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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2022 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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cyber dogs, after the break. don't forget you can stay up to date on all the latest news on our website, d, w dot com. and of course on social media, on public phone alias for me on the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. i'll see you again at the top of the next half. ah ah, people in trucks injured one trying to flee the city center. more and more refugees are being turned away at the border. family plane on the taxi, syria. with people lean extreme around around 200 people in june, around the world, more than 300000000 people are seeking refuge. yes.
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why? because no one should have to flee. make up your own mind. w. made for mines. ah, may i introduce my black lab bosa at home dogs? i my passion, but at work a passion, a robot. what if i combined the 2 could a robot replace my dog? let's see. all that and more on shift. ah. would you like a dog, but perhaps your landlord doesn't allow pets or you're allergic. why not get a robo dog? sounds weird. not in japan. i by looks pretty cute,
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but it's much more than just a ty behind those big eyes, a multiple cameras voice make ignition software untouched senses. ready iris shoot for artificial intelligence robot, and in japanese it means partner artificial intelligence let's i by may vote on a mostly unmanned spontaneous decisions. that robotic dog was designed to be a serious alternative to a living. breathing pat. gimme the obviously they're not living creatures of their robots, but many of our clients who keep i boat, whom treat it like a real pet. when you to our customers, ruba patch can feel very, really, and even evoke feelings of attachment. you know, just like real animals, the design seems to be whacking each year at the she chico sounds, children's festival. some owners bring ivers, not children to the shrine, to pray for their health and good fortune. that very,
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very dogs can even receive as though to funeral these ceremonies. a help to say good bye to i both the to be on repair. but the good news is i both of practically immortal than memories live on in the cloud. they do look adorable, but could you imagine loving a piece of plastic? i went to japan to put eyeball to the test. bossa versus i bow. who is the better dog? i'm going to put i bo against my the faucet in 5 categories. godliness out affect a cleanliness character and expensive. oh, cuddly ness. i have just one question was not to like about dogs. and a lot of them love hawks. i've, on the other hand, is very delicate and is more sensitive than i would have imagined. countless senses
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making respond to touch immediately. there really you, i have to admit them. i was impressed. let's call it a draw. oh, next the outdoor factor. bossa loves the beach. i bo probably wouldn't survive the sand. dasa love swimming. idle wouldn't survive that either. wow. in fact, i will, it's designed strictly for indoor use. so if you're not a fan of exercise, eyeball might be quite appealing. i have to walk my dog for about 2 hours every day . to me, that's a clear win for bossa. oh, the 3rd category is personality. my dog has a great personality, which i'm a bit proud of. my friends you make fun of me for that. i boast don't really ever personality, right? they're just machines all exactly the same. oil that i bought any i bought that you
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buy will develop in a different way depending on its surroundings and the users lifestyle. i all i boost will go their own way is i know that they will act differently, like, and feel differently, ethically, will align with all that is made possible by a i and deep learning. eyeball also features, facial and voice recognition software that, that's it. recognize the person it's interacting with. it's more willing to respond to commands. if that person has already spent time with it. impressive, i bo can learn new tricks with software updates. i can teach boston new tricks to. it might take an and longer, but it's still a lot of fun. i'd say one point each. oh, next up cleanliness, my am i showing you this? because if i didn't show a bossa once a week, my apartment would be a mess. and don't get me started on all that here on the floor. i will scores.
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oh, finally, expenses. while i bill comes with a hefty price take of around $2700.00 euros. a labrador pup cost about $1700.00 yours. and what about the monthly cost? sony charges about $20.00 euros a month for access to the cloud, where you can download all of eyeballs, features hungry, hungry bossy eats up about 40 years of my monthly budget. and veterinary bills can add up to more than $500.00 euros a year. and the grand score is 4234. i believe. congratulations, i will. but i'm still not sure if i could bond with the machine. these robotic dogs are a different story. they've got a bad reputation that could be thanks to dystopian sy fi works like these. and then there's the so called defense industry that fits dog like rovers with a tillery ranging a well one kilometer support us. believe these robot dogs will improve security in
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the future. if you say so, one thing is for sure they can do dangerous jobs. salt is exploring a drug lab. harmful chemicals could be in the air, and armed criminals could be hiding in the shadows. this replica of a lab demonstrates how does police put their very bow dogs to work a mounted camera. let's officers observe what is happening at the crime scene from a safe distance. spot is remote controlled. it is not meant to be autonomous. it's job is to protect police officers from dangerous situations. not i understand the crew boats often scare people, so my volunteers, but the way we see it, almost all these reports do is bring sensors to location that would be dangerous for us cancer. and then come back with data alika variable. take dogs can be equipped with a number of different senses that let them measure things such as radioactivity.
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for example, companies have already tested models and decommissioned nuclear plant in british sellafield. this kid enable inspections that don't expose humans to the risk of nuclear contamination. robotic dogs are being put to the test around the globe in italy, spots, and it's $360.00 degree camera patrol, the antique ruins of pompei each night. in spain, it serves drinks in singapore, it gods, construction sites. it's no coincidence that similar experiments are being conducted a mr. pandemic as many sectors struggle to stop their teams, actually replacing the need for manpower on site with autonomous solutions is grainy gaining real traction in the industry. these robles can take over doll dirty or dangerous jobs, but they also have caring tasks like this. this is of
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a dog is owned by a leading chinese ai and robotics firm. walks and play time included, that designed to entertain support and even got us. but do we want robots doing that? the honolulu police and lulu police on hawaii tick spots for a practice run when they deployed the keynote robot to check the temperatures of unhappy people during the height of the corona virus. pandemic critiques warned. this was dehumanizing visitors to this park and sing, a poor responded with mixed emotions. when a rouble dog was sent out to ensure that people maintain safe distance i, it's cameras and artificial intelligence record the number of people. i think it's quite light like the black mirror kind of like we are always under surveillance l times. i think it's pretty cool. it keeps a sense that, you know someone is, is looking around just to make sure that people around us,
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hey, this might look more like a giraffe than a dog. but spots mused, iteration has been equipped with a gripping are right now the robots just sensing the world at the moment that a consent to well and interact with it based on wednesday that starts opening up wide variety new applications for, for spot with so many uses we have lots to look forward to by the way spot has proven that is god moves like jagger ah, ah, a force promo videos like this unmade to go viral, but live dogs and also gave social media pain like this pomeranian jeff palm from the u. s. he has 10000000 followers, instagram and another 20000000 won't take talk. personally. i'm not
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a fan of dressing up dogs like humans. i prefer on the dogs, such as these 2 former street dogs in rio de janeiro. both i'll have for ever homes and sauce carmel joined the fire department and corporal olvera is with the police . the ins, the fame helps raise awareness. for example, for other st. dogs of war works in asia campaigns. i wonder if dogs would use social media on their own? ill, yana hearst douglas believes they certainly need more self determination. so she developed a dark form. i was a go fly at the scottish university of glasgow. you'll, you know her ski douglas investigate her. animals interact with computers. in 2021 . she developed a doggy food for her lab. zack, to lot of products coming to market that allow you to video, call your animal or track your animal and that you are a, your dog or, you know,
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doesn't really have many choices over this technology. and so i thought would be wonderful if we sort of flip the narrative of this. and instead of dog could make a video call rather than a human calling them and also choose whether or not it wants to answer the calls, the. but how do you teach a dog to make a phone call. ready is yenna her sky douglas took advantage of the fact that zach would often bring her a bowl if he wanted attention. what i did was on the inside an how's inside this tennis ball. it tie? the tennis ball is just an accelerator and also a chip. and is a battery and some, some other technology that basically connects with ball and to my computer or his computer at home. her lap doesn't like picking up the phone, but he does let me can calls himself his favorite. her video calls were husky. douglas can show him where she is. the experiment will continue for 2 weeks and then it's back to the drawing board. i guess i have like
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a super big dream in an animal technology, i would really like it. if we started developing technology that give animals more control over their life, and so my sort of end goal of this is to really make technology that really improves animal life and really improves the welfare. i'm all for technology, improving the lives of our pets. why should humans have all the benefits, but take to the start of our show robots like i will. i'm more than just a toy. they are useful companions that can help combat loneliness. for example, that's scientifically proven. is that a series solution, euclid profit form, or is it just fun and games? let us know. that's all from us. see you next time. ah ah. ah.
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full throttle through the desert. for l fashion. a dream comes to me. the 1st women rally in saudi arabia, a special day for the conservative kingdom, and to success for which the women have more time read on d, w. o. a go davinci, mysterious masterpiece is perhaps the greatest leonardo masterpiece in the collection of the louvre. and no, it is not the mona lisa. it is the virgin of the rocks,
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2 versions, multiple copies, and a hidden drawing. was there another symbolic meaning to this beautiful baby that perhaps we just don't understand? search for answers starts july 7th on d, w. 3. yeah, cuz i feel like we're capable and we did it and we're so proud of ourselves. ah we are living during the most extraordinary time in history of transport.


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