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tv   Opaque Worlds  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2022 9:15pm-10:01pm CEST

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blue when a fine with me comes to me speaking with v and in my daughters, she is danny, me, spinky with b. b, b, b, b, 175 years ago. the young start up entrepreneur had a specific goal. 1 build the best article instruments in the world. size
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is which has become a reality 175 years of size starts june 19th. on d. w. ah. february 2021. our cargo ship was on its way to hamburg. dutch investigators had their eye on 5 containers, the suspected cocaine smuggling, the other 2 german customs officials who took the containers to a special facility and x rayed them. one of them contained tans of building material hidden inside hundreds of packages of cocaine, a total of 16 tons. it was the largest hall ever found in europe. magnificent seems to me, or at least 17000000 euros in advance. payments must have been made for the cocaine and south america on the trail led to paraguay of front company had been formed there to allow the traffickers to package and ship the cocaine undisturbed. a
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scheme that was worth the effort the client and the pure product has a street value of over 1000000000 euros little. in most cases, the cocaine is thin down to make 3 times as much. so a 17000000 euro investment could have become 3000000000 and profit. such margins make drug trafficking, the most important area of organized crime around the world. investigators scramble to keep up while year after year estimated drug sales increase. organized crime has become a multi $1000000000.00 industry overtime in ways that perhaps wasn't thinkable. 4050 years ago. the profits can be used to buy weapons, bride politicians, and financed terrorism. every time somebody thinks that there's nothing wrong in snorting the line of bouquet at a saturday night party your funding death in central america, in brazil,
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and ultimately in the middle east. ah. in october 2018 chief prosecutor of us gung sona, was preparing to clamp down on organized crime. in hamburg, he wanted to break up a ring of cannabis dealers to get up, and that was one of the offices for being preached at miss some one realized that of all things, it was the day of the humble derby game. hm. book against aunt polly holly, the soccer match would be occupying too many officers so arresting the dealers was postponed. surveillance continued when we hoped are on the cover work. my lead is to catching a deal as it happened. under surveillance, the suspects rented
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a white van. as the sun didn't default, we assumed the van men that a few boxes of marijuana will become hell. talks about my yahoo. com. the plan was to immediately arrest any one putting anything into the van 1st day. the van drove to a port terminal. several men got out. they were interested in one specific container . if they hunt the electronic shipping documents and submit the new which contain a number though, after how did the men get such precise information efficient as j or, you know, port workers are paid mid 5 figure sums for this onward, or ask again because it's no help if the container with traffic goodnight is on top of 2 others and no one can reach it. i don't know when a truck picked up the container, the suspects followed in their white than outfitted like the police. the out and i had handcuffs, they had police equipment like a blue light and a signaling. one to flack, some 1000 investigators followed the truck in the van,
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south of hamburg. they both turned and drove back towards the city. the police tried to figure out why undaunted, determined that a dr swap had apparently taken place. that caused a stir amongst the investigators. the all, theo, the truck had apparently been hijacked. a police helicopter tracked the convoy back to the port with a truck was unloaded. so they watched for a while, and then they gave the go ahead him a mobile unit, arrested. several suspects who had repacked. hundreds of packages from the high jack truck into bags. inside was cocaine, a total of $1100.00 kilos. some of the arrested suspects who operated with police. they claim to have been hired specially for this operation. if their clients couldn't get the cocaine any other way,
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they were to hijack the truck and the container they were plan b was it's an in here without doing anything. they would of each cotton, $10000.00 euros. according to their own state level, you'd have become authorities also arrested the leader, one of the heads of hamburg. hell's angels? this job though, was organized independently of the bikers. he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. in court, he admitted to hijacking the truck, but kept silent about whom he was working for by it, when i suspect would give information about the others invited, i closed the investigator's hadn't found. there's another structure that we couldn't uncover it. tankless, professional criminal structures often remain shadowy. they divide up their labor and quickly adapt to new situations. vanish, us often fumblings, all of us. the goals and full bhima endeavor can form to or everything that constitutes a major problem in the fight against organized crime can be summed up,
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is this side. there's a big misunderstanding among the public and politicians about the dimension of organized crime, home item, political and up with hardly any politician and the german bond us talk as aware that we're talking about 4 to 5000 organized crime groups in europe. the jets would be spotty and hm. in germany, the focus on organized crime, mostly spotlight, so called clans. often groups of arab descent, designers, finish and or disorders. it's obvious that the only reason the political debate is dominated by so called klan crime is because they are among the dumber these groups wouldn't do. no one could pio home. her name is today the ones that cause trouble on the streets, often. celia in it, i can of i n v c. i see it in our own ranks in got so much personnel to we have to put into raids and then afterwards into examining suspects mobile devices and so like that. once of i taught you 9 sticking most of the underlines i. meanwhile,
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it's highly likely that the more professional organized crime groups are laughing themselves to sleep. ted can no dis being 4, because they then continue to fly under the radar button. won't have the model. i'm the really big fish only find themselves in the spotlight when they murder people like induce pork in 2007. when 6 mafioso were killed. it's an image of such and such off to put it bluntly as i can tell, it only gets public attention when there are dead bodies in the streets even got more like we hadn't was born a few years ago in john hutton, in may 2019 an unknown perpetrator shot 2 men in a house, in the small town of faust, near the eastern german city of cut bush. in the public sphere, the case went nearly unnoticed. the victims were 2 members of a drug gang from much in a grow. police quickly determined the attack was carried out by a professional killer. the victims gang was engaged in bitter fighting with another balkan klan over market share. there were jets in amsterdam, in malaga,
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in athens and especially in the balkans. maybe i looked young with dick show him pretty, pretty long his job and actually felt ears in investigatory reporting. he shows as a crime scene and serbia, the man killed here was a member of one of the feuding drug plans. originally from the town of co tour in montenegro. footed shows the man driving into a garage to men appear and open fire. sitting next to the vic was a policewoman who wasn't injured. even serbian police are also entangled in the gang war. we are in router, it's part of the bel great, a lot of murderous of martin. but as to place recently here it is because it's very
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rich area. and lot of martin members buying real estate care organized crime spread rapidly in serbia after the collapse of the eastern bloc. our 1st necrotic leader to one of the ones who actually took down below sure which was killed, doesn't tree by organized triangle. the gang little smuggling drugs team up with the parts of the secret service, the kill him, the sniper shot. this shows the power of the organ, his crime. over years stretchy novick and his team of journalists have tried to shed light on serbia's criminal underworld, including the current gang war. at least 50 people that we know for sure that they're killed. connected to this verse of this gangs. the feud began over a drug shipment. one gang accused the other of stealing cocaine. the amount was comparatively small, that he got in fights for $200.00 kilos of cocaine to con the killers. really for
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balkan terms of dis, gangs, not much drugs, gangs, or fixtures of the global cocaine trade. they hire professionals, hit men. these gangs have some people who provide the for them some like really perfect silicon masks which when you put on yourself, you really cannot recognizes the message. so they look like human face. they're not even afraid if the camera capture them under customers or because the good people police confused the balcony mafia also gets its cocaine direct from south america. in june, 2019 nearly 20 tons were seized in philadelphia. the group from montenegro had bought the drugs from a south american cartel. they don't really care much about suits level distribution . they just sell big amounts of drugs to another european against these balkan godfathers don't just export large amounts of cocaine. they trade in killing to
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vienna 2018 just before christmas, a contract killer ambushed to men as they left a restaurant. one died, the other was seriously injured. the men belong to a hostile serbian drug plan. once again, the perpetrator left no trace. 3 years later, the vienna murders have still not been solved and the killing continues. specialists from the united nations are headquartered in vienna. what makes the cartels so dangerous and powerful is something italian under the may, has spent years analyzing. one advantage is that they have no accountability, so governments are come to boys to the people and so they have to operate according to set the standards. they don't have those funding so they can operate without a asking permission or they use them any kind of met on the not only violence i, but also be we how they control allah, their territory exciter that makes them stronger and there is no,
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no government can beat them that the united states as certainly tried beginning with richard nixon in 1971. we must wait what i have called total war against public enemy. number one in the united states. problem, dangerous drums. the superpower went to war with drug cartels. one battle ground was columbia, the us sent soldiers and money dealers were hunted down. cocoa fields, poisoned crops, burned, but even 50 years of fighting, couldn't hurt business. drag so remain than most profitable or illicit market for organized crime. and by far, the one that really produce most of the profit for organized crime, organized crime has an annual turnover of up to 2 trillion dollars. drug trafficking alone brings in up to 700000000000 dollars each year. us authorities
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record hundreds of boats bringing cocaine from columbia to mexico. from there, the product to smuggled into the united states, the world's biggest market. cocaine has changed mexico the beginning when the government yet tried to address bay shore on trafficking, and they'll be organized crime than the violence exploded. pressure from the mexican government has had unfortunate consequences. wow, that the disruption then had to reduce the amount of cocaine that was transferring from mexico. and so that created an tension within the group because they were fighting for a smaller piece of the cake. mexico was really peter highest price in terms of violence. for years it's been mainly civilians paying that price. like in the province of vera cruz since
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2727 journalists have been murdered here they had reported on the crimes of cartels and corrupt politicians. one of them was maria elena saras, her daughter fernanda grew up amid danger. yours is a good thing all the 1st time it happened. i was 6 months. my mother was being threatened. and since then, we always had bodyguard law and we had bodyguards for 14 years. she always prepared me for the day when something might happen to her. what is the annual it by sarah? despite the threats her mother spoke out against a corrupt and influential local politician. in march 2020, she was shot in front of her car. the subsequent protests fell on deaf ears. once more, fernando was protected by body guards. she wants to continue her mother's work.
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complet them and they took me away from my home and from the things that with many a to me that they took me from my work, the place where i spent most of my life. it had a huge impact on me because now i'm not even allowed to say where i am was like, i can't do anything here. and i can't work as a journalist anymore or but at least when fernanda and her brother visited their old home killers were waiting for them. oh jill, in yellow notice when i was on my way back from atlanta. and i had gone that because it was my mother's birthday the day before. and i wanted to visit her in the cemetery. like i'm really suddenly a pickup truck closed in on the car. and they started shooting at us. i was, but i didn't see anything after that because my body guards were covering me now that tara, she continues to live in fear. those who ordered her mother's murder have not been caught. in the summer of 2021. fernando ran for parliament and mexico. and has
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raised awareness for the families of murder victims. since 2006, 125000 people have died in mexico's drug war drugs are smuggled from south america, directly to the u. s. and europe, but also to west africa. modeling is an important transit hub. here un troops try to push back islamist militias. but those militias are growing increasingly powerful because they make money from cocaine smuggling. as a un expert discovered, i was asked by the un tooth spearheads project. what we found out was mostly organized, klein groups operating in latin america. we're trying to get cocaine to europe. they have to pass through historical transit routes or trade routes in parts of africa. and it's impossible for those criminal roof to get the folks to europe
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without actually paying taxes to various terrorist groups along the way. in particular, groups with ties to al qaeda are profiting from drug trafficking in west africa. the lloyd foresman personnel watch is kind of look away because they'll get a lot more by these particular groups though, because they're a lot more powerful. in certain past the worlds, it's getting to a point now where it's hard to see how this can be counted effectively. the un mission is becoming more and more difficult. in the summer of 2021, a patrol of german troops was attacked and molly, tourists and east africa to are making money from drug trafficking. here it's not about cocaine, but heroin smuggled from afghanistan and on its way to europe in the mediterranean european ships are picking up drug smugglers. in june 2020 italian investigator seized a shipment of kept
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a gone. the stimulant had been trafficked by the so called islam mc state. it st value, 1000000000 euros. here in vienna, un experts know how dangerous it is when drugs and terror mix. northern irishman niel walsh is an analyst and ex police officer. when i was 11 or 12, i was standing in a clove shop with my dad on a saturday morning. and suddenly the windows came in. there was this enormous bang . we went out into the streets. there were people lying dead in the street. for decades, british soldiers in northern ireland fought against the separatist. i are ray, the group financed itself through organized crime. so to me, my law enforcement career a, working in the u. k. and europe, poland haig, intelligent and evidence all the time, showing the links between organized criminals and terrorists. it's always been
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there. the i r re feared informants and traitors. contact with criminals was considered a risk. terrace organizations then insulate themselves from rest and their own members figure out how to engage in extortion, kidnapping for ransom, drug trafficking, et cetera. and that makes them less vulnerable, and we've called it d, i, i organized crime, do it yourself. the iron re like to present itself as a political and moral force, however disagreements among members, splinter its message. one sub group made a show of taking on drug traffickers while members of another were linked to large scale cocaine trafficking. in 1998, the good friday agreement was signed, officially ending the conflict with the i array more than 20 years ago. i think the hand of history on our shoulder, in respect of this when. but despite the
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peace old habits die hard, whichever group you're looking at, whether it's an, if this isn't groupons improves, agree to the peace, even if it's only temporary. they all need finance fins fall propaganda for recruitment. they pay salaries to their members. they even pay pensions, their members who are retired to maintain power. both sides smuggled cigarettes, weapons, and even people, a multi $1000000.00 business in northern ireland, all of the crews, they all continue to engage in different levels of organized crime to continue their funding streams. this is not confined to u. k or to europe, even. this is on the global scale we've been uncovered. it's some links between paramilitary groups, northern ireland and the middle east, through money laundering. a used car dealership on the outskirts of dusseldorf. it's lebanese born owner used the unassuming business to launder hundreds of
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thousands of euros until his arrest in 2018. he was a key figure in the world of money laundering. you had used car businesses that were using the used cars. there were trading to move cocaine across europe. right shank, an area. you pack cocaine in hidden compartments of the car. you drive from germany to spain, from spain, to france. there were moving cash the same way. the dealer had long been under surveillance by german and american authorities. they watched him use drug money to buy cars in europe, which he then sold in west africa until his arrest. he was in contact with the lebanese terrorist group. hes paula hezbollah is backed by iran, it controls parts of lebanon, is active in syria, and even fought a war with israel. the constant violence prompts thousands of lebanese people to leave the country. they migrate to africa, europe, and usa,
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and above all to south america. that is one of the reasons why his well started developing relations with organized crime because it's network of supporters around the world could actually be leveraged to provide the service to organize cry . in 2019 a lebanese man was arrested in south america on suspicion of money laundering. the criminals need not only to longer the cash but also to move the merchandise. and they provide that service to. for years us authorities have been cracking down on has balance money, landers, in 2019, one of the leaders was sentenced to 5 years in prison. others are still awaiting trial. hezbollah maintains contacts with expatriate lebanese, almost everywhere in the world. a global network of organized crime has belies like the amazon d h l, and western union of the criminal underworld. well,
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this video shows a rate in europe fighting transnational criminal syndicates is getting more complicated for euro poll. the european police agency, headquartered in the hague, organized crime. he's no longer based on groups. it's based on networks. they're using also the service providers, people who are x person id shoes, her financially, she's legal issues, logistical issues. they tried to minimize their risks and then of course, also minimize the costs. cooperation is highly interlinked. alliances can change over night and borders are no longer much of an issue. euro poll itself is a long way from being that flexible. when i started to work here in europe, all the view, oh, glasgow has completed chased. so it, sir. much more difficult situation than i expected to be honest.
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europa regularly publishes videos of operations around europe. they break up group after group arrest dealer after dealer new criminals, simply spring up in their place. whenever there is an empty place, somebody will fill it in, in a really short time period. often only the small fish are caught without bankers and lawyers in the background. the business wouldn't function thus far. you have to focus on those who are leading the communal activities and not all those persons who are operating on the street level. easier said than done case in point, the netherlands. in september 2019 dutch lawyer deck william was shot. he was representing a key witness who wanted to testify against moroccan drug smugglers. and 18 months later, journalist pated of reese was murdered in amsterdam. he was advising the same key witnesses. the orders for the killings came from high up. in the cocaine trade, we sit the acknowledged that organized crime exposing an increasing and diverse
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race called up. each member stays under societies as a whole. we have to take action. no, before i said before, it's too late. and diesel jobs, higher regional court and explosive trial depicts the new normal members of the mafia are alleged to have lend money to turkish defendants. for a cocaine deal with moroccan traffickers, the public prosecutor has evidence from undercover officers. the dealers at the end of the chain earned $5000.00 euros per kilo. all this is part of an international shadow economy that the german justice system can hardly touch. liberty starts, i'm fine on visual stella v. i can't think of any way we could have really delta blow against organized crime. etson didn't just video broadened us because even talking about it would be proof enough that we were furthering our own political goals on. she's not our messen lawson for decades. criminal glands like the italian
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in diameter have succeeded in building structures in germany sans room at yawley. researchers had the calibri and group has succeeded in germany. marty olias read thousands of pages of files on the in durango from italian authorities. the mafioso were overheard praising germany, saying anything was possible there to keep it that way. they said it was important to be quiet like in piazza, in church. it isn't, you know, invasion bill i know exactly where they can work without attracting attention or having to fear consequences. and some fusions of the problem is that, that realm is just too big. in the city center of deuce borg directly opposite the district court monster spent years quietly laundering money through an ice cream parlor. what's in yonder? i'm gone 10 years ago when i started looking at the mafia ice, i always thought it was impossible to know who belong to the organisation lies east us by the now it's clear that the police know
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a lot in terms of affiliations. they know exactly who moves and what circles in, obviously convey, but there are no further consequences, sight of consequences in buttons written bag restauranteur mario l. b, him a respected person as that it was clear to every investigator who dealt with him that he was in the mafia. he opened one restaurant after another and probably many more. 3 front meadow does not feed me in the italian files. the number is over 140 mario l organized, catering for the centre ride cd you party and met future european commissioner gunter adina. after years without facing justice, he was sentenced to 10 years by an italian court in 20. 19. since the beginning of 2021, the largest mafia trial in years has been taking place in calabria. with $355.00 defendants and hundreds of defense lawyers, prosecutors want to expose the overall structure in germany. that sort of trial is
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a long way off video. it's gone. if we don't even make the effort to recognize this system with the shine and lights on it and understand it, and we, we won't be able to fight it with any precision could, will. for years italian prosecutors like nicola godaddy have been trying to take on the entrance into he carried out a spectacular anti mafia operation named metropolis. back in 2013. at the time italian investigators uncovered a linked to irish extremists, an ex member of the provisional i. r a was arrested in the operation metropolis. the par latrice had huge, huge amounts of stock piles of cash that they wanted to invest. so the mafia basically said, well, we can help you clean that money and invest it into a legitimate business. the mafia developed land building luxury apartments.
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when necessary they put pressure on the previous owners. the mafia helped longer 450000000 euros. was this supposedly former provisional? i are a member pouring money into property and calabria to the key figure in the money laundering plot was jailed for years in the 1970s. after being convicted of involvement in an ira bombing registered as shown. how volatile the situation in northern ireland still is. most of northern ireland is actually run by parmelee troops. there is certain parts of northern ireland that the police just can't police. they're not allowed to enter. and the message they get from local communities is where governs why paramilitaries and even in england, the police can be everywhere. i noticed his plan was using
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a london warehouse to store thousands of cooling cars filled with ammonium nitrate . when you, nitro is used mainly as fertilizer. it also is found commonly in small quantities in medical equipment. but the chemicals lethal capability was shown in the summer of 2020 in beirut. $500.00 tons exploded in the port destroying part of the city. ah, you can't just walk into a pharmacy and by 3 thorns of ammonium nitrate that were found in london, that's where these support networks around the globe come handy. you buy ice box 1st aid kits and you slowly accumulate them over time in warehouses. and then at some point, the quantity is enough to enable the bomb makers to come in. in 1995
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u. s. terrorists used ammonium nitrate to blow up a federal building in oklahoma. it's a substance that alarms investigators in germany. jew, as paula has set up an organizational structure and stored ammonium nitrate in spring 2020 has bla was banned in germany, but it continues to operate illegally. ah, has more of his leg, their patient, much like al qaeda and are likely going to take their time to pick and choose their spots where they feel like they can have maximum impact. at the end of the day, their ross on their tray right is terrorism. just like drug cartels, terrorist groups like has bullet need to launder their money and move it around the world. often, major financial centers are used in london,
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former finance watchdog and banker, gran barrows has seen the practice close up. london is a kind of perfect stole move, legal system, which is useful corporate structures which are useful that provides a lot of the toes with which to own the money. so companies, for example, that, that exists solely to, to move money around the world. 80 percent of global trade is done in dollars. so a few large banks play a key role. only they have licensed to inject dollars into the financial system. one of them is deutscher bank, which have since become notorious for the levels of dirty money that's moved through them. it will then move through torture bank to all the safe places they want it to be. lebanon's f b m e bank was one such client in july 2020 new york's banking regulator determined
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that it and dutch a bank had pumped 618000000000 dollars into the financial market. much of the money can be traced. terrorist groups and drug cartels retain you and he is a global network of companies, banks and operators who will provide those services to anyone operating in the criminal economy. whether that's re corruption, organized, crime, all the financing of terrorism, the financial crisis exposed. why many financial authorities only half heartedly challenged the system, the global economy has long been too dependent on dirty money. the kind of the u. n . o d c, the officer jackson crock. effectively said, the only thing that stopped the global economy collapsing was the dirty money entering the system. and that's as good as clear as you'll ever gonna get how important 30 money is to the global economy. that dependence continued after the financial crisis up to 3 trillion euros are generated illegally every year. that's
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close to the gross domestic product of germany and about 3 percent of global g d p . imagine if we wipe 3 percent of global economic activity out tomorrow, we would have the worst depression. the world is ever seen, it would collapse the global economy. so there is this kind of interlink between criminal activity and economic activity was you can wipe out instantly prod in the czech republic like neighboring slovakia, the e statist thought to suffer from widespread organized crime in 2017 checked journalist pavlov whatsoever. and jer, slovak colleague yon could see act began researching the wrong, or just influence on the government. yama called me one day that the prime minister has a new assistant. she's really young, she's former miss universe contestant,
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and there is no public information. what made her eligible for such a position? or we started to dig a little bit deeper and we found out that she was called sharing a company with antony, nevada law, who was based in calabria. and that he made heavy ties to the wrong into young could. zach was 27 at the time working from home as an investigative journalist yada was really much more into documents, analyzing them then talking to on the school source. he's, he was this kind of silent, analytical type, putting it piece by piece to get her to understand the whole picture. we understood both of us that it could be tricky, but we thought that we may be facing risk from italy. so we were kind of more careful if we are being followed or not. but we believe that there will be not much impact of the story. no one really paid attention to part cor,
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organized crime in slovakia by them. on february 21st 2018 in the middle of the night, a former soldier entered could see aunts house shooting the journalist dead. hoots young's 27 year old fiance. martina was also killed when it became known that could see i had been researching possible crimes among the prime ministers entourage. thousands demonstrated against corruption slow back prime minister roberts pizza, went on the offensive offering 1000000 euros as a cash reward for clues. inexplicable nami, but the questions remained unanswered. after yana was killed, of course we took over and we actually tried to finish to work on a started and was never able to finish. hudson valley was temporarily under police protection, but she continued to follow could see acts leads. the reporter had been investigating
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marianne cortner, a well known businessman in st. louis, coached, or had allegedly evaded millions of euros in taxes, one day coach, generic called gucci act. he recorded how the businessman was telling him, i'm going to collect dirt on you and your family and you will stop writing, coached r came under pressure, cutesy ex killer, and his assistant were arrested, leading investigators towards the business ban. eventually, coach no was brought to trial as the alleged mastermind of the murder his activities were probed by the court. and by journalists, one of the key pieces of the evidence where to cellphones from marianna, which one of the cellphones contained a back up of 3 mamma, messy cheese and the conversation actually revealed his conversations with judges with prosecutors. this was proof that coach nor it bribe politicians and judges.
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one judge had been intimidated by one of his associates. you send this message and it was actually saying she should do what she promised and she should rule otherwise. she might end up as good sec, hudson van published the reports, prompting a shockwave 21 jackie's where actually detained. it was passive, and i don't remember this happening in any other european country. the former police chief was still investigating the could see i case was also arrested on suspicion of corruption. they were charged wis headink organized criminal groups. what dislike mind blowing in the could see at murder trial. marianna coach now was initially acquitted. it was a shock for the families of the victims. then in the spring of 2021,
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the supreme court ordered a new trial, a sign of slovakian constant struggle against organized crime by his decision to kill it or not. his money on coach that actually destroyed the whole system that was in place for 12 years. and before the murder happened, we could hardly mentioned that as his them would ever change. it was so much embedded in the society. when the small island nation of malta joined the e. u in 2004, a lock changed for its half 1000000 inhabitants. it also became a gateway for criminals into the u. reported. daphne caruana delicia was interested in the issue. as her sister tells us, she actually covered politics in malta and that led her to discover crime which was actually trans national. the last sentence, her sister wrote was, there are crooks everywhere you look. the situation is desperate. it does feel
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desperate at times because it feels like the criminals of daphne cur wanted elisia had been intimidated and threatened for years. she had become isolated by the end of her life. he knew there was such a long drawn out and such an intense campaign against her in it, legitimized socially to the point that people could crack jokes about murder and witches and homes. it's for real, said privately when daphne was killed, it was shocking, which wasn't surprising. hitman shadowed the journalist and blue her up along with her car. because if you report one story after another and nothing happens, you become the last line of defense between the rule of law and its collapse. and it becomes very easy to take the fasten out and this is what happened enough, nice case. after the murder maltese police took action against the criminal
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structures, arresting the perpetrators just like in slovakia, the trail led to the ruling party that caused protests. you're not with the underestimated who they killed in the end. that's what it's in the man suspected of ordering. the killing was arrested in late 2019 while trying to flee on his yacht. for years after the murder there still no verdict in the case. the victim's family continues to fight for justice. meanwhile, the european parliament has named a press room after daphne caroway migalia. if you just back down what you're saying is, yes, you are right. she didn't matter. you could kill hang, get rid of her. then i'm going to get that. if we set out to say, okay,
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we're going to solve organized crime globally. it's going to happen. but you don't set out to win a war, you just set out to deal with. the things you can do is the accumulation of all the small actions that will make the big difference. organized crime is a global problem and to have any chance of defeating it, those fighting for justice must think globally to ah, they stare at ash confident. oh john black. they tell their story and that's of the 1st and he created them.
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made the artist logo, alpha. can you see krista from god on arch 21 in 30 minutes on t w. o. co. mike's how can this passionate hatred of a people be explained? your tongue or a history of anti semitism is a history of stigmatization and exclusion. of religious and political power struggles in the christian christianity wants to come for that is why christianity use the figure of the gym as a deter? it's a history of slander of hatred and violence. a 3rd of our people were exterminated
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$6000000.00 jews, like microbes to be annihilated even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. history of anti semitism starts july, 2nd on d. w. ah ah ah, this is each of you news live from berlin. the battle for your cranes don bass drags on the region is left in ruins as russian forces pound cities and kill civilians and ukraine struggled to hold off the onslaught. western europe has swelled.


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