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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2022 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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on the opaque world who's behind the benefits. and why are they a threat to whistle open worlds this week on d, w ah ah, this is the w news live from burly face to face in keith. the latest of germany, france, italy, and romania say europe stance united with key van das pledging support for you crying to receive you candidate status. i is also on the ship
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rochelle war against ukraine. false is the biggest threat to our security. in that case, nato secretary general coles russian aggression, a game changer and lice app plans to boost the trans atlantic alliances. easton defenses against russia also coming up western europe prices for blistering. hey, this weekend. spanish fi thought is already battling blazes, sparked by the latest heath way. ah, i'm anthony. how'd walk into the program? you lead us from germany, france, italy and romania have travelled to ukraine's capital keith to meet with president vladimir. so let's keep the for a you latest told the ukrainian president, europe stance united in support of his country. and they also behind fast tracking ukraine for a u candidate status. the cities in the ruins of cave suburb,
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our pin, europe's leaders. so for themselves, the devastation of the was impossible. the heads of france, germany and italy, met with romanian president to 2 of the suburb where heavy fighting and alleged war crimes. so many civilians killed their 1st visit to ukraine since russia invaded was a chance to show europe support and counter criticism over the speed and scale of their responses. look up at the vulgarity in europe is by your side of football. it will remain so for as long as necessary either until victory is achieved and label in the form of a return to peace in a free and independent ukraine. the opposite of the consequences of the barbarism that we have seen together this morning in airplane. in a joint press conference in keith,
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ukrainian president vladimir zalinski called for more heavy weaponry of positioning his country as europe's eastern flank said, the wadded shore a here near russia does not choose whom and when to threaten equally. who in europe to ground safety, the russian aggression against ukraine, through his aggression against all of europe, a very simple against the united, your aquatic she, against every one of us, of them, against our values, all is lost, brought in that speech seamlessly. i respond, few of you must be united inertia vp. now president the european leaders pledged more military aid and backed immediate candidate status for ukraine, joining the european union. okay, now go had thought of ukraine belongs within the european family. i my and a milestone on his journey toward the you would be to receive candidate status santos. i'm a spiteful escondido. the e. u is set to discuss ukraine's candidacy on friday. but even if all member states
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gray, it could still take years 15 to gain actual membership. they double these roman contra rancor covered this highly anticipated meeting for us and told us how the visit went down in ukraine. oh, very positively. it was very important than they came that the 4 of them came. so the western european countries, the biggest countries of the you are represented eastern europe, was presented by romanian president. so it was very important for them to come and not just a key of, but also to repeating, to a neighboring city where which was occupied for several weeks by the russian army. and to see what has happened there to talk to the people there. well, as to the, to the outcome of the negotiations, we're talk to, you kind of peasants, lensky, i would say, mostly they fulfilled what ukraine expected for keith. it is very important to have that signal from germany in france, especially from germany,
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that ukraine should get that candidate status and, and, and can finally start this long way, long journey to become some day. and you remember, maybe you can, must have been disappointed by they own what, what has been said about weapons deliveries, because ukraine needs urgently more weapons. and we've heard very little about new weapons. only the president of france said something about a decision to be to, to be em, to deliver some more, some more on howitzers to ukraine in the coming days and weeks, maybe germany made no new announcement, but just to reinstated that it's going to deliver what was discussed before. a pub, chloe, clint can served as foreign minister of ukraine from 2014, to 20. 19. and before that, it was ukraine's ambassador to germany. he also reflected on the days vincent keith overall it was a it would show cilla dairy 2 very important to floss ukrainians.
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it should see a fold. eda, se hearing kid. of course it's evolve the green light for our candidate status. it's like you osteen in front of a traffic light and it's all yellow and not always green. and remember, and my dad started to in 2017. our food in parish's uniform. h in not signed news, east creation agreement, sole z, green light for your green ends. is this answer or future? it's not just the sense of victory is this and so future and thumbs adult pals that, that soul say more kind of special emotions. the latest growing the firm ear b, understand in? well not just understand and bad. she'll in the ceiling, all of the christ committed. but it's also it beat off mix feelin. i have to
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be honest here because many people expected mall in this answer for refund. and it's also kind of communication problem. it's important to explain why here we can get this refund for sold to say for yesterday and today, and where and to under what conditions it gonna be de leon, it's a, it's a big discussion in ukrainian media. and here we need to is sort of top op, cleared in pavlov. clinton speaking to us earlier. but meanwhile, nato is bound to bolster its forces along the alliance's eastern borders. in the face of brush as aggression defense ministers meeting and brussels discussed how the alliance aimed to receive it. strategic vision, the medi come to head of a summit later this month that we'll seek to chat a new course for the coming years. speaking of the meeting,
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secretary general in stoughton berg said, rushes invasion of ukraine would change nato security strategy in the long term rushes war against ukraine. pulse is the biggest threat to our security in decades . so we must 1st set out nato's response for the longer term. at the summit, we will take decisions to make nato even stronger and more agile. in a world that is more dangerous and more competitive. or early we spoke with our brussels correspondent, terry schultz and asked her what nato's response might be, given the new challenges that yen stoughton book says, the alliance is facing dentist oldenburg has repeatedly described the situation, living with russia as aggression, as the new normal for nato. and says that the alliance has to adjust to this in ways that it didn't envision before. and that's why they're talking about a new model for allocating nato resources. and that's going to include putting more
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troops in those eastern flank countries. also pre positioning equipment, pre positioning ammunition. now we've heard that perhaps all of the troops assigned to these countries won't be permanently on the ground there as the baltic states would like. but they will be training with local forces. they will be ready to integrate. should a territorial threat arise? and so this is where to we're going to be hearing at this madrid, some at the end of the month, what other allies are willing to contribute to bolstering the eastern flank from terry schultz. let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world to sell. the dutch intelligence services stopped, the russian spy from infiltrating the international criminal court. 36 year old man posed as a brazilian intern and could have gained access to intelligence on the isis prob, into war crimes. ukraine. he was unmasked as a member of russia's military intelligence, shooting outside the church in the u. s. state of alabama has left one person did
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and 2 others injured. police say they detained a suspect, but declined to give further details. incident comes as us lawmakers negotiate new gun safety laws in the wake of recent mass shootings. a panel investigating the u. s. capital insurrection has said that former president, donald trump, tried to force former vice president my pence to overturn the 2020 election results . right. as i said, to have come with in close proximity to parents who resisted pressure and returned susie's presiding over the vote count as the positive impact of ohio. and as congress held hearings on the january 6th insurrection, and the role of president trump comes the anniversary of a scandal, but led to the resignation of president nixon. it's been exactly 50 years since and not watchman at the bought a guide complex in washington, d. c. noticed something suspicious and cold police. 2 journalists famously picked up the case that some historian say of his tawny lessons to die. the building
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complex that gave the watergate scandal its name still stands to day. 50 years ago, during the night of june 17th 5 men broke into the headquarters of the democratic national committee. apparently to install bugs and take photos of files. the men were caught, but others were involved in the scandal all the way up to the u. s. president journalist to reveal that richard nixon, eustace power against political opponents, good wife cody, for a year earlier, nixon had told his chief of staff that he wanted the use to use wire tapping, and a tailing and other shady to illegal forms of intelligence gathering against the democrats, so while nixon didn't know about the watergate break in advance, he had he was morally responsible for getting these hearings. didn't nixon committed? crime and investigative committee tried to clarify that,
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but he refused to testify or resign them. they stumbled upon the oval office recordings of conversations. after resisting the probe, the nixon administration agreed to turn in the tape. later it became clear that a crucial passage of the recordings was missing was the one in which he ordered a cover up of watergate. but at this point, impeachment proceedings against nixon were already underway under the pressure became too much to leave office before my term is completed as a har into every instinct in my body. but as president, i must book the interest of america 1st. therefore, i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. nixon was later pardon, by a successor, gerald ford and water gate became the epitome of political scandal. it's important to remember watergate, because it reveals the vulnerabilities of our constitutional government. it also
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the strengths you there. it's very hard for a country to protect itself from a bad leader. a lesson that's still stands true today. of parts of western europe bracing, full, crippling hate this weekend, with temperatures in some air is expected to rise above 40 degrees celsius. firefighters in spine are already battling a series of forest fires. brought on by the soaring temperatures. smoke rises over the spanish countryside as multiple forest fi as erupt across catalonia . spain has been sweltering under severe temperatures for almost a week. the earliest, some a heat wave in over 40 years. the country is already battling severe droughts brought on by an unusually dry winter and spring. now, surging temperatures have sparks a series of blazes that firefighters
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a struggling to contain. and experts warn that the heat wave is spreading. neighboring france is bracing for weekend temperatures as high as 38 degrees, 10 to 15 degrees higher than the seasonal average on the spot upon. yeah, it's not the 1st drought nor the 1st heat wave in southwestern france, but with never seen such an early and intense heat wave in june. before going can you saw the outdoor public events have been banned in frances south west. while a jump in the use of air conditioners has forced the government to import electricity from neighboring countries. all across europe, the summer heat waves are happening more frequently and lasting longer. shannon says it's a sign of global warming. this is obviously triggered by human activity. and we now see that this new clairmont we're experiencing is becoming more intense and
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bringing us to the stifling heat as the rest of europe, braces for soaring temperatures, fire crews in catalonia, work through the night, hoping for a break from the brutal hate. ah. and that's all the news for now. christie plants and has the business news off for a short break. stay with us for that. don't forget the website. is there any, or all the needs at any time of the day as to be found, a, d, w dot com world? so on twitter, and insta, handle the navy at d. w. news. we back in 45 minutes with bonnie's had people in trucks injured when trying to flee the city center. more and more refugees are being turned away and the water families, planes on attacking. the reason for these critical illness is we learn.


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