tv Faith Matters Deutsche Welle June 5, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST
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quickly, all scientists extra to some pretty wacky places. curiosity is required to borrow today. in 60 minutes on d w. we've got some hot tips for your bucket list. ah, magic corner check hot spot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot w travel off we go ah, ah, his name is thinnest, barouche. she mana. but around here, he is known simply as theo, the stove builder. it's early morning in rhonda east africa,
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far out in the countryside, south west of the capital co. golly theo is bringing part of a kitchen stove to a family. he has to carry the piece some 4 kilometers. he carried another one just like it yesterday. because what he is going to build to day is a stove with 2 plates. a state of the art kitchen stove in this remote part of africa. feel anger. she manna builds kitchen stoves, foreign angio, set up by 4 dioceses of the anglican church and were wanda, the angels aim is to improve living conditions among the rural population. provide health care, protect the environment, and fight poverty. this stove is for
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a large family. 2 adults and 5 children in vocally critical philly see, and fab yan, her ramana, have spent several days gathering stones for building the stove. families that get one of these new high efficiency stoves are expected to pitch in and help build it busy buena, i heard about this invention, but even it's supposed to cook foster. that's why i asked in the charge if we could get one of these stoves. fabian has already cleared away the old kitchen stove and make some clay for the new brick work. thea would like more grass mixed with it. straw reinforces the bricks. a stove like this costs 14 euros.
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that includes everything. the money for $40.00 clay bricks, the theo is now making theos wages, and the 2 sections that he's brought from a specialist factory. the anglican churches and g o provides a subsidy equivalent to 10 euros. the family has to raise the remaining 4. that's about as much as fabbing an earns in a week when he can find work with . ah, ah, ah, the tradition of what you got one, i'm really looking forward to the new stove. the extra plate makes cooking a lot easier. for instance, i can co cry sent vegetable soup at the same time. and this stove doesn't make as
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much smoke. that's good for the air was the mcgonagall. what he wants is the new cooker works according to a simple principle. the draft is optimally controlled. as a result, more heat is generated with less wood. you can see what an improvement it is. if you just look around the neighbourhood, florence lives next door with her 2 children, and this is her kitchen. she cooks on a traditional sto consisting of 3 stones on which she can only place one pot at a time. that's how it's been done for centuries. and the kitchen only has one tiny window for ventilation receiver, want to get one me. i'd very much like a stove like my neighbor. so getting i could pay it off in installments,
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chevrolet sold stove makes a lot of smoke in the room. my children and i often get headaches from it. you can see how the old way of cooking every day over a smoky fire, irritates her eyes from outside. this tiny village, the smoke rising from her house is visible even at a distance around 80 percent of all rural families. in rwanda still cook on open fires along overlooked threat to air quality, and people in kc any some 83 kilometers from the rwandan capital co. golly. the anglican church operates a hospital which is also the state provincial hospital. it has an eye clinic and also treats asthma and lung cancer disorders related to traditional coping, habits. the pool room, somethings on 3. perfect good. either chris. these problems arise because people curling inside their houses is stored in worth in re sit visit,
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but it will be better to cook outside, so the smoke dissipate to the gush circuit for me. cook amore goose. also, most of the cooking is done in dos, we handle a missile and it's not well ventilated on today. a lot of well, that's why there are these problems with the eyes over them. it did, it does and we have a lot of respiratory diseases. we'll leave on the smoke that st. hey, good afternoon to you. as to who the anglican angio, rural development, inter diocesan service, hardy. i asked for short is aware of the high number of as my cases among rwandan women, as well as lung cancer and various i diseases. the angio has been involved in development work in rural areas since the 19 ninety's via to her and her endure is the executive secretary via was, is city us who problem awful diseases. we men is fish here in the indiana children
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who will be responsible as power kerisha. that if you're one who cook very often than the men or boys, the realization that traditional cooking was stressful and even dangerous, gave birth to a revolutionary project. some 5 years ago, it was decided to develop a new type of cooker when building it, theo positions the prefabricated sections, the heart of the stove. the technology has been tested and given a safety certificate by a government agency. by decreasing would consumption by 60 percent, the stove reduces or wand and families c o 2 emissions by the same amount. the stove has had an enormous impact on past gases move can qsi life. she has been
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the proud owner of one for a few weeks now. the nearest wood vendor is kilometers away and she must carry the firewood she needs for cooking. but now she gets by on 3 logs for a whole week. she used to burn that much in just 3 days. legal blood, polluted elk blood doesn't i notice with the new cook hurried stays hot, much longer. i can cook 2 dishes, one after the other. without using you, would it costs me half as much in yours and i and in youth i used to spend 2000 rwandan francs on firewood every week. and you wrote to you with the vehicle 2000 francs. that's the equivalent of about 2 euros. the average wage and wanda for 2 days work, sam is passed as his 15 year old son and he has a younger sister media tris pass because his is a single parent. her husband died a few years ago after that she and her children were homeless for
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a long time. they lived in the ruins of a mud hut, the n g o r d i s. made this house available to them, including the latest models, stove. bewanda is a small country about the size of the u. s. state of maryland. it's mountainous and calls itself land of a 1000 hills. it used to have lush tropical forests, but deforestation is evident everywhere. now, with a population of some 13000000, the country has exploited it's natural resources. we used to cut so many trees for cooking, cooking, amuse, boiling water. so because, so she was too high because v stove model that t v we are using is what we call a 3 stones via and told consumers to afford and then consequences,
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wary everywhere. and in wonder efficient individual areas we ever cut off trees was extremely high, and the erosion was a little slow, very big issue. the result has been severe flooding. regular cloud bursts in the rainy season can no longer be absorbed by the ground. the torrance wash away fertile soil, landslides our common burying homes and killing people. with this is what the land looks like. a few weeks after the reins, the raging waters have swept away the bridge. we have to use a provisional one. we're going to visit an industrial plant, said among rice fields, avocado and banana plantations. it's
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an eco friendly factory. it's aim is to conserve natural resources. the stove parts for the high efficiency cookers are manufactured here using traditional techniques . there are various sizes depending on the performance required very project to implement. very, very, very important to reduce poverty. the whoop, that to be consumed with in the one in math currency is that us thing. almost 3 mouse. that is a saving of money, as they said, that is a saving of world saving of environment. the factory uses local clay and sand. german and geo is have provided financial assistance. but the concept construction
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plans and recipes come from rwandan engineers. everything is hand made. in addition, the stove parts are air dried, which means no additional energy consumption. this thought with this review to install it keeps heat and whoever is cooking and if, if somebody don't have to stay around while cooking, you kind of going to filter way to cooking yukon to sell you are harvest to vineyard is the market. so very is vis. see he will time which is useful. air drying. the stove parts is just one example of how the manufacturing process itself is kept as climate neutral as possible. the stoves
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should last between 7 in 10 years. not bad for 14 euros. so far more than 6300 families have received a high efficiency stove through the arda is program. the factory hopes to soon be producing some $8000.00 stoves a year. other n g o z and the rwandan government have become aware of the high efficiency stoves and started funding programs. 12 year old media. tris usually gets home from school around 6 in the evening. it's about an hour before sunset and night falls quickly here near the equator. media trust is passed as his daughter. she and her brother sam are excited about the families, latest acquisition, a solar panel installed on the roof. it's no bigger than a sheet of paper. how much we now have electricity in the house. so we can study
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for school in the evening because we have light sims' mother passed classes shows us the battery, which the panel charges during the day. it allows her to charge her phone and listen to the radio. o i to desire twice and now they have light in the evening. apart from their mattresses, hast gus's and her 2 children have no furniture. there's no money for that. but despite their poverty, they help protect the environment with their efficient kitchen stove and solar power. ah, this is a heap of cow dung. it's needed for the last step in the construction of the new cooker. theo, the stove builder, mixes the dung with ash and water. these building materials are recommended by the stove builders, and based on theos,
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own experience. anybody but if you live with them, you'll root. the stove is plastered on the outside with conventional mortar. but as theo explains to the family, the dung mixture goes on top because the surface is exposed to a lot of stress. repeatedly heating and cooling cement would eventually crack under those conditions. cow dung, on the other hand, always stays of if flexible. the stove top doesn't break, and after a few days, it doesn't smell any more either, but on average, only thought after this last step, the stove has to drive for $8.00 to $10.00 days. then it can be put to use another household, putting a little less strain on the climate. sunday morning. theo and his family go to church in the district, capital mo,
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hunger. they walk about 4 kilometers to get their rwanda is a predominantly christian country, around 45 percent catholic and 35 percent protestant. some 5 percent of the population is muslim. with 1300000 members, the anglican church makes up only about 10 percent of the country's population. but when it comes to environmental awareness, the 4 anglican dioceses with their rural development, inter diocesan service, want to set an example. although the angio gets financial support from germany, local church members also provide a significant some themselves we thought that is good for a christian or past the oral bishop o 2. to protect a the environment. and because it all that we have
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here in the this us who is belong to god. that's why we belong also tolbert. andy, you remember in genesis, god, do any put of them on the iv and paradise he, he said to them to, to walk for it, to protect for it and to work for the they are benefits. so all we are or nish ah, at this sit is to had or for this wired of this as it is in order to belong to us. that's why we have that to mission, to protect environment, to protect it. the, the ask that god is we're us. rwanda is only responsible for a very small amount of greenhouse gas emissions. the average pollution per capita
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is around 0.07 tons. by comparison, each person in australia is responsible for more than $21.00 metric tons. yet we're wanda, is doing a lot to reduce its emissions even further. and this despite the fact that most were wanting to live in poverty and have completely different priorities was over time. the power it is in a local context, it aka new wonder my to know to be exactly the same for a person in europe. he or people ivy struggling to get sufficient for eating, for instance. very working hard to, to improve form 2 good t fees for education, for your children, the work hard to, to, to improve via and even condition. theo and his wife and an sierra are an example
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of people who struggle with poverty on a daily basis. but it doesn't prevent them from living in an eco friendly way. they have 3 children, no steady income, and no land, just a garden in front of the house. but theo has also installed one of the efficient kitchen stoves in his home to day, they can harvest beans, they also grow avocados and bananas. filled with your hosting here you live, your so in the family, old for you. so we only use half and store the other half of for the next sewing definitely, they can't afford much and they use few raw materials. so their carbon footprint is minimal. we make
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a detour to the national memorial of the genocide of tutsis and moderate who two's 20. 8 years ago between 800008 1000000 people were murdered. the genocide was fueled by hate filled ethnic propaganda. most of the perpetrators belong to the who 2 ethnic group. since then we're wanda's government has been dominated by tutsis. it's a so called educational dictatorship under president paul tagami, who insists that there are only rwandans no ethnic differences. the government has been praised internationally for focusing on the eradication of poverty, combating the corona virus pandemic, and for environmental and climate protection. after driving another few dozen kilometers on pot old roads, we visit a health center in so booth, a village and southern province famous for its coffee production k like nuns run the health center in. so lou, it's not exactly a hospital, more like
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a general health center with a laboratory and pediatrician, offering cancer screening and vaccinations from covered to measles. this small rural health center has a partnership with the famous german chevy tay hospital in berlin. a group of doctors from germany is currently visiting so view their discussions focus on malaria and other common tropical diseases due to the corona virus pandemic. these endemic tropical diseases have been somewhat overlooked lately, but they remain a serious problem. professor frank malcolm helped heads the department of tropical and international medicine at berlin's. chevy tay hospital. the new him one, the poor people in rwanda have an increased risk of malaria. is malnutrition, all kinds of other infectious diseases, diarrhea and respiratory diseases that's understandable as well. the body can't cope as well with 23 or 4 illnesses up as it can with one. they're also more
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difficult to treat miniature if the one is positive consultation in the laboratory or clinical test data from this small rural health center in africa, can also be of interest to academic researchers in berlin. so it's important to clarify how patient data is handled. the teaching hospital in butare, the 4th, the largest city in rwanda has been working closely with berlin's sherry tay for a number of years. the relationship and their shared professional experience became even more valuable during the corona virus pandemic. we have a great ongoing relationship and we worked together in the fight against covey right from the start and on the chart and also the robert kalk institute. but together with the rwandan cns we were involved even before the 1st case was discovered. here i was a huge success of our cooperation to put it bluntly, we have saved many lives here through the cooperation. and now one of the 2 factories that will produce the by on tech pfizer coven vaccine in africa,
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is being built in rwanda. but with cobit 19 in the spotlight, it's important as professor mock and helped points out, that other medical issues aren't forgotten. malaria, the pathogens, of which are becoming more and more resistant to previously effective drugs. tuberculosis and diseases caused by pollution. professor mocking helped calls these illnesses the diseases of poverty. an anglican church school in mo, hung this city on special climate action days. the students plant trees, a water level, got a letter to day vincent, my nanny from r t i s has been invited to the school. he's brought a 100 tree cuttings with him. i believe the young trees come from the and yos own nursery with from was a boy. you know, the climate action days are supported by
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r d. i s. the organization receives donations from the so called climate collection . a donation air travelers make to offset the carbon emissions resulting from their flight for the germany. rwanda route, for example. they pay some 60 euros this time the students are planting trees on a slope behind the school to strengthen the bank and prevent erosion. their bishop did something similar when he was a school boy. the primary education we, we learnt how that to we have to protect our environment, to plant trees. we had, it did days. he deserved the tool to go on to products, the trees and the also trash the protector, our and in fact tree planting in rolanda has become quite popular. the german
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international cooperation agency, g, i said, recently started tree planting programs in several east african countries. but the anglican church in rwanda was a pioneer in this regard tree planting or making solar panels and efficient kitchen stoves. none of this costs a fortune christians, in rwanda. appreciate the support from europe, especially in these difficult times o patronize this fishery, united, evangelical mission, and of been forward. the know what is a very, what, what out of the banning issues for her, for the members, and if your communities over wonder vieira, we opened up that to why. even though edward, the fool with variety is facing via consequences over all in the ukraine, back to the had a steel suppose setting our projects. and it's worth it. these
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curiosity is required to borrow today. 30 minutes on d. w. hi there and welcome to fill in where summer sunshine in nature are abundant. but it can get really crowded on zillow and the main. see, lucas stay go. investigate how does the idyllic north sea island candle over tourism check in in 60 minutes on d, w. o blue, with the end of the pandemic in site we show what it could look like.
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return to normal. and we visit those who are finding it difficult. exceeds his successes at noon in our weekly coven 19 special. every thursday on d w. ah, i'm you can that i want. that's hard and in the end is a me, you are not a lot of to you anymore. we will send you back. are you familiar with this reliance? what's your story. ready ready i mean, wasn't i was women, especially victims of violence take part and send us your story. we are trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor,
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not the guests. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information ah ah ah. this is detail the news alive from berlin. thousands of worship. as fietta dead in nigeria gunmen opened fire in a crowded church on pants cuz sunday children among those killed also in the program an escalation or the conflict in ukraine.
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