tv 175 Years of Zeiss Deutsche Welle June 20, 2022 6:15am-6:46am CEST
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for staff has tightened his grip that the very top bleeding the driver standing with 46. 6 parking ah, alright, you've been watching the w news live from berlin up next is our doc film under 75 years of zeiss, the rise of a global company. and don't forget, there's always our website. if you need some more news, that's d, w dot com. and we'll also on twitter and instagram at g w. news. i'm here until berlin, thanks for watching. every day for us and for our planet with global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities green or how can we protect animals and their habitats?
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what to do with all our waste? we can make a difference by choosing reforestation over deforestation recycling over disposable smarten solutions, overseeing the said in our ways or is truly unique. and we know that, that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive google ideas, the environmental series in global 3000 on d, w, and online ah, ah, when precision engineer cowed size founded his small workshop in gina germany a 175 years ago he could not have foreseen what the future had in store for his company. it has since become a global corporation that continues to push technological progress around the world
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today with its innovations in computer chip development, and medical technology. ah, one such ongoing revolution within the field of microscopy is taking place at harvard university in boston. professor jeff leachman had discovered that the key to understanding the brain lies in its architecture that is in the spatial structure of the organ. but how can one look inside the brain? because a suitable microscope didn't exist. least men set about helping size to develop one . the brain, as you probably know, is made up of many nerve cells that are interconnected in this vast network of connections that are poorly understood, largely because it's so complicated. and until recently,
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there haven't been technologies that would allow one to image the brain at that high resolution. one is you have to look at something that's very large and brain is very big. and you have to look at it at very high resolution. and usually the imaging techniques that allow you to look at high resolution look at very small areas. and the imaging techniques that give you a field of view of a large area have low resolution. but in order to see the brain's wiring diagram when needs both a large area at very high resolution, and that's only been possible with recent technologies. microscopic technologies. the result is a microscope that, apart from needing the oversight of the technician, is fully automatic and operates 247. using $91.00 parallel electron beams, it depicts the brain tissue as a whole, a millions of a millimeter. at a time,
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policemen, a world renowned nearest scientist, uses the microscope that has little in common with the original creations of called size. it helps us to understand parkinsons and outsiders, and instead of pure optics, complex computer networks display the smallest structures in 3 d and in color. the humble beginnings of size lying a simple microscope created by the found out. he then found an ingenious partner in answer, abbe carts, eyes an update on concise and answer to abby had a clear vision, and they were unrelentingly on innovations in the field of optics and photonics integrated. these are still, we even have founding documents from abilene. ask where he writes, that these are the fields on which the company should focus. it's development. so, and that's what it has done over the past 175 years failed to see those fields, photon. exxon or tronics are still broad enough for us to continue down that path with uniforms. aqona dies in with him of targeting. on november the 17th $1846.00,
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the young cal size opened his 1st workshop in the small town of gena. the 1st he is weren't easy, and zeiss kept the company afloat by selling eyeglasses at the time that people simply didn't know what it took to make a good microscope. so there was a lot of trial and error to begin with through the university. so i got to know as to other, a 26 year old private lecture in physics, whose research allowed for an exact calculation of optical lenses. this technology could lead brought a steady income, and soon the company moved into big premises. its ice optical factory was becoming a scientific enterprise auto shot, a young chemist from written was lowered to yanna in 1882 with the promise of a custom made glass laboratory. the new high quality glass put size ahead of its
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competitors in 18. 88 counts, ice passed away, but his approach remains engineering combined with the scientific approach and a network of top class researchers. for many years, professor michele catch cat was at the helm of the company. high above the size headquarters in over coffin, he explains how a constant pursuit of card size. his vision has turned the company into a global front runner in photonics. it's rich to me or i would like to see many more interactions like this, between science and business in germany. ok, so on. and it can only be beneficial for the country and all the better if we at science can contribute in this way. i. so i believe that our work is being recognized office, but we still need many more to follow our example of your portion of it a few of our former. but what would he tell cass ice if he could show the founder?
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what has become of the company? like pretty much only half in order not. you know, i would probably take him here to the large construction site and, and ask him whether he could have imagined science taking on the dimensions back at the beginning and wanted him gotten this. but i would also like to ask him if it is true that he had the microscope that didn't meet his quality standard, smashed with a hammer mit i'm home, i will probably never know if the story is true and the mis certainly lives on the fun of a mutual sleep of the fit of item, at least we know that one thing is not miss the highest goal of size and it was absolute perfection. they look closely at their customer needs and developed one optical, measuring device after another. they paid a visit to the world fair in paris to find out more about international microscope production technology. and the company's portfolio grew rapidly to include photographic lenses, measuring instruments, astronomical devices, planetarium,
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and lenses for eyeglasses. the company's expansion continue to this day, and currently a new dies campus being built in, you know, one person who knows more than most about the founda is historians to, on petrol. i'm with in which i'm on find those pushed in and start up one tiny and you have to imagine them like a startup entrepreneurial and not quite like those we have to day down, but the 19th century version. so i just said martin, he had to do almost everything himself because he had very few people. sometimes just one or 2 employee mit abide and so playing a fine against klein who is a very small company. and so he had to do the book, keeping himself up, we went to the womb village, the mon, i still have the ledger where tice entered all his business transactions and listed every microscopes home on the script and listed the call me was cooper by shining stuff that we probably found the environment of a university town with an up and coming natural science department at
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a very stimulating environment for his work and mit of this included the famous natural scientist, schleiden wilson, who also made a great contribution to microscopy, remarked hot dasa, thus eyes attacked, he was unfair and fun. after the death of his business partner abbey came up with a plan to honor that ice name and ensure the continued existence of their firm. he decided to set up a foundation. this made its ice and shot companies independent of external owners, allowing profits to be used for further investments and scientific promotion. this unusual organizational structure has remained a key to its success, but there were dark times ahead, sized got caught up in the mouse strom of 2 world wars. in the 1st war, the company produced binoculars and range finders for the military. and in world war 2, the entire production was focused on armaments. the company's workforce was bolstered by thousands of forced laborers, concentration,
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camp prisoners and prisoners of war. it was impossible to imagine the town at the time without the camps facing up to its past. so i became a member of the foundation remembrance, responsibility and future. in 1945, after the 2nd world war sized became a coveted prize for the us and soviet union. we take the brain became the u. s. strategy. the most important blueprints were taken along with the 77 top employees to obey icon in the us occupied zone. the soviets to ported $275.00 sized employees along with all the machinery at the time, few would have thought that this company could ever be resurrected. but thanks to a belief in their own abilities and the will to succeed, the workers turn things around from its new location in west germany is over. courtland as ice brand reached new heights in the so called free world and from
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gainer in the newly founded east german state, the name size became known throughout the eastern bloc. the growing competition between size in the westerns ice in the east was also played out in space photography. back van space photography was considered pointless because earth's atmosphere would not allow any details to be seen. nasa's workaround was to pick up a hassle blad camera with its ice linds from a photo store in houston before the 1962 mercury atlas mission flight. it worked all the it moderately. this led to hassle. glad and science is close to collaboration on developing the special cameras which gave us the impressive images of the moon in 1969. in 1978 east german sigma again went into space armed with a multi spectral camera built by counts i. sienna, those images showed earth with an accuracy of 10 meters. soviet space flights used
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this technology into the 1980s in 1993. after the end of the cold war, all rec, val to flew to the international space station i assess together with 5 american astronauts. for him, the subject of photography in space has a special significance. crowded by the anesthetic trans event, the under miss soon from won't. when nasa plans emission to the moon that costs $50000000000.00 that so nothing but the best will do both in terms of cameras and lenses. but if that's why they went with hustled blood and size, fresco, i can tell you a lot about the beauty of our earth in lectures, i think, but a picture is worth a 1000 words mailed 1000 father. after the fall of the berlin wall in 1989, the 2 companies will re united size like hawking holy the cod size keyanna it the by ice about coffin on and called size una both claim to be the legitimate
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successor to the workshop. once founded by tyson eunice, was i, this is why they were 2 very different companies. so distribution went on him. this one was a huge state owned company in east germany, that manufactured optical instruments for the entire eastern block aust block optician implemented with an incredible output and about 30000 employees and on the prices 1000 meter by when does under as and fits here and the other was a highly specialized west german medium sized company vos, which wasn't doing too well financially. i years 9891990 financed it needs to would daft on to def had to go him. austin. the plant in the east was in decatur, and the whole business concept relied on making most parts internally us monday, a few zip spots. and i know static e d ordered in, but that's a strategy that might have seemed logical under the conditions of a planned economy. and because there were shortages of good and because they tried to buy as little as possible in the west, haul's land ice coulson. but it made no sense in the new era,
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the free market hazard annoying side kinds in mag, it does has by don't. and im sticking idly auction in forfeit. that meant both companies were already dealing with financial and organizational difficulties back that a torsion. sheila scott, aunt gonzales, not truly on top of that, isn't this much smaller company from ober coffin was supposed to integrate a much larger company and her name, which had this amazing range in manufacturing. i know we'll gladly have had to go, but a lot of economical, dead weight. he managed overture for his m d. m, hyphen, con, intake the yeah. but despite all the differences, the one constant has been the company's dedication to the microscope. the nobel prize winner in medicine, robert cock, he discovered the color. a pathogen was one of its most prominent customers since then, more than 30 nobel laureates and many other researches, world wide have sworn that the size, microscopes, and just like in the early days,
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production starts with a glass block from shot, which is turned into a variety of lenses, the image resolution of today's microscopic lenses can reveal the structures, the size of 1000th of a hair, light microscopes, and now stand it like an examined living cells 20 times faster than before. the next generation works with x rays, enabling nondestructive imaging in 3 d. as a rat singer most magazine against our bay once said that the microscopes of the future will have little more in common with those of to day than the name and things continue to move in that direction. in 10 years time microscopes will be technically even more complex than today. but for the customer, they'll be like a box where the sample enters at the front and the result comes out of the back that i gave his whole school. modern microscopes have long been designed according to a modular system, thinking about microscopy in the last 20 years or so. the amount of progress that
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we have made just from the kind of samples that we see in life sciences cells, microorganisms in material sciences. you know, all your complex materials that goes in semiconductor industry. it's been a tremendous journey in the scope of what can be achieved in microscopy. and the last 2030 years and zeiss has been at the forefront of it. and this one is the cross beam $550.00 system, which in addition to the existing electron microscopy side of it, it is our focused eye on be microscope. which enables to actually mill the samples and very thin intervals to actually collect 3 d information in the biological field right now. one of the biggest things the customers are looking for is to conduct research on extremely tiny object like proteins and specific structures within the cells. and in order to do that, traditionally, it has been done and room temperature conditions. but this microscopes will allow
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you to prepare your samples under cryogenic conditions and the crowd. any conditions means your samples are below minus 140 minus 100. it's 50 degrees celsius. norm numbers, gun salute. so to disclose the secret homes, the german future prize 2020 goes to dr. peter kurtz sub that made a doctor be on hot. michelle u. curtis. and dr. sergey you willingly, together with the frown of the institute, and the trump company size was awarded to jim in future price for the development of e. v lithography. it's based on photonics, the scientific field of laser technology. d for tonic or vote. photonics will remain a key technology of all the, however, it's also the basis the new fields, such as quantum technologies, which will certainly cause revolutions in the coming years of vote, size and upper harm in modern gas ice and other for always worked on increasing the
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resolution of optical instruments, and today's methods are going further and further into short wavelengths by applying the up a formula in quotes, veiling belies. the idea is to further increase the resolution of optical instruments. he with the shorter wave length, lightest, the. this was the basis for the new generation within lithography that which was awarded the future prize neu, again, as i'd say, own improvised little coffee decorum and so comes price. also. each stream, ultraviolet radiation is produced by the world's most powerful laser shooting to beans at a droplet of tin. the 1st makes it swell. the 2nd creates the plasma here and machine, the size of a camper. van collectors capture the e u, the light emitted by the plasma bundle it and transfer it to this ice. a thought graphy system for exposure of the chip since lies is easily absorbed by the air and by optics. the process takes place in
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a high vacuum and environment without a molecules instead of lenses. the research is used, mirrors the light is and projected through a photo mask. lastly, a patent is transferred onto a silicon sheet that has previously been coated with a light sensitive chemical substance. this complicated process is what lies behind the creation of a micro chip with billions of transistors. how did any one come up with this idea? it was in fact breathtaking, least simple. the camera lens was flipped and light sent through it for more than a century sized camera lenses have also been coveted by hollywood alongside the manufacturer, our read size is twice one the technical oscar for its lenses. the producers of the lord of the rings trilogy are among those who choose size lenses.
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the lenses a crucial for the brilliancy of the images as star director vin vendors can confirm this is so it was just fun that as well was less and, and lindsey it's priceless to know what a lens can do and how it depicts the world them. so into when you've ordered 3 sets of lenses and do a test by looking at the same setting through different lenses. so you really see the difference when does didn't underscore to sin. so unless you, until the lenses are as different as our eyes, sort of your eyes, the viewers eyes or my eyes are not all the same. and the great thing about lenses is that they keep evolving. but because they have to be able to capture and reflect the present time. so i don't think you could make a film with the old lenses from the fifty's that set to day with them vendors, teachers at renowned film schools world wide. and he often refers to 2 of his most
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successful films. is rudo wooded. my cousin point i saw police, texas, they were, i would name the american friend loom and paris, texas. because both films really succeeded in creating their own visual world. we wanted the movies to have their own narrative feelings to their own aesthetics and unique coloring. it in both films that also had a lot to do with the choice of cameras and lenses in bible films, zermatt of i'd come, wasn't lives and so to your me size would probably have been pleased to know that his company has remained true to optics and continues to manufacture, eyeglasses to this day. and in addition to that measurement technology to day multi since the process is guaranteed that the highest standards are met. in the
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automotive industry, there is no room for deviations when hundreds of thousands of cars leave the assembly line. a cheer. zeiss is also the world's leading company in surgical microscopes. ah, we are mariah from the may have enabled a number of nobel prize winners to perform their experiments for the 1st time with the science equipment field. a few and many other innovative companies are using science technology as if we're leading in research everywhere, including in medical technology and, and if the world's best brain and spine surgeons use our surgical microscopes because they trust that size offers the best solution available on the market. for their operations. in cancer therapy advancements have made radiation therapy possible during surgery x rays appointed at the spot where the tumor was located. this is done using
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a spherical adapter that fits exactly into the tumor bed. in the case of brain tumors, this can significantly improve the patient's chances of survival. the ambition of cal sized to create the world's best equipment for optics evolved into an extraordinary company with 35000 employees at a 100 locations worldwide. the sleepy cocker valley became germany, silicon valley and still manages and researches that science want to push the boundaries of what is physically possible guided by the company's core values. a pioneering spirit and the courage to try new things. the great grand daughter of carl sized daughter catherine zibert, pays tribute to the founder of the file and the 2 saw put the stand to sher eigenschaften. i and libra harless guide can always guide of course, some protestant values such as perseverance or accuracy and a sense of duty come to mind. if you set out with those values, there is
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a good chance that you can reach yourself and post goals and, and we all know that the company became leading and optics world wide. i don't know if you can call it a pride since there's no personal achievement to having a famous ancestor i. but of course he is a role model for her and that's something which is inspiring full is and for a bit on crypt unborn. in order to maintain its place at the helm of optical technologies, size is investing over 300000000 euros at its founding site. in yona, where brand new production facility is being built. the high tech complex is characterized by its networked architecture. it's divided into 2 ground floors integrated into the hillside for production laboratories and infrastructure as well as 7 superimposed corpses.
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size is keen to create an attractive and dynamic environment for young start up companies. innovation research and development need highly qualified specialists. the company wants to find and promote these indiana. the col size foundation is one of germany's largest science, promoting foundations that at harvard university in boston, the acclaimed nero scientists. jeff littman gives us some fascinating insights into the brain. thanks to size see these nerve cells, the big large colored blobs and in between them are all the wires that connect one cell to the next and are as we zoom in you see that these i why are seem to be moving and that's just because we're moving through space or not, but through time here,
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we're just following these wires as they go from one place to another. and the brain is just wires filled with huge numbers of wires and impossibly complicated our wiring diagram. we can only begin to imagine what a work of wonder the brain is, and the amount of doctorates stores is incomprehensible. the brain is densely packed with information. and it's the brain as big as this, whereas you can for a genome, it's a linear array of nucleotides. and i think it's about $1.00 gigabytes is the total human genome in terms of data. what you'd have to store for cubic millimeter of brain tissue and a human has a 1000000 cubic meters. but if you have one cubic millimeter of brain tissue, that is about 1.4 petabytes 1000 terabytes. so that's $1400.00
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terabytes of data per cubic millimeter. and then you have to multiply that by many orders of magnitude to do a whole brain of the size of a human brain. it's frankly impossible at the moment to get a wiring diagram of the human brain at this resolution it, the amount of data it would require is comparable to the total digital data in the world at point in time with
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