tv Covid-19 Special Deutsche Welle June 17, 2022 12:30pm-1:00pm CEST
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his successes and those you know weekly coven, 19 special. next on d w. we've got some hot tips for your bucket list. ah romantic corner. check. hot spot for food. check, and some great cultural memorials to mood. w, travel off we go. ah ah ah, the urgency of the coven 19 pandemic spurred a world wide response from government to business. the arts to science, innovations big and small, were critical for many people survival. tremendous breakthroughs have occurred in
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the scientific community advancements in m r n. a technology could be critical for cancer treatments of the future in columbia. artisan clothing makers were left without customers. after the pandemic shut down, tourist hotspots, but new collaborations are helping these crafts people bring their heritage styles on to modern platforms. and as monkey pox cases spread around the world, what lessons from the covey 19 pandemic will apply? and which ones won't. oh, in the microbial world, the 2 pathogens that caused monkey pox and covey 19 have a few things in common. they're based viruses for starters, which means in some ways they aren't really even aligned to the virus optic. the sea is biologically inactive. but as soon as it infects a cell or host organism, it stocks is genetic program and then it multiplies, mutates it recombines,
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and these all signs of life. so the particle is biologically inactive. and as soon as it gets into a cell, i mean, it will become biologically active, and this is the side of life. another thing, the 2 viruses having common, is that they have jumped from animals to humans. in the case of covey to the original host is thought to be a species of fat in east asia. despite its name, the wild host for the monkey pox virus is thought to be a small memo. possibly a rodent that indigenous to africa was known as spillover events with was called lunatic diseases are growing more common to increasing human population requires multitude, which also then translates into more livestock, requires more room and it's a highly mobile population. so i think we have probably more spin over events in the 1st place because of this higher frequency. but then also the possibility for
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epidemic or panoramic spread has increased drastically. oh, despite those basic similarities though, the viruses that caused to disease is a pretty difference. for instance, in terms of how they store their genes. the monkey pox virus is a d n a virus. it's genetic instructions are written on a long double stranded chain of nucleotides. the corona virus that causes covey 19 on the other hand, is an r n, a virus. the instructions for making it's written on a much shorter single stranded chain because dna is more stable than r n a. the monkey pox virus doesn't mutate as quickly as r, n, a viruses, lifestyles covey to do. if seen this outcomes to that selective pressure put onto the virus by, for example, vaccination can response very quickly,
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the so called is keep you. on the other hand, i mean then the human pox virus the testing eradicated by 980. i mean, this just don't really change at all during all this ever education campaign. monkey pokes is a fairly close cousin to the virus that call the virus that causes small poll. starting in the late 19 fifties, the international vaccination campaign that wiped out that terrible disease and gauge 20 years later. so many younger people nowadays are unprotected. but medications that could really help treat monkey pox already exist on the to pucks viruses a close enough relatives that experts think even people who received small pokes stuff and limit of protection. of course, this is dependent on the individual reaction onto a dispersed vaccination, but it's definitely the case but vaccination against the human hawk virus also protects across, protects against infection by the multiple fires. another big difference between
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the 2 passages is how infectious they are. people with cobra 19 can spread the corona virus easily via aerosol to those around them without close physical contact for days before they show any symptoms themselves. in the past, monkey pokes patients usually didn't even catch the disease from other people. but from animal indicators all that more human to human infection is now unlikely taking place with monkey pucks, but it's still simply hard to catch think. 19 a monkey box virus is transmitted by very close contact to effective individuals. there are 2 issues which i important. one is that it's not as easily transmitted as to and the 2nd, as far as, as we know, at least so far i'm, there is no transmission before symptoms actually arrive. so there are big
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differences in the genome said the 2 viruses which affect how fast they mutate, but also differences in how prepared we are to fight the unexpected outbreaks. they have caused that along with the fact that the monkey cyrus simply doesn't spread as easily as sounds, covey to makes nice house. carol, sorry, t's cautiously optimistic that monkey pucks will be easier to contain. ah, south africa's 5th wave of corona virus infections is cooling down. although most restrictions in the country have been lifted. the numbers of new infections as well as hospitalization rates remained lower than during previous waves. but in the past few weeks, many parents have still noticed that something isn't right. the western cape authorities around cape town call it an unprecedented pediatric surge or correspondent uttered an crecia, has more magazine made. it seemed. usually i'm
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a bit reluctance to give my kids medicine when they just have a case of the sniffles, but the past 2 months have been a nightmare when one is getting better. the other one is getting sick over and over again. and after several doctor visits, we now own a private pharmacy. oh, this one is c. o for alex and good. thank you. we'll see you then. okay. thanks. one is simply sprayed near murph redness. vastly. she went to see doctor like 5 or 6 times. it's just heartbreaking to see the little ones not getting better off. and we're not the only ones we're having a problem. and sticking to a day to day work schedule has been hard for most parents who send their children
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to this free school, where attendance has nose dived. we've had less than 50 percent over the last 2 months. and on and off, you know, parents will say they children back as soon as contagion state is over and, but then it seriously takes 2 or 3 days and then there with another bar, as you know, add no, ours, me or whatever it may be. so it's very, very, very difficult for parents and staff like wow, he is. claudia grey has been overrun with patients in the past weeks. the pediatrician blames a number of viruses that are currently going a route. yeah, we'll say laura, thank you. okay, i'll movie to sit around and every single day i see covered patient still and they generally presenting with high fevers in children. the other virus that's been very dominant is the are,
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is vi virus and it's our classical bronchitis. that's fairly serious. m. some kids are ending up being admitted for nebulizer or intravenous fluids, and often kids are sick for 3 weeks with this illness. the other virus we've seen a lot of is one called the editor. no virus, which is one of our intro viruses intro means got. so this particular viruses very clever, it can affect your gut, it can cause a flu like illness and classic. he fevers for even up to 10 days. and lastly, what's now coming through in the last week or 2 as the flu virus is a covered flu or as fee and adena virus. and in between that, of course, just the common cold fire sits. but these viruses are having a party. it is typical for more kids to get sick during this time of year. grace is, after all, it's the beginning of winter and the weather is getting colder, but in all her years she has never seen such a search for the last 2 years have really been a,
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a low in viral spit because of all the measures we've taken for covert prevention, social distance thing masking hand washing have been strict, lots of online schooling. so kids haven't had those punched up play dads and socializing and time in kindergarten or primary school to be in each other's faces . so to say. so i immune systems have not seen many of our usual viruses for a long time, and they sort of out of training. so now when we see these viruses which are fairly standard viruses, we almost over reacting to them because our immune systems are no longer fit and trained to fight them quickly. at least my kids can have a little break from the cycle. they are healthy again and happy to be back to preschool. many of their friends, though, are still at home with the holiday season coming up, pediatricians are hoping that this will break the cycle of infections. it is likely
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that next year will be a lot better after the immune systems have strengthened. but for now i know i am not the only parent crossing my fingers. the success of m r n. a vaccines and fighting against that sars cove to virus has pushed the technology into the spotlight, and it's also showing promise and fighting cancer by tailoring the medication to target individual tumors or reporter christina coroner finds out more from oncologist. neil's kalama couldn't tackle his own professor halima great to speak to you. and if you treat cancer patients, which means you also have to give them the diagnosis with. how does it affect people when they find out that they have cancer? you know, as it's a life changing experience for patients to receive a tumor diagnosis, it always involves massive stress as the threat and fear of a tumor is a heavy burden. not only for the patients themselves,
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but also for their families and loved ones. such a diagnosis always involves the immediate question as to whether the illness is still treatable. whether the tumor can be removed or whether it's a situation in which the tumor is so far advanced, the treatment only prolongs the patient's life. one. after going over the options, we then discuss a way of moving forward and off the bus, the ball with m r n a technology and the cancer vaccine. we've entered a new era markets. even for them it's been to, you know, as capital m r n a technology, that's something we've had a lot about and connection with the corona virus. how can i help cancer patients? person who, henson, and diploma, and the development of m r n. a technology actually came from the field of on college g from cancer therapy. and the idea behind it is to use m r n a as
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a molecule to precisely support a patients immune response. cruise lines just to face. that means the process is the same as with the current with iris. this is a blueprint so to speak is sent to the body and with this blueprint, the body recognizes the cancer cells and it can fight the cancer cells better than before. they stick as the dig, it was a lot of, that's right. the major advantage of m r n a technology. this vaccine can be established very quickly for an individual patient, for a single tumor, mis blueprint this information that is packed into the m r a k can then be used in the patient very quickly to stimulate the immune system to target the tumor. unlike the corona virus vaccine, or everyone gets the same m r on a vaccine, that is the same target structure, the tumor vaccine is personalized. the approach tries to specifically stimulate the
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immune system for the individual tumor and position the immune system to destroy the tumor. is the salad to, can it be used for all kinds of chima, all kinds of cancer as low as this or the smallest. and you have to understand that in the 1st step we discover the tumor as achilles heel. what are the tumors characteristics that can be used to construct a vaccine against it? and thinking that's the crucial step. one doesn't listen as dish, but then when you have enough material from the tumor to examine the genetic material to be able to find the mutation. then you can construct the vaccine in, in this sense, it can be used for all types of cancer. s my toilet the other one, fountain ions. it's fast inch that does a full can be used as a preventative measure will not infill. like with a corona virus. maxine, you get a chance to reduce the risk of becoming infected is it like that in this case as it
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does as the it's still very much up in the air. one of the major differences is that the vaccine that's used in uncall a g in cancer treatment is a therapeutic vaccine. that means that a tumor already exists and that the vaccine is ultimately used to fight the tumor and estimate what became pool as well as what role does the stage of cancer play the size of the chima on of along the volume. iceland question, as it does indeed have a major influence on the patient's overall condition. but also on the question of whether a vaccine might help or not. you have to understand that when the tumor emerges and spreads to other organs, such as the lungs are the liver. that means the patient's condition has worse soon . significantly. there are simply many more tumor cells. the immune system has to fight. well, not as he wants us to him was i'm, if you met, it has to be active and fight on all fronts. so to speak. you son. when dives into
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yeah, i mean, it's harder for the immune system to become active against all the parts of this entire complex tumor development in somebody's act. you, you needn't, nickel is inside sack is renice. she's that many people deal with which potential side effects could arise from this kind of vaccine, awfully young as it was august. with the vaccine side effects typical of vaccines can be seen, such as muscle pain, cramps with fever, or mild fever. most good. all these things can happen, the bell, it amuses feeble, but honestly, compared with chemotherapy. my eyes are a classic checkpoint immunotherapy. these side effects are very minor. yeah. and the vaccine is highly tolerable in that sense. it's sources on quickly and so it's really a ray of hype, the cancer patients. when might the 1st vaccines be approved stuff? it's super leslie. but this is jill haga, that's a difficult question. no. there are several studies running parallel. and of course,
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much depends on how significant the effects are with such a vaccine or to syndrome. if they are very significant and drastic with a disease, it's hard to treat them. the path to approval would be much quicker as well. and i believe that broadly speaking will probably know more in 2 years, may have surely will know more. but we might also have the 1st approvals, if all goes well and the results are very clear, lived in the said origins. professor, hello my, thank you to the entity you're welcome. tourism has been especially hard hit by the pandemic, including in columbia, where most holiday destinations were shuttered as infection rates, sword for small businesses that rely on taurus that was a bitter blow, with fewer buyers, local crafts people were left with a lot of time on their hands, so many began to innovate. here in the mountains of columbia,
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staying warm and sheltering from the cold is critical. but these garments called ruinous are more than just practical clothing. they were tradition that new weavers are keeping alive. raphael latino, the colombian, one a is a work of art that i didn't notice behind the craft is firstly the emotions of those who do it because we capture how we live, what we're going through now, what we've seen and what 1st inspired us to do this we started with an idea and wanted to capture it with our craft, la loca rafael learned the trade from his grandfather, who also earned living, selling his creations in local stores. i said internet patio, they again, but blocked downs during the pandemic cost sales to drop in political cane unless only the people who had come to our town on weekends to
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events that are organized here. stayed away with i think a caring juris. come to buy things to visit and get to know us in them. so the closures effect of the economic part of our workshops a logs me k than us with a it is in bogota of similar situation was also playing out with shops close to via rowdy or designer, based in the colombian capital wondered how to get through the pandemic that is with i had us had, let the, the best option was to close the store. unfortunately. um, let's say we love the stl had been around for a long time and was very successful. it was a soft decision, but it was also a good one. because we knew it was the right thing to do at the time i had in at the moment during the pandemic. sylvia began working with out to send me as the columbia on the viva fashion collection project. she trains, artisans in digital marketing and social media, valenzuela finance, talk about trends. we talk about the world of fashion. we talk about sustainability
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and natural dies, different types of information that can help them improve their products more and more where i do that is why we create to concepts and discuss topics that are of interest to everyone can ask you and above all, speak to the community they mckenna think that is he thought he thought it the cadillac on yet the classes helped ralphio latino learn product photography and how to use social networks. as a sales jewel is done as a moment, as i've had that time are to seniors to columbia was a great ally. they give us support and advice, were well suddenly hopefully we had time to learn more technical basics about photography, marketing, and design. many of us working inside shops previously did not see these as options because we were only working, producing, and selling that are harder proceeding. and in rafa yo now uses social networks to so his products today have his income comes from online sales, but the goals of the project don't and they're rafael and sylvia are working on
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a new collection level for me. oh, well, all ready had the chance and pride to some of my products on the catwalk in photographs and types of spaces where you think, oh wow there they are losing wallace sanity. this latest collection will be exhibited at one of the most important craft events in the country. no thought that ours and we don't really take credit for anything. i mean, in the sense that we're not the designers, no form of those. rather, we are guiding, collaborative communication. yeah, the conversation with the communities feeling like when we work together to come up with a product monday giga, what we want is to show the world that this hidden beauty exists. and that infinite possibilities exists to work with these techniques and with these communities. what about how to connect? the 2nd cousin from a more rafael's dream is to make these fabrics known around the globe. so every one will recognize the magic and warmth of columbia. andrew arma.
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do you have questions about coven? 19 d. w. science editor derek williams, will answer them with the latest research and analysis. right to us at covey producer at d, w dot com. this week's question from our viewer carlos alvarez. oh, do vaccine stop transmission of the virus? oh, no, they don't. but even if that sounds like a simple answer, it really isn't. that's because the epidemiological picture right now has grown seriously complicated billions of doses of different vaccines have been administered now to people in different combinations of the alpha and the delta variance have been kind of outgunned in most places by the much more highly
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transmissible. alma chron: berry, and i'm well, over half a 1000000000 cases of coven 19 have been confirmed, and there are a lot more, many in people who've been vaccinated multiple times. and plenty of people have been infected more than once. in other words, there are no clear cut groups any more like there were in the earlier days of the pandemic where, where researchers looked at categories like, like post infected and uninfected, or, or vaccinated versus unvaccinated. there are now just billions of us with our own individual particular histories of coven vaccinations, exposures, and infections. one thing that is clear or is that current vaccines don't stop transmission of the virus, which is
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a big reason why experts no longer really talk about reaching heard immunity if you can get sick with a disease despite being vaccinated or recovered and then pass it along to others, potentially multiple times then heard immunity becomes an unreachable goal. there's still a lot of debate about whether fully vaccinated people transmit as much of the virus as unvaccinated people do while they're infected. but for me, that's kind of splitting hairs. no matter what your vaccination status. if you contract, coven 19, you could potentially pass it on and advice on isolation from all leading healthcare authorities reflects that. if you test positive for sars, covey to they say you should go into isolation for a while to keep from infecting others. there's no extra exception for people who
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are vaccinated and had breakthrough infections. however, that still doesn't mean that vaccination has 0 impact on transmission. first and foremost, as the world health organization, right? because if you're vaccinated, you're less likely to get the disease you're less likely to incubated and you're less likely to in fact some one else. so by preventing infection in the 1st place, you're lowering exposure in society as a whole. some researchers also saying that having a vaccine induced immune response will also make you on average, less infectious and for a shorter time. but as i said, that's still up for debate. m dash does show we've seen what new developments have arisen or become prominent as
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a result of the pandemic. both in medical and economic terms and how what we've learned can also be applied to other areas. next time we'll take another look at the consequences of coven 19 for the environment. that's all for this week. and thanks for watching. please join us again next time. and until then, stay safe. ah, ah, with
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ah! with to the point in strong opinions or positions international perspective, the human cost is huge as russian forces advanced in eastern ukraine, turkeys president says he could mediate is a negotiated solution in a possible and current turkey. being honest broker find out i to the point to the
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