tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle June 27, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST
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0, show how their ideas can change the world with global 3000 in 60 minutes on d. w. they want to know with love and banning thing that way. i'm not going to have to watch my own car and everyone with later holes and everything. just kidding, are you ready to meet the german can join me right. just do it on d. w. the amount of cost is increasing every year. many im gonna working on landfills pretty only work very holiday destinations drowning in plastic white wine at the car with every year of the exports over 1000000 tons of plastic with there. another way.
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a virtual working session with ukrainian president, florida, mr. lensky who was patched in by a video link from keith. right now they are having a working lunch with this years partner countries summit host german chance that all of charlotte has been greeting the leaders of the so called outreach countries . alongside indian prime minister and remote, the presidents of argentina, indonesia, synagogue, and south africa are attending a number of international organizations. are also taking part in this outreach session on climate energy and health, which is called investing in a better future. now with me here in the studio is the w's t floating, correspond belinda crane and covering the g. 7 events at the summit in m. our bavaria, for us is d w's, brussels bureau chief,
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alexandra for now and there she is in the summer. let's start with you. can you give us an overview of this year's partner countries and the international organizations taking part in this so called outreach session? well, one official told me that it was a very smart move of from a german perspective to invite those key swing states that are very important in a very competitive environment. we are talking here about the leaders of indonesia and india. the current and the upcoming presidencies of their g 20 for instance, we are talking here about their argentinian president fernandez, who is the cheer of the community of 1st south american and caribbean states and south america. and we are talking, he about 2 very important african nations, senegal, that is now holding at the presidency of their african union and south africa. also
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a very important partner in africa for the german government. i. we are seeing a live pictures there of the family, photos of the g. several lead us together with the outreach a countries, a 1000000 of the g 7th is very elite club really and always has been representing, i think just 10 percent of the population of the world, but nearly half of economic power of world. why are they now extending a welcome to these 5 so called outreach countries from the global? so actually it's not that unusual for the g 7 to invite outside countries, guests to attend. and if you remember, so one, even russia was originally a guest and then a member of the g 8 from 1998 until the invasion of crimea in 2014 the annexation of crimea. the fact is that it is especially important to the host country,
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germany in this particular year, to avoid the impression that the g 7 is a close shot because the ukraine war has clearly revealed. the limits of the western countries influence also within the world economy. in particular, as china and india offer russia a very lucrative market for energy exports that can no longer be sold in the west that are being sold very lucrative lee to those countries. and it's important to remember that of this group 3 actually abstained on the united nations vote condemning rushes, invasion of ukraine in april. and therefore that the chancellor olaf schultz has said that he uses it as extremely important for the g 7 to avoid when he called walking into proteins trap of trying to avoid the west and the rest. and that's basically what this meeting is intended. so what we can, what can we expect? these are the leaders from these 5 guests countries discussing with the g,
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suddenly this now? well, it's very important to remember that all of these countries are even major emerging economies, like india, are certainly part of the global south that is being very harshly affected by soaring food and fuel prices. and they are hitting the vulnerable hardest. and that means poor people in india, india, indonesia, south africa, 3 of the countries here. but also of course, us indigo and argentina looking at prices that may cooking oil prohibitive. looking at soaring wheat prices that are creating food shortages and against that background we will undoubtedly, or it will. it is undoubtedly the case that the g 7 leaders will be putting pressure on these leaders saying look, it's time for you to distance yourselves from put in. he is the one who is behind
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the soaring prices or at least join our sanctions. and if you don't do that, try to put a cap on the prices you are paying for russian fuel because they are what's driving this massive inflate and they will try to sweeten that deal with promises, for example, to use the infrastructure fund that was agreed on yesterday, to support these countries in providing green infrastructure in moving towards stronger renewable energy, and green hydrogen, and perhaps also some promises to support them. in addition, with either food aid or other measures to alleviate the hardship of the soaring crisis. who come back to this infrastructure program a bit later because of course it has to do also with the invitation of these countries as you explained. but 1st let me go back to alexandra there. and what else happened today? ayana zalinski was joining the g. 7 leaders to have our video link
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from key of today. and are the leaders there gathered really united to alexandra in their approach towards you pro ukraine? well, i think we can say that the german, a chancellor's goal is to send a strong signal of unit tensely doroty with ukraine and her, the queen and the president. as you just sat, addressed to leaders to day in a video, a message and, and he urged them to make a big push to help ukraine and this war before the end of the year. because of course, he understands. we are now at the very crucial moment, and so he also understands that the longer this war, drex on that bigger is to risk her that said the support for ukraine and until he doroty with the country who fade. so our dad was his point and i think that
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everyone here understands and according to a draft of their communicate, we expect the leaders to make clear that the g 7 leaders are determined to support ukraine militarily, cannot make lee and politically as long as it takes and this would be a very strong signal, because of course, even ending the war. it's just, just one thing, of course, then at the country would need to, to rebuild and hundreds of billions would be needed for that. melinda, the are, as we've heard, zelinski has asked for more help, filling it out of germany, the host country, and also an important part are full of support for ukraine. what is germany likely to deliver? well, certainly, yeah. finally, we have seen a delivery of german heavy weapons now to ukraine, the so called panza hub. it's
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a very high tech. how it, sir, that has is now in ukrainian hands. ukrainian military also have been trained in the use of this weapon. that is the 1st heavy weapons delivery just occurring a few days ago that we have seen directly from germany. but beyond that, of course, we have seen that germany committing both to support ukraine with additional weapon systems and, and artillery an open question about some other heavy weapons like tanks, a lot of discussion about that, but so far, no deliveries, and then certainly reconstruction 8 and reconstruction aid is a major topic here at the g 7 summit finance ministers from the g. 7 countries met a week ago and essentially committed to 19000000000 in reconstruction aid. and chancellor schultz has called for what he calls a martial plan for you. craig,
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so that is one of the many issues about how to assist ukraine that are on the agenda. money. many of a young of you as doug wouldn't know what the marshall plan actually is. can you briefly explain? indeed, it was the plan that essentially got europe and especially germany, back on its feet after world war 2. and it was a response to the fact that after world war, one of the victorious allies had imposed punitive conditions on germany and the extreme downturn in the german economy, the painful inflation that germany faced actually helped pave the way for the rise of the nazis in the 19 late 19 twenties and early thirties, therefore, following world war 2, there was a strong, strong sense that it was important for everyone to essentially bolster europe's recovery. and that is what the us did with a very, very generous plan, laid out by george c marshall. therefore, it bore his name at
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a harvard commencement address shortly after the war ended, saying that the u. s. would commit millions to germany. and this is one of the things that stabilized this country after world war 2. so dave, eliza, ukraine, of course, ethics, and extremely important aim that this reconstruction aid is designed to achieve. and europe has also said it will be committing at least $9000000000.00 to ongoing macro economic support for ukraine and then additional funding for for recovery. let's go back to elmo that december for now and, and to what's going on right now. the meeting between g 7, the leaders of the 5 guest countries. what could, what role could these jest countries, the play in the efforts to pressure russia to de escalate in its invasion in ukraine? course they are very important. and this is not going to be an easy task
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to convince them to do more, to hold vladimir putin accountable for his war on ukraine. as we just mentioned at the beginning of the show, some of those countries have very close ties with russia. let just take india, for instance, that is dependent on russia for military equipment and has quite a long history of close ties with at the kremlin. india has so far rejected to condemn russia's invasion on ukraine, and that they have also, they have not joined an internationally international campaign of sanctions on russia either. so the question here will be whether it is possible to convince them to join the ranks that with their g 7 leaders. and when we look an
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indian at indonesia, for instance, their current presidency of their g 20. it is also crucial for indonesia to be on board. they condemned russia's war on ukraine, but they are not supporting the sanctions either president is due to trouble to moscow and to key if a later this week. and the crucial question here is, what does this war mean for a g 20 and whether indonesia can be convinced to disinvite vladimir putin from the next g 20 summit that will take place later this year. because of course, for many western leaders, it is difficult to stomach to imagine that they will be sitting with at one, both with the russian president. so as you can see,
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those countries are really key just may be one mention of the african countries here in africa. a russia has aggressively campaign for more influence. and the russian president is seen by many as a strong man as a strong leader. so there is a lot of support for him there and, and the worst. and leaders also want to aggressively pushed against the russian narrative. at that, the disruptions in foods are supplies and food insecurity is due to at the western sanctions and due to a, to what are the west, the western a punitive measures on russia, which is of course not true because food is exempt from western sanctions at some of now they're reporting from the g 7 summit in america example. and one
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more question for you. there is of course the prospect of additional sanctions be put on. and it's always the oil price cat that is being talked. what can you briefly explain how this capital work you mentioned it earlier, and what additional sanctions we could expect? exactly. and of course, president to lensky asked to day for additional sanctions on russia. and there are a couple of different things that apparently the g 7 leaders are discussing, but perhaps the most interesting is this oil price cap. as you know, one of the great paradoxes of this war has been that although the west has been cutting back on purchases of russian fossil fuels, they have been diverted to other countries. like india and prices have been soaring . vladimir putin is earning more not less on exports of oil and gas, and obviously they are also the price is the price rises are driving this world wide inflation. so that obviously will be
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a key message to these outside guests look, please get on board with us in our attempt to put a cap on these prices. and frankly, it would be far easier if they were on board, whether they will join, however, is an open question, but the way that the western price cap would work, the g $7.00 price cap is that it would use essentially a mechanism that would target the chief insurer for russian oil tankers, basically that ensure would be told if you sell oil for above price x, you will be sanctioned. and therefore a essentially would no longer insure any tanker shipment at a price higher than that. now whether this would work, it's very complex. finance ministers from the g 7 are going to hammer out the details we're told in coming weeks, very complex. but it's an interesting scheme. beyond that, lots of talk about a possible band on russian imports, a russian gold in ports. basically all the g 7 countries are more or less on board
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with that the you is still thinking about it, but we're told they're pretty close to agreement. and then we're also told a u. s. official said today that the u. s. at least will be imposing a new package of sanctions on goods related to defense supply chains that russia uses to we arm industry. so here we're looking at different forms, the sanctions that are targeted to try to deny russia earnings and also ability to re arm as its own stores of weapons are depleted, look, ran out for 2 correspond. thank you very much for now. and earlier the ukranian president vladimir zalinski, if we as we've had joined the g 7 summit and southern germany, video link details of the round table discussion of yet to be released. but the leaders of the wills, which is democracies, are expected to offer their long term commitments to supporting ukraine. as concern is growing over divisions in the west approach to the war. on the 1st of
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a 3 day summit, leaders did agree to invest hundreds of billions of dollars in global infrastructure. they are meeting in the tranquil surroundings of the bavarian alps . the top of the agenda is, of course, the war in ukraine and the world wide fallout we've just tried to overcome the global pandemic, and it shook the global economy. and then, as the global economy was just recovering, wash as vicious attack on ukraine happened. driving prices up everywhere from food to energy and costing deep uncertainty, especially in the most fragile countries. as host german chancellor, olaf sholtes says the world is facing economic difficulties just as big as the problems of the 1970s. when the g 7 was starting out, thinking the box from falling, grief rates rising,
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inflation apart and rule material shortages and supply chain disruptions for these are no more challenges, and we must share responsibility. u. s. president joe biden announced a $600000000000.00 g 7 initiative to boost infrastructure and developing countries with the aim of countering china's growing global influence. but developing countries often like the central infrastructure tell, navigate global sharks like a pandemic. so they feel they impact more acutely and they have a harder time recovering in our deeply connected world. that's not just humanitarian concern. it's an economic and a security concern for all of us. tight security has so far prevented any unrest at the summit, but protest as have gathered on the fringes, mainly climate change campaigners and activists opposing germany's plans for
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a big rise in defense spending. the leaders are considering more measures to punish russia for the war and ukraine. the u. s. canada, japan and britain of all announced to pan on imports of russian gold. the overall message is one of unity in the face of aggression. as we say in earlier climate change was supposed to be on top of the agenda, but dropped a further down due to the events in ukraine. earlier, my colleague, julia sar deleon, spoke with the head of greenpeace germany, martin kaiser. about how g 7 nations were addressing climate change at this year's summit? i'm here with martin kaiser. he is the executive director of a greenpeace. you're me at. mr. kaiser. the issue of climate change has taken a bit of a back seat here. the d 7 in light of the war and ukraine being such a sensual topic. what do you have to say about that? i mean, particularly the, the putting war against the ukraine demonstrates clearly that we are so dependent
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on fossil fuel imports. that the issue of energy, serenity and climate change are so much intertwined. so m, we are, we hope that today at the climate day or the g 7 will make a clear statement that they want to face out of coal and combustion engine by 2030 and also give her burning or fossil gas and end by 2035 or so we're having this energy and the security issue right now in a short term or the g 7 must not lock in gas infrastructure. ellen g infrastructure for a long time from known because that would accelerate climate crisis. they're having to move away from russian fossil fuels is a challenge for g 7 countries, but it could also be an opportunity to move more towards renewables. do you think
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the g 7 countries are ready to take that step as a sickness or quite varying that she 7 are not ready to do so i think they are still addicted to fossil gas or 2 nuclear end to call an oil. and we really expect that these leaders, ari, or take taking decisions in, on behalf of the young generation, which is so much dependent on important decisions here, which leads us in a more climate stable world rather than a climate catastrophe. is the g 7 as a forum with just a restricted number of countries the right place to take these decisions are, is the g 20 with more countries may be more useful and actually taking action worldwide. i mean with the, with the war of putting against the ukraine. i think the, the world is a different one than it was before. and so i think she's 7 could play
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a role if they really take a lead on both climate decisions on both decisions in terms of as food security in terms of the effort of a better world and being open to other countries. which could partner with the g 7 to build up a new kind of an, a better world. there are a debates in germany, but also in other countries about bridge energy sources to try to bridge the, the change towards renewable energy until there are enough renewable sources actually provide for entire countries. and the debate has revolved also around nuclear energy. is that a possible option should for example, germany keep nuclear going or is that not a good idea? no, not at all. i think it's a, it's a bad idea. and the narrative of bridging energy towards something i think that was a smoke screen. bip was built up by the oil industry, particularly,
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and oil and gas industry, us and their interests are still behind of many leaders here at the 70 to 70 summit, to fight for the old interests. and now it's time for the politicians really take bold step forward and say we decide in the interest of the people and not the corporate of the fossil fuels. one of the ideas that for example, chancellor charles has is to promote a climate club of countries who are willing to lead by example in terms of promoting renewables and pushing for the fight against climate change. you think that's an idea that could actually work and provide some results? i mean, i've seen so many egg governmental clubs coming up and going as so i think it's more important that chancellor sholtes is really taking responsibility for what he's doing in germany and europe 1st. now give you one example. i think we're now am up to a decision for the ending the combustion engine in europe. and germany has no clear
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position on it, although they are claiming to be in line with $1.00 and the pairs. the agreement. and chancellor sholtes needs to take a decision today, had to support this end of the combustion engine in europe. and then rally that she's 7 leaders as a be car producing countries behind this come and frame and give a clear signal to the kind history that they need me to end as a combustion engine. and that's it for now, i have more news for you at the top of the, on just a few moments ah, ah, with
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