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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2022 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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side, where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings, were organized crime rules. were conglomerates make their own laws? we shed light on the opaque worlds who's behind the benefits. and why are they a threat to us all over the world this week on d. w. ah ah ah, welcome to global 3001 father 12 sons, a naturally new home for refugee children from north korea. and natural
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wonder with boss top rings in the u. s. a hidden landscape is gradually emerging from the deep and in east africa. drought has left millions of children facing salvation. climate change war and a pandemic after steadily declining for a decade. well, hunger is rising again, a 2021. unicef report said that 811000000 people, so around one in 10 of the global population did not have enough to eat. many of them with children, almost 200000000 children, a malnourished or even on the brink of starvation. in the east african nations of kenya, ethiopia, and somalia, people's lives are at risk. millions could die without emerge, seafood,
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aid and water. unicef fears that if weather patterns continue, the already massive number of those suffering will saw in this remote part of northern kenya drought has always been an issue. but years of reduced rainfall has exacerbated the problem. james or your lewis on his way to a village that's home to members of the dust on each tribe. this year the spectrum was worse than normal because saw that the period at the header, a long periods of drought, and this community lost a lot of life story, which is the source of their livelihood. with tragic consequences, drought meant this family went hungry and they baby daughter died, women alone. another thought she was only little, we didn't know what was wrong yet. and we took her to the hospital and they told us she was malnourished so but that they gave us
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a nutritional supplement. but by the morning she had died it up as in the drought was terrible. i had no milk to nurse her saturday. my baby died of malnutrition donna got in. now the family is grieving and faces an uncertain future another. i'm amazing and he really, since the drug began, i lost my heard of my livelihood call and my child in our order element i was in 100. it's been very hard, i've lost everything. what can i do to when it will all my children suffer lion hunger under these thoughts keep wearing on me. and again, i am a heavy heart to take a braille, a child doesn't know how he is going to provide for his family. now. he's devastated by the loss of his child and his herd. he used to have 150 cows and 200 goats that had gotten the sun in one, i'd get that. and when the drug kill door cadel, manually for the government told us to pile them up, what made an incinerator on on one. so as to contain the spread of disease had yet
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valid. alamo kind of a brighter, known as young, in kenya alone, over 3000000 people rely on food aid. children are especially vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition. and drought also means their parents lack the means to send them to school. the un children's agency unicef says hundreds of thousands of children in the horn of africa. now have no access to education because of the drought. the horn of africa is in crisis. it's not just kenya, ethiopia and somalia have also been hit by the worst drought in 40 years. in somalia, 6000000 people don't have enough to eat. many have had to leave their homes and are now displaced inside the country. makeshift settlements have sprung up near the town of dolo. there are now 5 of them in total. this
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young woman travelled 300 kilometers to get to the concisely camp a journey she undertook in order to save her child. but it was in vain. our local at long delay soon my child was sick when we arrived and they all, she had fever and diarrhea as without a d. i took her to a hospital, but she died is either one late. normally we buried her this morning. right now i got to have our lenny d and the mother is only 20 and was married off at a young age. unicef says child marriage is on the rise. another consequence of drought girls are also being married off younger and younger because that means the dowry price is higher. an important factor if her parents are penniless. finding a husband for their daughter is also a way for them to secure her future. every day, more infants and children suffering from malnutrition are admitted to the clinic.
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and dolo doctors and nurses like up to cut in more alum have their hands full. but without those over beside the normal, the early her on, we've admitted over 40 children so far this month. also by ellison measles, diarrhea we do on fever or common in the refugee camps. worked on the number of children with ma. nutrition is rising to claim on in a region in turmoil and children are suffering the most in somalia, ethiopia, and in kenya. they're james are yolo is visiting families to check their children full signs of malnutrition. he brings a tape measure. it allows him to determine if a child gets a dietary supplement called plumping nut. it will cut the peanut paste, contains powdered milk, powdered sugar, and added vitamins and minerals to help treat malnutrition again. she has been
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detected, would be severely more nourished immediately or put her in the program or far phoebe and we have won this table for the feeding that we give the child that is severely ma norrish. this is the blunder not worth plumping. that is unlimited supply aid organizations are underfunded with the general election coming up in august. politicians have other priorities, cimbawe, very busy on campaign and politics. there were forgotten these people in this community at all or they are not supporting them. and even the distance from our main market that is much sub it down to here. they're also impossible and are getting food is now becoming difficult and very expensive. it's finally started to rain given grounds for optimism. but for now it creates a transport problem. and the rainy season might still not be wet enough to bring change. meteorologists are already expressing doubts. the horn of africa is ravaged
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by drought, and millions of people are going hungry. despite the millions of people on our planet who are starving, the world health organization reports that every year around 1300000000 tons of food goes to waste. a 3rd of all the food produced globally doesn't even make it to our place. a shocking amount of farmed fruit and vegetables. a simply left to route . but there are initiatives that are turning that around. it's all hands on deck in this spinach field just outside barcelona and our grass and the team of volunteers are collecting all they can to day their efforts will supply many needy people in the region with fresh food at the hooking weiss k. wow. there's so much, i can't really gauge how much. yeah,
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but it should be enough to feed $100.00 families or even more on the called a mother. and i could ask worse for the s be go lathers. the glee nurse, the non profit organization collects left over crops after the commercial harvest on many fields in spain's catalonia region. this practice was more common before industrialized farming and the introduction of strict regulations. now it has been revived here by the s b will adults around 8 percent of the world's crops, i believe, to be lost at harvest time. the european union fruit and vegetables are rejected if that too big or small and don't comply with appearance stand that's see out as that was in god. but they were in the field of spinach that hasn't been sold on the market because there was not enough demand for it under in, don't they see not the we, it was cool he in though. so if we wouldn't be harvesting the spin a generally element, it would go to wayne asked her to be in the say, ok, bassetti of the farmer would simply plow through the field here with his try to get
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her to prepare it for the next harvest. but update, but audio god. so what we're doing here is removing the spinach is not to give it a 2nd opportunity, but oddly enough, they will know what the need up. last year alone, her organisation saves over 600000 killers of fruit and vegetables in this way. the water and c o 2 emissions invested in their growth were not in vain. the rescued produce arrives in this warehouse. it's then distributed to charities across the region. avid the economic fall out from the pandemic demand that's feigns food. banks has at times doubled. now rising prices and economic uncertainty caused by the warn, ukraine are putting more pressure on the vulnerable current enough on our phone to coordinate the deliveries at the warehouse in barcelona. as port elapsed, black young anthony, i'm listening to the people who are in most need have the poorest diet would have it in of course, because in the end, the cost of food determines what they eat, what happy families and showing that they're supplied with
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a minimum of high quality basic produce is very important for these people's health . in like when the tennis, how they qualify, the volunteers activities helped build momentum for the drafting of a regional bill to prevent food loss and waste. recently passed, the legislation promotes the practice of cleaning as a solution. a similar law will come into force nationwide as big will others founder, media barava is proud of that. she started the organisation in 2014. now she also runs in operation on the outskirts of foss, alona that produces its own brand of preserves, made from food that otherwise would be thrown away in the past few years around 50 people found a job here. financing is generated for the sales of the preserves and state funding for media. barbara needs more soon. she wants to expand grammar from while they know them. but as of yet we created
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a social business model that has 3 aims. so here let's get the reduction of food loss, mainly of vegetables and free. it's kelly meant the right to healthy nutrition for every one, but especially for those and a vulnerable to asia the but i thought that a foot and we also wanted to offer job opportunities for these people out it out to me as i would i left. but i thought it was gonna come up for tampa. but for my to miss projects as a model that can work not only on a national scale, but also internationally bid window. because in every city there are these 3 necessity as if which are the reason we exist at the, on an existence that depends on plenty of helping hands. the people here are happy to be contributing to a circular economy and social justice was thrown, had people in the long run was darkening, is to disappear gaily. but that would only happen if the problem of food loss and the other social challenges we face were solved. so that might be a bit utopian. he annoyed the galena so far. sedona are likely to have their work cut out for years to come. because there are still plenty of fields with an
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abundance to share. the western united states is also badly affected by drought, and has been for more than 2 decades now. the effects of it's a very clear on lake powell and the 2nd largest dam in the u. s. is drying up and uncovering a buried natural wonder and that is staring debate. a piece of paradise under water. no one on board here was even born when the glen canyon was drowned. a dam by the same name flooded this american natural wonder and created lake powell and artificial reservoir. the world under the lake surface had largely been forgotten. but now it sandstone cliffs are reappearing with
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a pronounced white bath tub ring. for wait, quilter, it's a welcome sight. and we can only see the very top of it. if it's almost like if it was a very beautiful person and you could only see their eyes, everything else was covered. so we're seeing just the top. um, i love to be able to see the rest. the week quilter is a medical student and a river guide to day he's here with his fiance and his mother, janet quilter, mother and son, are fighting to resurrect the glen canyon. they feel it was a crime to flood it. wow. that is emotional in it. yeah, yeah, that nature very. i
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mean it's again that we felt regarding but not every one here think so. $3000000.00 tourists flocked to lake powell every year until low water levels force the closure of many launch ramps we encountered just one boat. i wanted to be like, oh i yeah. would greg that it? yeah. i'm down go like well but nature is taking matters into its own hands in recent years, water levels here have dropped by around 50 meters. 15 in 2021 alone entire side canyons had been revealed and lost worlds recovered
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better. this entire area was once submerged. i was for this. this is what i was for. i can't imagine this day and age bearing this under water again. this is what we're we want, this is where we feel at peace like this is what i picture. i get excited thinking about coming here with my kids in the future, taking hikes through these canyons. yet thousands of people earn their living from lade powell, mike and paul mcnabb. run a family business offering fishing tours. the striped bass are still biting. what's missing since the water level started falling 30 tours to catch them hours of fish . we've been pushing this like my dad and i since i was 2 years old, 1982. i mean, if it continues to go down the way that it is, i mean, we may not even have 5 years left, you know, but hopefully it stays up because i don't want to be looking for another job. you know, i really like what i'm doing and it's not about office out here. mike mc nap remembers
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the days when lake powell brim, with water, clearly resort. the water was flapping right up against the shore people. if they had a fishing pole, they could cast out their rooms and of the warm but water levels have sunk to a historic glow. the 2nd largest reservoir in the us is just one 3rd full climate change and drought have lessened inflow. that paul mcnabb says to many us states are over drawing the bank account, taking more water out of the lake, then comes in. the main part of it is, is the need for water. there's just phoenix, l a. there's big cities, vegas, big cities, that there have been a lot of people and they're getting bigger. go if they say i don't bang in line at like when they go last golf courses less fountains in las vegas and you know, just
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a lot more water conservation and, and even at where it should be in the lake, an artificial lake in the desert for some a big mistake for others. a business, the glen canyon dam, generates electricity for millions of people, but low water levels are putting that in jeopardy to deputy power manager bob martin aims to keep the down operator. he says, hydro is a cleaner source of power than most at last, 22 years were moving a structure of this size. i would have huge environmental impacts on the, the river down below. yeah, that's kind of the trade off of, you know, when we develop these areas, you know, it's, it would be just about impossible in my opinion, to go back to what it was you know, 60 years ago. a colossal man made structure versus the massive architecture of
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nature. gregory bridge is a natural arc. that's until last fall stood completely under water. 2 now wade quilter can drive his boat under it, but there are very few people around to witness the world that's re emerging in many side canyons here. for hours. we don't see another soul when navigating this section where tree tops are re emerging weight, quilter has to be extra careful. we're heading to the spiritual heart of glen canyon, the cathedral in the desert. long a place of pilgrimage for hikers. this natural monument could only be seen by divers after the canyon was flooded. but now everyone can marvel at its stunning beauty. so, we're only here for a split 2nd. this,
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this also is where it's supposed to be here for long time, visible things like millions of years. so hopefully we can just enjoy it and not mess with it. and how do you feel overwhelmed with overwhelming the glen canyon is being revealed. again, this one's world is full of surprises and more wonders await. below the water's surface in 1950, a bitter 3 year war broke out between north and south korea. almost 4000000 people lost their lives. since then,
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the country has been divided into poverty stricken communist north korea and west and oriented south korea. the after effects of the war, a still felt to day, it's almost impossible to cross from north korea to the south. those who managed to flee, find themselves in a totally different world. oh, him, t hoon and his family are winning team. he's gathered his brood together. he says bowling team spirit. his eldest foster son, hardy young is 28 and has long been independence. but the 10 year old johnson still clings to his father kent, i, who lives in. so with 12 foster children from north korea, they all stick together and put up with a lot. you're eaten is that under 20000000 people say watch out when they're around
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and one tongue one who knows how they were raised in north korea. you get on better clothes, the doors and windows, they can be dangerous one or one. okay, so saw korea, many north korean fling, poverty and repression in their homeland wind up here. even though they're korean, they faced prejudice and discrimination. luckily this kim tie hoon. we're gonna go got wake up. it's time for breakfast young, so now make your bud lizzie. oh yeah. are you them? kim, typhoons household is full of children who come from the unknown world on the other side of the board and they fled north korea often without their parents. now they
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live in a patchwork family of 13 people. gibbon. we're no different than any other family . they were like brothers even comes from the same villages. me. it doesn't. it's a miracle to run. cotton mode is out there to live over. we're talking about potty young was the 1st to find a new home here. he was 12 when he arrived with his mother from north korea. after spending 3 months being cared for by the state, his mom found work, though far away, hardy young had to get along without her in foreign surroundings. although cubans organ going shopping, taking the bus and go up doing basic stuff. everything was difficult for me. what to go. there was almost never any food in the house for boxing. imagine a 4th grader living virtually alone and friending for himself. up to that point, there was just one person he'd really gotten to know in the self him tahoe. he'd
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worked as a volunteer in the 1st place where her young and his mother found shelter alternate . on an old girl. it's one lay sir kim typhoon wanted to see what had become of them with 2 other than you are. you go. i walked in. milton, when i saw him lying face down on the floor, and he had fallen asleep in front of the tv dancer, all alone and i thought was the last time he had something to eat. when martha came tie herne simply had to help with the permission of the boy's mother, hardy young became his foster child. soon kim typhoon was asked to take in more north korean foster children 23 in the last 15 years. every day he goes to the market to buy food by the kilo for his sons. now the costs are covered by the south korean authorities. they're glad to have someone to take care of the children
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and help them settle in here. kim's mother jenn me, one has come by to help him prepare supper, get home with him. for years, the 2 of them had no contact. she was upset that his son gave up his career and publish it to look after children from north korea bound mima. oh, but he tells us the children are more important to him than anything else. and so she's come to accept it with home with them honestly. how could i love these kids right from the start? but he told me that if i want to come here, i have to buy and i'm not allowed to ask the children about any bad experiences they've had either. otherwise, i better not come at all at school and i moved to kin typhoon says, looking after children is what he does best. there we bought her. ah,
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that's why this is the right life for him. with this is my duty and these are my children. i'm responsible for them. who yeah. who else would do it otherwise? take a take him to watch you. ah. can tell you in says his kids give him more than anyone else. and his 12 foster children clearly feel the same way about him. and that's all from us at global 3000 this week. drop us a line at global 3000 at d, w dot com and check us out on face. but to d. w global ideas. see you next time ah, [000:00:00;00]
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with who he. welcome to the
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i where everyone has their own truth. when you have that sort of inability to agree on basic docs, i think that you face a future with a country that is buried a struggle for truth. in 15 minutes on d, w is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like. will return in the normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult to success in our weekly coven, 19 special, 90 minutes on d. w. o
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and he's increasing every year in many im gonna working on lunch with holiday destination drowning him tested white line at the core with every year year of the exports over 1000000 tons of plastic with is there another way after all the environment isn't to recyclable? make up your own mind. d. w. made for mines happened 175 years ago. a young start up entrepreneur at a specific goal to build the best optical instruments in the world. ah little did he know that devices bearing his name would one day feature in
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reminding 21st century science into new realms. the rise of a global company, $175.00 sites distorts june 19th on d. w. ah, this is dw news live from berlin, a pro russian court sentences 3 foreign fight has to do for fighting for you, cried the waste calls the proceedings a sham and a violation of the rules of war. russia back to authorities in the don bass regions


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