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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  June 24, 2022 3:30pm-3:46pm CEST

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stockton, i'll get things done and i sped up the fashion. it doesn't make sense to speculate on individual aspects for to noon before. stop and talk about things before they happen. but rest assured that we are working with lightning speed and made everything possible to be prepared for difficult situation progress. and as regards the question of bulgaria, joining the euro zone, the same holds true for everyone. rules need to be obeyed preparatory things need to be concluded. and from my point of view, the point of view of the euro is group. this is true for gratia. this is why we were able to take this decision. you cannot take a political decision. it has to be a certain rules have to be fulfilled and everyone agreed in the case of croatia.
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johnson, you have people to go stuff from urine use. i saw regarding energy energy security . i would like to ask you, given also the context that russia usa gas applies to germany, i would like a comment on that. and if in this context we are considering drugs proposal for a gas price gap and as the commission is very important, how does we see should you have a timeline? and my 2nd question is about western ball guns. if the issue with gary in your muscle door is not solved, are you considering the goblin albania, an enormous donor from the exception, both become a solemn little forest league for league. the commission is going to submit a proposal for the commission was tasked with that. we reiterated that we're going to see these proposals in the fall yet so to it was to, to i to far as regards her 2nd question, we should make
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a great effort and focuses on creating the necessary preconditions that we give albania and north macedonia. the opportunity to have accession conferences and that we see the tangible start of negotiations like michael supplies, i do federal transfer. my question also refers to energy security are from the german business community and energy coming and business community. there is a demand that europe needs to agree on. i'm with a specific aspect of to find an agreement where they can order is demand being covered. it. woodson is there, the obligation to actually send energy onwards a certain amount of percentage. what does germany's thing, what germany think? well, we don't have energy, but we're going to continue send energy elsewhere to, to a certain amount of time. but yes,
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i believe it is important to cooperate closely and to work together. we actually visit with this and just see this and the conclusions are without being further specified. but this should be a result of the corporation that we talk about how we can comprehend closer and actually prepare for a difficult situation. i believe that this was the result of the corporation that was tasked here to day and look into how we can best solve this problem. the be, it's nice this in cooling. i have are the colleague over here please. microphone is coming. hello, thanks. christian english are andy bounced in the financial times just on, on a price, a potential them price cup on russian oil. i know there's been discussion of this. g 7 is meeting next week was germany's position on a, on the american idea over price cut on russian oil to cut revenues to putin. and will you be discussing it other g 7 novia. com,
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you know, or palm bush last. well, in europe, we decided from also, all that we're going to face out of the import of russian oil, essentially by the end of the year. and this house, it's repercussions the by the take this to the home, we're about to create that the technical preconditions, blanca, dashboard pipeline that on little some of them in for to we can do without the imports. why the trish, by pipeline or we tried to employ mentors in germany by the year end of this year. we're confident that we'll, we'll be able to buy other oil and be able to use or, or other different oil for these 2 rif refineries. and we have a tangible idea of what needs to be done. but in order to not quote you, of course, we need to cooperate internationally. but only if we work together we'll,
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we will be able to be successful. i'm because there is high demand around the globe and as long as we don't are pulled together in one direction, we will not have the desired effect. and this is the discussion that we need to have. but i believe the well, the discussion of it is under way and will play a role at the g 7 political action on some of which of the decor. thank you very much for the local magazine. your mr. chance the you said a next session of ukraine and possibly other candidates has to go hand in hand with reform with one of them is one need us to move away from unanimity to qualified majority voting and foreign policy and monitors pertaining to the fiscal policies and then how realistic did you discuss
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this with another country? a unanimous decision in order to change the rules, or we're facing a situation that ukraine is doing his homework, but we don't do our homework in at home in the european union. i like your question . thank you for that because i argued a proposed the same thing or in my discussion, we shouldn't wait any longer. we need to come to an agreement here with for hobby. these are major projects about the mission and tasks for the candidates now, but we should not procrastinate because so it may then very well happen. the others may be ready, but the european union as not. and we should avoid such a situation. this is why i use your question to underline my appeal, to start with this discussion now and not procrastinated,
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but i think it will take time. it is my impression that no one has that down down about institutional reform. it will not work without institutional reform . and this is why i believe we have the opportunity that we will be successful. last question over here. we could quote a man, boy, if he could quote a man, i've missed a transfer and said, what do you think of the concept proposed by the french president in monroe? am i calling to remind you of the, the august, the dear pin political community, how realistic is bad? and 2nd question minister heart a go. i talked about reducing that. you know, the time he is for spends on the shower. do you think it is e? i'm a good proposal for our germans. oh them, it is the modem. i think the minister just wanted to talk about himself and not tell others what they have to do with them before good discourse
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yona worldwide. as regards a question pertaining to the discussion on wider europe, our we just talked about this yesterday evening. we've heard many interesting contributions on this topic. we need to be home when you come from analyzed as carefully we have them on a range of european structures from your other side or from the european union countries that are associated with the european union, the f t r states. we have the o. s. c, e o we have as it does alice wisdom and look, you can um we have to take a closer look at all the structures against a backdrop that russia and belarus is, are withdrawing from these structures. more or less. i'm
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a movie that was liver over so and form what could be a forum of this kind just zen for loops that could be used almost in a way that it lot of serves the purpose and make sense. and i think this is this discussion we had with him to be given from i don't was in conferences and one of the ones and to see delegates and conference, but you are gathering that is i'm gathering and this counsel will gather with other heads of state in government from europe, who need to school to, to discuss with any of us politically, not just take conclusions, lined up conclusions, but discuss questions that affect us all. that united perspective to mccarty, them, because we have the democratic perspective that we follow the rule of law and that
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set us apart from russia. friends, i thank you for your engines and i will end this press conference here when i am sure that we are going to meet again soon. all the best. i'm see you then. and that was all of sholtes the gym. chantelle, speaking in brussels after you, some of the headline event being declined, getting candidate status to the european union. there is plenty to digest. melinda crane. actually political correspondence in the studios. we do so. welcome to you. a cautious and very deliberate, torn as the german chancellor stepped through his press conference, what struck him most about his summation of events? well, 1st of all, on the go now candidacy of ukraine for the u. strong, affirmation from olaf sholtes. of course, we'd seen that from him when he went to kias, when he began sounding a great deal more positive on this point. but it was interesting that he perhaps reserved, as you say, it was all rather understated,
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but perhaps the most energetic statement that he made was in regard to the e. u. institutional reform that must accompany further expansion. and he basically said they are, we must have institutional reform to make the e u stronger, more effective and more sovereign essentially, more able to take independent decisions. and what he means by that is they must move from unanimous voting to qualified majority voting. in order to be able to act, the more members that come into the european house. so a very clear plea there for action. we'll see how it goes. because of course, that any change in the, in the rules of procedure for the you would have to be also taken by consensus. the other interesting point was most of the questions that he got were about energy. a lot of alarm here, especially amongst the german press corps, about the fact that the german climate and economy minister has now
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activated level 2 of the governments emergency gas plan. that means germany is moving a step closer to rationing. it's definitely looking towards much higher prices and toward a possible cut off altogether of russian gas supplies through north stream one the pipeline because it will be up for maintenance in july, he avoided sounding the alarm and said that the government has lots of plans in place to ensure that it adapts and, and moves forward on this effectively. but clearly germany is facing a major challenge on energy policy going into the fall winter just quickly on the bulk and stuff. chelsea was asked the question about the path to what the membership, what of the well, he is clearly that's very important to him. and in fact, he underlined that by going to see the leaders of the western block and states before he went to key of clearly in an effort to say to them, look,
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we haven't forgotten you. but the fact is that north macedonia has been waiting 17 years now, a blockage to that has been a veto by bulgaria on a north. macedonia getting counted as he status. he said he can't yet inter the fact that the bulgarian parliament has now lifted that veto, but that it appeared to be a positive sign. so clearly, this is an issue that is very, very important to him. also to french president macro and doesn't want to give the wrong signal to the western balkans. but the fact is they're very disappointed that ukraine got candidacy. but not that chief political correspondent, melinda crime. thank you so much more details coming up at the top of the hour with more from the ah, ah, every journey is full of surprises. we've gone all out to give you some tips with. i'm in your northern most count
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please. ah, brain times along. still very much alive. d. w channel, you'll guy to the special with recognizes where exactly it was fun and i have learned a lot of our culture history. all their d. w. travel extremely worth a visit. ah, ah. 2020 do is the year germany phases out nuclear power, or is they'll have an expert view on why he thinks the country should rely on nuclear. in order to alleviate the energy crisis, germany is going also will show ya. russia tries to leverage its position on the
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world food market. as millions of people are threat by hunger and new technologies on the future of flying have long been the focal point of the berlin air. missed the war ukraine. priorities have shifts, of course, called welcome to the program. certain industries in germany have to shut down. the economy minister says, should there not be enough russian gas come winter? russia has already cut supplies delivered through the baltic sea north stream pipeline, and could decide to keep the taps completely closed after scheduled maintenance work in july is over. meanwhile, a discussion is gaining momentum whether germany should extend the lifetime of its remaining nuclear power plants. fukushima 2011 an earthquake trigger it tsunami. it destroys a new.


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