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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST

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and switch the federal chancellor shows, ladies and gentlemen, i too would like to welcome you here. we had in 10 days and constructive days behind us now. and the g 7 summit in emma was an important summit in a very special time. and this showed us very clearly how we stand together and how decisive we are to show encounter the russian aggression a $125.00 days. this is how long the war has been going on against ukraine as a g. 7 of the group of the strong democracies. we condemn this terrible war with the missile attack yesterday from the end of the shopping center in chrome and showed me care of cost a lot of fatalities and casualties. and showed us once again that teen is continuing his brutal aggression visa view, the population g 7 with as you know,
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dan close together and support ukraine. we support the country. we support as defense and we offer them a perspective for the future here. here we also discussed a number of different points with regard to the attack which began on the 24th february. what it means i called this a watershed moment. nothing is as it was before, we are clear about one thing. there can be no way back. it will not be the same as before. this war, we are also aware of one more thing. we have a period of uncertainty before us. it will be challenging and that's why it decisiveness is very, very important. and it's even more important because we have close friends and allies in this world. the 7 countries that came together are such good friends and allies. i made that very clear,
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and i felt that very clearly in our meetings here in almo, in our discussions, in our conversations, bilateral discussions and also with our encounters that we had again and again, elmo was a very good meeting for g 7 in the countries that corporate here we made use of the time, the g 7 partners, as well as the partner countries that were invited, cynical indonesia in india, south africa and argentina with mine as the in my opinion, who showed us once again that we can see consensus in working together in our world for the future, that was also very important. we weren't just amongst ourselves as the g 7. these other international organizations came together as well. they were here as our partners in discussions, so we can talk about what democracies can achieve together. and that is also very
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important on a par with today's final communicate with the heads of government and their state and government, which we have then agreed on here in l. my, we are showing once again the strength of democratic alliances in elmo. we have 3 messages we'd like to give you. first of all, g 7 stands together in their support for ukraine on. we agree that president putin must not win this war and we will continue to support. and we will drive the costs high, economically and politically for president putin. and that's why it's important to stand together. even if it's a long course we will have to stand. we will also counter the russian narrative,
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saying that it's a conflict where only the west, the global west on. it's not only the global west the condemns this aggression and the rest of the world is just watching. no, that is not the case. we have seen this in our discussions, it appears that worldwide, we have to consider the inalienable borders. and also this is something that is important that countries can determine their own fate and not to be attacked by their neighbors. didn't get them as g 7. we also came up with a number of discussions, in other words, to organize financial aid. budgetary aid, $29000000000.00 us dollars duncan, together. all of this is been mobilized and we will continue to provide humanitarian support. this is all so this is also occurred in 2022 and will add up to $2800000000.00. and of course, this includes in giving ukraine military support was and we
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will providing weapons many other countries are doing so as well. we have also talked about the long term reconstruction. we also will have additional money that will be mobilized for this purpose. but we need to come together. and we have to talk about g 7, but also other european union members to talk about discussing reconstruction. we need a marshall plan for ukraine. this needs to be planned well and developed. well, that is one of our goals. a 2nd to my message is that we are finding famine worldwide. and this is an even greater challenge as a result of the russian attack on ukraine. and this is russia's war that is making a lot of people worry that they will no longer be able to feed and selves and their
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families. exactly right now, we see 345000000 people and we know that they don't have enough to eat. that's 4 times as many people that live that live in germany. the climate crisis is the pandemic and the world, the war from russia. they have made these problems even worse. this is an excess, the essential threat in many countries in africa in particular doesn't, then is why we want to take action. and that is why we have come up with a global alliance for food security. we have $4500000000.00 us dollars committed and germany is involved in this significantly as well. here we're talking about very specific steps. and this also includes working together with the secretary general, even noted nations. so that green and fertilizer work is being stored in ukraine should also be made available to the rest of the world, of course,
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visit war. his also showed how dependent we are on energy from russia in particular for energy importance. and that is why we have to reduce this dependency, and that is why this is something we discussed and decided together. we will also expand renewable energies and work even more intensively on this is applied. and that is why the decision that we took and show that when it comes to finance financing fossil sources of energy, this is something that is to come to an end. but of course, in this very specific situation we are now in. we will be helping many countries if they need to make investments for being water of hydrogen ready, they will make use of this opportunity. as long as this is in line with the 1.5 degrees centigrade target, from that perish agreement increases in energy cars. these are a danger to say,
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the security and stability in many countries. we know that there's something that we talked about when we talked about the economic situation worldwide. we also see the major threat of inflation. this is something that we can see in many countries . and that is where many people are very much concerned, and that's why it's good. we found time to discuss these questions as well. this applies to us, but also for the situation in emerging and developing countries. they are being challenged even more by this situation. they have fewer possibilities to deal with such major challenges. price increases, inflation can lead to economic instability or can under pin stability. and that's why it's important that we and 2 together. the 3rd message from our g 70 summit is that we will not forget about our long term diverse tasks. we want to have those
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dresses in progress for a just world, and we want to do justice to our global responsibility. this applies to climate protection. we talked about the question of a climate club which i proposed quite some time ago, and that's why we agreed and i'm very happy to say that we will be setting up such a climate club by the end of the year. we laid the cornerstone here and the next steps have already been agreed on because we agree we need more ambition in order to achieve our climate target. the climate club will make a contribution to meeting these commitments. and we also want to see to it that if we consider our national strategies when these are developed and we want to have c o 2 neutral industries. and we also want to implement all of this. we don't want to be working against one another. we don't want to set ourselves apart from one another. we want to cooperate here why this will be possible in an open climate
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club. that's why our competitiveness will be maintained and that climate prediction can be a competitive edge and not a drawback. this also applies to the energy transition because the emerging and developing countries need to be involved. and that's why we also want to set the cornerstone is that these countries can indeed be involved. and then we have energy transformation with south africa. and this is also something where we have made 700000000 in contributions and a k, f, w loan of 300000000 euros. the south african president was very pleased with this in the jeff, please. and we will continue to initiate additional partnerships with india and an easier cynical and vietnam we've planned these already. and what we want to do is cooperate with one another. once again. one thing that brings us altogether in mind,
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and that is common values, democracy, human rights, peace and freedom. it also brings us together with our partner countries. and they were invited to join us here, as i said, senator and an easier south africa, argentina, and india. these are democratic voices from the global self, and they are the right partners for us to discuss these problems of our common world events. and we will only manage this if we work together and we want to have progress for just world. and that is why we will also discuss things in this way as was the case here in hell. now, i think that this summit is extremely important. you didn't have, we don't really benefit all that much where politicians get together oftentimes by video and then please read out there statements. you need to have direct
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discussions, you have to have bilateral discussions and discuss the different possibilities. and then you can pick up on them a day later or 2 days later. and this is successful here. so it really was with paid off for us to talk to one another. we have a great deal of confidence amongst one another, and this is something that will help us up to the time ahead. i'd also like to thank everyone here who works at the elmo castle. they contributed a great deal to the success of our summit with their hospitality. it was excellent . it was lovely to experience all of this. i'd also like to thank to the police and the emergency forces worked here and they were here day and night to make sure that we could have a secure meeting, the bavarian police, the federal police, and many, many others as well. i'd also like to thank the population from damage that occasion and croon. these types of meetings are always the type of burden for the
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people. and that's why i'd like to say thank you very much and thank you for your understanding. thank you for support. and i'm sure thank you for the perseverance you had it. once again. thank you. on behalf of all the delegations who were here with us in elmwood, they were happy to be here as your guest, the g 7 presidency. and this is an important point, hasn't come to an end yet it will go on until the end of the year. and as i said at the beginning, this is a very special year. and that's why we will probably have a lot more discussions with one another. and it will work even much better because we made to be such a good use of our time here in alamo. this is a message of clarity and strength. and this type of message is also very important just before the madrid, nato summer, which i'll be leaving for today, he'll be talking about trans atlantic partnership. and this shows what we are capable of and that we can defend our countries and our democracy is in the we
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organized this jointly along with fish, as you would have been, you've been listening to a live news conference being delivered. los elmore l. mo. castle in bavaria where the g 7 meeting of the world rich democracies have been taking place on german chance. all of shots husband speaking 1st, we're going to be hearing from the leaders of several other countries as well. we hope to hear from president manuel mccaul of france very soon. and we've got so much listening to the, to the questions that he's taking off from john. i was to know why you were so reserved and why you let the americans have sent a stage. and how do you see your role in the deliberations? how would you describe your role? were you more moderate or did you also play the role of leader? he and thank you for the very nice questions. well, 1st of all,
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i have the impression that we came up with joint results that we communicated jointly. so i don't j, your observations, and this was a very good discussion we had and it was before correct. we had the results that we prepared and that we discussed and worked on them together and i'm pleased that i was able to make an important contribution. g 7. chairmanship is not just the time of the meetings. there's a whole lot more involved than, you know, the next one is delynn font. thank you. ashley. mister shows, i would like to ask you about the ukraine by using and b 7. did you come up with any new ideas as to how this war can be contained? and did you talk about price caps and what the development there will be?
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because you know, people from the rain, as i said before, since i played a central role, we spend a lot of time on it. and that is rightly so this sort of war is a huge and challenge for peace in europe and in the world. and that's important is not just a war in europe and the rules that have all been broken here. we can see that this is a threat to peace and security worldwide. and that's why i'm with them. we discussed all sorts of things together. and what we're talking about financials, the board vomiting, but you monetary and assistance asked the question of the sanctions and also a question of weapons delivery because we see the ukraine in a position to defend itself. the discussions were very specific. and this also
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mandel, that we, once again, i'm, is our group. everyone can say that we not only out together, but we all say that this all fits in together. everything that we do together. and i think that's what gives us the strength for the future. at present, we have to know that cold teen is continuing his brutal war, and that's why it's so very important for us to announce once again that our resistance will continue to be a lot of assistance. we will continue it as long as is necessary or not. the next one is ralph coleman from f. a. s. go ahead in the middle. amendment was mr. shoulders in by you agreed on the global south and you asked about russia and ukraine. what about the sanctions policy and will circumventing the 2nd? thank seemed
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a big difference of opinion there. when did you take your position in the position of the jews? 7, did they understand this better than they did before? were you able to achieve anything there? thank you. very much on the, to these questions. of course we're just got and we made it very clear. we formulated this very clearly. this is a russian war of aggression, which is having dramatic effects on the world economy. we can see that already today we talked about famine. that's a major problem. we see the increase in prices and especially for energy. that's a major problem. that's why we made it clear. we insured our partners on that. we need to be solidarity. we have to show solidarity and that will show them in order to deal with these challenges. and the best way to resolve these challenges would be for russia to start the war of aggression and to withdraw its troops. and that was a topic we discussed. one thing is clear in the countries of the global south, of course,
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there are differing points of view. i'm sure you can see that in the way the votes went for various countries and the general assembly in the united nations. but this is my, my clear cut impression. nobody doubts the cause of this conflict. nobody we discussed that with here. it's a russian attack on a neighbor. and they did not provoke this attack, and that they are the victim of aggression and obviously here. and the next one is me a goodness from deutsche avila and tanza. so did you did the what security guarantees ukraine can expect from g 7 countries and russ in foreign minister lab rav announced that he will attend the meeting of 20 coming up and indonesia. so we'll germany, will the d 7 attend? that meeting
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says here, one thing is clear, i should want to do what we want to achieve. we want ukraine to be able to defend his sovereignty and independence and as future as the democracy. and this will also mean that ukraine also has to be in a position to have his strong defense. and that is why i'm coming back to this means that guarantees that we've agreed on to make sure that this works. we have been discussing this for a long time with ukraine and others as well. we went into more detail on that here, but that is something which has not been which is so specific to be able to discuss it today. and that is, why is it none? the less one thing is clear, we want to make one from possible what we can offer and we want to help them to
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have a safe future. but right now, the next task is 1st to see to it that this more comes to an end, and that russia withdraws its troops so that ukraine can enter, enter the situation. what 3 guards are the g 20? here i'm in all of our discussions, we agreed that g 20 should not be split. that would go on the inside of our so them see that the countries that were here today would say that they would be splitting it on the so it's a question here of talking about this with one another. and our discussions with our partner countries were very, very important to this effect. and now indonesia is the chair of the g 20 and next year will be india. these are 2 large, important friends and countries. we work closely with them and that's why it's
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important to us for us and to give it a good drive if i can put it that way. and that's what we're going to work on. thank you. simpleness can. so she's a linda overton question about china, which you referred to in your final statement as a partner. and i should like to know what to expect from china. exactly. and with china could undermine the western sanctions on russia. is that a concern of yours and what to expect from the 1st of all, we expect that the sanctions, which we have been placed together with many others on russia, will not be undermined. and this is what we insist upon in all our discussions. and we have discussed this further, i have decided that this is going to continue to be the case today. now and
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of course, a lot of issues that linked to china and our work with china. and we need to ensure that we need to do what is necessary for the future. we have to ensure that we develop our political relations with many different countries and thereby ensure the balance of a balance and political maneuver is what we need for a good development of the world's economy and the world to sell it. and china has to fight with its own cov, it strategy at the moment. we'll see that clearly along with many other things in absolutely on with in the final declaration, there was
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a reference to investment in the gas sector. and it was stated that this was something which is the use. so is it open still at the moment, or is that going to be an end to get involved now? well, we do have to realize of course, that the future does not lie in gas. this is a very particular for germany, and this is something which is going to have an impact on the resource or fossil resources at comcast, etc. and secondly, for the policies of all the countries with the short term gas is going to be necessary. and that can be investments in the transitional phase, which again to be supported. and this is very much embedded in the question of where we should be going on hydrogen or also
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with the issue with how long such resources are should be used for. this is something which is a practical, it's very relevant, but that has to be a time before we can achieve what we want. this is something which is embedded within the 1.5 degree target for political with our company, which of course thank you very much. political chance. my price caps has been referred to. and there's a rather hesitant statement on oil and even more hesitant statement on gas. so that seems to be a little skepticism here. do you think that you can implement with
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not just the oil, but also for gas? and also we've talked about this rapid reaction force, which is going to be increased by $700.00. could you tell us something about that also? so is your last question? good. what nature? this science says something we're going to support with german contribution and of course, it's any possible if you think beforehand what you can actually do. this is something you do have to bear in mind that we have to ensure that what we decide upon is something we can actually achieve in the end. and this is, of course, something which we want to insure as the case for germany. now on the issue of price caps on oil exports with possible price. this is
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a very ambitious forward thinking idea in the text. you have noted that i see from the way in which you put your question. and this is something which we really have to do. we have to look into this further work it out before we can answer any other questions with kind of not to talk about the security guarantees for ukraine after the war. could you please can tell us about that in more detail. what sort of security guarantees would there be? yes, i could. that was it. i could, i would be able to. that's it. michelle calling for an ex bonus. i'm in phoenix. miss argos towns over the past week,
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and we had a very definitive statement from the brakes. and as the club of the huge, you hands of representatives here from south africa, are you watching a lot of coverage from the g 7 news conference? so following the meeting in the g 7 in schloss elmo was the elmo castle in bavaria, germany. and we're going to, that was transfer sholtes were now looking at the french president in my one call who's delivering his press conference. let's listen it much more proteins in africa . and this was already of the haunt as early as january 21 of the of the one planet seminar, biodiversity and parents that read my of this project of the great greenwald. it is about bringing international support to the production of a net 30 countries from the gulf of kin aid to the horn of africa. this is a very coherent initiative, and this is a combining of the agenda to fight deserved vacation and to improve food security
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as well. in particular, in african countries, will continue with this work and please allow me to commend the commitment and alpha, the cetera general of the united nations. because of course, the necessity of them and making sure that they've been, they've been cyril's that old. currently, hostages of the wall and in ukraine, a can come out of the country. we've looked into the my time possibility from odessa. we have at to supporting ukraine 1st only to require a some discussions between russia and ukraine because it is, they have to make sure that he does not until bring about a secure a challenge for the ukraine. and there's also a russian responsibility for the black sea. so we went where the work done, body un, and we're continuing as well to work on other possibilities and getting
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a survey out of ukraine through romania and mo, moldova myself, discuss this matter together with them both these countries. when i was there a few days ago, we working on on them getting mister mills, aunt and 3 road, so own rivers as well. and we've managed to increase or the volumes you, as you lay odessa, represents a 5000000 thomas with 1200000. 1 point in april, 1 point 7, a may and 2000000 tons in june. but we need to do more, make sure that they still can in wyoming, the countries where they are most needed and make sure as well that this is being told before. the next half it takes place in ukraine because we will and they will need to start to build taste family alicia.


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