tv Tomorrow Today Deutsche Welle June 6, 2022 9:30am-10:00am CEST
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unless one adds the conflict between iran on the one hand and israel in the united states on the other with more than 40 years, the adversaries have been irreconcilable. there is never been any real dialogue. how did this confrontation begin? how great is the danger that it will spread the long war? he's real. iran usa starts june 15th on d. w with c turtles are remarkable creatures, but they're under threat. we had to kenya this week to meet people trying to health, also on tomorrow to day. why do humans have different skin colors? and how do they come to exist?
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but 1st, robots on the rise. we take a look at them in action in traditional handicrafts that and more coming up on the show. ah. hello and welcome to tomorrow. today the science show on d. w. in the movie i, robot, humanoid robots is serv. humanity suddenly turn on their masters. should we be fearing a similar fate from these guys? not for now. quite the opposite. collaborative robots have been assisting us with tedious tasks in factories for a long time. but can they also be of help with traditional fine craftsmanship? this is vac funny, a berlin based company that makes 3 d models. employees here are used to working with conventional industrial robots like here,
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whether shaping 3 d models of architectural projects. the machines are generally program to perform a single, extremely well defined task, such as creating a specific shape. but this robotic arm, both some new capabilities we've, i'd like to heck, unlike with regular industrial robots, you can guide this one by hand off. he was a release button, so you can tell it he was your working area. you might be exact like you do with industrial robots. it was i was a molten. all these new specimens are known as co bots. short for collaborative robots. they're easier and safer to work with you the ox. there is a sensor in every accident and as soon as it encounters too much resistance, you can just go like this and it's dogs black testing. that's good, that's sort of that way. you can work closely with the robot this on this with,
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that's the idea, at least. but what's it like in practice? can co bounce really perform the jobs of highly skilled crafts people? hustle as a family run, woodworking business, which specializes in chairs. once a furniture series has been designed, the 15 staff members must often produce a large number of identical items of repetitive and labor intensive undertaking. for these days, a new calling helps them fashion chair length. the man responsible for the co bottom hans york mazda is impressed. 5 team members, collaborative credentials,
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seizure bonds. it's exciting. it's super. as on hold programming, a robot is interesting because it's a relief to see that it works by itself, and you don't have to hover over it the whole time under the motivation. the coleman's job is to position wooden parts in front of the saw. these are then shaped for use and the length of the chair a fully automated process. mussa used to have to do this work himself. the company employs conventional industrial robots as well as the co bought. this one here has just one job painting chairs. it's not designed to perform any other task, but comma are more flexible and don't have to be kept behind that protective barrier. could these new colleagues replace their human counterparts managing
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director peter also isn't worried populated, to pick homeless finding, especially since isn't actually that easy. oh, and the time we saved, can you much better spent by se, developing products or building devices, graphics, and things that are incredibly important each day to day, but for which there's often too little time, because you're too busy getting other urgent things done. thing allie didn't was on top of that experienced and skilled crafts. people must train the cobalt in the 1st place. the machine needs time to master new work, clothes and processes and was richly shifting. you have to give things much more thought than usual at all with all kinds of old and a robot doesn't have eyes monsters. it can't see if something was dirty. or when there's an crack or not hole in a piece of wood or ingles. as of the kitchen, so there's quite a bit to learn is to learn a because the cobalt itself can't see what it's doing. the one
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worker must anticipate each potential stumbling block and that's a lot of work back at the model maker, mac, fern, and berlin. they're already working on a potential solution to this kind of limitation with the support of the cities technical university. they've equipped the co bought with a 3 d camera programmer, tilo willing, explains the benefits to lyrical votes with. we fitted this co bought with a stereo camera because even though it recognizes its position in the room with its limbs, it can't see its environmental tide. dim dba, the camera makes that possible and let's us create a 3 d image to the wind. as a result, the coma can no fashion a piece of wood independently responding to the curved surface and adapting its movements accordingly. it's a capability that could one day be applied to other tasks like detecting dense and sending them down. this kind of work is usually quite tricky
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and labor intensive is as it finished all, but it generates a lot of dust and it's noisy, it'll, in that few, but it's really common in woodworking diocese. i did something we'd like to delegate to a callback. and so people can focus on more enjoyable tasks, noises mid to tournament, being in a shifting can, will co bonds become more widespread and woodworking shunts, if the attitudes of their human colleagues are anything to go by. the chances are good. did you know that sea turtles hope many reco breaking title? like when they sleep under water? sometimes it's up to 9 minutes between individual heartbeats them. they can travel long distances up to 100 kilometers the day. with a sea turtles of deep dive is they can plunge over
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a kilometer. and there was an in kenya, a conservation organization wants to protect the endangered marine creatures turtle rescuer. fi key re key ponder is heading out for the 3rd time in one day. a turtle got caught in a fishing net. if it's injured, keep aunty will provide 1st aid. i think it's a green sea turtle. the most common species here on the coast of kenya. it's around 12 years old and healthy weighing almost 30 kilograms to record data on the turtles . the rescuers have developed an app, gustavo, for use, we fishermen caught and killed the turtles to eat them or sell them, grew rider a year with them. yet when the c conservationists came here, they raised our awareness about the importance of the sea turtles for the ecosystem like any ha, that guy,
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iraq. so we don't know those things anymore. i really michel body, mark us. the turtles that are caught in registered by the fishermen are assigned individual numbers. each animal is easily identifiable. if she would have been sick, you would see that the flesh on the neck would be floppy. aunt with the eye is if she would be sick, you would see that there much sunk any the ice in the socket, but because the protruding like that, that means the tattoo is sick on because she has been cutting off fishing gear. that means the tattoo. woo has he? the sea turtle must be returned to the water as quickly as possible, but not in places where dangerous nets and motor boats are lurking. instead, keep on the releases, the turtle in the were tom on marine national park where she safe for now. patty came in as it floated, and we say a floater, meaning that she cannot go under water and water normally strikes and mines and they come through the hospital like that is 2 things. a living just at plastic and
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build gas in their body cavity and they cannot go under or they have an issue with their lungs out in the ocean. patty would have starved today, she's undergoing some tests to convince nurse co, hindi chung gower that she can dive again, and that she's strong enough to survive in the ocean with the touch to align patty floats over the sea. we'd meadows of the what tom o, maureen national park, she appears to have overcome the illness. patty spent 30 minutes under water before a hint. each angola pulls the line back in. that's enough swimming for to day. but soon patty will be able to return to the indian ocean permanently to have with her anyway. she, there are currently 28 workers involved in rescuing kenny's turtles.
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these nightly patrols of the beach are especially important. carlos fonder tracks, turtles that lay eggs and nose, which nests have eggs that will soon hatch? and sure enough, he finds a green sea turtle. he knows the location, so we can find the nest again later. the eggs can fall as far as 80 centimeters. it's a big effort and can take up to 3 hours. in the end, this turtle lays more than $100.00 eggs, though not all of them will hatch. my passion is to make sure that we see they've been got a species that be the future. that generation come on see them because the titles up endangered. so by doing these, we're testing them living then taking care of the nest. that means in the future,
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we're going to have the vip relation of them. the doctors like be increasing. lots of turtles hatched tonight. embarking on a battle against the odds this month. more than 1500 baby turtles made their way from the beaches of what tom moved to the ocean, where they'll continue fighting to survive as a species. species becoming extinct is often related to our agricultural practices. mano cultures, destroy biodiversity, and make plans more susceptible to pet crop diversity is increasingly being sacrificed for ease of cultivation, noticed fruit and vegetables, but grains to focus is now shifting back towards the so called o variety, ah, wheat. the most important food crop on our planet. people have been growing it for
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12000 years. the grain varieties we eat to day were developed over many generations . each variety has its own unique advantages. green researcher fleet, week long and knows their strengths and their weaknesses. the 1st grain that humanity cultivated successfully was the primitive and corn wheat 5000 years ago. and corn wheat was the last thing. this guy ate. betsy, had it in his stomach when his dramatic tour of the alps came to an end. what makes i'm corn wheat? so special december's ankle of i'm born is unique because it has twice the minerals of other types of wheat that's crucial for nutrition. on a returning bread or whole wheat is considered a key source of vitamins in bytes. and going corn wheat has an even more uncle ne mail, iron corn is even considered more resistant to pass. but fine corn we was replaced
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by amer. emory was the main grain of egypt, and boast and much higher yields. julius caesar was a fan. he was introduced to emma when he conquered egypt, and then he ordered it to be grown throughout the roman empire. the star of a success story does his about the field hill emares much higher yield was what made it so popular? one that more people needed to be fed. it worked better. no pess off unless he tells it. if you look at the ears of grain here, put a single ear next to the other and they're completely different dimensions. so demons on an to day m. r has become popular again because of its robust flavor, but spelt is much better known, especially among the health conscious. oh, st. hildegard of bingham once said, spelt is the best grain. it keeps the blood fresh and healthy. but what makes
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spelled so special jarvis effort in can you do a lot of research on spell it? i'd like to confirm hildegard claim this we're looking for the substance that she might have melted the babies. but what we've seen is also in wait, while we can't really say it's healthier yet song as viscous involved in writing, the green of the norse right thrives were other species fail in cool climates and sandy soil. fry grains are slightly darker than wheat. bread made of right was long considered the food of the poor until the 19th sixty's ryan was very common in germany. but then the triumphant advance of modern wheat began. sweet varieties emerged that were hardy gave very high yield, and were easy to work with. tightened ist and wheat, which is easy to produce lago, it's doors very well. and if you grind it, you get the 1st simple ingredient that fills you up and brings many key nutrients
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to our daily diet. feel anything acknowledged? so yes, so 20 percent of the world's calories, and nearly as much protein come from when i tried an anal homeless life, a whole lots of calories and lots of protein from lots of people. that's the crowning achievement of modern weight. but it warm sweetly, longings hard to find a field of ancient i'm corn level as gunsmith. if you're looking for something very unique try i'm point, but it's him attractive. nice crop that brings back different flavors and interesting nutrients to our daily bread. and it can be used to make super cool foods law, but i'm corn yields less than half as much as modern weight, which is why i'm corn is considered a luxury product. if i was let is read, why i do you have a science question, you'd like us to answer things send it in. if we answer it on the show,
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you will receive a little surprise from us as a thank you. come on just don't. ah, you can find us online at d, w dot com slash science, or on twitter at dw undisclosed science. john gutierrez from kenya asked, why did people have different skin colors? we didn't always. all early humans were black. the ancestors of all modern humans come from eastern africa, but more than 100000 years ago, homo sapiens spread out from there. and before long, practically every corner of the planet. in the process, some humans changed their outer appearance in many ways. for example, the skin's color altered at some point, homo sapiens arrived in europe and ended up in places like this,
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northern german beachside resort. and by the time they settled there, their skin had turned pale. nowadays, some people deliberately head out into the sun to get a tan with these messiah in eastern africa, are still as dark as early humans. dark skin protects you more effectively from powerful ultraviolet radiation in the tropics. dark skin is dark because it contains a lot of natural pigment called melanin, and the protection it provides is important because u v raise destroy a vitamin in the body that is important to cell division. for example, during prenatal development, with the further away you get from the equator, people evolved to have pale skin with less melanin. as movie radiation is so much weaker there than in the tropics. and as the body also needs a certain degree of
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u. v raised to produce vitamin d. it plays an important role in building bones and helps ensure the immune system works perfectly fine, where the human animal, all sons, a living organisms. still cub in attendance with to the organism has died. it's age can be estimated using the so called radio carbon method. the 1st reset it to do this in africa, was senegalese historian shake and her da da da w series african roots features a short profile of him. meets jake on to deal with after intensive study of traditional islamic teaching young jake until the op left
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his senegal home in 1946 and had had to paris france with he studied the great western thinkers only to discard the euro centric views and disprove them ah, ancient egypt was a case in point. the mighty pharaohs, he said, would not white is often depicted. ah, they were black africans. ah, he backed his findings by examining archaeological fines and his radiocarbon laboratory the 1st of its kind in africa. ah, the after his death center goals,
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oldest university took take unto the ups name to honor the leading african scientist and precursor of africa. centrism in an innocent band aid or the concealer from the pharmacy. subtle examples of structural racism because the colors of these products are made for fair skinned people. when whiteness is considered the norm, bull, other skin tones, appear as a deviation. in many cases, even unconscious why thinking leads to discrimination? journalists, charlotte are viewed amman reports from countries in asia and africa. it took her quite a while to realize she has colored skin white. i spieth se again in over
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example, when i go somewhere in india or an african country and i'm in the lobby of a lavish hotel that i could never afford. no one stops me. hi amanda snow. i can simply walk in because people think i look like someone who embodies wells fargo who has a respectable passport or whatever a mock. she's also been confronted with her white privilege at home in berlin. he had an of either an earlier, if he had for a while, i had a west african partner, amelia. and once when he was visiting me in berlin, he went to the supermarket. i always used to go to, to pick up some fresh lettuce for ha, because they'd run out he left without buying anything. he was stopped. and his bag was checked because he was suspected of shoplifting was that never happened to me. there's research has confirmed the systemic advantages. white people have a study by the social science center in berlin, says job applications from white get 17 percent more positive responses compared to
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people of color. even with matching qualifications, read among delves into whiteness in her book, white supremacy. long farewell vertical whiteness studies have been taught at german universities for about 10 years. but black people have had to deal with white privilege for centuries. today, people like journalist malcolm or hon way are using social media platforms to colon white. people to reflect on their privilege was this was on i thought it was really interesting to see how some twitter users reported that they gave other white people favorable treatment because of their whiteness. is onan for tyler give him a let me read you a story that this alex he said so much view his asthma, fought for ya had this years ago, i had an apartment to give away. and i could choose candidates house via each other . and then i chose a white journalist because i thought i'd have the least stress with that person that many people of color had no chance. that still bothers me to this day hash tag critical whiteness. i thought it was great that person could admit that so openly,
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even though it's obviously sad that things like that happen, many german white people claim not to notice skin color. but in practice, they speak to people of color in english or stop and search them more often, not seeing race also means not taking people of color seriously when they talk about their experiences or when they point out privileges that give white people power for charlotte avita man, letting go of a white supremacist mindset means rethinking what we've learned schoolbooks, historical analyses and memorials like here in berlin's vill him strada a small plaque commemorates the dividing up of africa by colonial powers in 1884. they are dogs of german colonialism. cons to approximately 1000000 deaths in africa, one for me. this is not an appropriate place to commemorate a 1000000 dead when people come here once a year to pay their respects. read amman is usually the only white person present
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who gets commemorated, who gets jobs and apartments. who do we punish critical whiteness tackles these questions? what else can be done? some of them at money fight. you can never go wrong by listening men's group. i'm lucky not to be physically disabled then if i want to learn about that, and i'm fortunate enough to have someone with whom i can talk about these issues, then it's best to listen instead of interjecting the entire time and making myself the focus even in mythical sustain, actively listening to people of color online in daily life and in research, one way of overcoming a white supremacist mindset that was tomorrow to day for this week. genie next week the more exciting topics from the world of science until then stay healthy and curious.
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they want to make food from a milk long and to make animal feed with flies. research teams are working on new ideas to save our planet. how realistic they apply the green revolution in 75 minutes on d w. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing and download it now for free. ah, ah,
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welcome to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings. there was a before 911 and after 911, he says after 911, the clubs came off where organized cry rules. every genuine use a global network of companies, banks, and operators. we will provide those services to anyone operation in the criminal economy, where conglomerates and make their own laws. they invade our private lives through surveillance, hidden, opaque, secretive working through what's big, it doesn't matter. the only criteria is what we'll hook people up. we shed light on the opaque worlds who's behind, who benefits and why are they
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a vote of confidence. forrest johnson could be forced out of office as members of his own party trigger a vote on his leadership. he's enjoying a series of scandals. nuclear challenger has emerged. also coming up ukraine's president travels to don't bass visiting troops on the front line a mile. russian missiles have again targeted the capital for the 1st time in wakes . and gunman open fire at a church service in nigeria at the 6050.
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