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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2022 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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as we take on the world, 8 hours, i do all the is, we're all about the stories that matter to you. whatever you take by policemen follow with those who we are, your is actually on fire made for mines and even 8 snow, which plants relief diarrhea, pocket rid of parasites. medicines have likely been around since the beginning of humanity to day scientists can spend years researching modern treatment. we find out which medicines can help ease every day. cold symptoms. why some drugs work
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better for women than men, and how some medications can cause damage. now i'm in good shape with mos distancing hygiene during the pandemic. these golden rules help to reduce not only the number of people getting covered 19, but also the number of cold and flu infection with, as we become more with the more likely it is that will catch up with one can help when you get a cold many people use nasal spray containing say line solution when they have a stuff he knows supposedly these spray clean the nasal passages and moistened the
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mucous membranes. and studies show this does not clear congestion which has other causes. congestion arises when blood vessels inside the nose dilates, swelling the mucus membranes. salt water has no effect on this. decongestant nasal spray, on the other hand, contain an ingredient that constricts the blood vessels. the swelling goes down, clearing the nasal passages for several hours. such sprays should not be used for more than a week, though, because they are addictive. experts estimate that hundreds of thousands of people are dependent on nasal sprays. this happens because receptors in the blood vessels where the active ingredients doc become less and less sensitive. the more the spray is used. a vicious cycle begins. the mucous membrane swell ever more quickly uses need more and more decongestant stray even longer. so they've recovered from that cold there's an abundance of sore throat lozenges on the market.
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they contain an anesthetic that can numb the pain for a short period, which not everyone likes. and the drops often contain tiro thrice, and an antibiotic effective against bacteria, but useless against cold viruses. also, the viruses are often only in directly responsible for throat pain, which is triggered by inflammatory substances. the body produces to fight cold viruses and which send a signal to the painkillers like a spin, if you proven or paracetamol block, these inflammatory substances. so they are often recommended for a sore throat. studies is not clearly proved their effectiveness though, and it is wise to take them with caution. estron or a settle cell like acid, for example, must only be taken by adults and an over doses. paracetamol can severely damage the liver. analgesics like paracetamol have been proven effective against headaches and
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other pain. they are often found in combined preparations. pharmaceutical companies claim that these ease all symptoms at once, they not only reduce pain, but also act as a nasal decongestant. their active ingredients include a substance that causes bays, constriction and often an antihistamine which is supposed to reduce the bodies immune response. the combined preparations, due indeed health, but uses risk side effects. the ingredients to cause vase of constriction are less effective against congestion. the nasal sprays, and they can make blood vessels throughout the body constricts, leading to high blood pressure and heart palpitations. on top of this, it's not often helpful to treat all symptoms at once. they usually appear in succession, 1st to sore throat than the headache, than the stuff he knows. so to some of
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the most helpful cold treatments on nasal spray and painkillers. in the package inset that accompanies a medication, there are logically often separate recommendations for children and adult. however, there's rarely different information for men and women. yet that would often make sense. some medications affect the sexes differently and can cause varying side effects. ib profile is now a staple in many household medicine cabinets, but when it comes to pain relief, it's less effective in women than men. it's impact on our mood also varies,
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making men more emotional, but women less sensitive. why did science and the late to discover this disparity in both effectiveness and side effects? it turned out that the clinical studies ahead of official approval did not include women as test subjects. in the 19 sixty's, thousands of children were born with missing or malformed limbs. after the widespread use of solidify i'd by pregnant women, testing for the drug had been insufficient in the 1970s many countries recommended the exclusion of women from clinical trials for new medication due to potential risks facing those already or planning to be pregnant. a convenient development for big pharma, for them women main fluctuating hormones and potential variation in drug reactions . males are not subject to those changes. making studies more straightforward. a short sighted move as those same studies now lack to vital data for new drugs. that
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in turn led to incorrect doses, and in some cases, severe side effects. in the early 2 thousands, the european medicines agency started calling for at least a new medication to involve sufficient testing among women as well. and those calls were heated between 10 and 80 percent of test subjects in europe. and now female with that proportion depending on the frequency of the relevant condition among men and women, drug trials and now far more stringent. oh papa pill to shed the pounds a dream for many overweight people. the world health organization estimates that 39 percent of all adults world wide, overweight, good research has have long been looking for an effective drug against obesity. now they may have found an injectable one
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is this the miracle injection, the world has been waiting for the one that lets you lose weight fast, 15 percent of your body weight in just over a year. opinions are divided among those shown on many come and we can safely say that some a glue. tide was a drug that is setting new standards, intriguing diabetes and obesity. well, i would associates, but i don't think it's realistic to claim it's the be all and, and all for all obese people who are nicked, realistic, ah, being obese means that you are so overweight, that it's a health risk. shanina midline has this problem for a long time. she didn't know where to turn. this is what she looked like at her wedding a year ago. she was desperate for help. i think she comp burger chilling mussman, a nutritional specialist. the doctor helps overweight people to change their
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lifestyle. oh, recently she's had a lot of inquiries about the new injection that is said to help you lose weight. it's active ingredient is semi glue tide. the semi glue tide is in fact a diabetes drug intended to lower blood sugar levels. dr. yann's umbrella also prescribes it for diabetics like marco, who suffers from way problems to the thing. some a glue time has a promising future, you know, must davidson is setting new standards in terms of reducing blood sugar levels. but in particular, in reducing body weight, no drugs been able to reach a 15 percent drop in body weight in obesity treatment up to. now marco weighed $160.00 kilos. when he started on the injection. 6 months later he's down to $130.00. his blood sugar levels are also back to normal. he's really impressed by
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the treatment it don't get done that. a lot of him, what it's definitely changed is my appetite is out of i used to eat a lot in the evening. my main meal was in the evening. the worst possible time of all obs. oh when lucy since hope and i ate a lot of an awful lot. the other few. i couldn't shake the habit on you all the school does come with austin. the medication simulates one of the bodies, metabolic messengers, the g l. a p one hormone it's produced in the got reduces blood sugar levels and creates the sensation of feeling full after a meal. this sparked the idea of giving the drunk to people who are obese as well as diabetics. and according to a recent study, it works semi glue tight enables people without diabetes to lose weight,
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to on average, 15 percent and 68 weeks. but it's also frequently accompanied by side effects, nausea, diarrhea, and sometimes gall stones nutritional specialist baggage shilling, mussman warns against expecting too much for tire ya. the advantage added you will reduce your weight to some extent of the disadvantages . one, it often comes at the price of nausea. why to this treatment? like any other treatment for obesity, has to be maintained over a lifetime. that means or to continually self injecting and also having to pay for those injections yourself at the end of sharlena mic line has found an alternative . she now counts her calories with an app with it she can make sure she's sticking to her daily calorie limit. she quickly sions the 1st kilos and has been walking
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a lot, 10 kilometers a day to keep weight off. you have to embrace that kind of regimen for lines. marco also knows the injections are not a permanent miracle cure. those don't exist the semester interesting because if of this is just the beginning for me. oh, it's a very important way of changing my eating habits, my way of life and the oldest my limbs like of helping me to switch over to a normal diet. i'm ma, marliss, virginia. his aim is clear. he wants his all my back on track lou. do you have a question about nutrition, fitness or hell? then writer will answer your questions with the help of expert. she does an email at in good shape at d. w. dot com struggling for breath,
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a chronic cough estimates suggest that up to 100000 people suffer from cystic fibrosis or c f, a generic metabolic disorder. for a long time, it was classified as a childhood disease because the mortality rate among affected infants was so high. but modern medications mean that is affected, can live an almost normal life. from the moment she was born, sandra had extreme breathing problems due to thick mucus. in her lungs, but her symptoms have improved significantly over the last 12 months. thanks to new medication. really got i to know if i can breathe more easily and do more physically, it can go for long walks without needing brakes. and best of all, the coughing has finally stopped and eyelashes with united up. he is a new therapy marks. a real breakthrough patients can breathe deeply again,
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and it's easy to expel secretions should they all get on a life. so of course it's a game changer for patients are foody, but you cystic fibrosis affects various glands in the body and is an inherited condition. normally, glands in the lungs form a watery mucus that keeps our ways moist. tiny hair like stretches known as sillier, use it to remove dust particles, unpackaged tens inhaled with the air and to sweep the lungs clean. the mucus gets its thin consistency from water attracted to the gland sells by salt. cystic fibrosis renders vital protein channels dysfunctional making them impermeable to the salts and therefore also preventing water from flowing out of the cells. the resulting mucus is far thicker, too thick for the celia to remove it properly. and the disease also affects glands
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elsewhere in the body. the more of us, it was us and our current on cystic fibrosis is a disease where all of the bodies glands produce excessively thick secretions. and that causes a variety of problems for the organs, especially those in the intestines, for example, which means impaired digestion. another primary organ affected by the disease or the lungs fin that sd law, which is why inhaling has been a constant burden for lily as well. and it's so annoying. but the 8 year old is also been doing better. she's one of many cystic fibrosis sufferers who've been able to benefit from medication for 2 years now. the 6 young as the movie started the treatment at the age of 6, and we've seen considerable improvement. she now puts on weight properly and is in a far better state to do exercise and sport. and her general condition has really
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improved and to tunnel host. the medication in question is assisted fibrosis trans membrane conductance regulator, c f t, as directly modulate the defective gland channels. they then open improving the transportation of souls and as a result, water, as the mucus becomes more fluid, it can now be removed by the cynthia. unfortunately, the medication that lily is receiving is not effective in the case of all genetic defects that trigger the disease. this applies to between 60 and 70 percent of people with cystic fibrosis. a triple combination of c, f t r was approved for use in germany last fall. it helps in 90 percent of cases and boasts higher effectiveness. studies have shown an improvement in lung functionality, a 70 percent reduction in respiratory infections, as well as significant weight gain. you had sent the patient say it's only now that they noticed how stressful their lives had beam was and especially the breathing.
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yes. with their breathing now, almost back to normal. their lives to date seem like one long marathon run. they woke up feeling far fresher, and despite now doing twice the amount of work during the day, they don't feel worn out like they used to, or plots in to the foil. when's and her was born 28 years ago. there was no promise of any such development when you're done on the 10th and my parents were actually told to have a 2nd child because they didn't expect their 1st to live that long. that you say ok, my life expectancy is maybe 30 or 40 years. so some people want to get a move on, while others become withdrawn. what kind of obvious yet silica tall? the thanks to the new therapy santa's, life expectancy is probably close to normal. but the damage to her body from the cystic fibrosis has now decreased. so she still clearly remembers the day when she began the treatments on the puzzle fans has a still not the about 24 hours after ingestion. i noticed all mucous coming out. i
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don't normally, it would stick at that. and it was really hard to cough up and there'd always be some left out. but now it felt like i had water in my longsol every little cough. got everything out just like that by you as if i were cured football's to todd. i had a hold of obama, he adds up his guide, and the medication is well tolerated by sancho. but it can lead to side effects, such as elevated liver enzymes, headaches and rushes, decker mouths, the headaches, and in some cases, tinnitus is, are among the 1st symptoms recorded by patients at the start of therapy in the overall, there are relatively few side effects. yeah. and they can normally be taken care of by a doctor. oh, by the patient and often a button. it's a huge advance in cystic fibrosis therapy and one that opens up a whole new life of people like sancho. we are martha drink me. i used to have to cough whenever i laugh in school and there been quite a few silly situations in my life. but now i can laugh again like any normal person without having to worry whether someone will look at me funny. or then not being
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able to breathe, so it's really fantastic. listen, the nation. the discovery of antibiotics in 1910 represented a giant leap and medical progress. for the 1st time, it was possible to treat serious bacterial infections like pneumonia. antibiotics can also protect a patient from developing dangerous infections during a big operation. but what happens when these one did drugs themselves make us sick? then forestman, an active and healthy man. until he took 3 antibiotic pills. the medicine caused severe side effects is gone. i can hardly get out of bed columns and
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a blanket holly brush my teeth dry. my hair, allison is meal. as not only that, my muscles weakened rickard, i could barely walk. although i had to go everywhere on crutches below and in great pain as all mid close this mountain. that was 5 years ago to day he lives with chronic fatigue syndrome and needs a wheelchair. his kidneys have been irreparably damaged. hey, this is because he took a group of antibiotics called floral quinn, a loans for a urinary tract infection, and 2016 health damage to elsa public. after i took the 1st tablet, i did some online research and discovered a strong warning about serious side effects. upon advised gov, that means it should not have been the very 1st thing i was prescribed. then i went to the hospital and asked for less harmful antibiotic. i was given super flocks isn't as an alternative for which there was no strong warning, but i didn't realize that super fluoxetine contains the same group of active ingredients with almost identical side effects. it fostered in addition to invoking
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as well some floral quinn. a loans are still being sold, others have already been pulled from the market. the problem with the severe side effects has been known since the 19 ninety's. that's why flora quinn loans are now advised to be used only as an antibiotic of last resort. only if other antibiotics fail but this was not adhered to expend forestman and not just him. in the same year, 4200000 patients in germany were prescribed floral quinn, alones, general practitioner staff on people is an expert on the severe damage. floral quin loans can cause he now sees patients likes then foster man every day. each individual case is complex, as there has been no research and there are no recognized therapies. oh, yes,
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had saw his doctor all the glitter such strong effects in the patient's rod, especially since these symptoms are long term long and in part irreversible named man. on the other of as it was inside the company probably cannot be completely resolved at all, all home it turns the life of a normal healthy person. i'm into the life of an invalid. i'm not even honest. invalid. floral quin alones are very effective antibiotics drugs that kill disease causing bacteria, but at the same time they can also destroy a healthy tissue. mostly they damage tissue by breaking down college in this in flames. tendons or causes them to terror, especially the achilles tendons. but other tendons, muscles and joints can also become inflamed, often accompanied by severe pain and of college, and is broken down in the walls of blood vessels. it's life threatening. this can
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cause aneurism bulges and the walls of blood vessels such as the order. this can cause the blood vessel to burst and result in heavy internal bleeding. right now, skipped us to his are also psychological side effects neurotransmitters that are effected. this leads to education, nervousness, anxiety, panic, reactions. even suicides have been documented. it doesn't mean that substance is extremely nerve damage and climb all in a fibers are affected, the cause burning pain and what maybe the worst is exhaustion from. from then a side effect that impacts the mitochondria, the cells power stations of the emitter, shunt and other cough energy production inside the cells is not sufficient anymore . and the patients can become so exhausted that they have to spend most of the day in bed. se didn't wilson tie the sa gazande battling in the us?
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both doctors and patients have been warned of these risks for more than 10 years. the strong boxed warning is printed on the front of the package insert in a highly visible box outlined in black. this was accompanied by a major awareness raising campaign is just 2 pills killed. her husband van forestman wishes there would have been a similar strong morning in germany on tibet. we also hope for a diagnostic key that recognizes the side effects of floor quinn, alons as an acknowledged disorder on icons, van vamps, because german health insurers will not cover many therapies that are not officially recognized. and that's even more traumatic as those affected often lose their jobs, at least temporarily, and fall into serious financial difficulties. but spend fast,
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mon vows, to keep fighting for himself and others, as long as he has the strength. ah. and now you can do something for your health. stressed out personal trainer martin shows us how to relax. hello and welcome. to day, i'd like to show you a breathing exercise that combines breathing with movement. therefore, we use our hands to draw the natural flow of the breathing. to begin with, you might lift the hands while breathing in and then lowered her hands back again when you're breathing out. and as you do this, you might notice that from time to time, the movement changes, the breathing changes. maybe even the next breath can be
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longer or shorter. this exercise might help you, especially in stressful times to reconnect with your breathing. and a good thing about this exercise is that you can do it literally anywhere at any time. you don't need a special surrounding like this. for example, in the office or wherever you are right now, i have been practicing and see you next time. and in good shape, ah, with
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who this is where the story of harry potter originated edinburgh. scotland, in those who still further in the places learning to begin for the scenes. so soon as apprentice. ah,
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lord voldemort tornado posted 0 megs in 30 and it's on d. w. make the world a little bit better with t. these entrepreneurs are revising all traditions in their way with fair wages and organic quality, and as climate friendly as possible. t new ideas for traditional drink in 75 minutes on d. w. ah. the resurrection of jesus christ is obama go bavaria, the world's largest passion,
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play his back. every 10 years, visitors come from all over the world to see the staging of the biblical story. and this time, it's more up to date than ever. obama go. a village and it's passion. matters starts july, 3rd on d, w. come mikes. how can this passionate hatred of the people be explained? your goal tongue go. a history of anti semitism is a history of stigmatization and exclusion of religious and political power. struggles in the christian christianity wants to come for that is why christianity use the figure of the gym as a deterrent. it's a history of slender, of hatred and violence. a 3rd of our people were exterminated $6000000.00 jews,
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like microbes to be annihilated even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. history of anti semitism starts july, 2nd on d, w. ah ah, this is dw lie from berlin. the leaders of the world, we're just democracies to send on germany on the 1st day of the annual g 7. summit leaders agree to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in global infrastructure to promote sustainable development and push back against china. energy security is also high.


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