tv Eco India Deutsche Welle June 24, 2022 5:30pm-6:00pm CEST
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oh, ready knows. welcome to take talk with him about hackers can paralyze between your societies. computers that out some are you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can only go wilson for, and that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now on you tube. ah, it's easy to feel powerless against the human induced threats flaw a water. and by doing nothing isn't an option from fighting
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pollution to call being global warming even seemingly small steps can back a bunch. hello, welcome to echoing, yeah, i'm fun of that. i hope cigarettes was a big risk to human health. that impact on the environment is less well known, so considered this trillions of toxic sacred bucks. a po stopped every year and most don't land in the trash initiatives heard of india into tackle the problem. i did source and converting these tiny stubs into sustainable practical products. with this glee is no ordinary glee. it has been mixed with treated, raised from cigarette butts. garage prison has been up orders all his life. but this medea is something new for him. to this matter, wilson,
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i talked to him about his role joby product. this might be been mixed with play increases b portals. so when we saw something in this plan, does it good? so good amount of material. dora the voicemail was all part of the idea to me. products like landers, ash, trees and lanterns come from a small group of students from dhl, universities sheet on college of palmer's there initiative project la head tackles the problem of cigarette back least we came across the shocking fact that a single cigarette can potentially for you with $500.00 leaders of fort hood integral, and that's when we realized that something that to consider to be very, very negligible can our bed rec, such how on the environment. according to the united nations environment program, secret box are the most common form of plastic pollution about 100000000000 secret bags get dumbed in india's landfills. every year. in
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2021 environment and activist admitted that that started and india white campaign called buttress motivating, wollen dears, to collect drawing of a cigarette. the richard foundation responded to the call. the aim of the daily beast, not for profit, n g o is to make india's capital cleaner and healthier. so this will be out for $79.00, dr. we are, we are collecting basic goldberg when you are people, are that what is the most performance qual, returning informal, plastic gender, people on sort of plastic straw or plastic bottle, but that throat is far behind this. the troopers figured words are the most common pollutant in form of lusting each cigarette back is made of satellite acetate. anon biodegradable plastic filter that takes almost 10 years to completely decompose. when the rest disintegrates into micro, it is consumed by marine animals. tobacco product waste also contains over 7000
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toxic chemicals. a study conducted by the san diego state university. they leaned back once more secret, but in one lived out of water is enough to kill both marine and freshwater fish and the bus, but also dangerous for life on land. when someone is throwing that when someone throws dot cigarette but directly into the park or into the port or anywhere, what happens, it mixes with the land and causes a problem and the soil is affected, m seats don't germinate property. it takes more time and blonde growth is affected, lot of java, the more than 1000 walden dears have collected velo, what half a 1000000 figures, but sometimes they send a garbage back to tobacco industry with the north. your but your responsibility. the majority, however, are sent to all these disposal company, hardly any figured, but i recycle. how many annually than i thought of there's only one to 2 percent.
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so about 98 percent of ways for gets decomposed or affecting the lenae lee. i think you're comfortable about that. back to deli university students and chronic la head . it is one of the few organizations that have been trying to formalize the process of collection and recycling off the grid, but waste their food is still small till they receive cigarette rays. from the different bodies involved in the blood pressure project. they're also working with about 15. jack vickers, being them about half a euro cent. but every kilogram of been elected by waste actor, she rom, institute of industrial research in delhi, it gets the cycle professionally eco activists. meet scientists in a common cause of dealing properly with secret waste. the barks are being analyzed or dog sins and then they are crushed. a facility of gamma radiation detoxify
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raised neutralizes the smell of process that is also used for the sterilize ation of medical devices. the processed ways to then find that to be back into the economy, to the waters colony. this tool didn't lead project. la currency engages when deep water will use the treated cigarette, but they aren't about $150.00 a month at around $12000.00 piece by selling port made from this claim. we have to ensure that the order that that we make the progress from have i was certain income as well. so we ensure that they get, i don't get paid for 30 percent of the income and we have a view supply chain and value trends in which we sell our products. you josh beside has been working with the project for the last several months. i found out that the plan that i am making for them is best but our health and the environment. he will buy this car and i have joined hands with them. claim mixed with
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a clean new material made us to good, but good beside is pleased that through the traditional art of water making, he's helping so all the plastic race problem binding secret. but of course, also a major fire hazard in the mountains of northeastern india will just help protect their forests against the frequent threat of wildfires by collecting highly flammable pine needles and be found in, in a way to and environmentally friendly way to put them to use me, this is a well rehearsed cleanup operation for unsure for tanya together with other women. she combs through the forest of homie or find need of a job that takes months to complete from the dry season and march through july. when the monsoons start to defend every day, they collect almost 2 tons of fine needle. just to keep up with the dream,
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then we only collect the dried ones on the ticket strike time or flammable. but the image which can have devastating consequences sustain dry peters and intense heat can easily spark forest fires. in 2018 alone the region lost and area equivalent to 35000 football pitches. there are phone cards on petrol, and while they can alert local residents to impeding danger, they are powerless against the flames themselves. for y'all bay, i me to log me mostly in the hum, blogging and i know the jungles of trees and lots of finally atlanta. so this area has a maximum number of fire, the, the frequent files destroy the local ecosystem. my long so causing huge damage to local farmers. san diego man and his family have already suffered substantial losses over the years. there's a van other, marla young lamar,
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who lives at the if the fathers will get his fire grazing lands for the gotta get destroy altima value done the got to learn, able to produce milk. now my household then struggle because we own money by selling the landlord of it. we need to purchase grass from outside or to dispense our tele, rodeo, simple villagers and no quarter. and we can't afford to my younger you. i look down as likely the guinea laugh at this, this sub tropical area of the himalayas didn't used to have these many pine tree lever blandon by the british colonial authorities in order to provide fresh timber for building dairy levies. the species has since come to dominate the local landscape to do the wood is used for heating and in construction. as part aspires became a growing problem. our bigger ship and her fellow scientists from the indian institute of technology monday wanted to find a solution for the masses of highly flammable needles in the fine forest. became up with an inner wheat of id up once collected. the needles are processed and mixed
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with sawdust and wood chips to create equal pellets for heating. in addition to bonding longer, the image less c or 2 and me pain compared to call it latest part of that little play. different fibiger says, so we job the mentally actually be hired local villagers labors and we talked them of various sizes half off top of the sizes once we talked them to it is never level and we put them in machine with 100 percent buying. we had a very nice lead, beautiful break. it's designed to have bait into the method, but local companies are free to make their own brackets and ballots. and 4 years ago, the government began providing subsidies for new production facilities. they don't come cheap together with the machinery costing 7, lack of close to a 1000 euros. that can be a daunting investment here. despite the subsidy offer only $25.00, local entrepreneurs have so far joined the scheme. among them is it as nice fellow?
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he's been in the brigand business for almost 2 years now. on the basis of $300.00, but king days big and produce $3000.00 to be tricked on of the bricker. it's the bio vos, the breakers we're manufacturing has a clear demand, especially in the tribe. beauty, that is, there are no blocks and as such, in the past, more of the trees, but it got to go to the need of the fuel. in those areas, pharma surgical, my, was one of the falls to start collecting and converting fine needles into fuel failure. and he's never regretted investing in his little processing plant. in a good month, the venture onto him around one lack or $1100.00 euro's made . if a radical paddle to my family, i benefits from selling breakers generally like other families, i found
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a source of all the companies. michel margin. we collected the pine needles from the forest law and make them into brigadier and used the money on to cover our household expend. selma when i, when i got a cut gelatin. the project has already created around $200.00 john until tanya has been gathering needles for over a year now in the process, improving her personal situation. chill out with a target miss. how the found work collecting pine needles which has allowed us to be independent. women used to have to travel long distances for a job, but it's good that we've now found work near our homes opening. instead of taking up the whole day, we can just come up it work for some time which day and then finish our household chores. it up and cut back on sunday for residents of the home you would area and for the, for the gods. the project has had a range of benefits. i don't. gatlin and other animals, although now have more grasslands. to raise on that on that you have to burn down.
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i fi is nikki mcgasey would yield up other i'd as they are the chances of fire have mean did you lie to nobody i properties are safe. is that every year i actually make was a little gram regular in the future. this program will be able to have greater control over the fire. reduce air gathers that are gobble, go to buying. the idea now is for the project to be adopted elsewhere in the region to a simple but effective concept for creating fuel while preventing forest fires. methane is a destructive greenhouse gas that in the short term is far more powerful at warming the planet than carbon dioxide. we then emissions often escape from fossil fuel facilities. it's a danger that invisible to the naked eye. but as a reporter discovered, as a simple way to avoid it, you're looking at the biggest climate catastrophe, but nobody's talking about filling all of this here. no,
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all of this years left me a powerful gosh, silently baking the planet. it's responsible for more than a quarter of global warming since the industrial revolution and it's pouring out of fossil fuel facility. and no good reason. we're talking about public to literally. that's right. cutting methane emissions is one of the cheapest fastest. and it's way to slow climate change, but the companies responsible on doing it. and with a few exceptions, nobody's even holding them accountable. let's meet james to return from the cleaning task force and environmental group pushing the tech and policy solutions to keep the planet from heating it lobbies, governments to capture carbon, cut pollution, and build nuclear power plant. when meeting to return berlin and taking the train down to northern italy to search for methane, where it shouldn't be treated job is to cross the continent,
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tracking down fugitive methane emissions escaping fossil fuel facilities. methane is a gas that absolutely wrecks the climate. unlike theater, it doesn't last long in the atmosphere before breaking down, but it's way stronger in the short term. it's so strong, in fact, that over 20 year period meet thing, heats the planet more than 80 times. more than c o 2, methane concentrations are rising. fast across the world, enormous quantities are pouring out to farms, landfills and fossil fuel infrastructure. the so she might already be familiar with if cattle can have full stomachs that digest fruit and way that filled the buts with me. thank quick side it. it's a myth that cow thought for the problem here. only small amount comes out. the back rice patties are another big source of the methane emissions from agriculture together with sheep and some other food sources like this make up 40 percent of human cause methane emissions. then the landfills responsible for about 20 percent
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of the problem. when bacteria breakdown organic waste without oxygen, they also produce me thing. but the software interested in is the easiest effects fossil fuels. they're responsible for one 3rd of humanities, me paint emissions, the gas we burn for cooking and heating. it almost entirely made up for me thing. but it's leaking everywhere. off shore rigs, oil wells, gas pipelines, and also the facilities were about to visit with driving to an industrial park on the outskirts of milan and my fossil gas, it stored facilities like this or a vital part of the energy supply chain. nobody really paid attention to we've come here to the pollution that you can't see with the naked eye. you can be living right next to me, a leak and have absolutely no idea what's happening. fossil fuel companies generally aren't too thrilled about people calling them out for polluting. so winter ito turns up at a site like this. he stays outside the security fence and scanned the area with
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a special camera to search for meeting. and here comes the big question. will we spot fugitive methane emissions escaping from the fam, or can't pick up the emissions? my think of the few 100 years. whereas theresa is camera cars? 100000, yes. 100000 years. the price tank is so high because the camera picks up, infrared radiation at the wavelength, needed to see hydro carbons like me thing andel there, it can't measure how much it's leaking out. the camera does show where the problems are. it can see invisible gases. it can detect things that just how, how much is leaking out, where it's coming from. the international energy agency estimates world, methane emissions from the power sector are about 70 percent higher than country the reporting in their official data. there are basically 3 ways methane gets released. there are simple leaks which could be because the screw hasn't been
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tightened or a piece of equipment is rusty. then the venting meeting is intentionally let out. this might be done to reduce pressure in a pipe during maintenance work, for instance, the 3rd if larry, when me thing coming out of the vent of bone batting me thin turns it from a super harmful gas to, well, just a regular harmful one. but often it's done so poorly, that roomy thing is still escaping into the atmosphere. in 2021, the clean air task force visited 250 oil and gas sites across europe. it documented methane emissions from a variety of sources at $180.00 of them. maybe these aren't just isolated incidents, many pieces of equipment were leaking methane wintery to visited 8 months previous, reynold, windows plate. some seem to have stopped for others and even pumping out more gas and last time again. so some of the sources can certainly be fixed pretty easily. you know, we were looking at a valve, we were just looking at
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a valve that looked like it really could just be tightened. yeah. ah, others as like, you know, fixing or repairing that may be a little more complex. others at where the emissions are coming from. we off the facility operate a snap about the leaks we saw, but they didn't respond to request for comment. but site operated on the only ones responsible meeting is leaking across the entire supply chain. before it gets to european storage tanks, needs to be extracted from the ground and ship it or piped last distance. ah, the infrared senses in satellite 100, the kilometers above our heads. helping scientists meet a week out from under on it. and that terrified by what they're finding in the field, we can see all these like leaky defective little materials or a tank leaking more than it showed or things like that. but you don't see the key players. this is to my local, a scientist who use a satellite to identify so called out trim it as
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a meeting satellite and they struggled to see me thin at night through clouds or above water. but on land they're picking up a mission that are on a whole other level level study found about 10 percent of the industries meet, the emissions come from the gigantic releases. they happened rarely, but the happening all over the world. ultra meeting events come from equipment failing or companies clearing, meeting at a place to do maintenance light on them. and so the jan pearce of methane is worth a 1000 leagues and this comes at a heavy price. last revenue from wasting gas last lives from air pollution. and last time in the fight against climate change. the study found that 4 countries tech menaced on russia the u. s. and iran could save billions of dollars by fixing just these ultra emitting events. and here's the big last nightline sofa fixing the industries meeting problem is ludicrously cheap.
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fossil fuel companies could cut me paint emissions by staggering 75 percent using technology that already exists some capable, tightening, or clothing about some leaks on still don't happen when equipment went down or work of make mistakes. but what companies can choose to do is find and collect them quickly. how do you deal with the kind of anything coming out event from flags and stuff that have been let, there need to be more regulation and closer inspection of what? we are intentionally fencing. it's pretty, pretty simple solutions in many cases. more than 40 percent of the i. e, a suggested emissions cuts literally wouldn't cost anything. things are changing me, thane meat they flash me landmark agreement to reduce a me dana mission at the cop $26.00 climate summit. leaders for more than $100.00 countries pledged slash global meet in emissions by 30 percent by the end of the decade. the european union plan to introduce new requirements for measuring and
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reporting meet, and emissions, as well as spotting unplugging leaks if even proposed band on venting and flatter. what it hasn't yet considered though, is setting a standard to the oil and gas it binds elsewhere. and forcing input stand of the of the whole supply chain could drive changes in countries with leaky facilities. that could spare the change needed to cut me thin emissions globally. and by the extra time needed to stop temperatures, rising tree planting is also doubted as a way to help stop temperatures rising because trees have the potential to suck excess carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. an indian company uses jorns to beef up baton woodlands and create brand new forests planting seeds of pool, even in areas that are hard to reach. hovering above the forests of india is seed comforter. its mission to plant trees from the skylight. the u. a v. an unmanned
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aerial vehicle or drone selectively spread feed balls over surfaces to plant new forest are strengthened weak ones. ah, india is a very, with a very geography and that in like desert him rather than the ice in that are gone, are among rules in which bengal. so there are many regions of people are unable to reach for. they have not many activities that are going on at present. he's got that can please this area on the table a deal with is my route drones. the company behind seed copter aims to plant 1000000000 trees by 2030. the drone has already spread seats regents like tell i'm gonna and roger stun. one drone can hold 10 kilos of see balls each containing 4 to 5000 seeds and cover more than 10 hector's each day. seedlings are monitored from the sky and results are collected in a database. so once the emitter is,
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they can be done some specific algorithms which can process this, emerged it to create that optimum. invent lake understand optimum environmental parameters for maximum plan growth. planting trees is key in the fight against climate change. but getting from seed to tree that can sequester carbon dioxide can take up to 40 years. some experts feel that projects like seed copter are not always helpful. these can sometimes be end up being the unintended impact of being a distraction from much more positive conversations about a combination mode. drones is working with state governments in india, despite criticism they believe in the project. if you look at the carbon emissions hold the years late, it has grown exponentially or the last last ticket. and i think it will growth the same way in the near future so that it needs to be a technology which can happen like which kids can handle it at the scale. so i
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think he reveals hitting his survey to make it happen. for now, seat comforter will keep planting trees. supporters hope it will help save existing forests and strengthen biodiversity. in all our stories to me, we saw how every, the objects can be re imagined before the environment that we live in. every small action picks us towards the planet where we can continue to thrive for generations or leave you with that and see you again. next week, good bye. and thanks for watching with ah, [000:00:00;00]
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who a to the point. strong positions, international perspectives. russian retaliation against western side terms is driving millions of families worldwide to the brink of famine, blockades, offense, green and gas prices. soaring is scarcity, proteins, weapon of choice, to the point with on d. w. for what people have matters to us, hulu. that's why we listen to their stories. reporter,
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every weekend on d. w. ah, leonardo da vinci's, mysterious masterpiece. ah, it is perhaps the greatest leonardo masterpiece in the collection of the louvre and no, it is not the mona lisa. it is the virgin of the rocks, 2 versions, multiple copies, and a hidden drawing. was there another symbolic meaning to this beautiful baby that perhaps we just don't understand today? search for answers starts july 7th on d, w. mm. ma'am lee. oh shall in full in
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ah, this is the w news live from berlin. the u. s. supreme court overturned the landmark roe v wade leg, which said abortion was a constitutional right. the decision paves the way for individual states to make laws on abortion. and roughly half are expected to ban or severely limit access to the procedure. also on the program ukraine, orders its troops out of severe i've done yet to weeks of fighting authority. you
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