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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST

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wow, what's true, what's vague? it doesn't matter. the only criteria is worked. we'll hook people up. we shed light on the opaque worlds who's behind her benefits. and why are they a threat to was all opaque worlds this week on d w? ah, ah. blistering heat for days that stretch in 2 weeks signed to save this springs, devastating heat wave and south asia was made more likely by climate change. and often the region a glimpse of what's to come down to prepare for the future of such intense heat. that's what we'll dive into today. hello and welcome to eco india. i'm sunny that
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india is no stranger the hot temperatures. but this the, all this struck earlier last longer and heat record highs in white parts of the country and neighboring pakistan. increasing resilience to heat stress is key to saving lives. we visited one hard hit city to see whether mitigation measures can help protect the wall. not a boat for them to just stopping 40 degrees celsius in the shade for weeks on a major challenge, even for residents of about accustomed to heat the city in good, you're out. the state is home to over 5000000 people and as elsewhere it goes into cities, bought a steady as us of moles like here in the embryo about the neighbor. extreme weather
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conditions have thus, and or the last decade. and this year the heat has been broken, homes and slums are often built so close to get fresh air can circulate, making stifling conditions even worse. and i took it normally, my little girl is always outside and then she can't bear the heat indoors. look, we can't stay in the house during the day. i go outside to head can like, and i think, well, i don't go my. i only came back here just before you came. cities with a lot of road traffic on airports, are particularly prone to heat waves with the warm exhaust fumes, pushing temperatures on the ground, even higher the prolong the spring heat wave is already claimed. dozens of lives in this past month was the country's hottest in over 120 years. it was followed by a series of heat. 3rd is affecting around half of the federal estate. scientists blamed global warming for the excessive temperature the
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installation, and yet wants that it increasing on back order. ready for the last year's b contribution. we saw the end of august 1000000 to more than foreign bank. so carbon dioxide, another global warming gases act as a. ready and then, or they'd be set up by the better after a spell of record breaking temperatures in 2010 that killed more than 1300 people. i'm at the about pioneer to set of measures to reduce heat stress and prevent bits . the josh shall worked as a health officer for the local authorities and is the chief coordinate of the cities he action plan. so the heed action plan was developing initially to make sure that there are people gras rude people where people working in
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casenita as people working people living in slums with dean robes. if they're aware that a particular kind of an ard is going to be there, then what needs to be then christine use newspapers and social media to keep the city's residents updated on news about heat leaves. at the same time, the local government tells the power and water companies to ensure supplies are not interrupted during the hottest periods of the day. the authorities didn't set of temporary water stations across the city while also ordering parks to be kept open so that people can find some bolcom shayton. the system also involves medical care services, the cities, ambulances in emergency rooms, the store sizable quantities of water in ice, and also have a special kit for people suffering from dehydration heat. we've always see a steep rise in the number of emergency kit. so normally viaz her wing around
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30023500 emergencies. but in these time, $150.00 emergencies is increased around $150.00 emergencies, increase the heat plant organizes also focus on prevention. we are assisted here by a number of partners including the ma healer, housing, civil crust. rena de la viper ma is among the residents of the embroidery over the neighborhood, but can now go somewhat better with deed. 3 years ago she acquired a new roof. the help of the house and trust it's a model named off, it's more than a system that enables it to be easily taken apart and be installed elsewhere. at the same time, the individual panels are recyclable, made from god gold waist and coconut fiber. they also help to keep the heat out and have a waterproof coating. i might have thought we had seen more delays roofs at an older baptist residence, 3 years back. and we heard good things,
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ma'am. now then we thought about installing it in our home. we have a big, open space in our house, so we installed it damaged, we joined my bank and they gave us a loan of 1445 year to a saving. renal de la by berman says the roof hazard used the temperature inside by around 6 degrees. residents also turn to other markets to be the heat, such as white washing the roofs to reflect the sun's rays. these solutions are affordable on eco friendly, family, havoc hulu, but we don't use it like us, the house of thunder. decoy. our ventilators at enough in the house interest has been operating in the slums here for many years now. focusing in particular on assistance for local them. it launched a mod roof project in 2030. i'm now end of odd is the 1st city to introduce a cold roof initiative with the help of the mahala housing trust organ on right now, it's in the pilot phase on easy data. the city and its partners have set up this
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policy. and after a short period of fine, it will be implemented fully burnett, renewable. perfect. so far, this is the de told from the heat wave in ama, the body 0 and local authorities else are now fallen the little. the cities pilot brought over a 100 cities of long similar action plans to come back beat prediction . so the climate change is a lot going to make heath spelled more frequent and more than 10. luckily, it's become easier to fork off extreme weather events. but as i next report, shows, warnings alone onto enough to keep people safe. in october 2013 cycling fell in maitland for in india that extremely severe i. chronic storm had wins over 200 kilometers per hour and was following a path striking the similar to a $191990.00 fake loan in the bay of been goal. $999.00 psych loan cars,
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millions of dollars in damages and some $10000.00 lions. but the dep tolten helen has been estimated to be as low as $22.00. despite the similarities between these 2 events, what had changed and the 14 years between the dorm by 2013 where the prediction in india had hugely improved. and more importantly, these improvements were being put into action. warnings were issued far and wide and over a 1000000 people were evacuated. this is the power of early warning system to capture the planet current weather conditions meteorologists use weather observations on location, combined with a fleet of satellites that observed the weather. space. the data from these observations can be fed into computer models that simulate the physics of the atmosphere and ocean. these models what, by dividing the world into
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a grid in each grid, bulk be model, simulate the physical processes that are crucial for understanding the weather from the flow of gases to the variation and condensation of water vapor. and by simulating these processes, the models can estimate what the weather will look like, hours and days in advance. early warning systems don't just protect people and storms. they save lives from everything from wildfires to heat wave india's heat wave action plan saves lives by providing water and rescheduling work hours. warnings can even reduce the damages from longer lasting bands, like droughts, by giving farmers the chance to prepare, as well as protecting people. the systems hugely reduce losses to property, even 24 hours warning can reduce damages by a bird, by giving people
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a chance to move themselves and that possessions out of homes way. so why then do some weather does after still catch us out? a 3rd of the world's population have no access to the warning systems. these gaps are often in the world's most vulnerable countries. nations like these that already often hit the hardest by extreme weather. to make matters worse, global warming drip, and primarily by emissions in wealthier countries, is ramping up both the intensity and frequency of these disaster. some global weather services provide forecasts of large scale weather systems without any warning systems within the country. these predictions often don't filter to where they're needed. this may be about to change. on the 23rd of march this year, united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez, made an ounce meant early warnings and action save lives. united nations will spare
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had new action to ensure that every person on earth is protected by early warning systems within 5 years. which begs the question, how, how can we get early warnings to be billions that don't already have them in just a few years. meet your logical offices, count worn about what's going to happen if they don't know what's happening now. and there are big gaps between what higher and lower income countries have at that disposal. getting more weather stations, measuring things like rainfall and wind speed, right? where they're needed can be expensive. but there are ways of bringing down the course. providing 3 d printers to countries allows local communities to build their own weather stations, which also brings down costs, where a conventional weather station could cost upwards of $10000.00. these devices cost
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just a few $100.00. filling in the gaps in observations is just one part of the story. after all these data on much use, if no one is there to make sense of them. and yet again, that is often a big divide between higher and lower in nation. so some that services may have, you know, 100 employees, but some that services may only have 2 to 3 employees, but what you said with knowledge, if you can't get this message out, there's no one size fits all here. getting the word out means using any and own means of communication for psych loan, phelan. ok example be india meteorological department. shad detailed updates using f. m. s. tax email, telephone television, radio websites and other social networks. word was spread from national authorities . right. the way down to individual districts getting clear information out to
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everybody is a challenge the world over. and you have to do what's right for people on the ground. is it, you know, facebook, or is it a notice on their community board? or is it through the radio? is it through the tv or the other channel? you know, just because the country has more money, doesn't mean they're better. bangladesh outperformed germany in protecting people from floods. for example, by training, thousands of local volunteers go door to door with warning. we can stop disaster striking. in fact, events from heat waves to droughts will continue to get worse. as long as we keep heating the planet. but we can take action to protect ourselves and the morning systems offer incredibly powerful protection. one estimate suggest, but every one don't know we spend on the morning systems saves $10.00 in damages.
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the countries that the most from extreme weather, often the ones that are missing the system. if we're going to protect the planet with any warning systems that's going to take the transfer of both climate funding and skills. but if the united nations is going to achieve its goal in just the next 5 years, that won't be a moment to soon. india is just one of a string of countries that have happened grappling with life threatening heat before summer even started. as affected agents try to remain livable, city not assigning, specifically designated officials to the task of heat. we have response. we met africa was heat officer in sierra leon. my role is to luckily to unseat the leaders and local leaders, both at the local and see to level to build and drag response plan to heat for free
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town. and to ensure that people are most vulnerable, have the opportunity to adapt to heat and rise in temperatures. the temperature, the 40 degrees celsius are not unusual in freetown for years. now, the renewals capital has been getting hotter. if you gina kaba, jump to find solutions, he is free towns, chief heat officer, one of just for worldwide, and the 1st in africa. women traders at the markets exposed to the sun all day and suffer badly. so that everyone who lives in the poor quarters the most vulnerable people, people live in, in an informal settlement, people who and below a dollar a day and cannot afford the resources to buy the coolant system such as a seas and find the population of the town is more than double over the past 5 years and that migration rule open migration has been driven by climate change in
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climate effect. eugenia carbo wants to provide market shape coverage for women, selling agriculture produce that reflect the sun and doesn't heat up like a greenhouse. 2 thirds of the people in sierra leone depend on farming for their livelihood, with women making up to 70 percent of the agriculture will work for. another goal is to provide public space. is that a clean, safe and cool? this used to be one out of towns many legal downsides and what have done as a tv to watch for the community. members to clean the area and plan. she said it's one of several garbage sides, not being converted into a public garden. the bushes and trees beautiful and have a cooling effect. the bomb a dumping site. austin for what now you know you can see now we are very nice. my god in night view. just
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like a box. yeah. very nice. of you guys. he got, we got a lot guy, and joe, i says regina cargo certainly has her work cut down for her, but the mer freetown says the job is vital. yeah. one of the most important things about a kid is that nobody talks about it. at the moment it's a silent killer that's just under the reader. the idea is to ensure that the focus a very deliberate focus on the issue of heat, extreme heat and its consequences. eugene a carbo with a former banker, has an entire department working under her one initiative as a 3 planting campaign for free, found the tree town it in through the verse before station and reduce the threat of flooding and landslide. by a mr. plant 1000000, a plant in girl, a 1000000 trees by 2022. we've already planted about 600000 trees. want to
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get the whole city involved? if successful, the project will increase the city green coverage by 50 percent and help stabilize local water sources. welcome to the group down in freetown. this is one of the areas where we're planting trees and it's very important that we plan trees. because trees help 2 calls at most fair and help us to adapt through rise in temperature. the project has created over 500 short term jobs focusing especially on employee and young people. these other community workers, they are the growers, and all of their work is been tracked on the app that we just the click of a button. you can know where the trees, how many trees live and who's walking, and growing those trees. i, my son can oversee the trip. here. let me show you how to use the teen tech a hop. you can snap and said the photo. any obsolete. and you can receive
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incentive for the t planting feed. her every registered tree generates a digital impact token. planters can sell or treat them to get micro payments. and the people of businesses can buy up tokens to offset their carbon emissions. it's hope this digital marketplace will generate revenue to form the planting. but it's not just the tree covered stuff and focus $60000.00 more man grooves now to take the cruise lines, helping to support fish population. eugenia carbone, committed to finding ways to make life in the city pleasant. despite the heat, extreme heat can heightened the risk of other types of catastrophes creating dry conditions that lead to wildfires. for example, india is kashmir, is the pricing for flash floods. after the spring heat wave, he seemed glacier melting in the himalayas. wall interiors are rolling up their
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sleeves to steve off danger. lake who shall side is one of the many bodies in the mountainous territory of genuine cashmere. it's channels have repeatedly bust their banks in recent years, spilling over into the city of selina. they're located in the himalayas. it's known as the city of lakes, missouri. my van will used to be a prominent business man. now the 70 year old is better known as an environmentalist and social activist. he founded the organisation as us to clean up the cities. what about his just one year to burke? this lick was completely in shambles. you would see dead animals for the tim burks, people would walking on this. so when we're talk this issue here under mission sr us people who live here, i mean the stakeholders,
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the loft or on us. but he didn't let that laughter stop him. he knew clearing the waterways would help relief flooding, and he was certain he could convince locals to help him in the beginning, we would just my silicone to be cousins when we started off took just hardly 10 days. the stakeholders start coming toward us, us and start helping us $960.00 of mock. we lifted from this meltwater from the glaciers, which lay at around 5000 meters above sea level, reaches the valleys and lakes by the mountain rivers. it causes water levers to rise, particularly in summer. average temperatures in the region have risen by on 1.5 degrees celsius. over the last 40 years. the heat is causing the glacier ice to
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melt even faster, and the rivers can no longer hold. the large amounts of water. scientists are sounding the alarm. the larger vision of your mourn, kashmir. they tossed around $12000.00 pleasures and most of these glaciers except for doesn't got, i got, i'm region automating out loud and beast, nor as compared to the glaciers in the hindu ocean mine in region, while i, which is the live just a glacier of kashmiri, has been retreating north bar at a very fast pace, and it is one of the fast estimate making ledgers in the hindu kush. my lim, crockett. i'm region. this means a lot of water will continue to flow into the valley. it's a problem for synagogue the cities expanding into the wetlands, which need to stay free to allow for flooding. and what's more, garbage and mud deposits, fill the waterways, making them less able to absorb the water it's had devastating consequences. like during the floods of 2014 in the kashmir valley,
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they caused damages estimated at around one trillion rupees, or 12000000000 euros. around 300 people in the region lost their lives. more than 1200 homes were damaged, like mustang emmett's home. it's built in the wetlands since then. he's been involved in the restoration of the floodplains. he located old flood, gentles, and wetlands that capture water from overflowing rivers. he also called on the government to halt construction of residential structures and shopping malls in and around flood plains to cover the threat of flooding your fully some redman. this was all wetlands warehouses had been constructed by by this is a spillage channel. i requested that the authorities clear this will know we frequently experienced flooding. we wouldn't get flooded if the spirit channel were clear,
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dollar or tapers casala. the government says it is working to improve flood control measures. a jazz emma is an executive engineer employed by the city. he says his department is trying to boost the water, guiding capacity of kashmir, main river, the jail m, as well as its spell at channels durham, audi. we're extending the width of the spillage channel and carrying out some dredging that will increase the area and capacity of the channel for basic as 3rd pose on goose eggs holder, we've identified flood prone areas that will be declared, no construction zones was medically kind of sucks and they would often commer, this would be phenomenal, but his regular cleaning work montalvan was inspiring local residence to look after the water bodies themselves. he believes it's the only way to combat the valley's flood problem. and more than that, but local support, he aim store to store the regions ecosystem and it's relevant want blow driven
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wonderful borgia system. we're trying to me cute as it was, or i don't put to yours, but you would claim, oh bolden, precious indices. you would have received a student, some in boys swimming in this and, and the thought is to scummy from all over the world. they will, to the board functionaries and they will go to onshore to live. oh, why she caught off on deuce or from disabled re establishing the who shall side of bet lens will take assistant effort on the back of locals and the government to be off could be huge. diminishing the impact of the floods as well as revitalizing the regions breathtaking, bought escape. here in india, temperature thought close to 15 degrees celsius. this spring, a warming planted like we just saw, would have
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a domino effect. our sustainable actions to be, however small, could change the course for the better of future generations with panko, if you chose to commit to them. i'll leave you with that and see you again next week from all of us in india and germany, goodbye. and thanks for watching, ah ah, ah, with
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ah ah, this is d w. news alive from berlin? russia. pounds, cities in eastern ukraine, a regional governor says many are killed by shelling enlisted shops, ukrainian forces are badly angel hold off the russian onslaught. also coming up the u back ukraine. european greed, brussels recommends granting keep candidate status. but the plan needs approval from all member states. also on the program, the u. k. government says julian assange can be sent to the us to face buying char
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