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tv   Covid-19 Special  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2022 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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the conflict between iran on the one hand and israel and the united states on the other with more than 40 years. the adversaries have been irreconcilable. there isn't never been any real dialogue. how did this confrontation begin? how great is the danger that it was spread? the lawn war. he's real. iran usa starts june 15th on d. w. ah, did the army cron variant evolve in an animal or a human being that the u. s. question that will be addressing this week? welcome to the latest coven. 19 special. also on the show, blood purification treatment in germany. why people from all around the world are
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seeking therapy for long cove. it in new hind but fast to the u. s. and a story involving baseball healing horses and a teenager with long cove. it has been fighting his way back to health. marie siena reports moreno her while other teenagers spend their mornings in school on the corn, goes to the stable. since his life was turned upside down, he has forged a special bond with one of the horses. this is mercedes and she was sick for a year about a year with pneumonia. similar to me, slower arm. he got sick with cove at last year for 7 months. could barely get out of bed. this walking, even a short block, made his heart race and left him struggling for breath one and a half years later, he still experiences debilitating memory problems and brain fog. so maybe i
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remember something the next day, but really like just remembering everything i did yesterday feels like i'm trying to remember something i did a month ago in classes on. i will be asking a question to the teacher and then i'll have completely in the middle of my question, forgot what i was going to say. forgot the rest, the question long cove. it refers to symptoms that linger at least a month after the initial covert infection. has passed, doctors are still unclear as to why it happens and how to treat it, especially in young patients like ami, we felt all along that the doctors were learning with us. and there were quite a few, at the time doctors that had kind of the standard line. this will go away and that they're surprised that he's disaffected because he's a kid. and so we were kind of in the dark ami is not an isolated case. new research shows long covert can affect children and similar ways to adults. a
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horse therapy is helping ami overcome anxieties around reclaiming his life. just being around any of the horses. i feel calm and you know, for sure when you're with an animal that like, there's a sense of there just a happy the way things are with another person. you could think what's going on, are they going to say something rude or they are? did they like me? do they not like me ami had to stay home for much of 8th grade. now he's a 9th grader, but returning to his studies has been hard. his trouble focusing means he can only attend a small number of classes. before he got covert, army was a straight a student. now he will likely have to repeat a year. my performance definitely went down. i wasn't like, i wasn't getting as good grades and things definitely feel harder than they did before. without a known treatment for ami symptoms, his parents had to search for medical solutions on their own. you're,
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you're trying to grasp as it was a lot of time, mostly late at night when ami was sleeping, researching anywhere that was treating covered for teenagers and, or adults. i'm searching for other people that had long covert trying to make connections trying to find anything that could relieve his symptoms and turn things around for him. shifted training and at least physically things have slowly been turning around. ami finally has enough strength to get back to his passion. baseball cobra had left his lungs and heart, unable to cope with heavy exercise, now ami things. he can make a comeback. i'd love to play baseball professionally. and anyways, it's more, i mean, i love playing and i've worked really hard to get back to where i am and i'll continue. and i'm going to continue to work hard to make the most progress i can
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and really catch up on that year that i missed. i'm doing this physically ami is back on track. he and his parents hope the same will happen for his ability to focus. so that their long fight with covert can finally come to an end opec people with long cove. it can end up desperate and willing to travel long distances in search of help. some are coming to germany for an as yet unproven treatment, kona and gay from d. w science unscripted team went to investigate so this building right here really doesn't look like much, but this is where people from all around the world are flying to, to get inside if they can, to try a new long coven therapy or a relatively new one. the question is, what is that therapy?
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and can we say anything about whether it actually works? this is the office of dr. biachi eagles, who offers a blood clot therapy called help after recess. when you go inside the waiting room, you can see people are really desperate and there are thousands more on the waiting list. puts in a common us against and read it. canada with england, from the navi and flank patients are coming from all over the world. canada, the us, england, scandinavia, france, spain, shakia, russia, india everywhere. come, why are they coming here? because they can get the help of recess treatment here. the machines are here. it's a german invention. we've been doing this for 40 years. and when i saw the pathological reports back in march 2020, about vascular inflammation,
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i thought f a racist has to be able to help cova patients as well. and have to under dust the mr. corps with present. and i'm on my way to meet a guy named james cox. he flew all the way from bermuda to get this therapy. james, as part of the online long corporate community. and the story actually began with his tweet. i am james. i'm 31 years old and i've been suffering from long cobra for about 18 months now. long of it is quite frankly, completely upgraded and changed my life in every way possible. i struggle with a range of symptoms that undulate on a day to day basis, which can completely limit to my life. and i'm unable to work. i'm unable to exercise to participate in society in any normal way, like i used to. i've been around the world to doctors in the u. s. in the u. k. and
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even remember meta and no one's really been able to provide me with any sort of clear cause reason or treatment that may or may not help and seem to me that the clinic here that i've been to actually offer me that and. and to the desperation, to try and find some relief from this agonizing journey that i've been on. i've came here so does help after recess actually treat some of the symptoms that people with long covert are facing like these clumpy platelets. the answer is, we don't know yet. working on that research now are dr. jaeger herself, the max planck institute for physics and a long doctor named a sod khan, who told us more from india. there are, i believe, many, many thousands, if not tens of thousands of people around the world who would love to see, you know, hard peer review data on, on truly whether or not this works. is it worth going to germany or to other
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countries to do this? can we expect that soon? you can expect that i can't say how to do. but what i can tell you is that looked at the effect of health every 5th on the blood appearance of patients. they're looking at where they had an impact on the micro clots, but also looking at measures of patient function. that's what they called mission and ability. their ability to answer questionnaires about quality of life. and autonomic function at this point that can't be much more apart from the fact that they've been very interesting without so i've spoken to maybe a dozen patients at this point who've had help apaloosa treatment. is it a miracle cure? it certainly is not other some patients who said yes, it made them feel better. others said, it did nothing for me at all. and even even dr. jaeger herself, has said that this is one piece of the puzzle. it is not the thing that's gonna fix
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long coven, for every one that said there's potential, and we're waiting for the research to come in to show us exactly what help app races can do or can't do. for people who are suffering from lunk all the sh, if you have a question about cov it derek williams on science correspondence or fiance. right to k, the p d. you sent a d, w dot com for the latest research and fax. today he answered this question. did the on the con variant originate in animals who humans? when the on the chron variant hit seemingly out of nowhere at the end of last year, it, it took experts off guard and in a number of ways, one of the biggest surprises was how very dear friend, the new variant, was from earlier variance that had dominated the coven landscape on
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a microphone sported dozens of genetic mutations compared to the original virus. and, and genetic sequencing reveals that it hadn't really descended from its predecessor delta, which was what you would have expected. but instead seemed to have evolved somewhere somehow in secret, possibly for more than a year before exploding on to the scene at the end of 2021. so where did all the viral evolution that led to alma crohn take place? spoiler alert, we don't really know, but there are 3 hypothetical scenarios that experts take seriously. i'm to involve evolution in humans. the 1st postulates that a micron evolved somewhere remote where, where little surveillance was going on in an area where authorities had no idea how
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many people were getting ill from the virus and, and didn't have the technology to track which variance were making, who sick? that's certainly possible, i'm a 2nd hypothesis postulates that are microns radical evolution might have happened within a single individual. so someone who was maybe seriously immunocompromised, to caught source covey to then had it for months because their immune system was unable to fight it off. and over that period, viruses inside their body reproduced, generation after generation of a lineage that steadily accumulated more and more mutations until the honor chron variant arose. the 3rd possibility, which could account for all microns surprise appearance is that it didn't involve in humans at all. i'm not at viruses like sars,
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coby to jump to us from animals in what we call spill over events, but we can also give them back to other species and what's termed spill back. um, we know, for example, that menke and deer and a range of other animals can also get cove at 19. so if you imagine a scenario, say in 2020 sometime where the corona virus jumped from us to a population of animals in the wild. so spill back, then circulated, and one or maybe even more wild species for months, mutating all the while. that could also explain our microns long list of novel mutations when it eventually jumped back to us in late 2021. or at least that's what the hypothesis says me,
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ah, it's still unclear whether mutations of the virus can develop and people who are immunocompromised . in recent months, the focus here is often turned to hel, covered 19 effects. people living with h, i, b, d, w. reports from but both swanner in southern africa, one and 5 adults here live with h. i v. the epidemic is among the worst and the worlds, but would wanna also has one of africa leading h i v research institutions. and some of the best viral scientists here are currently wrapping up a major study with 1500 participants. focusing on the intersection between h, i v, and cope it asked to core questions is covert more dangerous for people living with h r v and to the vaccines protect them to. and what does this striking for us is
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that we did not find any differences between people, even with this id and people. and this is very important for us because it means that even if you're living with this, if you're virally suppressed, you can still purchase enough immune responses. i can quote at the beginning of the pandemic, scientists assume that people living with h i v would be at higher risk of getting seriously ill if they contracted cove. it's kathy go, boss, i remember that time very well. she is one of the few people in board, swanner were open about their h i v status. we were asking us for the at the end of this closet, we are going to the corner is people use the j, v. i was afraid of we had to write, so i end up getting it. i hate it because he go by, shots, survive, took over infection. in fact, she only had mild symptoms, possibly because she has been on anti rich ro, viral drugs, or a r v's for
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a long time. this is one of the key messages of bash as n g o for young people infected with h i v. patients take that daily a r v 's, which are free and bullets wanna. the virus is much of a problem. and then ends at the beginning of the pandemic. that message spread fast . when we hit the road, it will d took a year to the rest because there was a rumor that those who age have you put the do on medication the the system is through the research now concerned that what was initially just the rumor is in fact through individuals who are in someplace immune response, if they're not going to teach men. and of course, given to high prevalence or was bound to be a few or a good number of people who i mean compromised. so that is something that data such
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data has shown that those individuals are more likely to be impacted by a quality to are more likely to progress into hospitalisation or the disease because on the coin section, research is also highlight the risks of viruses and mutations evolving in a compromised immune host, which includes people who are not on treatments for the h i. v. infection in cases in one in depth. and one in kept on individuals will not suppress with one of those individuals over time. and they realize that those individual one we infected, we've developed a number of mutations and it's supposed that. but this is that if you allow us to, to keep in, in an environment of a compromise immune system, you are allowing us to create
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a lot of musicians with one has made massive progress in the fight against h. i v. in recent years, the numbers of new infections are decreasing. more than 90 percent of those living with h, i v know their status and less than 5 percent of women with h. i v transmit the virus to their children, activists and scientists and boards. why not? and now hoping that the massive scientific breakthroughs in covert vaccines, especially those with m r in a technology, will have a bill over effects on the development of h i v vaccines cathedral barsha doesn't want to give up hope that the h i virus that killed many of her friends can one day be eradicated we're all individual. none of us will respond to an infection in exactly the same way. but after more than 2 years, a panoramic some people are clearly at higher risk of developing more serious symptoms. we spoke with dr. christiane category a need is about
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a range of pre existing medical conditions. some people don't even notice that they've been infected with south covey, too. in others, the corona virus causes severe symptoms that can lead to hospitalization and even death. a number of factors can increase the risk of severe cove in 1900 symptoms, including age, sex and vaccination status. but there's also strong evidence that many pre existing medical conditions or co morbidities, can also put patients at greater risk. one in particular is obesity. obesity is one of the well as tabular risk factors for koby 19. we have to keep in mind that we have some differences between the us and europe, so you have more patients with obesity in the u. s. so this came up very early in the panoramic in europe, and we have some other risk factors, especially hypertension and diabetes, little bit more than obesity. still, it's
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a high respect all over the world. the corona virus enters the body through the airways and often stays in the upper respiratory tract, the sinuses, nose and throat. but if the virus manages to reach the lungs and flourish, it can cause life threatening pneumonia or an immune reaction that spins out of control. this means that people with certain pre existing long diseases are at higher risk for developing severe cove at 19. interestingly, the picture is much less clear caught when it comes to a few respiratory conditions such his asthma. many studies that have examined whether asthma is a risk factor have cautiously concluded that it isn't, but the data isn't clear cart. so why is that? back to now if i look back now to in the half year we had only very, very few s mat takes us to the patients. and now i see you. one explanation might be that as math takes as seo, but the patients, for example,
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prevent of themselves by reading mosse and being very careful in the public. and that might be one intervention which, which helped them very much not to get this severe cases. cardiovascular disease is another major risk factor. so if you've had a heart attack or have coronary artery disease, that's because the enzyme that acts as a doorway that allows the corona virus to invade ourselves. because not just in the lungs, but at high levels in the heart and blood vessels. that the virus can cause inflammation and blood clots to with 19 is not only a disease of the long co redone 19. this is ashley, also these, these of the vessels and that is something richer. we always have to keep in mind. it might be that with your micron variant, this changed a little bit, but at least up to the doubts of variance. we have many complications, sir,
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in the vessels, and this is so strong linked to to hard industrial diseases. people with diabetes, especially older patients, are also at higher risk. and so are those who are moderately or severely immunocompromised. the most prominent patient population we have at the moment our patients with transplantation and immunosuppression. are those ones biz romantic diseases or, or receive special drugs really suppress uses then very severely chemotherapy drugs also increase risk. so cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, or who have received chemotherapy in the last 3 months, are at higher risk of developing severe disease. some other health conditions also put people at higher risk for severe illness from coven 19. but these co morbidities are, among the most common when the cove at vaccination drive got
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underway in the global north last year, many african countries started to realize the urgent need to develop local vaccine production capacities. it since become a top priority. as julia smuggler reports from uganda. here at the uganda virus research institute, scientists are developing a coven, 19 vaccine, clinical immunology, pontiac caliber had the teen and explains what drives him. i think there was, i was coming. we knew that there was iniquity. who didn't africa is behind in terms of really innovation and discovery and manufacture back for corporate, it shown us that we need to do something better. more more over the years can lead to his publish numerous articles, on immunology and biology. he and his team now have a government ground to concentrate their research on cobra. 119 when i look at the
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way we've been in bucks and design not on the in human, but our colleagues in animal. they have been trying, but the funding has been limited in africa, very few countries that have been developing. but when the 1st batch of vaccines arrived in uganda, president me 70 was one of the 1st to get a job. he also granted research is $40000000.00 to develop their own vaccine. we are working on that now of course 900 vaccine. and specifically, here we use a weaker or mild version of the virus or another virus to help us carry the company over the side school to virus into that body. so specifically, we have isolated dental viruses from our local chimpanzees. here we have transformed the nature to allow us to in such that spike gene of the coffee,
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19 viruses that will prevent n p a in uganda. him shall 98 percent of their dna with humans, making them our closest living relatives, chimpanzee. at an o viral vectors or a well studied vaccine type. i'm the we want to use chimpanzee viruses as victors, just as our colleagues and looks what i've done. so this is just a vehicle. it cut is a part of the code on a virus. so that when your brother says it injected into you as a vaccine, it behaves as if it has seen a virus. it produces, the body, produces antibodies, anti cells, and you have some immunity. so that's the approach way easy. over the next few months, the vaccine candidates will be tested on mice. i'm optimistic, but as a scientist i have to be cautious. but i, we've done everything right. and i'm keeping my fingers crossed,
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and i hope that out of the 3 vaccine candidates, at least one will give us the right immune response. and if the team is successful, they'll have made a valuable contribution to boosting africa's capacity to respond to any future. pandemic news that's all for this week. stay healthy and see you next time through ah ah ah ah
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ah ah ah! with who they want to make a milk long and to make animal feed with flies. research teams are working on new ideas to
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save our planet. how realistic they apply the green revolution. in 15 minutes on d, w. to the point a clear positions international perspective with russian troops are stepping up there offensive in ukraine's industrial hard land. as the conflict becomes the war of attrition, ukraine pleads for additional heavy weapons to hold off. the invaders is the ty, turning in proteins, fabre 2.2 minutes on a d, w ah. enjoying the view she can take to look at this tv highlights every week in your
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psychosis is an awful illness. post. fordham is a nasty mothers nightmare starts june 4th on d w. ah, ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin, ukraine's president says a 5th of the country is no wonder russian control. bought a domain to landscape comments come as the west promises more weapons to cave and russian forces edge closer to capturing the key eastern city of.


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