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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2022 11:15pm-11:31pm CEST

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and before we go, here's a quick look at our top story. security is tyson the germans state of bavaria ahead of the summit of g 7 leaders, thousands of protest in the gathering to to demand more action against climate change and global policy upset your up to date coming up next is shift living in the digital age. and creating a report on online protests in 4 thirds harriann states. i'm and cooper's mckinnon on behalf of the whole team here. thanks so much for watching dida with ah, what people have to say matters to us. mm. that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on
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d. w is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like. the returns wouldn't be normal. and we visit those. we're finding it difficult. successes are soon, you know weekly coven, 19 special. every thursday con d. w. from argentina to bowers and from iraq to uganda. online activism is a vital tool for politically active. people were fighting for change. women who fight for a cause online often become targets of hate speech and violence, but many stand their ground. nonetheless, what role has the internet played in their fight for change this week on shift? we're bringing you the stories of for politic the act of women.
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ah, changing your profile picture to honor cause online petitions and hashtags. the internet and social media in particular are highly useful for gathering supporters and raising awareness. studies show this goes beyond so called collectivism from black life matter to me to more and more social movements that spark online are leading to real social change. many of these protests are let by women who all too often become targets of online hate and even receive death threats. many keep fighting anyway, like the young politician, a fella fernandez from argentina. look at what i can do is to stop being the victim from now on. i'm going to be their enemy. i'm going to say the things they don't want to hear it. but again, if you need the article, they can edit my videos, all they want and spread fake news like that from now on. i'm in the driver's seat
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and i'm saying what i think even that a shuttle one. but i'll 2 other women who are just as determined in their fight for change are mossey, elena john, from iran. and tatiana corbett from bella. ruth alexander lucas shingo, was once again sworn in as president of bello ruth in 2020 after he declared a landslide victory. but many saw the elections as rig tatyana called about, and her team provided evidence for the vote. rigging, on the goals platform the colony pacific, proven there was election thrown me typically roacha report and shed it around the world, the e u, u. s. and o c. e, have all said lucas shank, as presidency is not legitimate more than a 1000000 voters registered on the go los platform and uploaded their ballots. the results officially announced could thus be compared with the votes. actually cast liza china when you might have thought. right, well listen,
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don't we understood the internet gave us power at the city to it. it was, it provides protection for bella ruffian society. both from abilene you can talk and you can quickly and easily exchange information and connect with people the spook miss. for some amusing in, for bella, russian opponents like tatiana, quote about technology is an important tool in their fight for political change. protests are also moving online in other countries like iran, marci, elena, john uses the power of her 7000000 social media followers to fight for women's rights and iran. from her exile in new york. she posts, photos and videos of iranian women defying the countries compulsory her job law images. these women share with her despite the dangers this entails, the regime actually made a new law and saying that if anyone, st. videos to marcial in asia would be charged after 10 years for isn't. that didn't work. they trying to like scare people to censor them. like immediate the i got bombarded my videos from people saying that i rather go to prison,
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then kit silent. a strong stand against censorship. the protest movement has reached a world wide audience. that's the achievement of the campaign. now, the regime is scared of when she tatiana corvette and marcia lena jack, both had to go into exile. they were no longer safe in their respective homelands. because they stood up for their beliefs and spoke truth to power. but how did they manage to build such successful online campaigns aimed to protect opponents and repressive regimes, such as the one in bella? ruth, online anonymity is crucial. the team behind the goals platform thus used encryption from the very beginning, they see it as a necessary security measure. it gets lots of willis impress what registration nogales takes place through chatted glancing messengers, telegram and find that was not the most thought. so it's absolutely safest because
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of all people have to give us in terms of data is a phone number which is encrypted and fruit even. now developers can't access the registered phone number in that i see if one of the biggest thing in the bulletin. so far this system has worked. nobody has been arrested for uploading their voting ballot to the platform. hash tags are a great tool for gathering supporters for a given cause. they work especially well on social media and search engines. massey elena jobs has created several successful hash tag campaigns. first, i launched a campaign called white wednesdays. it means that every wednesday, women walk unveiled in public, which is a punishable crime, i launched and all that campaign which is called my camera is my weapon. it means when the government harassed you or bully, you, you have your camera, you can expose them. and the regime is a scared of this campaign,
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because this is how people are gaining. they voice hash tags can lead to powerful movements, like in latin america, where people have been highlighting the widespread violence against women using the hash technique when a man us, which translates roughly to not one woman less. the ongoing protests have let to women quotas an equal gender opportunity legislation, and an argentina abortions were legalized and 2020, a changed that athena fernandez had long fought for me from instagram to the boy is our is city legislature. the internet helped ophelia fernandez gate to where she is, when she was 18, a clip of her speaking out brought her online fame. and remember what? now you are against this reform because it will, but it isn't it? no, no, hang on there, sweetie. we don't have anything against the protest that dorians don't call me sweetie. the exchange became definitive for fernandez his political career. in
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a moment, i was really glad at the time that the clip went viral as we were trying to achieve something. but i thought it would quickly die down lea moment. daniel. the crazy thing for me was when i realized it kept going in the, in the yes, in the, his, of, in today she has around 1000000 followers on social media. she skillfully uses her online presence to campaign for more liberal abortion goals. community. we all know that secret abortions happen and that they are dead. the socially disadvantage women and trans men die had digital activism, helped bring about the legalization of abortion and argentina in 2020. it was her 1st launch sco, political success and a feeler for man. this was just 20 years old when the law was approved, but impressive. as these women are, their success can come with downsides. women who stand up for their convictions on line often become targets for hate speech,
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mostly by men. as me now drew dea amnesty international researcher on technology and human rights. summarize it like this. the internet can be a frightening and toxic place for women. it's no secret that massaged. genie and abuse are thriving on social media platforms. when it comes to female journalists, a study by the international women's media foundation found that a 3rd have actually considered quitting their jobs because of online harassment and threats. female politicians also know online hate all too well, large antennae and politician o fella fernandez is often targeted on line to the point that she says being insulted or threatened has become a daily experience for her mother or someone wrong. if you are a stupid idiot, a hoard of men should rape and dismember you, but you are so ugly. no one would touch you. your mother was a whore. working almost exclusively online during the pandemic. it's become harder
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for her to ignore these threats. that mean that and they managed to damage my confidence in it and figuring that, facing up by the horrible things they said got to me and the danville in on. i think when i became really paranoid, i can to stamina. many women who take a public stance, suffer similar targeting. for some the danger they face forces them to change their lives. belo russian, tatyana quarterback. and iranian must see, elena, john had to leave their homes because they feared state repression and even an exile. they are not safe. my life has changed significantly. they went after my family, they integrated my mother with my brother in prison for 2 years. they hired a private investigator here in brook and in front of my house, protect photos of my private life. and they were planning to take me to venezuela and then kidnapped me from venezuela to iraq and then executed. in the past, musty, elena, john has been put under police protection in the us all because she campaigns on
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line against the headscarf law and iran. a different method of prohibiting digital activism is classical sensory ugandan, women's rights activist and journalist rose bel camire has reported on how political rulers have temporarily block specific social networks or slowed down internet speeds and the run up to elections. bonding, social media incentives, sat downs, is currently a dictates as profit stones against the people on these continents. but you will want to hold them, you want to shut them up, you shut the medium they are using and which is social media. most recently, the internet was hugely restricted during the unrest in kazakhstan, in january 2022. during that same period and berkener fossil access to facebook and what's up was disrupted. this technique is, unfortunately not uncommon. a recent study found that since 2015, a 3rd of all countries were white, have restricted access to social media. although usually only temporarily,
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some find themselves with no option but to go abroad. like ugandan journalist roles belk haggle mirror. she moved to senegal for months in order to have unrestricted access to the internet. the internet is a powerful tool over times for my work as an african feminist, you know, the internet has help us to break barriers in terms of and long wage board. as you know, to be able to understand like in on a daily basis. just like yesterday i was on line as on twitter and suddenly i see images. um so, so then these women protesting on the streets in juba on her website, african feminism dot com. but you've gone in, journalist gathers exactly this kind of information together was around 30 female authors. she uses the online platform to document what actions women fighting for equal rights are taking across africa. i took pleasure in working with different
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women who are actually working with their communities, picking out, breaking the silence and making sure they take us as a continent towards a more gender equal and a just wanted roseville. ca, gemara and her fellow campaigners fight for women's rights and also take their fight online. but right now, even internet access is unevenly distributed in africa, where only 30 percent of all internet users are women. but these for women are taking the long view and fighting for change despite the significant obstacles they face. i find is really impressive. the way i see it, the word would be a better place if there were more women like massy touch anna roles, bell and ophelia, and they need our support to help make change happen online and offline, which women are your role models and which online campaigns have impressed you the most, let us know on youtube oriented w dot com. good by and see you next time. ah
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. conflict zone with parish banner g. russia and ukraine are taking heavy casualties in the don bus. but has ukraine already lost the east? my guest this week believes that is likely the case in bremo is a political scientist and founder of the your racial rope thing going to happen and believe the russians have said will at all this and more on this week's conflict zone with d w. ukraine. time seems to stand still in young the victor's enemies and victims of the annual your to on the present
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as is the hope that to, to will make russia great again what's lacking our prospects and a chance to live their lives in 30 minutes on d. w. stay informed of live and on demand. hot gas in language courses, video and audio. any time anywhere. the d. w media center. mm. russia and ukraine are taking heavy casualties in the don bus. but has ukraine already lost the east? my guest this week believes that is likely the case in bremo is a political scientist and.


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