years, teenagers and teachers, lawyers, and members of the opposition. recently the arrest of prominent journalists said if cabbage calls to public outcry, she had quoted an old proverb on tv. when an ox entered the palace, he does not become a king, but the palace becomes a barn. the sentence more than 2 years in jail suspended the law criminalizing insulting the president existed long before out on, but it was rarely used until he took office. between 20142020 turkish
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authorities have investigated more than 160000 cases. nearly a quarter of them ended up in court. the law has definitely been abused. you know, it's clear that add ons, lawyers are combing social media for any mention as the president. and you know, totally arbitrarily opening endless legal proceedings. basically it's, it's sending a message to the society that you know, you will not criticize. this has a chilling effect on every one of the presidents, fellow party members, reject the accusation. adam yielded him is deputy had of out owens ruling a k p in east m. boyer. he believes a number of insults has increased so much because more and more people are using social media is and that the president doesn't have to put up with everything. oh, furniture foreclosure, oh, the way we look at our political leaders may be different than elsewhere in europe
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. we don't disrespect our hands of the state race after all, they're elected by the people sit finished 3 or you can criticize the president as much as you want. i got it's, i've heard it, but you cannot insult him. that won't be tolerated. that the kids, especially as sola, how clarity on i look on. i'd almost always wrapper, auckland, d. k sometimes spends more time with his lawyer than in his music studio. they have appealed against the prison sentences of thought. the other shannon wounds over 3. mark him as they couldn't even tell us which part of orkin songs they considered insulting for me. we told them to show us on it, but the prosecutor just replied, the insult is in the lyrics of childhood, isn't them? it's just inappropriate to put any one in prison because of a song nowadays him get it. then all been all over. all can says he doesn't want to be intimidated with having
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a chef. many young people here in turkey no longer dare to say or write anything critical. they're afraid rogers look, but not every one is that i'm not like, i'll continue madam, but the pressure is increasing. hello, everyone here feels it. i'm again, our rebushka show you what he said you out. yeah. whatever. the eventual outcome of his case, all con will probably rep about it some day. all the g. o . it's hard to believe that this was once so valuable. it could create and destroy empires. in ancient rome, it is said that soldiers were sometimes paid not with coins, but with salt, extracting the high quality mineral is still back breaking work even in our modern world. yet the ancient technique is drying. city dwellers in france, closer to nature. on the island of elderly, the profession was at risk of dying out. but now the island has become fertile
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ground for aspiring salt farmers. lulu michel li doesn't get sore muscles any more. he extracts kilo off to kilo salt out hans full of sea water with his for me to long wooden rake. he goes back and forth all day long. or if he fell nobleman, you have never done this before. i'd never done manual labor. i have a lot of experience as a researcher, but that's not very physical work. but paula, it's nothing like as hard as this. bo lavolle has traded his dis job in paris to salt harvesting on either a. he's a trained fire chemist conducting research for the nuclear industry. now he only works barefoot there chicago. i love how everything is constantly changing the nuclear even though we keep doing the same thing. but in nature is amazing. every day is different, we're. the colors are always changing the mirror that you ha,
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all formula local provider grew up on his own. the idea of becoming a salt farmer came to him during the concert, looked down. he set about learning the 800 year old technique. and so i could go google a pause helps trying the next generation of salt farmers for the cooperative. most salt farmers on the island until their harvest together through the co operative. they also conduct training together by the legal currently has to trainees the birth of a group, not like that law. that's no good look diploma . it has to be uniform today they've gotten assume your condition unix. we train somewhat older people who already have some work experience, but i think having experience in other areas helps because we saw farmers are all our own bosses will pop or butter. injury is known for its salt farms. the craft
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had been at risk disappearing. but today there are once again more than a 100 salt farmers on the island law. he tossed mad horn to pass on our skills so that the craft lives on. it's pretty easy to get started here are you just have to work hard, but that's obvious. all it's joan boyer if a rock was born he and grew up around the salt plants for the 39 year old. the job runs in his blood. his father and grandfather will also salt farmers. a no, a plessy moist altima. i personally feel like things are changing with time. yeah, there's more precipitation and the seasons aren't as distinct as they used to be. is only by markham. they're bully, let how they worries about the future. the salt of operation plans are below sea level. if the sea level rises, it will flood not only the palms,
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but whole parts of the island. he works part time for the local government, maintaining dykes. he inspects them all twice a year. if you have, i'm protecting the cornerstone of my work. what's important to me, us today he's out on the eastern side of the island now to tell everything's in good shape here. i know this dike was rebuilt just full years ago. you're calling much higher than it was before. but i said the microphone ever his boss joined him for the inspection to bio chose an awful night. but if he can't leave it like bad by. yeah, we're just cheering psychos, cynthia. in 2010, everything he flooded. now the dikes are being raised one by one of the to protect the island or on a 5th off at the or if you have marked him as it was a response to climate change, to protect the next couple of generations until they can rethink things. i have to
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ship. uh huh. the dykes will be done in about 6 years. laura is raking his la salt before the sun goes down. that's when his day finishes . when. oh, i'm looking forward to attending my own sol bonds as a real sold farmer, not just a trainee fender. we are sonya for his that have parted with the progress he's making that day won't be far away. naples is a city of contrasts, where dilapidated apartment blocks and modern structure stand alongside historic buildings. naples is also known for its bright and dark sides, and that especially true under ground. below the vibrant street of naples lies a secret world where death is helping to breathe life into a struggling community. above ground,
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naples anita neighbourhood is buzzing with life, but another world opens up to tourists to venture below. these are the catacombs of san gal. the also and san denado, a burial place dating back to the 2nd century. medium call of the lamp, an onset cooperative is a tour guide in this neapolitan underworld. it was only in 2008 that young people like her began clearing the catacombs of garbage and rubble, to day more than $100000.00 visitors are enchanted by them each year disabled and expect this new quote. they think it will be a much more cramped space with or yeah, but this is a triumph of 2 for limestone. can a thing of beauty underneath the skulls and the walls, the deceased are depicted an artful frescoes. the catacombs of san gowdy also were a burial place for the clergy and upper classes. in the 17th century, social status is revealed through garments and tools. the catacombs are an asset to
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those living above. this part of the old town used to be one of naples poorest areas suffering from crime unemployment and the mafia. but tourists have brought change weeks, se, crawford, they come for pizza, coffee or something sweet. they're saying good things about our neighborhood now, a little bit of a multi tourist, lots of tourists, tops look at all the beautiful things they see walking about was embezzling. the catacombs have brought the co op members work and a future in their own neighbourhood. banana until i went back to school, got my degree and learned languages, things i had given up on a long time ago. todd to preserve the delicate early christian frescoes of san denado, their only illuminated briefly when tourists visit medium hopes. anita can be an example for other places, is but we want to explore this model and get others excited by the idea we require
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. we can create a big change from the bottom up. i don't, i think i'm gaming the sunny to a neighborhood is proving that drawing on the past can bring positive change for those living and the present will be turning off the lights here in the studio in a short while too. that's all from us this week. at focus on europe, bye for now. ah, [000:00:00;00]
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investigative journalist was managed to pierce the veil of secrecy. among them, i'm very cold, offer a guarantor of websites which trust rushes intelligence services. it's really difficult for psychological play low because they bought good 30 minutes a w, a soccer interest order from any colors and the children in this mountain village to know the ball with wears blue. the color of her favorite teen sex is traditions, prevent her from going to games and play an insurmountable obstacle. little girl all on the beach in 75 minutes on d. w. o.
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