tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle June 23, 2022 11:30pm-11:53pm CEST
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oh is increasing every year in many im gonna working on lunch with holiday destinations drowning in plastic white. we rewind and happy to look at the call every year europe exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic with there. another way. after all, the environment isn't to recyclable. make up your own mind. d. w. made for mines. ah, ah, ah,
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ah. hello and welcome to focus on europe where the focus this time round is still inevitably on the conflict in ukraine. and one of the closest allies of russia in the gruesome war of aggression launched by vladimir putin is alexander lucas shank over the autocratic leader of bellows. the relationship between the 2 men goes back a long way and they still meet on a regular basis, which is a huge source of irritation and anger to the opposition. that house, however, largely being crushed by cushion that has in turn of course force many to seek asylum in ukraine, including for instance, scientists and artists and men like alexei he had already been living in ukraine for a number of years and had signed up to join the military, they're so wild belo ross, the country stand side by side with russia. many bela russian people are fighting
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shoulder by shoulder with the ukrainian armed forces. and for his courage and his commitment, alex a, has paid a high price a lex day has to learn to stand on to feed again. originally from belarus, he's been part of the ukrainian army off and on for about 8 years. now the war has taken its toll. 2 weeks after the fighting started, he was on a reconnaissance patrol when a russian shell struck nearby. now he's learning to walk on an artificial leg. when there are 2 or 3 weeks ago, i still needed to crutches. not like this one, but then it real quick is that you wedge under your arms just now i manage without such a thing. i used this one like a cane of thought. now alexi trains recruits. so many bela ruffians have joined ukraine's armed forces since the war started, that they formed an entire regiment of their own. i am,
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alexei came to ukraine in 2014. after keeps euro, my dan protests great america of my ass crane is one of the last free countries remaining of the former soviet republics, yet had lost its freedom at ella. if to my done protests had been put down as soon as the builder would have been no future left for the region possible, this neither for ukraine, nor for bella roost, good belittles your neighbors, never slip was linea preeminent. now the bela ruffian regiment numbers several 100 troops. many of them fled to ukraine and 2020 after president alexander look ashamed, go crushed, mass protests all across bella. ruth with roster as his fellow troopers call him as part of the regiment. he also took part in the protests and bella ruth, nor rudolph, literally, no person was mortal mutiny a horse skilled but in the short term. and marcia,
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we were hoping we could topple lucas jenko peacefully see you. but unfortunately, i have been through our hopes that not come true, and the regime is still in power. my task now now is to do everything i can to bring down this regime ocean yamaha tray booth, newton black rob to the soldiers of de bella, rosie and regiment. the ukrainians fight is also very much theirs. they can't go back to their country now. anyway. i mean, it took, i was, it's robert thurman that minyaun, that i could expect a life sentence at the very least bit, and that the worst execution to law whatsoever. my participation in the protests extreme, you could charge me with extremism asada. and now on top of that, with being a mercenary in the war, one year old, probably the fighters have many different political opinions. what unites them as their opposition to the regime in bella? ruth in 2014,
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alexei 1st joined the right wing nationalist as of battalion since february, he's been with a bela ruffian regiment. he describes himself as a nationalist. lamasta's son isn't over. campbell. there was mueller's accosted shoulder, which l. a russian nationalists want to live in a free country. the former takes his group whether democracy or something else is not so important. a lot of the main thing is that people can choose and develop as they wish. he wasn't at the moment, there's no development and been a roost. lewis of wilson now alexis morning starts with physiotherapy. his body has to learn to keep its balance without help from the left leg. he's down to receive a new, electronically controlled prosthesis. eventually. if alexei had his way, he'd like to go back to the front, i won't be able to return to active duty like i used to. but there are many different jobs at the front or below,
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different kinds of weapons. those is that i want to be able to fight in my former unit that's physically no longer possible, but on the floor is always involved for the time being, it's training, training, and more training. he still has many steps to take before he can return to the front. well, on the very different no to what you can see here are young bulgarians, enjoying one of the very popular students balls that mark the end of school days and the pursuit of new challenges a bit here to the war in ukraine cast. so shadow because just like in the rest of europe, the conflict has sent consumer prices spiraling. still in the capital, sophia daniella says no corners will be cut when it comes to making sure that her daughter natalie will have a day to remember. and that means lots of glamour and glitz. at 7 30 am to a 19 year old natalie graduates from school,
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one of the most important days of her life. she and her mother have been preparing for it long in advance. today she is going to feel like a princess. me know, i'm not nervous, but the family get together at the restaurant could be a bit nerve wracking. she's got just enough time for coffee before going to have her hair and makeup done. she's aiming for hollywood glamour, her mother daniela, took out a loan to pay for it all. i mean, it wouldn't at all if you count all the preparations and the party afterwards. it costs around $3000.00 euros cup that includes the restaurant, her outfit make up here. do you all the accessories and other details to the daily, didn't you at what does that mean for an ordinary bulgarian family to spend so much? anybody in air meal they lessen over me. when you have to save up the money for a long time, most people take out alone to do it. that's how we finance everything in life. at
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any rate, you couldn't pay for it from your salary. as an accountant natalie's mother errands, an average income in bulgaria, that means about $500.00 euros a month. mother and daughter both have to get by and that her 1st appointment is for may good and she starts to get ready for the big day. this only happens once in life, and i want it to be unforgettable. as a girl, you have your makeup hair and a manicure done, and you pick out a dress. these preparations are very important to us. about an hour later natalie is ready at last, but she still got to hurry. the most important part is yet to come. but gary is one of the european union's poorest countries. currently, less than half the population earns enough to cover their living expenses. the
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moments natalie's been waiting for the whole morning has come. it's time to put on to dress that cost on yellow, $400.00 euros. the pair of them took 3 months to find exactly what they wanted. yeah. you are so beautiful. well then, did he just gorgeous mark, let me straighten the netting a little up in the back to bravo at the meal. the family showers natalie with presents it doesn't show at the party, but many here are worried about their futures. pollutions running at 14.4 percent was beautiful. so sage the course we feel it we're of thick. there's a kind of fear that affects us all night. if we look back at history, we see that we're not the 1st to experience or felicia,
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and nor if what is that of the winner? natalie's mother, daniela exploded over just the past few weeks. everything got more expensive. every thing bred to tease low. now it's 7 euro is the price as doubled in a few months ago with the party might have cost me around half as much. he gets together with their schoolmates. many of them have rented a car, especially for this day, so they construct their stuff. the graduates count down the 12 years at school and the party begins. oh, well they may party like there is no to morrow. pressure of the country is increasing. in late april, russia cut natural gas supplies to bulgaria for now and the country can manage. but at the site most of the graduates here don't want to think about it. how do
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you imagine your life in 10 years from now? when a future in bulgaria, you can accomplish a lot here. you don't have to go abroad. they'll leave the problems for another day and night. they just want to enjoy the celebrations. now, temperatures are high in many parts of europe and people are looking for poor shape, not least in the u. k. a close look at the river thames that runs through london shows that a number of places along its course a badly sludge and affluent. but as we see now, some holiday spirits taken up the battle against the muck. the river thames and london has a few undesirable spots along its banks. and this here is wet life. it's caught on this twig twigs and some felt few leaves. but it's basically solid, used, wet wipes. locals have dropped the area which white island people are using,
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wet wipes in their bathrooms, and then i think he accost our flush that down the loo. there's no bite of esoteric, there are tall or the small animals you'd expect to see on riverbanks. and unfortunately, dition of the rivers, something the authorities here rarely do these days. many are outraged that toiletries could end up here on the river bank. heads up, a group that conducts daily detective work, the washer company for the thames region, once a purification plant, not far from here. settlement on the bottom and brown and grey owl gay, which is coating the gravel. choking eddie we've life out of it. ashley smith. but directly next to it actually points to a 2nd pipe. this one sometimes spews out untreated wastewater, the actual kept the or heavy levels of phosphate and nitrate and ammonia that all
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comes out here. and that makes its way down into the river windrush. then into the river thames film evidence. i'm going to put them gloves on because i'm going to touch the camera after it's been in the companies are allowed to release untreated waste water into the rivers. but only in exceptional circumstances. when there's flooding or the sewers are fool after heavy rain, otherwise it's illegal. are annual, they can on 15 minute intervals. he can establish whether it's happened up to early if they've discharged it before treating sufficient for their permit. and the washer company insists its activities are legal. the environment agency relies on companies to self monitor at the public outcry has no prompted ferment in water. companies are accused of feeling to modernize the sewage system over decades. this is basically a consequence of victorian infrastructure. ah, it's emergency flash, flooding events outside they've always been part of the system. but we're taking
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action right now to, to eliminate some of these and reduce their home. but to short by exposing as many illegal activities as possible. he recently found an undocumented pipe from thames water is about 3 meters down into the thames here, containing feces, old food and grease. every time we've come, it's been worse than the last. this bit stronger, least any untreated sewage year since march last year. so it's a mystery. her, this condo came out of the pipe, were presented to the environment agency, and i expect them to do very little campaigners, the water industry and counselors and local people who are now really pushing for the changes to of those looking a bit proud of her show that it's not looking good, is it? no, at least the water company, no issues, warnings, when it's releasing sewage into the tank as a river here was so clean. you could see the river bed only
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a couple of decades ago, especially when their group has come up with another stick night. it's bathing will to status, which will mean that the environment agency are obliged to monitor regularly and try and ice their plan along with trevor williams. he takes regular samples and sends the results to the authorities. so you can see it's quite dirty today for much longer because their strategy worked. this stretch of the river has no been granted bathing water status. so things ought to get a lot cleaner here soon. so and hopefully other rivers will follow seats and other water companies will take note that they can't get away with dumping that their waists in the river and policing policing on environment. but thee, along with many britons just want the you keys rivers to be cleaner. again, well even i admit it, shock distractions. so for people i joelle who are vulnerable to anxiety issue such
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as autism, it can be particularly stressful, but a supermarket opted a new approach. loud, brightly lit and colorful. the average supermarket can be tortuous for people with supermarket news, zurich scales, everything down, lights, music, commercials. it's known as a quieter. the idea came from new zealand southern, all i was so touched by the article, i found it really heart warming. and i thought if they can do it, new zealand, we can do it in switzerland. a long time tom, we're going to need those in the thrive. brother introduced a quiet hour to across 12 stores for people like joelle, who now ventures into the supermarket with her support dog, rocky support for joel, but meet with alice like loud everything comes at me at the same volume, speed and intensity. and i can't filter things out the radios on want special offers. she wants everything to stay in the same place. she always shops with
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a list and sticks to it. doll, mrs. elsa stay so difficult when they really get way i minimize my stress. is it even can dwell, needs to come atmosphere because her brain processes sensory input differently though do the stuff with armor, with the customers and condon them if monitor her the 3rd time they did it, i thought, or is this a power tighter that smith i was quite a lot less hectic taking of the stress with a low sensory our a great idea that seems destined to catch on more widely. fantastic idea. now let's go to the longer region of north western italy to meet a man called roberto and for so he makes house calls on horseback. he carries all his equipment in a saddle bag flung over the horses back when he rides out to do his daily rounds. and i'm sure judge of his patience is 70 and some are over a 100 ah piedmont
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region, but this is no pony track. they're on their way to work. your fat, your pre mario, a lot of fun for your state. it go on that i bring to my patients. ah, the pair ride up and down the hilly terrain. as long as it's not an emergency, it's 1st task of the day is to get his assistant ready for action. burger. ali sima. hello, gorgeous weather, bon. booker, your, what, like, i brought you a little treat. gonna bump on bra, a amber as my new horse. cough. mandy corky, vienna called cover a lot, omega coke, a doctor that comes to tend to the sick on horseback is seen as someone who has talked her is taking the time to them that those the patients good and makes them feel well cared for thought of major but gentler fussing to rip your swatch will
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there till unfair hobby with his job. the response of impatience has been very positive, but he has to be prepared for everything in monte cristo deserted shackleton, the saddlebag has ins, everything. i need to tie the horse up while i'm seeing my patience. mister trisha corkalon. once the horse ran away while i was examining some one stubble foot, she going from an easy trot to an elegant gallop umbrella. and roberto cover at least 80 kilometers a week or symbolizes strength, elegance and vigor. so those are all characteristics that my patient slack due to ill health or old age. so when i come with up front all hello. hey, yes, i'll be with you in half an hour. i see a soon over the hill than small villages of this famous wine region. the area has
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been a unesco world heritage site since 2014 wind grower, a daily o tara is roberto, his 1st patient of the day when john, good morning i good morning. you can, of course i dish or just let me turn my horse up and i'll be with you shortly. harry was will be glass in blood pressure my lap and assure to low pressures find a 10th of $100.00. 20 over 80. if that's okay. oh, we started. it's like in the old days when there weren't any cars and b can, there's something special about it. or not corella. a loony. got us. and we are the only health care center in all of italy where when you call a doctor that we sent in the cavalry free of charge spent in the saddle. roberto unfair so might just degree. lovely. wonderful and hot roll me. now hope you've
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is the end of the pandemic in site. i want to normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult. with success in 30 minutes on d. w. conflict zone with a rash. banner g. russia, and ukraine or to east. my guess this week believes that is likely the case in burma is a political scientist and founder of the you racial rope thing going to happen with 90 minutes on the t w. great. one, 0 not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand that current news events was analyzed by experts and critical thinkers. not just another new show. this is,
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did it go, mike speaking, how can this passionate hatred of a people be explained? a gold con word, a history of stigmatization and exclusion of religious and political power. struggles in the christine kristy parents, some of the sla it's a history of slender of hatred and violence is the focus from then on the jews were chapter under within 6 years, a 3rd of our people were exterminating $6000000.00 jews like microbes after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. a history of anti semitism starts july 2nd on d w.
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