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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2022 7:30pm-8:00pm CEST

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t w's crime fighters are back with africa. most successful radio drama series continues. but all episodes are available online. course you can share and disco song, d, w, africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters, tune in now. ah ah ah, find out what best unusual floating parade in the netherlands has to do with a famous for nathan's artist later on in the show. and with that, a warm welcome to your max with me, your host, hannah, him out. let's see what else we have lanes up for you today. ukrainian sanger,
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you vandorn, is sending out a musical message for peace and ice. lindsey west flores offer visitors, breathtaking landscapes and seclusion. but 1st, this weekend is a special one for any harry potter fans. i bare like myself. 25 years ago, the 1st ever a harry potter book was published. many of the books from the best selling series were written in my old home, tired edinburgh, scotland. so what better way to celebrate the anniversary and with a tour of the magical city. let see if i would make a good witch to. 0 ah, have you ever wondered what the inspiration was for hogwarts castle or die gone alley? or were lord voldemort final resting places? well, you've come to the right place. i'm going to take you on a tour of everything. harry potter related, right here in edinburgh,
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scotland. the 1st place of high for j k. rowling. lived in edinburgh for many years is grey friar's courtyard. at 1st glance this may just seem like a regular creepy graveyard. but if you look more closely at some of the graves, there may be some familiar names. potter, some of the characters names in the bix were taken directly from the graves here. i've got a map of the graves, i want to see. let's go and find them. ah easier said than done apparently, unless i am very much mistaken. lord voldemort, somewhere around here. i think i yeah, lord voldemort, tom riddle. it's as if lord baltimore is actually buried here.
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maybe he is right around the corner is the cathy where much of the 1st big the philosopher stone, was written in the ninety's. sadly, there was a fire at the elephant cafe in 2021. so for now it's closed. instead you can visit nicholson's cafe chapters of some of the harry potter books were written in this very building as well. and here you can review for the rest of the tour. when jake, you're rolling was writing the philosopher's stone. she had hardly any money and couldn't afford anything in her flat. and that's why she's to write in lots of different copies around edinburgh. and now you can visit them to the next up is the bound morrow hotel, one of edinburgh, the most famous landmarks. the final hurry wants her big exactly. hollows was
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written in room 552, quite the step up from the humble cafe. on to the next stop on our list, does this winding colorful and cobblestone street seems familiar to you? i this is victoria street. it was the inspiration for di going alley, the withering alley, filled with magical shops in london. in the novel, dia going alley is where harry potter bought his bell books and his magic wand. and it's possible for you and me to do the same real life. ah, this magical gift shop is it just filled with one's hours and spell books? it also posts an interesting history to begin pushing forward and has one j. 2 rooms on the 1st book because you can come in and boy, rooms russians in long, thin homes, is describing the book when it comes to hogwarts castle itself,
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there is no one particular building that inspired it. rather, this city's abundance of mister cole, 18th century architecture helped to form the school of witchcraft and wizardry. ah, our final stop of the tour is the dog house, ed ambrose very own version of the 3 broomsticks. i try in the bottom here. in the books. it's a very popular drink in the pub in the wizard. village of hogs, meat here, butter beer. it's a surprisingly delicious concoction of beer and carmel syrup. what a great wave. anger carry without butter. we're in one of and whether cooley, pob, i, i hope you enjoy the tour around edinburgh as much as i did. now, back to the world of reality, the war in ukraine has been going on for 4 months now. many ukrainian artists are using their music to raise money and awareness for the people in their homeland. we
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met up with pop, start even dorn here in germany and talked to him about his personal war mission. i think he quine in costa, yvonne dawn's performance is more than just entertainment. it's a way for him to support his countryman in the hour of need. he's using his charity concert series, hash tag play for ukraine to collect donations for his homeland and rolling in for even dawn. art has always meant commitments, especially since the start of the war. our country is under attack every day or half of ukrainians abroad trying to find a new new possibilities to establish new life, temporary life. i cannot do anything but but, but perform and raise up money. i'm keeping being warrior on the stage. yeah. the russian, boeing ukrainian,
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made his debut 10 years ago and was an overnight sensation. both russian and ukrainian fans welcomed him as the idol of a new generation. in 2017, his 1st english language album ot day opened, the dawn won him an international audience wants to go back or never got back. she won't be able to. but most of his songs are in russian half of the grain as we're speaking russian before the war. now it's changing for sure. after the war had to happen with us. i will do more your songs in ukrainian language you and berg bavaria, just before concert. whenever even dawn isn't mingling with bands or rushing off to his next performance,
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he lives with his family in france. they were on vacation there when the war broke out in their homeland. many of his electives and band members were in ukraine then, and some still og. he'll never forget the 24th of february 2022. my wife woke up me and told me was crying that that the war has started and i found myself in the back home. i didn't know what to i didn't know even what to feel. there was a horrible feeling actually. i don't want to fill it again. ah, then you and berg event is his night's charity concert in europe so far. his audience is glad and grateful to have him. they will stand together for peace. oh,
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he is from also okay. i come from ukraine. i had a plane ticket back home for february 20th. i didn't use it. it's been nice. and now i'm happy i can experience and there's my piece of home here today and needed to come, i'm from moscow, russia. this is something i can do, for example, is just being here and saying something or donating a little and making some contributions or by dr. palmer, i come from bella rouge that we want peace and democracy just as much for our homeland bella region. if we just want to be a part of the community fighting for peace and democracy than on democratic came to date, the concert series hash tag play for ukraine has raised close to $100000.00 euros in donations for medicine arts and humanitarian aid campaigns. but financial support is not the only thing important to even don't want to say also to europeans
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here to, to, to what world that the guys, we need your help. thank you for your support. we're filling it. still we need to go ahead. we need to keep supporting us. we need to keep talking about this and keep everything to defense. actually, the world's freedom is mixed up. is, has it done after that, he'll be joining other ukrainian artists on a tour of the united states. their aim is to keep the world's attention focused on the war, raging ukraine now to the netherlands for another form of protest to art. the boss parade celebrates the works of the most famous former resident of the small dutch city of den boss. for nathan's, painter, hieronymus bush, but the event also draws attention to the global climate crisis. ah,
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a river becomes a theater stage as one art work after the other. floats by the onlookers on that damo river in then bush. this is the 9th edition of the bosh parade, and each performance or art installation was inspired by a painting by hieronymus bush. what we did was make an open call for all artists out every round world actually, ah, where he gave him some, some inspiration document of, of the deep that details from the painting and say, what do you think in this time about this, like a de burned bunny shitty. what would it? what would it mean in that time? and what, when it does mean in this time, what's the burning in the world now? for the dutch sculpture artists behind this creation, it was a question of what will be burning in the future. road an installation or for the abortion put out a few of show how to future will look and holland are. we are because of the
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climate change or the water will come soon. we have to rescue everything. we've got the, we have to float the landscape and get it on the on the run. in the future, we will need to save dinay chairs. so all these bulbs contain us, special atmosphere and special plans that need to be rescued from either rising water and polluted airs. the bush parade is a free event, attended by more than $36000.00 locals and visitors alike. they only have to pay for a seat on $1.00 of the 4 terraces. ah, nice to people, i have been very creative. all things look for the different lot of the art was about how we consume,
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how we shall go on with his world. sir. talk him bosh, also known as den bush is where the artists spend most of his life. the higher one of miss bush are center showcase his work by the renaissance artist, although not the originals. they show his fascination for uncanny imagery as in his painting called the garden of earthly delights, inspiration for the bush parade which this year was given, the motto: seduction. this touch g o teamed up to create this inflatable interpretation of the painting. they wanted it to be a bit playful, a both in the paid thing there is like a kind of airship and strange figures. and we were like, one, like a swan air and we were like, yeah, we want to make something cook some, some strange technical machine. and there we also wanted to play around with the public. so we sort of invented the in an inflatable lego. and in
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a way that you can zip and unzip all these different types of bags and make all sorts of structures. so while playing with his lego, we came up with this structure, which is a playful, large tentacle where we can yeah, try and trick and i did the public not only visual artists showcased their work, but artists from other disciplines as well. and zoo occasion and saline back oven worked with a group of dances to interpret the painting to come from a physical background. so we were inspired by the physical translation of it that brought these to the are the surreal mix of creatures. and so we were looking for a way to translate that into an artwork, but also input performance underwood. dis storyline, of having to figures that try to seduce or lower people from the water. it could be
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drowning people, lost people doesn't matter. and we try to get them closer to us, but it's sort of a failing mission because every time they try to climb towards up, it will make our cliffs sink and they fall back into the water. the parade lasts for 2 hours. a surreal garden of mostly delights on the water. now we're headed to somewhere you may never have heard of and most likely have never visited. but the remote landscapes of the ice landed west yards have just been listed as one of 2022 is top global travel locations. i a well known travel guide, the little known peninsula, has a distinct charm. one that captivated nature, photographer isley rice. she showed us around her adopted homeland.
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oh, secluded beaches. towers are amazing. there is no place on earth like it and all around you have untouched beauty and land. isley royce has lived here for almost 5 years. she draws inspiration from it for her photography, and her enthusiasm is by no means hers alone. the australian lonely planet travel guide listed the west fjords among its best in travel areas for 2020 to $1.00 of isley royce is favorite spots. is that dinner on the waterfall? the most challenging things for me? i think as a photographer or the weather here and the elements because the weather and the elements can both be unforgiving or they can be not so kind to you at times and it's always good to be prepared for all situations here. the west
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fjords are a vast maze of fjords and peninsulas. distances are long. the best way to get around is by car, but in winter, many of the roads stay closed. we have all this abundance of nature and there's no one around. and so you can go hiking, driving, and there won't be anyone around and you'll have it pretty much it all to yourself . in some ways i would say the west yard makes me feel like i'm in another planet, or it's just somewhere so far. like i'm at that edge of the earth or something only about 10 percent of iceland tourists ever see the west fjords where summer's are short and winter's long. the land kind of shows you like who's in charge here and the weather because in the end, like the conditions are so harsh in the winter and, and just gives you much appreciation for it. the german american is not only of
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a tough her, but also a filmmaker. on her travels around the island, she observes orcus, arctic foxes, surfers braiding extreme conditions and much more stretching 10 kilometers along the west fjords. southwestern edge is that right, they sauntered or red sands. the color of the sand is a rare exception to iceland normally pitch black, volcanic sand beaches. eisley roister likes to go jogging here. i really enjoy this beach here in the us yards because they're remoteness and the uniqueness of it. specifically, if i were to go to the north sea in germany or a beach in southern california, d, crowded with people. but here i can just enjoy the nature as it is just to the west rises, allow club, jak prominent, tory, the clips tower up to 450 meters high. i really concerned ours here. just watching
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the birds listening to the waves photographing the birds even taking an app and just relaxing its really beautiful and his la la probiotic is also well known as one of the world's largest bird cliffs, making it a popular photo subject. during the summer, millions of sea birds nest on it, including puffins. you can get up close and personal with them here. i thought it very easy for me living here, nathan. and i think the challenges weren't so negative in my opinion. um, the remoteness, i like the remoteness, i don't mind being by myself. it can be lonely. you have a lot of darkness. ok. but if you have a close group of friends in the community to be with than i find it okay. just over 200 kilometers. ne lies aesop, your 3rd largest town in the west fjords with
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a population of 2700. it started as a few wooden houses, built by fishmonger, is in the 18th and 19th centuries, now isley royce to lives here. i really can't at the moment see myself living anywhere else in the world. i mean, look at this place. where else can you find a view like this and a beautiful nature and being so secluded and so far away from all the stress of big cities and life. and here is just perfect for me. iceland, west fjords, a beautiful region still waiting to be discovered. is there anything better than ice cream in the middle of summer? it's sweltering. the hot here in berlin right now, and this is all i can think about. the italians make it best. of course. sergio donnelly, from tuscany, our latest canna, is the italians call. it proves that ice cream making is truly an art form. we
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managed to convince him to reveal some of his secrets. ah, i h july to every day i see him as it's a treat. not to stress the laptop, tomatoes, one of life's pleasures. it makes me happy even when it's cold and bundle eating. it is always like a little fiesta is important. but i think that ah, here in central banana here in san jim and yeah, no, right. we've been producing traditional italian july to with natural ingredients for 30 years. it's been said, you don't believe you being, i'm sergio. don't deletion the italian gelata and busters gelatin. i've also been
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named this wonderful country's living, national treasures as one of the shivers la. oh my goodness, i's manual to become a master gelatin maker his mom. we need plenty of patience. a lot of time. and good taste buds was gone with it. so how does this, and if this was blackberry with love and harping you, and if the scarlet osceola grows everywhere out and every garden at least has wooden lavender bush on, does it so to smell it known since childhood, tender, italian gardens, cheese cake with puzzles you ski out and strawberry and tomato sauce, or airplane, hazelnut. so italian dish, bethany sh. mm. good. there is ice is a good generator was only good if the ingredients are chosen sensibly. sim, you might think you should select only the best ingredients for that's what makes italian gelatin so special while the quality of the ingredients,
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naturally and naturally the technical, know how you need to process them these. it's hooked up to the album that you just leave. there are 2 kinds of italian frozen dessert from july to an so pepto. what's the difference? does she for milk me? so beto contains no milk or dairy products and all kinds of miss debbie bob regarding my booth and start what good a gradient son, you'll get a good gelatin. a google pistachios from sicily hosted senior pine knotty from tuscany because karma bears the best hazel nuts from piedmont. you're mom and all natural androgenic. constantly milk comes from a nearby farm where i've adopted my cows. and yet darby bandicoot. ah, as of these ad machine, this ice cream maker is a musical instrument. nothing has been owned gelatine, like myself hears when the gelata was ready. has eyes with lisa machine im now the
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machine is mixing with right side. there's a mixer in, it's not me. the same time, the cylinder is cool down to minus 25 degrees celsius. that goes back until the mixture achieves the right consistency on them. we have real gelatin. gave the comments from you. the ideas come to me like an a bethany hubbard. i but see times i've also dreamed about my varieties. lot really? ah, this is penny bunny. ah. well that's all for today. don't forget to follow us on social media and head over to our website to find out about our dw uncensored fashion collection, which is up for grabs, and our viewers doc. it promotes free speech around the world, so make sure to check it out. as always, thanks for tuning in and take care. bye bye for now.
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