tv Close up Deutsche Welle June 7, 2022 11:30pm-12:01am CEST
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is one axis the conflicts between iran on the one hand and israel and the united states on the other a for more than 40 years, the adversaries have been irreconcilable. there is never been any real dialogue. how did this confrontation begin? how great is the danger that it will spread the long war? his will? iran usa starts june 15th on d, w. ah, the arctic pond to a giant ocean credits of the oka or killer whale off
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the coast of no way. we join an expedition under extreme conditions, the water, his eyes cold, the air temperature below freezing. marine biologist lucas mila, is getting ready to observe. a pot of oak is up close. there world is on the threads from climate change. lucas, mila isn't the only expert concerned about dramatic consequences for the oceans, and their inhabitants were heading out to sea. lucas mila wants to know how climate change is affecting the arctic ocean. so he's looking for a school of herring. as temperatures rise, herring are expected to keep moving further. north, cold water is where they feed and it just so happens that herring attract oak is as
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their easy prey lived, corbin and gotten the fuel and see you're a deep and wind. so finding the oak is, takes a bit of luck on, i think every day they could be somewhere else or wherever they are a hearing. they're an orchestra, it's lucas miller's 1st time here off the norwegian island of shimaya, inside the arctic circle. he has no illusions about how serious the situation is here. meineke, which is august, as my greatest concern is that we're inflicting irreversible damage on the ocean is an ecosystem for d. v. domitian. time to rescue nature will never be as good as it is today. is august the sunday, or if we destroy natural habitats to day, it will take hundreds or thousands of years to recover the knocker towers law. and in most cases, we don't have the motivation. that's the ability my,
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or the knowledge to bring those habitats back. fish, we don't even understand how they work today. they're not profiting, busy, hopefully. it's day one of the expedition. he and his team have been out since early morning, but so far they're not seeing any herring. thank you. of time is of the essence. it's late november and there are only 3 to 4 hours of light a day of commit to this. take the very out of it. here. give me the team also includes underwood's a camera man, leonard hoss and felt that is the font fight. you have the black and white contrast of the fuel, the waves coming up, the wind whips up the waves and sometimes it looks like there are whales coming up and breathing, but it's not bad. it's just wishful thinking. my darkness is closing in. it's early afternoon and they're freezing as they return to the harbor
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. voided circa we covered about 100 kilometers to day. that's quite a distance kanaka. we didn't find any orchestra, and to morrow we'll try another fjord and hope that mother nature blesses us with a citing of dignity so we can get them on camera for the lens. so it's not just here in the arctic that the ocean is changing. water temperatures are rising world wide because the oceans absorb a lot of the warmth created by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. surveys down to a depth of 2000 meters showed that very clearly. since the 1980s, ocean surface temperatures around the world have been rising steadily in 2019, the temperature was 0.77 degrees celsius, above the average for the previous century, many small sea creatures are unable to survive in the warm water.
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other fish species have begun migrating towards the poles in search of kula conditions. those who can't cover such huge distances will presumably die out. and that will have consequences for humans to females. 0 not from fish, for more than 750000000 people worldwide, fish is an essential source of protein on a diesel. without that fish that many people will no longer be getting enough protein to survive in or whatever. ah, and there's another problem. the oceans take in huge amounts of c. o. 2. that's helped slow down climate change. bought the moraine ecosystem can't continue like this indefinitely. as christopher simon from germany's institute of baltic sea fisheries knows all too well. actually that one who had to feel the impact of
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climate change would already be far more severe and far more visible if the oceans hadn't acted as a buffer. but at some stage that buffer capacity will be exhausted and they will then need centuries to recover it. he says profound changes are already visible along germany's coasts. in betsy this year we've proven for the 1st time that the productivity for one of our key herring stocks has dropped significantly, which will be reflected in the harvest in the coming years. i'm shocked as a productivity for this doc. his half what it was 30 years ago because of climate change general and that will directly impact our coastal fishery fridge or mit adolfo. for lucas miller. it's day 2 in the arctic. the biologist is once again off to look for hearing
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about a bond, but but 1st he applies a naked flame to the protective coating of his new goggles. to prevent them from fogging up. next he prepares, it felt with lead weights. he wants an extra 13 kilos to help him dive to a depth of 20 meters. we got thin, white jacket people. all right. thanks. episode figure. they were ready to go with a lift. good. good. good. soon they get their 1st indication that harring our round birds circling above the warsaw and just a few seconds later the oak is arrived. the sense of anticipation is huge. even for these 2 experienced divers,
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neither have ever been in the water with these giant creditors. lucas miller dives without an oxygen cylinder that allows him to move more quickly and get closer to the oak is without disturbing them. so i let's all that i took my last breath and dived. huh. it's like another world you're waiting in the bits, these huge shadows to approach some of this. then the entire post winds passed out the solar f like it took me. bulk is used nachos sienna, known as echo location, to communicate with each other and navigate their surroundings. the group functions as a unit with the bulls swimming on the outside to protect the pod venice . don't spider i monmouth did tioga once. i'd been down with the orchids 2 or 3
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times and the bulls understood that i posed no threat. an inquisitive mother came right up close to me with her coffee. i'm young to probation. ah, hawkins are perfectly adapted to the frigid water. but lucas miller is pushed to his limits and beyond. on a day like today he burns around 5000 calories. after 4 diving sessions, it's time to call it a day. isn't that if we're going to leave them in peace, the weather's deteriorating. visibility is starting to get cool. it can be dangerous if you push your luck too far. like hell sort of
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a snow storm is building up. it's high time. they left the marine biologist is not only interested in the arctic. he goes diving all over the world. we spend 6 months of the year at a marine national park off the coast of mozambique. here he's doing research to endangered shock species for his doctoral thesis, focusing especially on both shocks. he takes water samples and then analyzes them with special filters for traces of genetic material left by the shocks. that way he can tell exactly where they've bain. he and his colleagues also work with microphones anchored to the sea floor. the microphones pick up signals from sharks that are tagged with transmitters. that way the ranges know exactly where the
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shocks are and can protect them more effectively. fill it is amelia found unlocked the marine life is experiencing huge stress from human activity. was mangrove forests cleared to make way for shrimp farms, entire coastal june's are being leveled for sand mines on. then you have oil drilling and over fishing. out of here as a marine scientist, i can't just stand by and watch these local stress factors destroying nature. here along with global climate change that is endangering wonderful reserves like this blue savannah, or torrential computer. we had a blows up on i am the gotten back to no way it's late. but lucas miller is came to analyze the days material and study the behavior of the yorkers. ringback dean from its own dubuque, issamottom, of the information we've collected about where the orchestra located. we pass that on to local scientists straight away lenses which few. and i spend a lot of time studying bjork as behavior towards me am. and to put that into
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context of what i'm learning each evening about the ecosystem and what other experts here are teaching me taylor glasses and other expand for their biling. one of those experts is ever to move from the norwegian institute for nature research. he spent several weeks a year out at sea. his research is focused on humpback whales, and augers, or killer whales. huge mammals that are good at adapting to changes in their environment. all animals live in the sea will at some point be affected by the effect of climate change and in one way or another . and but both killer wilson humbug wills are quite an adaptive so they are an a generalist species. that means that they are, can eat different. so sources of food, they can withstand a large variation in an environmental variation and,
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and they can travel over large distances. other species can't adapt to climate change so easily including seals, ad walruses. they live on the ice, a habitat that steadily shrinking. finding food is becoming increasingly difficult . orkeys and humpback whales, on the other hand, have benefited from the change. as more ice melts, they have a larger area in which to hunt. but even they aren't say from human activity. the noise of the fishing troll is along with a growing number of tourist boats is affecting the whales ability to communicate, navigate, and hunter they have to be louder in order to, to communicate with each other. or it's simply not possible anymore for them to
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communicate with each other. and that means that they've most likely leave the area . and then of course, service pollution, there's basically the accumulation of a heavy metals in, in the, in the marine, footwork many killer wills, have alarming amounts of, um, of having metals and other pollutants in india blubber. it's especially problematic when oak is and humpback whales run into fishing boats up to $100.00 can gather around a single boat drawn by all the herring in the huge. ringback ringback was possible for cannibal to go over the edge of the nets and then into the, into the net or even for amber coil. and, and that, that can be dangerous because they, they can drown those in those nets. and, and it's, it's, it's quite a big problem when that happens because there's no really good way to get a will out of to net other them to open the nets. but that means that the entire
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hiring catch most of the hiring use is already debt by the time will be, will be lost. and that is some, it's, it's not only a financial problem for the fission, but it's, it's even illegal to that's the ha, by in the coastal town of share. voy, draws fishing boats from across norway, the regions, industrial fisheries with their huge trawlers have benefited from climate change. that's because the warm temperatures further south have driven numerous new fish species into norwegian waters. this fisher is just changing over the net before casting out again. fishing, the harring mainly takes place in the hours of darkness when the fish are closer to the surface. or what you have seen is that the hurrying is moving, may be the cost of delivering more and more north. when it comes to the cof,
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ricardo, the 3rd cold, for example in the south is, is a struggling, but i will call city. so i don't know, maybe it's so if i'm not, maybe it's a blue shadow mom. and maybe it's too much visual. this factory in sheer boy processes many tons of fish every day before exporting them all over europe. they mainly deal with herring and cod. but he had to a lot has changed in 15 years. i've been in this industry, but that proficio increased at 4 degrees or degrees. when we started up in the north, there was only small cold milk, much cool, with temperature went up cold calming, moving, moving more north for india. and it might be that the cold and so there are some,
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some boy on a pettus and never sees the catch made by the huge troll is all their fish are process directly on board. that trend has seen his workload plummet. petterson used to have 80 employees. now he only has 15. he plans to retire soon. his son will probably have to sell the business. fishes like pear davidson who go out in small boats are also struggling. today he caught just 200 kilos of cod and 50 of herring. he and his wife travelled here from southern no way hoping for a catch of a 1000 kilos a day. he's also worried about the future. no, it's bigger boats undergo for alt and the sea, so they will, they can get the fish anyway. this,
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i can go talk to mas from the coast. and if you want to go for you need more, more safety, a chris munson figure radio and everything. so if you're out of cold close to the coasts, we will have to think of something else to live. for lucas miller, it's day 3 out on the water. each day the temperature drops a few more degrees. suddenly he spots humpback whales in the distance. if you go, what do you think it's like ah, blitzer check here the side go both farther vividly more and then we draw the team is hoping for the rare opportunity to listen in on humpback whales.
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they lower a hydrophone into the water with a one on one. what does the security connect to the whales communicating with each other, coordinating their hunt? it's amazing because it's so rare for us to be able to listen in on these wireless . it's pretty special on the cloud as a humpback whales grow up to 18 mates is long and can weigh as much as $35.00 tons. they mainly feed on plankton and crill. each climate change trig is even the smallest shift at the base of the complex food chain. even the giant humpbacks will eventually be affected.
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graham could 100 as a clown, the cliffs taylor the pistol. fiona creole, a small crustaceans that occur in swarms are forming a bio mass of up to 400000000 tons under the arctic or antarctic ice down as the ice mel stick the habitat that the cruel need to thrive is also shrinking unbox. and that can lead to a dropping crill stalks over time, which could affect many other species that depend on crill enrollment or consequence. ma'am. feel that under till a different color pinkson ah, diving with a hump back whale is something even lucas miller has never experienced. but the water temperature today is just 3 degrees celsius. the divers soon have to leave the water. they get dressed quickly and head back to the harbor.
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lucas miller can't imagine life without the see. he's happy to face every challenge that his work presents him. the ot sounds of shirts and on the fritz is on the protecting the ocean and making sure that may be my children or future generations will be able to experience the magic of the ocean. the my that's my mission live. that's my purpose in life. my them so and i couldn't imagine anything better. them said every 2nd that i spend in the oceans, whether it's cold or warm weather, i'm with sharks or orchestra. karl is a 2nd that was worth living. i or i'm an orca is on her. and as a corner this, that the slip but our oceans are under threat. the entire moraine ecosystem could become de stabilized. if climate change continues to advance worldwide
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ecologists under a finer is deeply concerned. you see the world is changing too quickly. it's changing because of role activities. my work is something that is bringing me to to a heart high degree is bringing suddenness. the impact of global warming is especially pronounced in the north and south pole, where once huge expanse is advised and snow reflected the energy of the sun. now dark areas of water are absorbing the heat. we talked about the global temperature and increasing by one degree in the 1st century. and the are to cause experienced about $2.00 to $3.00 degrees, increasing temperature over the thing. thank period 2 in the arctic, we're really experiencing what the rest of the globe may see. very soon built comes for full being positive to decide this. the aquarium in the city of
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thompson has a number of species from the region and of a flying as says it's already clear which species will lose at most in the process of climate change. these are some of this fish is that the most threatened by climate changing the arctic for clever the bottom. they have small size and they don't move so much. so they are varies approach. the bigger predators that come from the boil area in the barren seems like the bigger cods, or wolfish, or other other fish vicious. but mammals that require extremely cold conditions are also affected. polar bears are struggling to find food. in desperation, they've started 18 reindeer and birds even if they try to exploit new systems, it doesn't mean that they will survive equally well. science is really depends on the blubber of seals, which is high in energy that the polar bear needs. so the polar bear has been using
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egg strong word nests, something's vol boards, and that's just not enough for them to come when thing the energy supply. but fine as says, it's not too late. if we take action immediately to say both our environment and ourselves, we have been living on the planet to this curtis table for the past many thousands of years. and now we're making it christmas change the way the function in the way that goes way faster than we are subs can adapt to both her biologically, but also culturally. so it's true that because his change and maybe they become something else, maybe come something more impoverished or, or maybe something different. the question is, are we able to adapt to that? back to lucas miller. it's his last day out on the boat. he still hasn't managed to film or curse hunting in the school of harry norman smith of iowa. we now have an
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air temperature of minus 4 to minus 8 degrees and water temperature of 4 to 0 degrees watts. so salt water at freezing point, your point on you notice that a hot shower and a trip to the sauna just aren't enough to warm up afterwards or lucas was off to them. the skipper worn same of the risks he faces. the good getting up with her me a very fast, and it's quite dangerous because your brain is not thinking straight. do you think you're warm and you start to strip in the you actually just remind her and get me or send me the situation. but lucas mila remains undeterred. he's received word that about a 100 orc. is our hunting not far from the coast line? just 15 minutes after leaving port. he's on his 1st dive. this is the moment he's been waiting for. and huge swarm of harry has arrived.
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ah, the ogres are not long in coming by blowing air and swinging their tails, the oak is work as a team to drive the herring to the surface. i'm city will be done in in helix. one of them will lynn swim into the group of herring bumps and with a targeted switch of the tail take out a whole sway. the fish duncan and sullen or yorkers can then goble up the hearing. and in some cases, you just find certain bits of hearing afterwards. the title of yorkers suck away the most nutritious parts of the fish and then spit out the head and owns them the copy one great and good hours. he knows the oak is,
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could kill him any time if they wanted to even the planets, largest animal, the blue whale has been hunted and eaten by all his and so has the great white shark. but oak is in the wild, have never been known to kill humans. diving into the water repeatedly in these temperatures and then sitting in the cold wind is exhausting. so i can hardly pull my socks own or feel my fingers on my feet. have been um for the past hour. i got cramp in my calf muscles of the submissions. at some point, you just have to concede that we humans don't belong here. the ocean is stronger, and so now after a life changing day, we're heading home. all marine climate change is advancing a pace and seems almost unstoppable. ultimately,
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it will be humanity that decides the future of our oceans. glisper the south. it breaks my heart when i'm out on the ocean and i see how deeply we are impacting the lives of these animals that are just as intelligent as we are. if not more. so it's hard to swallow. here is to slow and whether we're impacting them directly through excess noise or marine pollution, or indirectly by robbing them of all food. so it's all deeply concerning to me. i fired full survivors because i don't want to be the last generation that has the privilege of being with these mammals courses or then even in 23 or 400 years time . i want the legends to continue of noise, great, black and white predators. again, good fun. did foss weisner oberon? no eggs? ah
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ah. the 77 percent living so will be focusing on parents and the unique set of challenges that young people are facing as they try and raise the next dinner recently. including a high maternal mortality rate and some african countries and the burden of stereotypes. mothers deal with a 77 percent in 30 minutes on d. w. drought kills off their and their children. it's the worst famine in 40 years.
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millions of people are suffering in the hall of africa. and there is no end in sight to the who will 3090 minutes. you go to any issues with the water will gray. he will be with this is dw news, and these are our top stories. russia says it forces have taken all residential areas of the east and ukrainian city of severe donetta and now have almost total control of one of the 2 provinces.
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