tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle June 8, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST
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where intelligence agencies, or pulling the strings, were organized crime rules. where conglomerates make their own laws? shed light on the opaque world. who's behind the benefits? and why are they a threat to whistle this week on d w? ah ah ah ah, ah, thimbles represent ideas, ideas that move us influence us and persuade us. take the mercedes star. the 3
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points were designed to convey the company's aspirations from mercedes on james, one day, dominate the land air and see when we look at the start today, we think of expensive engineering and look serious tradition. so when it comes to marketing is image really everything. that's our topic today on made. now we've heard it so often it's become a mean. it's only champagne if it comes from the champagne region in france. but similar branding battles are going on everywhere all the time. like between india and pakistan over basmati, rice, or between italy and germany over balsamic vinegar. these are just arguments over who gets to call their products. what rather, these discussions entwined questions of identity and economy. o. one job in pakistan, the rice has been harvested and is now being taken to be mill. $3600000.00
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tons of rice will be shipped around the world this year. 20 percent of it, but marty rice. but the pakistani have a problem with their neighbor, india wired and by a barbara to a debate indian buyers in dubai. muskrat and saudi arabia purchase rise from us and sell it under their own brand names here. model homes if they've been doing that for a long time ago, but i don't company or buckingham, they buy large amounts from us. and then they put it in their own brand packaging. and literally, sometimes they even do the filling in packaging here in pakistan to of nevada basmati rice from pakistan sold as a product made in india. that anger is people here. the rise exporters association of pakistan has taken the indian competition to court because the case is ongoing. they declined our request for an interview, but the pakistani se branding isn't the only problem. far mother
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alba seed when farmers and pakistan want to start planting seeds for basmati rice and they face a shortage of seeds on the market. and prices go up. how you got my mother the how my boss is still at the machine. the me i get home was school widely before harvesting. we have to spray fertilizer and pass designs. your school goodbye. you galani, father muddy hammock, a computer that we don't have enough of the proper machinery itself. so 10 to 15 percent of the problem is lost during harvest. obelia gray gonna pick husking can near was, may be on that bus with not with need a deal and even more is lost during drying, husking and processing some bieber, near. and just because we don't have the newer technology go, oh wow, bin inventory, well, the senator warner in saudi jesus. and all of that makes rice production, were very expensive. somebody dumpy, he says the indians enjoy better conditions, which gives them a competitive edge. meanwhile, in germany, there is
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a similar dispute. the town of keel is home to vinegar, manufacture valley. my boss tail bout is battling competition from italy and land known for its touching tomar. sammy cove bell wanted to use the name for his balsamic vinegar too. and he went to court near cousin that's a live flow. we buy fresh fruit that's grown within 200 kilometers of us and have lots of small suppliers so hot with and yet in big industrial producers who buy grapes from all around the world are allowed to call their product balsamic goals. but we can't, our shows are who so that makes no sense to me. i said to myself, that can't be hard enough washington. i was determined to get my way. i'm jasa, dr. maslanka working on and his stubbornness paid off like david taking on goliath barrel one his case at the european court of justice. now he sells his specialty balsamic vinegar to top chefs and retailers across europe. his balsamic
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o ages for up to 3 years and these oak barrels and has no chemical additives. disa induced the industrial consortium, balsamic or demo dana is all about market power and lots of money feel good. it's also about industrial firms that turn out huge amounts of balsamic o in just 8 weeks. megan by saw. we have an artist in a process. you're an industry, robin dorn hug. why shouldn't we be allowed to call hours that we so storage doesn't moton too often. good branding has consumer appeal and that goes for foods to. and that means good branding rings, producers, a good price bottles into language. but why are we prepared to spend more money on our product, which says it's made in germany, dogwood or for a french champagne, or something like that on deck won't leave sickly. it's because we use the brand is a kind of short cut out short cut, an odd up good song,
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have been notes. it's not possible for us to try on every suit in a clothing store and support taste testing every sparkling wine before we buy them and vine a. so we look at the brand the cove and behind this brand stance. the promise some mark this product is good. these are split up to scoot back in pakistan. farmers believe their boss, mattie rice, is undervalued band that their government has let them down. the kennedy intellectually challenges doing the challenges we're facing internationally, are related to marketing to production costs and the use of technology. ahmad a. hi joe, was the government has not done anything to create a platform to represent the rise producers of pakistan. the he'd be gone, nikia it blue form, but i did jasa and we still face other problems with respect to the cost of production or the high cost of electricity. he was de la agatha and the lack of tax breaks in our export process for you. sure. yes, whoa, she was daughter, father explored gavin is this factor ain't also only sells it's rice within
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pakistan. it lacks the financial resources to export the rice directly. so middle men sell it in india or the gulf states. so most customers will never realize this balance. marty comes from pakistan, hemoglobin lucky those. obviously pakistani basmati is the best rice in the world while it's significantly better than indian rice in terms of quality, aroma, and cooking all basically will do us. so we have a problem when the indians sell it under their name issue out in july, we are expecting that is we hope i solve this problem soon, wasn't a good leader in germany. this battle has already been fought and won in court. so now this vinegar maker can compete with the italians on a level playing field. he hadn't hungered, we'll get gun slomo for retailers where we are on regular store shelves and for customers. if we're not caught, balsamic o the no one will buy other about it. so that's why we've decided on the new label,
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german artist balsamic oval. x by saw me cool whether it's german vinegar or pakistani rice, the right branding is a big factor in the sales price. now i look and see her, you're a consumer or all consumers. the relationship between us and the goods and services we buy falls under consumption. what then is consumerism? the simple definition is that consumerism is the culture that facilitates consumption. but that's a pretty value free description for a term that's become so loaded with negative connotations. our reporter address no house explains what is consumerism shopping till you drop more, more often and always looking for the next kick. this also applies to intangibles, purchase, music, films, and sex. consumer behavior reveals here socio economic status. you are what you
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buy. i consume, therefore, i am for economist adam smith, consumption was the sole end and purpose of all production. in the 18th century goods were mass produced in factories for the 1st time. ordinary people could now buy nice things, textiles, jewelry, cosmetics, it was a consumer revolution. the 19th centuries, advertising pillars and electric signs promised luxury for all in countries including germany, france and the us. the 1st department stores opened temples of consumerism. after the 2nd world war, consumers spending grove, the so called economic miracle cars, refrigerators and washing machines became widely affordable. but consumerism as a down side, depleting the planets, resources, and destroying the environment. excess of consumerism is dangerous. it
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activates the brain's pleasure center, but can lead to shopping addiction and chronic debt. getting caught in the consumption trap. criticism of consumerism began in the 1960s. consuming less and sharing goods with others instead of owning them. today, the sharing economy is growing more and more popular with young people. the internet has also changed consumer behavior. algorithms reveal what customers want . websites offer only certain items and manipulate good flyers. in spite of these excesses consumption is and remains the most important factor for economic growth went buying, power grows. so as the economy, especially during times of crisis. analysts focus on the consumer confidence index, which measures people's spending, mood and consuming, can be fun, even if consumers of itself doesn't make you happy. in the long run.
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there are selling products on the market and then there's marketing. there are a lot of ways to let people know about your product, launch parties, tv ads, social media campaigns, but especially food blogs have become sources of recommendations for users. a survey of germany is most popular. food blogs shows a baking site to be the most successful, followed by one offering simple recipes. a blog featuring vegan dishes comes in. 3rd. obviously, users aren't just interested in how to make the food a but what goes in it with this in mind at one supermarket in cologne, wants to laura bloggers away from their screens and into their store full of goods not yet available to by turning the bloggers into touch shoppers and via their food blogs into marketers. you can miss my name's missy. i'm a food blogger,
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and i love developing new ideas recipe dina acceptance and before and after scanning her membership code, she's free to browse the aisles of this. go to market and find new products for those recipes products that aren't available at regular retailers. does it up to the label? looks like elder flower or dill vo, but it's actually co laplant. this intriguing. i'm gonna try it out. 3 months ago, missy, from them ark joined the 2600 testers comprising the go to markets clientele. how about a smoothie for dogs? this is my place, and this is my part time huge. i'm an elderly lady, 13 years of age. so she's a bit picky about what she eats, and i'm always glad to make her happy. i'm glad. i hope she will be with this, and this happened to me smit, by half of the customers will find insects in both dog food and in little treats for humans too. if missy wants to know the contents of a drink,
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she can try out the digital information. screen. hard salt sir, contains carbonated water infused with fruits and alcohol. the go to market also tests all the purchasing incentives like this robot that guides you through the store. now we have something very special, our sound shower that sent me wits, your appetite there. i'll enjoy this. being monitored by cameras doesn't bother her. like all the other testers. she's given her consent. next up for missy vegan, and lactose free power bars. handsome new desserts. this one looks interesting. armand's bananas oats dates coconut oil with the sample
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packets. if you don't like them, they won't feature in the store. miss lack that. i'm drawn to what really catches my eye visually. it's all about things that match my color profile or color scheme . that's what i like to buy. best coverage, gather the food blogger scans, each selected product with her phone. at the end, she's presented with the total bell and links from rating the products signs. i have $62.00 euros 30 credit, and my shopping is 61 years 42 cents. so time to complete my purchase, she pays 13 euros a month for her membership, which allows her to take home products worth $55.00 heroes. plus each rating is rewarded with bonus credit. the checkout process is completely digital. does ankles aloofness? i always find it an exciting shopping experience lawyers. i discover new things and also get inspiration for my food blog and my own cooking. i can see stuff that will
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be on the market soon. all the isn't available elsewhere. how from buddha, go to market was founded in austria, and last june, opened its 1st german branch. cologne was chosen due to its reputation as a cosmopolitan city home to a lot of young and internet savvy people. the craft ling startup is also based in cologne, like other food supply, as its owners pay up to $2800.00 euros to get their products on to the shelves of the tests. supermarket coughlin kicked off its test range with ginger shells, but is now added, chilled reagan power bars, and it's paid off. therefore, to little to my advantage for rounds with go to market is that we have a real sales situation for the 1st time. i often with other market research options it's just surveyed on an online screen or on the street well, but they're not physical sales situations that are too messy fund. our mark has arrived back home as a food blog,
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as she takes her time to rate her shopping does. how does it did what it said? it would, does open up her no more than that meal issue. cocoa mac, i just still like watching tv and because of the extra emotional appeal, all the music and extra imagery that they used to optimize product presentation. here in here, it's me making the effort to go to the store. and i do have to spend a bit of money on them, but when i have it in my hand, it's me deciding whether it appeals to me or not. it vanishes in the hon. typo or wish to smashed or of us me. so unfair is do after they can maybe do with a small a drink contingent. there are significantly more beverages than food items or cosmetics. smith, but the stuff you do get is always interesting. name come is important to us. hon. there is the odd disappointment is a bit artificial aren't ok. she definitely wants to saver being
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a tester for a while yet. yeah. i wouldn't buy that. ha . foster producing and consuming invariably comes disposing. and in a world economy geared towards convenience, especially plastics or a mounting problem. the global production of plastic surge in the last 70 years to 360000000 tons in the year 2020 asian countries drove that growth in the last 2 decades led by china. what to do with all the waste waste management has become a booming cross border business with very dark corners. my colleague, a d t, roger, go pull reports. these containers sitting in a port in manila almost triggered a war. they were full of garbage including used adult diapers. and the philippines refused to let them into the country. prison reagan to territory just told you know,
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that he has one week for his war. after rotting in the sun for nearly 6 years. canada finally took its waste back and burned it. it made headlines everywhere and revealed the dark underbelly of global plastic waste network. it's a dr. would corruption run by private traders and fly by night establishments and into bull found that it could be worse. we often find the same names linked to other crimes, money, wandering tax evasion, fraud. it's all the same criminals and the currency driving it all. is plastics, crap. i want to find out more about what's going on. but everybody on speaking do seems to be answering in court. so how does the global plastic waste rate even work? and how can we get out of this mess? and did china by the ninety's, china was becoming the world's manufacturer every day. shipping containers carrying
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all sorts of products with journey to the us in europe. but when they returned empty, they became serious financial opportunity. the west consumed, collected its waste and ship it out of sight to china. the china recycled. what had good and sent back new products for more consumption. and this cycle was on repeat and it was dirt cheap. for example, one u. s. trader told me that even in 2010 what it costs around $85.00 to dispose of a ton of waste domestically and costly. 35 to ship a ton of the china. could there be a sweet and usually when low grade or contaminated plastic was sent to china, either cheap labor was needed, assorted. i'd had to be dumped and burned within a few years. several chinese towns near landfills and innovations side salad complaining of polluted air and water. cancer rates rose
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so by 2018 china had had enough effectively banned all plastic waste inputs. and the world had lost as number one recycle. but china was prepared. their recycling industry was established and the country was now producing enough waste domesticated supply, its own draw materials for recycling, so forth than the rest of the world was scrambling. some ways was burnt within the countries, but shipments of garbage still needed to find new destinations. and they found them soon enough in countries goes to china, lake militia, individual pilot. hank jane is a camp dana, with greenpeace, and militia, the country that became the leading importer at dime. green fees, along with citizens. and governments of some southeast asian countries are now demanding that the west stop using them as the waste dumps of the world. especially
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the rich, richer country, or just lots of ways of it to the global soccer. and, and of course they're shipping the problem to globally, but here's where it all got really lucky. you can just recycle any plus they come in griggs, that you can tell by looking at the bottom of the container and each grade needs to be recycled on his own in a specific reciting plant. it only makes sense to recycle high grade plastic life. a shampoo bottle ordered the dodge and container because what comes out on the, on the side still has value. but things like styrofoam that food comes in can never be recycle. which means that only it will be used once. this is, you know, let's say a container full of plastic. you honey grossman, looks into corruption and environmental related businesses around the world. the government is going to pay on the $1000.00. i'm just making the to groups to recycle it, and then the company says, okay, we're not actually going to recycle it. so we're going to keep a $1000.00. and then we're going to spend $500.00 to send the container. we're
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going to need somebody $1000.00 in indonesia to make it disappear. and then we still have to have sales dollars. process that something like that. and companies in asian countries are willing to take the plastic in local waste collection is much less developed here. and so clean plastic can be used to feed the upcoming recycling industries. but here's where laws can be broken. the basel convention is international treaty that stipulates which plastics can and can't be traded. it says, for example, that contaminated a low grade, plastics need special permission from the receiving countries, governments before they can be shipped. but independent investigators found that plastic tree does have discovered ways to bypass this. first waste shipment can be mislabeled and passed through customs. text in the west and then companies and developing countries who offered a taken low grade onside to plastic, find ways to smuggle it back to local authorities. even if jacks take place they
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can be evaded. and so the most obvious when which corruption comes into play is to bribe officials to allow you to import that west. once aloud into the country, traders, me to find a way to make money from the bad plastic investigators found unsuitable disposal, including into rivers, landfills and plantations, along with cheap labor to be the main modus operandi. so basically the same things that happen in china, but there's even more criminal energy in this the criminals are relying money laundering techniques, and this typically would take the form of a legal waste company that would engage in both legal and illegal trades and then mix the payments across these 2 business lines. i also had foundation has investigated the role of money laundering at tax fraud across the waste trade industry. proceeds from the illegal waste trade could be up to $12000000000.00
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annually and or waste trafficking. many of the profits remained in the exporting countries with importing countries only generating part of the profits from resale or re use of certain waste from 2021. the basel convention toughened regulations. more types of plastic were banned. but environmental asleep, the still doesn't go far enough. if we leave the door slightly open, some one won't go straight. viet cong domains group fights for environmental justice. in november, 2021 at the lobby. the govern government to halt waste exports to vietnam. on average, a boston and germany generates up to 2 kilograms of trash body. so can the european union deal with its own waste output you? it's supposed to have the best voice, my natural infrastructure in the world. and we know it is shipping to countries
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where the waste management structure is not so the blocks, if we don't have the countries to which we ship, it definitely does not have his groups as western countries have to develop their own recycling systems like china did the demand for some high grade recycled plastic has been soaring lately. even beating virgin plastic out of the competition . in some cases. as more asian countries clamped down or ban in boards, the big question is where will all the plastic go in the future? so what can be done 1st, why deleting policies and stricter enforcement and western countries have to invest in their own recycling industries to clean up their own mess but to treat all that waste domestically, the thing that needs to be cut down at the source is the amount of plastic we produce consume, and throw it away in the with in
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work to for a better future. ah many thoughts do you offer, tuning it to africa in 30 minutes on d. w. oh, no. has no lynette. i love is for everybody. love is life. i love matters and that's my new podcast. i'm evelyn sharma. and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that more survive and deny that this i have invited many deer and, well, i guess, and i would like to invite you to an in 175 years ago, a young startup entrepreneur at
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a specific goal to build the best optical instruments in the world. ah little did he know that devices bearing his name would one day feature in the moon, minding 21st century science into new realms. the rise of a global company, 175 years of ice starts june 19th on t w. it is a secret war and a scene endless one exit. the conflict between iran on the one hand and israel and the united states on the other. with more than 40 years, the adversaries have been irreconcilable. there is never been any real dialogue.
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how did this confrontation begin? how greatest the danger that it was spread? the long war, he's really, iran usa starts june 15th on d. w. ah ah, this is d, w is live from, but then a car crashes into a crowd in central by lead a police say one person is dead. several others are injured and the driver is in custody. also on the program. no breakthrough in talks mediated by turkey on restarting ukraine's grain.
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