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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2022 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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w ah, ah ah ah, this is the the news that live from berlin oden the line in easton ukraine as forces pato for control of the industrial heartland. we hear from the foreign volunteers fight against russia, also under program. 33 as on it, etc, and unmanned square protest are still making waves in china. we look back at the brutal crackdown and we report from hong kong where tough security laws bond amy commemoration of the events of 1989 on the train crash in south and
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germany kills at least 5 people near a popular alpine resort rescue as fear to find more bodies in the wreckage. ah, i am eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. more than 3 months into the russian invasion. the ukraine says a 5th of its land is under enemy control, but its own troops hold in the line and the key is in the city of several. den ask, a local governor says ukrainian forces have pushed back the invading troops would help from volunteer soldiers from abroad. keeps foreign legion says for fighters from overseas have been killed in battle. the road to severity done yet in easton, ukraine. the weeks are strategically important. city has been a key objective of russian attacks this union. the craning army with foreign volunteers is to help in the defense of the city where russian troops have been
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advancing street by st. we're gonna put russians back is gonna take or they want for a year. does matters. ah, we are on the right side of the history. if severity on yet the last ukrainian stronghold lou henson, providence were to full russia will be one step closer to one of its declared goals . the complete capture of the don bus. moscow said on friday, $100.00 days after the start of the war, it already achieved some of its aims, claiming it liberated areas from what it dubbed pro nazi ukrainian forces. according to ukrainian data, russia currently controls one 5th of ukrainian territory, analyst sworn that this situation could well be long lasting. i think it was, i think we have to be prepared for this war to not last, just another 100 days, but 20300, maybe even 1000 days. moscow is determined to achieve its goals. it is change the nature of the war, then that means we're not seeing a fast operation any more,
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but something much slower pushed forward with a lot of firepower and forcing fire power and false signs of this russian strategy can be seen across ukraine, not just in the east butcher, mary paul, a pin place is now infamous for alleged russian war crimes against civilians. according to the united nations, at least 4183 civilians had been killed since the start of the war. in correspondence yon phillip shoulders and keys. hello. yes. so according to the head of the new hans region, ukraine now controls half of several de nats after reclaiming ground. but such information is difficult to verify. what more can you tell us? yes, we have talked to several people on the ground in the past hours, and it's simply impossible to verify if ukraine has really regained
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a half of the territory in several donnette. but what is certain is that the ukranian troops have been able to push back russian forces in many parts of the city. and this is quite remarkable because until some days ago, it seemed as if russia had taken control of almost all of the city. there were even reports that are russians had so taken full control of the city. so this is, this is an important partial success for the ukrainians now. okay. ukrainian authorities also see russian troops at madison outside slow dance. could that be the next eastern city to fall and are there plans to evacuate civilians from barry and other cities under siege? yes, kia fis. very concerned about this development. it seems as if there are several thousands of russian soldiers, very close to
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a slab ganske at the moment. so it seems as if there could be an attack any time soon. it's a very important a transportation happen. it's very close to chroma chores. the administrative center of the region and it's one of the last areas of the don bus region that is still beyond russian control. so a lot of people say that it could be the next target for the russians. are there any planned eva creations or you thing? yes, there are actually equations. so going on already. local authorities said that there are several 100 people, a being evacuated every day. the x ray vacation seems to be successful, but it's getting increasingly difficult. so the governor of the region has repeatedly appealed to, to the local residence,
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to leave the city. and it seems as if most residents have followed his advice according to a new data around 80 percent of the people have left us as labianca ready. okay. our gemini and other western countries have promised ukraine more bands, weapons, but when could the weapons reach a korean troops in the don bass? well, most observers say it will still take several weeks, probably until the weapons are ready to use. this also has to do with effect beds, additional technical training as needed for some of the new weapons systems. of course you the ukrainians are trying to speed up the process. but, but it were, the weapons would probably arrived too late to make a difference in the current fighting and that done by region. however, everybody is getting prepared for
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a long war of attrition here. so the weapons could make a difference and possible upcoming counter offenses. did have you correspond and xian? phillip shows in keith. thank you. now a heavy police presence in hong kong is preventing any public aeration of the anniversary of china's tiana one square masika. police have made several arrests authorities of pseudo victoria pac went thousands, got it annually on so beat insecurity law bond rallies last year. back in 1989 students invading brought china to a tipping point. when thousands put that in tiana mon square demand in democracy, the communist party sent in the army to confront that defense less demonstrated. yes, a look back at how events unfolded. after weeks of protest, the people's liberation army came at nice thousands of soldiers. the use live rounds and tear gas to disperse the huge gathering and central beijing. protesters
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seeking a different china. there were running battles overnight and in the early hours of june, 4th tanks and armored personnel carriers began their attack on genamin square. the soldiers beat people, shot people, ran people over with tanks. by dawn, the vast concourse was clear. the official death toll was 241. but other estimates believe at least 10000 people were killed by their own military. the communist party has resisted any calls for an investigation into how many perished. the day after the massacre, a man stood his ground before a column of advancing tanks on chang on boulevard, which runs directly into tenement square tank man solitary act became the defining image of the protests. and one that has blighted the communist parties. reputation to this day, every year at this time, the party detains human rights activists and sensors,
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discussions of the crackdown algorithm, scrub bonnie online references to the massacre on china's parallel internet overseas. the focused turns to china's repression and tibet. she's young and hong kong. like more than 3 decades later, the events on tenement square in 1989 still resonates dw correspondence. phoebe kong is in hong kong, the wild place in china, where large scale remembrance of the massacre used to be allowed. she tells us what's changed. well, i am now standing at the entrance of the victoria park, which was ones the traditional venue off the ferry massive. i'll let massive commemoration a candlelight vigil over the past few decades in hong kong, but not any more scenes based national security was imposed in hong kong about 2 years ago. so that law has lost these typo such a commemoration. the products,
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quote you sent in hong kong, and that's like, like in the past, it was the polar bo in hong kong been out. it's like a kind of like a sense of fia, looming in the city. as we seen, like the pot was closed the night before the end of february, and it's now got it by hundreds of police offices with barricades surrounding the whole park. so it shows a sense of like, like suppression lay on such a commemoration. and it's also all actually because of the, the organizing group was forced to disband osteo and it's lisa, well, we're now detained a now to tank 4th bush and charged under the national security at all. so this is actually the very 1st anniversary of sins on that. so since ever that's no one applies for such a commemoration assembly. so it is like becoming a kind of one of the most sensitive political taboos in hong kong. did use phoebe kong in hong kong, back there. so got some other stories making headlines around the wild. phoenician
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opposition supports us have demonstrated against talks on the new constitution. the protest as accused president chi, you said of trying to strengthen his grip on power. seed has excluded all the mean political parties from the negotiations. he's also dismissed at the electoral commission on legal overseas. it's erin organization, see, watch has rescued more than 200 people on the mediterranean to wear fluids and in overcrowded rubber on wooden boats. the united nation says almost $700.00 migrants have died. oh, gone. messen trying to reach europe so far this year. the children. at least 3 people have been killed by flooding as a tropical storm. but at cuba, without warnings, i also enforce for the nearby bahamas on florida. she runs off feeling the effects of climate change on the forecast as oper, dixon, another rough hurricane season. havana, drenched by torrential rain. first,
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some in the cuban capital. it's business as usual, with some slight delays. though for most, it's safer to stay inside. cubans are no strangers to hurricanes. he can't get along the street because of the rain, the water is up to your waist. what are we going to do? we just need to get on with it. come over here, but climate change has increased the intensity and frequency of powerful storms. when the rains have been very heavy, no drain can withstand that. nothing. oh, oh, thorough taser, hunting at food rations and evacuation centers stand ready shelter. people from the rain. rising sea levels are a threat for cuba. hurricanes are regularly recorded as above average. cubans may be used to this, but their homes are being damaged and food supplies will become scarcer.
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a train crash in south and germany has killed at least 5 people. an injured dozens of others. carriages drilled. underwood turned and he had a popular holiday result of garnish pot incursion in bavaria. 15 people are being treated in hospital official see a technical fault may be to blame the crash seen on saturday morning. rescuers are in a race against time to lift. the d railed carriages. they fear people may be trapped underneath and these cranes offer the best hope of reaching them. rescue teams work through the night on friday. the accident happened just as school holidays got underway in the german state of bavaria. 140 passengers were on the regional train, which was traveling from garmin pardon kitchen to munich. on saturday,
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the state premier said the crash seen with heart wrenching. what is it about? no mention for a little a still missing and that is our biggest worry. we hope that we don't find any one under the and that those who are missing will soon be able to get in touch with their loved ones. but i'm good maiden. germany's interior minister also visited the site which provided a terrible catastrophe. i am deeply shocked when i came here to express the deepest sympathies of the government. and especially those of chancellor olaf shorts. the cause of the crash is still unclear, but various transport minister said no other train or vehicle was involved, leading him to assume it was due to a technical fault. it's one of germany's worst train accidents in recent years.
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in tennessee, gas the on tech has won the french open women singles title after defeating coco golf in straight sets. now the on take, never let american teenager go find, have flu by the entire much is that that it fits straight, much worn by the number one run full and a 2nd french open title in 3. yes. that's all for now up next, this shift, but stay with us as mon use at the top of the are people in trucks injured? when trying to flee the city center more and more refugees are being turned away with getting 200 people in around the world.


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