tv The Day Deutsche Welle June 10, 2022 7:02am-7:31am CEST
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you dot com ah ah, as of today's saudi arabia is a major player in the world of golf. the new live golf invitational series teed off in london to day with some of the best players. i multi $1000000.00 pay days. never seen in the history of the game, but there is a price today, the world's oldest golf tour, the pga suspended members taking part in the new tournament. and there are uncomfortable questions about salty mode. it is the kingdom using golf to sports wash. it's dirty record on human rights. i'm break off and berlin, this is the day. ah,
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where the schools people play go. you know, you can always refer to straight back to the money sort of thing that my age receive enough to take it. obviously at this time, a seal is hard to speak on what the consequences will be that we try to cheer, you know, geopolitical situations, every country in the world that we play golf and we wouldn't play golf. i don't condone human rights violations at all. i'm certainly aware of what has happened with you all to show he and it's i think it's terrible. you know, i come to love to play health and not die is my job at the end of the day. also coming up in the us, the gun control bill that struggled to make it through the house and is now likely to get stuck in the senate democrats or calling on republicans to do it for the children. i children, i, as president kennedy said,
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our greatest resource and our best help for the future. they are our precious treasure. and everything we do is for the children but to our viewers watching on p b. s in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with a question. how did the genteel sport of golf and the problematic saudi crown prince end up in the same rough. when today the world's new was golfing tour got under way in london, the name the live golf invitational. it's financial backer, the kingdom of saudi arabia. some of the biggest names in the sport are participating and they are guaranteed the biggest prize awards golf has ever seen $25000000.00 for the series winter. but this unprecedented windfall of cash will. it may not be easy money. they are uncomfortable questions for the players about
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where they stand on saudi arabia's horrible human rights record. and if saudi arabia using the sport and it's big of stars to accelerate a geo political image make over the saudi crown, prince is suspected of orchestrating the murder of journalists, jamal could show good. now the accusation has made him and his kingdom, a pariah to sell human rights groups accuse saudi arabia of using golf to rehabilitate its tarnished image. but they call sports washing. all you have to do was think of the 936 olympic games here in berlin or russia, hosting the 2018 soccer world cup or this year guitar hosting the world cup later in the season. all of these issues colliding when reporters ask players. tough questions. take alice. i said, you know, as independent contractors eat, we can come basically play the long as anyone the wealthy wouldn't play. you. funny
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. appleton had a tournaments with the plato speculation call knowing that a comment on speculation. just a generality is anyway, you wouldn't plan on a moral basis if the money was right is any way you wouldn't play had any like ocean. sorry at any to answer that question, lee, you know, that would mean would you played in the price of africa for example leaders asking us to answer hypothetical questionnaire which for the know and so my answer question, golf pros, right? they're not wanting to answer those uncomfortable questions, but many now have questions of their own when it comes to their futures in the sport. as we said, the pga, the world's oldest golf tour, had threatened all along to ban any one who took part in this rebel series today. just half an hour after the inaugural tea off, the pga followed through with
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a memo to its members, the tor commissioner informing players that any one playing in the live event without releases is suspended and ineligible to compete in pga sanctioned competition lib. gov slammed this move as being victim and divisive. it's unclear just how long the suspension will last and it's now possible. the dispute could be headed for the courts. the 17 players banned by the pga to day have certainly been aware of the jeopardy, but many clearly think it's worth it to play in the richest tournament in golf history. ah. the u. s. house of representatives has passed a raft of gun control measures in response to recent math shootings in buffalo, new york, and you've all the texas. the bill would raise the minimum age for buying certain weapons from $18.00 to $21.00. and it would band the cell of high capacity
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ammunition magazines. the vote came after lawmakers are heard testimony from recent shooting victims and family members, which we covered here yesterday. one of them, and 11 year old girl who covered herself with a dead classmates blood to avoid being shot inside that you've all the texas elementary school. the democrat draft faced stiff opposition from republican lawmakers. the vote went largely along party lines. now that it's past the house, the draft has to go to the senate where it is unlikely to get the approval that it needs to become wall. rise for a moment of silence and remember and said, the victim said the recent shootings at rob elementary school in evaluate texas.
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so to those who i moment of silence is good enough because you don't have the courage to take a vote to protect the children. i would say your political survival is totally insignificant to the survival of a compared to the survival of our children. but the answer is not to destroy the 2nd and then. but that is exactly where the democrats one ago what this bill does is take away 2nd amendment rights, god given rights who will be able to tell their constituents the that they stood with them and not with the gun lobby. americans are watching. they are begging us to protect them and their loved ones from gun violence, who among us will answer their coil. it doesn't end. they want to continue taking away guns from law abiding citizens. and there is no end to their thirst to do that . i my next gift tonight's research is fire on laws and gun policies,
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and please to welcome to the date, drew stevens, and he's a professor at the south texas college of law in houston, texas. true, it's good to have you on the program. let's see if we can get it here. put aside the issue of whether these new gun control measures are going to make it through the senate. would these measures, would they be enough to stop a repeat of what happened 2 weeks ago in you've all the texas they could, they could, you know, we've had, we have a unfortunately, a lot of these mass shootings in the united states are rampage, shootings, and each one is a little bit different and so there's no one rule that will address everything until there's no guns. right? but the last 2 were perpetrated by people that were would have had a hard time acquiring assault rifles. if this law had been in effect, they would have had to buy them a legally or
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a secondary or black market. and that's not everyone can do that. right? it's not the same as just going to a gun store and buying a gun legally, which they could do. now, we seem to have discussions like this almost every time that there is a math shooting in the united states, but of course it is happening now on the daily basis practically. so obviously the discussions that have dwindled in their numbers. what do you think it's going to take there to break the deadlock into bring both sides of the political i'll together to bring sensible, reasonable gun reform. and that's, you know, i, it's hard to say, i certainly want that. i, i will say that we have more serious negotiations taking place in congress and in the senate than we have had in probably 10 years. and so it's still too soon to say for sure what's going to happen in the senate. to be honest,
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the senate is a most likely, if they pass anything to pass their own package, which has different provisions than what the house did. but the it's a little too soon to say people are listening to their constituents and also listening to their party. so we're closer than ever um if, if there's a chance that we could get some change or some reforms this time, but whatever we get will be incremental because it will have to be quite a quite compromise. you know, raising the age, for example, from 18 to 21 in order to buy automatic fire arms. that seems to be something that most people would agree on. and yet we just saw senators right there, saying that this is and this is against our 2nd right of 2nd amendment rights. so it right. and if i could just correct it one little. yeah, and you said this is really about semi automatically miles, not the full you. right. you can't buy a fully automatic machine gun,
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a new at the store anymore in the united states, but you can get the semi automatic so it basically will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. and that's what this law pertains to i listen to those comments from the people in the house and senate. and they're actually not saying that this law undoes the 2nd amendment. they're saying that this, it's basically a slippery slope argument, that this is just one step and it will never stop until the 2nd amendment is gone. and that's to me logically, that's kind of a weak argument. the fact is that this doesn't affect the vast majority of gun owners. it doesn't even affect the vast majority of the millions of people who already have assault rifles. it affects a very small group of people in the 18 to 21 age banned. by the way, we already have a federal law that those people cannot buy a handgun. and so this would really, this particular provision would really just be bringing symmetry to the,
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the laws we already have on the books about hand guns search that there's a federal law that prohibits anyone under $21.00 from buying a hand gun. but if you're going a hand gun from a dealer from a license dealer, you can receive one as a gift or as a trade, or if you have a friend who wants to. so you want to informally something like that right under $21.00. you can get a hand gun, but if you go to a gun store, you cannot buy a hand gun if you're under 21. but you can buy an assault rifle and that's kind of a contradiction. and so this would merely be leveling out the same age across different types of guns. let me ask you, in terms of presidential power, could president biden? could he declare a national emergency on gun violence and pushed through maybe an executive order? if law makers failed to enact anything there, there are some things that bite and could do by executive order. you know,
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at some point though that there's a political cost, right? we don't want presidents just declaring a national state of emergency or martial law or something. every time they don't get their way in congress, but there are some, some things, not raising the age, but there are, if this doesn't go through congress, there are some steps that modest things that bite in could do. and by executive order, basically directing different federal agencies to work together better to improve the background check system and so forth. so not really media changes, but there are some changes around the edges that could happen by executive order. what would you, if you were advising the was president right now me. if we just look at the statistics right now, since the started this year, if you take the numbers of mass shootings in the u. s it comes out to about 1.4, mass shootings every day. does that not constant tetra, national emergency? oh, it's certainly a crisis. i mean it's, it's heartbreaking. and that's part of why i've devoted my research to this issue
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that, um, it's a, it is very upsetting that the problem is that it's become an entrenched party position between our 2 parties and part of the political gridlock we have is that most of the gun owners in this country, most of the guns are owned by rural voters. most of the gun violence is concentrated in high, densely populated areas like cities. and the way our election systems work. it, this is over simplifying, but basically rural voters of their boats count more than people in the cities. and so they have the guns and they're less effective. the rural voters who have the guns are less affected by the violence. and so that's part of our political problem with this issue in the states. yeah, it's, but it's, it's good that you explained that cuz i think it helps our viewers understand a little bit more why we have this political log jam all the time. through see written professor from south texas college of war. we appreciate your time in your
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insights. to night, thank you. you bet. bye bye. ah, when democracy is under assault around the world, let us unite again and renew our conviction that democracy is not only the defining feature of american histories, but the essential ingredient to american surgery. that was you as president jo biden's message as he opened the summit of the americas in los angeles on wednesday . his message also explains perhaps why he excluded leaders from countries such as cuba and ben. it's whaler. but there has been blowback for that. the president of mexico, for example, is not attending the summit because he wants to show protest, but around a dozen leaders did come to california to talk about pressing issues for the region . president biden and his team have rolled out the red carpet hoping to underlined a renewed
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u. s. commitment whiten has called for bold ideas and ambitious actions of that includes a new plan for economic cooperation with latin america to counter rising chinese influence in the region. president biden is also expected to deliver a summit declaration on migration which he has described as ground breaking. the declaration represents a mutual commitment investment, regional solution that enhanced stability and khrushchev returns for shape and orderly migration through the region and cracked down on crib one human trafficking who prey on desperate people i want to pull in our very own cover, lena, troy, she's covering the summit force in los angeles. good to see you, carolina. so we're into this summit now past the 1st day, had they been able to put the. busy the non invitation list, squabble behind them. yeah, they, they,
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it now it's about at content brand. the leaders here are we united, they are talking about a financial help for the region about climate policies, with a special focus on renewable energy in that memory. can the caribbean countries and also about the very important an issue, especially important for the united states that migration crisis. what more do we know about this migration declaration that we're expecting? that migration declaration is expected to be signed to add to morrow tomorrow is the last day of this time it. it's going to have the nameless angela's declaration on migration, and it has a 3 main points or the 1st point is, am increasing financial help of for the region. and in order to help them cope with the increasing migrant flags that they are having. for example,
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in columbia and ecuador, there are a lot of people arriving from venezuela, but of course, also mexico. and a lot of people from the northern triangle, meaning from central america, arrive in to mexico with the hope to get into the united states. and the 3rd point is an increasing corporation with the private sector, brenda they want to have no, sir, and to facilitate the investments in a central america in south america and in the caribbean, in order to create jobs and to tackle the root causes of migration. currently labinski belt china's influence in central america. tell us what has beijing been offering the americas that washington has not in what is the u. s. strategy to counter this? china offer his money money and money brand to that is the main thing they offer. they help the region in their infrastructure projects, for example,
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bidding ports or airports m a a. m. also give out a loans and am in a different way than the western countries would do that. they don't put in conditions like for example, you have to respect human rights in order for us to give you a loan or a you have to respect the freedom of press in order to get this project financed by us. that is what china dies and more and more countries are strengthening their ties. a with tie. and i also because of that, that's up or get that president donald trump, also in a way, forgot about the region. and he didn't, i really haven't friendly dialogue with him. and that is also the part of the phase where a lot of countries, especially in central america, started looking towards china towards russia and even towards turkey. d. w is colina gym boy reporting from los angeles tonight at the summit of the americas carolina. thank you. ah, it is a battle urban warfare that could decide the future of practically all of eastern
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ukraine. the fight over the city of several don't ask ukrainian troops facing russian forces there. say the battle is be waged from house to house amid ongoing russian bombardment, ukraine's president vladimir zalinski says the outcome of this fight could determine the fate of that critical don't bass region. the shelling is relentless. in the dawn bass ukrainian soldiers assess the damage available. it was an air bomb student, the russians dropped an air bomb ukraine's industrial hot land is the current focus of russia's onslaught. it's defense, a heavy responsibility for these soldiers. the dodger, 1st look of it is a very general and difficult fighting moment. had haps, is one of the most difficult battles during this war, even yet, i am thankful to each and every one who is defending this region going up to
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a great extent, the fate of our dunbar is being decided. they are now naturally done by us. some soldiers do are frustrated by the presence of the civilians who refuse to leave the english. we are to be able to do our job as fighters, michael, but instead we're having to make sure civilians don't get killed. that's how we lose battles. aside leaving though is not easy in this city in don't think the residents are tired of spending most of their days in basement shelters, but they say they don't have an option. but me now, where do they read for me? tell me, how should i leave my 85 year old mother who do i leave her with? she would not move out of pure navi, within a week. as though you're visiting your we live here. we were born here. i've just been to see my garden and my whole and then is it going to end my live sugar there?
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there sir, good luck with rushes. brutal onslaught showing no signs of a beating. that is a difficult question to answer. ah, but we turn now to a country where the interest in guns and knowing how to shoot them is on the right . talking about taiwan. a country which because of the war in you grained, is re examining how to defend itself against a possible chinese invasion. taiwan government is now thinking of improving training for it's nearly 2000000 reserve force, and they're finding a new willingness to learn combat skills. ah, yes, they are taiwanese civilians with a new purpose beyond their day jobs. they are regulars at
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a combat skills training academy. oh, the weaponry looks and feels authentic. what the hardware in a country with strict gun ownership laws, fires 6 millimeter rounds made of non lethal hard plastic. as the war in ukraine has spurred debate about how taiwan should bolster its defences, including compulsory military service. people like suit chun want to get out front . so chun is a tattoo artist by trade. he keeps a replica gun and a bullet proof vest in his office and figures should war come to taiwan as it has in ukraine. people like him will be called up and handed real guns at some point and those her prepared people who aren't prepared and also those who are panicking . i think all those types will be there. i'm sure most people don't want to go to
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war. i also don't want to go to war, but in the unfortunate event it really happens. i'll be mentally prepared housings and there were so chun is now that's where the travel guide chang woo wants to be. he's in an advanced beginner class, learning more about gripping a gun and moving with a weapon please. it's only because of the ukraine more that i more urgently started feeling that threat from china. so i decided to gain some deeper knowledge about these defensive weapons. in the past before the war started, i was mostly interested in 1st aid city, the but i do you. this has already been a trend in the last 2 years since chinese fighter jets started flying close to taiwan. there's been an increase. after the ukraine war started, the numbers of tripled or quadrupled more and more people are coming to take part. the so called air soft guns are used for competition, sport, and taiwan assimilation of real combat. the preference of course is that these
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students use their new skills only in future simulations even games. but they're gaining confidence that they'll be ready. should the games to real? of the day's almost done, the conversation continues online. you'll find us on twitter at dw news, or you can follow me on twitter at rent. gov tv. remember, whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow is another day we'll see you did with
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a welcome partner in china. russia's more on ukraine, could china hold the cards, join us on to the point. to look boy a r d w is the end of the pandemic in sight. we show what it could look like. will return to normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult with success in our weekly coping 19 special in 60 minutes on d, w. o. in wide wing extremist, i suggested again, well, maybe
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a couple of wait and burned in south africa. people with disabilities more likely to lose their jobs. in the pandemic black lives matter, shine a spotlight on racially motivated police violence, same sex marriage is being legalized in more and more countries, discrimination and inequality, or part of everyday life. for many, we ask why? because life is diversity. to make up your own mind. d, w. lead for mines. as western sanctions take a toll on russia's economy, it's looking elsewhere for markets and finding a welcome partner in china. with trade between the 2 countries surging russia, foreign minister survey law prov, says he sees inexhaustible potential in their relationship.
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