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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2022 11:15am-11:27am CEST

11:15 am
are coming, don't we want to target the site and seen by russia of the, of the war? and is why we are ready to, to fine tune to adapt to clarify when this is, you know, the to mit showed it. on the one hand we, we targets are russia intuition authorities, but don't do the editor. we to check off our economy and economy of our partners. financial times he said thanks them coming from financial times. i'm do you sense momentum at the g 7 and the you behind the idea of a cap, a ceiling on russian oil prices or do you think an agreement could happen is and if i could um there are also bassy other a partners here for the cap to work you would have to have a buy in from a lot of other countries, not just the g 7. any you exact example india. do you think that you could get that buy in from? i'm partners as well, thinking now to tweet both of them is that the 1st element i can confirm that we really stressed in the following. oh, is this a proposal to put in place
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a thick mitchell and make any snow which would have had the feta for chaps, especially on the services that are related to all her twins fault in showing she said, et cetera. but we want to go more into the details. we want to fine tune the want to make sure that if you will, to drawing the direction we wheeler hefa do need for the support for the 27 european union member state. they went to mit showed it, like i said, just before doris. well, to target russia and not to meet our lives. more difficult and more complex dominique challenges are that you need to overcome any to measure if it takes us to a decision that you've a clear vision or clear german distinct bolt. what are the direct effects, but what would be the 121220 transmit it means it or i'm, i'm careful, i'm cautious. ah, we are ready to look into the details. we are ready to, to, to, to teach a decision today without part us. but we want to make sure that what we decide
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really from the get you a fit for china in a to me, did you fall sense on you, anna? you annexed st. you allison, up on, on sunday wu. another important topic on the agenda and you just mentioned that is foot security and urgent topic dx packed, any concrete announcement because there are member states of the opinion saying that we need bolt measures going beyond just calling on russia to unlock at the queen points and on, on food security rate, we don't need speeches, we need actions, we need to decide we need measures and have a clear vision about what are the different strokes are the 3 that we need to develop together. we sell a partners in france, in the framework of the the g 7. first of all is important to meet every thing which is possible in order to unblock the black seat is depravity. dar 22 tons. took $22.00 millions of tons of drills the tower jointly blocked in the, in the black sea. and is why we are totally committed and you are making to lot of
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efforts in support of antonio to terrace. and united nations are too mature little sooner or later, and i hope as soon as possible, an agreement it will be possible to the to meet possible for ukraine to which sport, to the black sea, the grange, we shall blocked in ukraine at same time, we felt waiting for a possible agreement, we are very active together. we sir, our number says in order to use alternative route through poland through ammonia, and through other twenties. it difficult for logistical reason, sir, you know, all the details of which are working on that because so we need to use all the possible to switch in our own homes and point 3 to send them until 2 between the active to support the develop entrance which especially in africa, dewitt and part of act featured or not, and part of which are we know it and on need to act immediately any fight a few months ago when we decided a few days before the start of the war in the ukraine to have the so,
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so me twisty for genuine bristo's which it was of no to thee that the decisions we touch, we saw with hardness were words 3 me appropriate in which prickly were needed. because in fact, we decided to support the african efforts to increase the level of prediction in africa, india, which in turn threes to support their resilience and not only to work on the human to inside, it would be needed to develop she management project and the weight and support for those gentry's, but it's not enough and a mid term in the longer it, we need to help them to develop their capacities to develop the level that of, of production and also to provide an access to, to, to sustainable fertilizers. m. yes, david from politico, he had a question as well. thanks much mister president, david hurst with political europe. the ears hi representative was just in toronto trying to restart the nuclear talks. he said that iran could be in alternate important supplier of energy, oil and gas, given the sanctions against russia. others, israel included say, that would be
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a historic mistake to an reliance on russia and begin reliance on iran. i wonder your view on that and a quick protocol question. will you be willing to sit at the g 20 summit table later this year with vladimir putin? do that really be nice return to the g 20 later this year? will you be willing to sit at the summit table in the same room with vladimir, put no foot 1st question i fit into the hybrid that if you tried, we should try to do everything in order to isolate russia and to a low russia to build a tradition did the re, so there is a battle on the back of houston. ukraine is also a political battle in international fora. and is why she's is really important when dish was older. trend reasoning to, to convince them not to be transitioned. we say we, so russia is not our interest point. 1.2, we are, we are a johnston at the european union level. we've always tried, even when we faced the difficulties in of sectors because of the position of united states and to part is always tried to support and to maintain life,
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this nuclear deal research iran. and it's why, even if it is extremely difficult, even if we are not nice and even we, we know what's the role played by iran, e one in the original indigenous context of the, of the, of the region. we feel that the u. s. responsibility to indeed was all the actors is all the partners there to see if a bush, if agreements we set you on the opposite, i'm with naive. i very, you reasonable, very rational. but i seemed to all the office a must be done and a good as you 20. this is a good question in i. i would share with you my, my impression. there's a paradox. in fact, just so the 1st instinct, the 1st we all shirts the to the ga, to all share a forced to say the other to be difficult to see, to the sim table referred me to put in on the hand. or we support a multilateral approach. we support international cooperation and do we want to
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kill disease? 20 we should important both. especially in those circumstances. there is no easy solution on the 3rd question. and i very optimistic the today that we saw the partners in friends with this just a topic now to see if it is possible for us, i hope to have a terminal porterman decision. and maybe they all possibilities a to, to show that we clearly are the symbol and put a level what we think. and what are our treatment principles and values. but this important also to gender. we so the indonesian presidency to make sure that we can find detroit griffey, old old old other solutions in order to which price i was to understand the mission of this war, launched by russia audience, ukraine, in what it means in terms of a blatant violation of international law, we thought to lead an important so short an image body, geopolitical body. and i, i, would you nice that there is no easy answer when we face such
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a question. on my question, over that aside for europe table and shows that you have a climate club is mainly european topic m, france, italy, or germany cannot join a climate club without at least to certain extent. include the all the other member states. and how do you understand his vision of the climate club? how would members states are members of the crime could benefit from each other and how can the climate clubs go along with european with europe planned climate instruments such as e t s and c? bam. i'm seriously convinced if you want to make progress in the field of climate change, he bought and toys attrition of her job and pricing. and it's why the u level we started to, i turned 18 years ago, is the easiest system. and recently was decided to, to adrian, the principle of sudan, desert cabinet, border measure adjustment a measure. but of course, if we asked, did we, it's the use levels are important to develop what they call the climate diplomacy.
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i mentioned china, she'll minister door, i feel that especially we so we friends in partners, are we seen the g 7, we shooting ditch here to try to convince them also to teach similar measures and to determine a port. why? because if we finish entry belief, and i believe that we need an international corporation, the field of trade in the field of the economy development, it means if you'd also level playing field. and it's why it's really important to address the. so this idea of a just and fair energy transition time it transition does is extremely clear that the you has decided with the support of our parliament. if we were across the you, the european parliament as well as you societies to be and to play the role of a leader international level in the field of climate change is why we have decided to meet europe climate, little by 2050. that's why we're currently working on we put you in order to
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accelerate our level of ambition in terms of energy efficiency, investments in the renewable sector, et cetera. but this meaningful if at the same time we are, we are able to convince our refunds and partners to, to, to follow at least a similar approach. and i remember i remember that we went one year ago, we were together or into traumas. we were started the surgery bit and i commend determine presidency for putting the top between the agenda. i'm certain, if you're difficult tricia a difficult topic but is needed if we want to be serious. if we want that only to agree on nice declarations and statement is important also to see what are the country to measures that are we are ready to take in order to we're to make to make progress on this topic. shawna you next. thanks very much. due to my senior and he's just on the gold embargo announced by joe biden today. and will that come up as part of it? potential 7th sanctions packaged from you in terms of coordination sanctions,
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is the one thank you. you know, we have decided to, to earn this or go today. there was a 27 leaders in brazil snooping. don't feel that we would continuing to continue our work in the field of sanctions. and it needed to publish, needed to, to fine tune some guys to clarify in order to, to avoid being charged to victims of loop horse. and to make sure that the entrance all are effective and that our sanctions do have an effect on the, on the, on the, on the wish and ability to find his door. and all the attendance is very important to teacher measures that a parent how to answer. he was talking about balancing different issues, china balancing interest, and val gay sanctions balancing the effects that he has in russia and the effect that he could have at home. and i will have to balance the time taught us that i thank you so much. thank you for joining with
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with ah, this was vladimir putin masterpiece. the 2018 well come hosted by russia. it was a small covers change as well. the perception towards russia war has returned to you.


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