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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2022 3:30pm-4:01pm CEST

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hi maternal mortality rate in some african countries and the burden of stereotypes, mothers deal with 70. so with dw, ah, what people have to say matters to us. m. that's why we listen to their stories. reporter, every weekend on d. w. o, o. ah, in celebration of queen elizabeth the 2nd platinum to believe one,
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royal super van reveals her immense collection of royal merchandise more on that in today's show. and with that, a warm welcome to another edition of your o max. here's what else we've got lined up for you today. this spanish city all valencia is the perfect place for a relaxing to say tea break. and she is whisperer willy sh need is one of the best with cheese makers. 70 years unless her own. i'm no royalist myself, but i do have to admit that's impressive. even though she has no political power. queen elizabeth, the 2nd is arguably britain's biggest celebrity in this weekend is her platinum that you believe in celebration summit. 12000000 people are throwing st parties up and down the country. one of them is monarchist anita atkinson. his collection of royal march is massive. a cup of tea with queen elizabeth
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the 2nd prince, william and duchess kate always former king george the 6th and his wife every day. and nita atkinson from where dale newcastle spends lots of time with the british royal family often referred to as the royal super fun. i suppose that's true, but i'm a monarchist and i firmly believe that i will support the monarchy until the day i die. she keeps around 1000 pieces of memorabilia from the british royal family in her home. but her collection is much larger. later she will show us just how lodge never thought about having a collection. it just happened. i'm a custodian, if that collection of all the people's memories and i'm never, ever, i mean people say, oh, it must be worth a fortune. i'm not interested in money. and it's value less to me because i'm never,
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ever going to sell it. never, not even a single piece. anyone who spends every day with the royals does so with humor. as william and kate, let's give them a polish, with a hardy and making it only a fraction of her collection is in the house. she's been collecting souvenirs since 1977. the ye queen elizabeth the 2nd celebrated her silver jubilee on the throne. she has converted the former cow shed next door into her very own museum. i don't know exactly how many pieces that i in here, but it's around about 7000 paces that go back 9 rennes. i don't spend as much time in here as i would like to actually live in here. but if i, it would be nice just to have a whole day to just be in here not to sit. i don't do sitting very well, but to just be an hour tweak things
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a little bit. there are probably some 12000 pieces in her entire collection. there's more stored in heretic. it was a pack of playing cards, a double pack of playing cards. in fact, it was this one that started this collection. this is the very 1st item that i owned myself. even her mother collected souvenirs of the royal family, small treasures such as a cookie jar for the coronation of king george the 6th, and her eclipse to celebrate the coronation of queen elizabeth the 2nd. this is the oldest facing the collection sir snuff box, from the reign of y from the coronation of king george the 3rd and east queen, queen charlotte in 17. 61. her favorite royal is queen elizabeth, the 2nd who has sat on the throne for 70 years. what would she wish for the queen on her platinum jubilee? i would franca for 70 years of total dedication and commitment
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absolutely. toward all, there's never been a time when she's disappointed us. what she'd been perfection, perfection personified. what you've been, ma'am. thank you very much. anita atkinson has prepared some outfits for the celebration. she's planning a big tea and garden party and still needs to make some preparations with her granddaughter. of course, queen elizabeth the 2nd will also be there. germany's famous metal band is back. ham shines new. album site is already a global hit. the group is known for its elaborate shows and provocative music videos. berlin based director you and height man has already produced a number of videos for the band. and now he's done it again with a truly weird twist on german stereotypes. and we got to have
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a look behind the scenes where you are in the charming little town of l mal austria and we're making unused ramstein video. doesn't even know how to toggle director urine heitman has been creating music videos for her. i'm shine the globally celebrated rock ban from germany for 20 years, as one of the creative minds behind the film set. he consistently develops powerful imagery that helps shape how much time image. so of course, he's involved in their new single mosquito resume, though. um, does this song is about a man with a certain desire for let's say, a woman's physical attribute, different young displacement manon of because i'm a usually try to be a bit more subtle. but i think in this case we failed. once the fish are by this m r g, i always like working with cliches. the best way to break it cliche is with another cliche. and when you have an in your face song about an old man and his thighs
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slapping escapades, then the best thing to do is flip the script and throw that back at the audience with. we're taking some really antiquated notions and trampling all over them into tons. for his videos. yon hi to man loves placing the band members in unfamiliar roles and life styles of the kind emitter bed will know metal ban. try sampling brass band music and wearing these silly clothes on. since that waiter will be puzzled. it's hot since a long while. i'm stunning. such as on the, on to something what, what special about ramstein is that they have the courage to be ugly hot that lets us show the cracks in the facade, and we can dress it up and make it filthy. that, that is pretty special to me, must campus on louis. oh, good. com. dian has an image as a tough, uncompromising band that loves to provoke. but satire is also an essential ingredient in their videos. young,
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high demands video for the single zanna from 2001 has over 200000000 online views. it's a twisted adaptation of the fairy tale snow white featuring the band members as dwarfs, oligarchy, rounds were painted, and the scenery was construct a pedigree. there were no grain screens or special effects this event we did everything in camera ragamuffin. the problem of the video was the hard part was making us look smaller. snow white is supposed to be 1 may to 90. it's than we meant to be dwarves. unless it was included, i had to make paula little toller. i think it was auto trader because it's such a beautiful story with snow, white and the dwarves. and then look of what we did to it are insane to some of the ideas for the videos. come from the musicians themselves, their buses, oliver, at a foul maze, player oliver kind of videos from a snow white movie on his home computer. and he put it to music and it didn't fit at all the most. and we thought that was pretty coals capacitance for long on so
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many crazy concepts also come to fruition with the help of film production company cut to put you in heitman can spend hours tossing around wild ideas with creative producer ingleby yogi, who has been producing ramstein videos since the bands, early days of it to me later buddy bus madeau counted, we spent a long time thinking about what we could do, see the garage door. how far can we take this fairy tale? aesthetic oil and how much rocket road do we still need in there? josh, to be at some point we knew snow white had to die of an overdose in the bath tub. that's rock and roll. that to real suit to star death. zuba tool. that's how we shook up the whole concept has consequences, damage, time opens. ah, to make illusions in his video as perfect as possible. urine heitman and his team go to great cinematic length like in the video for one of hom,
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stein's biggest hit america from 2004 in the 6 musicians played astronauts on the me to visit us as we wanted it to look real. so we got space suits from nasa, from america, from idea to implementation. young height when always has the whole comstock cosmos in mind. in the home shine store in berlin, fans will not only find merchandise, but also lots of props from their shows and videos. with each video, the director wants to add an extra layer to the music and lyrics in the clip for audio from 2019. the band travels back in time to the 1920s. and in the audio video, it gets met nick and s a new new initiatives. longer for me, the audio video is not only about the history of radio, and it's more about freeing ourselves from conventions by following our dreams. no unsurpassed claims been with the keyboard, but r o b d was yearn is practically
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a member of the band which was at some continents. he can visualize our music for our songs in a way that it adds something great to them. foods of them to feel we've made so many videos together that he really knows our personalities. and he has a great sense of what suits each of us and soon possible. i'm shannon chung that sir sean gunman, victim clicked onto as i'm dying and i have come a long way. i took a volunteer and that's it. so i'm sure we've aged over the past 20 years. i ended up and he hasn't come, but i think you can still see that we've remained curious and keen on doing crazy things, sent him all dressing up and messing about the whole tomatoes for clinton and one such being it's such infectious fun. and to me it's been so liberating to go along with it. and i'm at bonham. for our next report, we're staying in the mountains to visit a troop. she's lovers, paradise,
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just 70 kilometers from the master. she's make her village need treat fine cheese, like the art formative. mitchell and star shaft anger made the world over a clamor for the chance to taste his cheese. crazy ma conversation making cheese maids working hand in hand with nature. what's most fascinating to me is the milk. you can use it to make something wonderful. something very aromatic it out. a lot the my number is 3 least meet. you have been case the most. i am a master chief maker in talk and borg i switzerland. and i produced cheese from her all milled in the press, finished meat is sometimes called a cheese whisperer a cheese virtue or so or that mozart of cheese makers or mace from all over the world adore his cheese. you and your body, he murmured as a boy, i'd spend all my time on the pastor with the animals. i'd help with the cheese
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maker and even made some myself. and that passion has stayed with me. give me it gets his milk from 9 farmers in the valley. he knows all of them personally. the cows only eat the grass, the grows here and are outdoors whenever possible. thus, eclipse is really pure milk. you can compare it to the top dollar berg into wine and we can boom, what comes out down there is like galls, phone them, roscoe, milk, rennet, lactic acid, bacteria, and salt. those are the only ingredients inch meets cheese. with this, he can make 30 distinct varieties. the milk he buys helps to offer such a wide range. it tastes different depending on the farm. it's from open book does he. token book is a valley that stretches north to south on the shady side tends to have green herbal
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aromas. while the sunny side tends to have a warm aromas like vanilla and caramel, me out all men, toby mani leo. thought on. male olive she meets jesus are his own creations. of course, he also upholds old traditions. his hate sick shop or would he? she is placed in a casing made of spruce barks to age. this gives it spruce and rosin aromas. a feel for me of his the mother, whenever i develop anything new, my goal is always to create a completely different and unique taste. but i guess mark hospital so they get more so i'd say god week. so depending on it's ariah 80 the cheese matures in one of 5 separate sellers for several weeks, months or even years. each seller has a different climate. cheese wheels must be turned daily and brushed with salt. water star shifts from all over the world order ish meeks cheese,
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but of course, he also has swiss customers. chef sylvia mansa has earned mitchell and star for the tube or restaurant in up and sell our land to her. schmidt's cheese is the perfect conclusion to any meal for mil to mil. he's a bit like the king of cheese or in terms of personality. he's just so nice a composite, bought the cerebral on a village does it, does it feel fault on caisson at the end? the variety of cheeses he offers is without compare in this a full form icicle. fresh meat cheese was not just food, but away of life. and under his watchful eye, it can even become art. i'm credence, lousy darling. they help me ma longer frog an artist from italy once asked me if i could make a cheese for him from human milk. you mostly hogansville won't put her in. and so i turned it into this beautiful white and old chamber on her. they are
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oh, it was quite provocative in the expedition brought to you. the cheese whisper is always on the lookout for new ideas. people, animals and nature are equally important to him. son c and pire, just if you there many reasons why valencia in spain needs to be on your travel bucket list and who better to ask them the city's locals. we spoke to people who know the city inside out to find out what to see what to do. and most importantly, if you ask me what to eat. ah, the port city of valencia has over $300.00 sunny days a year and its average temperature of 19 degrees celsius. make spain 3rd biggest country in ideal travel destination your route.
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my name is megan my opinion. i think valencia is really rate because of the weather and also because of the people that we are really nice and friendly people. i think a you should be see their cd of arsenal, science. it's was assigned by color trouble. the futuristic city of arts and sciences designed by valentin architect, santiago, calatrava, in the 990 s. is valencia leisure and cultural center. here. like in the city, nobody you see because everything has been adapted to, to the bags is turning to a green city, which is something, something good. harden doria, which was the river before. after the flood in the fifty's, they had to change the direction and they convert that into the longest part of
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europe on is really green and very nice to to go to work. also with the bike and how to be in the studio is over 9 kilometers long and considered the lungs of valencia. the park is perfect for catching your breath amidst the city's bustle. how do we keep running down the most important? a, b, c, b into our market. this is our market. this is tory, a market in valencia. he says, i'm denied a market in the syndrome market. a, you can see all the products. and the quality of the products is the best. the central market was designed in art nouveau, also known as catalog modernism and built in the early 20th century. as one of your
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biggest fresh produce markets. it spans 8000 square meters. the decor is inspired by the produce for sale. when it for the my name is mikhail, the and i'm the cathedral can and whatever you can get the best views of the city from there we go, let tower up there and significant that anybody me? when i restart, the doll tower, a valencia cathedral was built in gothic style and is about 51 meters tall. from here you can even see the ocean and the city of arts and sciences. and my, i was just hello, my name is yoseph gemara. i am a historian and i've been working here for 4 years. it's been through the tower, has 207 steps. that's like climbing 15 or 60 what? oh, i guess i don't believe you have to be in pretty good shape, but it's not too bad. it's certainly not as tough as climbing a mountain, as well. as with
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her, my name is what i am leaving here in bolivia. i'm from melinda, and i work asada agricultural engineer. it's a very come on here. we by yeah, like once a week or every 2 weeks for us, one of the best places to we player, but empty, i said logically my this is also the capital of pena. rural communities here invented the rice dish between the 15th and 16th century. the original peo, valencia. honda was made with rabbit meat and chicken the sea food version didn't come about until much later. oh, my name is mr. about not on my manager for about the night on what are we talking about by a's fault of the cultural valencia?
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you could go on stay nights, many good things, bar if monte rice on go by. yeah. it's about the lens valencia brings together age old tradition and modernity with a great deal of variety. now things are about to get a bit creepy. some works of art celebrate life, while others confront death. natalia libyan yet scarce pieces bring together both the polish artist turns our old fabrics and accessories into morbid sculptures and jewelry, and then sells them wild white. we visited her in her home city of choice, vienna. the bird with its heart laid open a month with an antique watch insect accessories. organs sculptures. whoa welcome to the eerily beautiful world of natalia lubin, nuts god,
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spiders and dead creatures might seem repulsive to most. but this polish artist seized the aesthetic and them leave out even as a little girl. i was fascinated by insects on al. schemes are mine. my mother used to tell me that spiders meant good luck out. so the thought they've always seemed magical to me in height. ah, natalia lubin, that's cause art objects, find buyers all over the world or cvt so far as dis, dissected frog with innards exposed. it took her 5 days to so meaningfully. i'm inspired by the somewhat gruesome subject matter likely. shem. my bethune so anxiously. she and the way it connects life and death, and thought on play been blue. the connection between life and death is also in
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display of the natural history museum in her adopted home vienna, stoughton conserved creatures that seem almost alive and the anatomies of insects. natalia trained as a hotel manager, but in 2014, she discovered her true calling. it's very so fast thing if i was so fascinated by the animals. they're like curiosities from some kind of magical world. from maggie chavez, i wanted to try to make something like them myself. we'll beat anne's over them, bath them. the artist, finds the materials for her creations at flea markets and an antique shops all around vienna. old fabrics and accessories, not only fabrics to make them, but also objects to present them. it is not enough. i look for old jars in boxes, an antique jewelry cases. i can put my sculptures end on victim that increases
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their value in on, but the knock might a hawk of it. thank you, can place them on a shelf for display line on to and present eden in her studio at home. natalia lou be netscape demonstrates how she makes herself sculptures. this will be a spider, so nope, and stuffed with cotton ranch at a bite. and i've been working hard for several consecutive days from i can feel the effects of sewing that sometimes i hurt myself a little in, but it doesn't matter. obama. nick, she uses wire and yarn to make the legs that happy. here's what a finished leg looks like. on the d that the next. it also them onto the body and sick or to perform dish spin. ah, it looks like it could be done in no time, but in fact, it takes hours and hours. the artist makes every piece by herself with no help by any employee's. once the spider is sewn together,
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she painted with acrylics and waterproof it natalia dreams of being able to live from her artwork some day. and she slowly getting there. i'm happy to see sales growing and more people noticing my artwork at some kind of minor added to that of us ish. my, i have lots of fun doing it by and i'll keep up the struggle i can find by does this. i know so good. this is quite a big passion in my life, honey. i couldn't live without it. lemme and yeah, ah, natalia luby metzger, culture romantic, so what morbid works, the art of her. so if all goes well, she'll soon be exhibiting in world class galleries. you that's all for today. don't forget to follow us on social media and head over to our website and enter our view or draw for the chance to get your hands on a piece from our dw uncensored fashion collection. not only does it look pretty cool and also promotes free speech around the world. so make sure you check it out
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. as always, thanks for tuning and take care. a with ah, with
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who the 77 percent this so will be focusing on parents and the unique set of challenges that young people offensively as they try and raise the next generation, including high maternal mortality rate and some african countries and the burden of
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stereotypes. mothers deal with the 77 percent in 30 minutes on d. w. they want to make food from a milk long and make animal feed with flies. research teams are working on new ideas to save our planet with how realistic they apply. the green revolution. in 75 minutes on d. w. o is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like.
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return to normal. and we visit those who are finding it difficult. a successes in a weekly coven 19 special. every thursday con d w. welcome to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings. there was a before 911 and an aftermath and he says after 911, the clubs came off. were organized, crime rules, conglomerates meet their own laws. ah, what's true, what's vague? it doesn't matter. the only criteria is worked, we'll hook people. we shed light on the opaque world. who's behind
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benefits. and why are they a threat to whistle peak worlds this week on d w? ah, this is dw news lie from berlin, holding the line in eastern ukraine as forces battle for control of the industrial heart land. we hear from the foreign volunteers fighting against russia, also on the program. 33 years on the t ottoman square massacre is still making waves in.


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