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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  June 29, 2022 9:30am-10:01am CEST

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hatred of a people the explained a gold top gold. a history of anti semitism is a history of stigmatization and exclusion of religious and political power struggles. it's a history of slender, of hatred and violence, or even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. o a history that he semitism starts july 2nd on d. w with o video recorded in damascus, syria. i think while a uniformed man marches another man towards a pit that's extremely disturbing.
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out of respect for the victims, we are only showing reworked versions of such scenes from the video. we can look the perpetrator directly in the face when he pulls the trigger without remorse . within 6 minutes and 43 seconds, 10 people are shot dead. the victims are marked by their killers. i give my regards to the perpetrator. do not want anybody to see this video, individuals who are also kept in top secrecy. this report reveals a previously unknown crime and syria. researchers have looked into the background and tracked down the perpetrators who themselves will give information about the massacres. they have committed their crimes have plunged this
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syrian family in germany into deep grief. they recognize a loved one in the video that i mug shots 3 times. 3 shots, we are speechless. the, the me amsterdam, the netherlands. who go is on his way to his office. in the center of the picturesque old town, the historian teaches the challenging subject of mass violence in the middle east and neon, the institute for war, holocaust and genocide studies. 3 years ago, a friend approached him at a conference in paris, telling him there was something he had to see. we sat down in the back of the cafe and then he opened his mobile phone and he showed me a video clip that me even after 20 years of genocide research found very shocking.
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this video is definitely a breakthrough for research on mass violence because of the, the intimate situation of killing that we see. the video shows victims whose hands are bound with their eyes and ears taped up with strips of blasting. in this scene, a man had to jump into the pit and was shot while still in the air. for ongoing, the video was the beginning of his arduous and unsettling research. he and the colleague ask, who are the perpetrators who are the victims cleanser wanted persons cleansed over the hero. we cannot reveal the sociologists, identity with her family lived in syria. it could be dangerous for her and for her relatives if any one recognizes her. so why take the risk but as
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a serious and am i am serious, i belong to the society and i wanted to know why we could actually house such a brutal person personnel like asians, or agencies and what they have done. so i wanted to question as an academic, as a human syria, in the spring of 2020, the socio ologist started her research on the time and place of the crime. did it take place in the rebel area or in the territory of the assad regime? in the video, liberation of yelder is written on the wall and arabic. yelder is a town south of damascus. we saw di sentence on it got 50 kind of are we thought that happened in the elder. but then when we ask locals and some of the n g o were working there for
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compliance there and she was working there, they said it's not under at 1st, the search for the location was just a dead end. and the date, according to the file name, the video was made on april 16th, 2013 by the spring of 2013, the war had been raging and syria for 2 years. young people's protests had developed into widespread demonstrations against the assad regime opposition ists were conquering more and more ground. their ruler, assad hit back ever harder. just a few months before the mass shooting from the video occurred, he spoke to his followers, describing any legitimate protest against his rule as an act of terrorism
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perpetrated from outside the country. but we will not stop until we have stopped the last terrorist in syria. we will not stop at what we have started, an adult on syrian artist, runny motto, experienced the iron will of the syrian president 1st hand. but now the artist lives in leipzig and can tell us about it at the beginning of the revolution in her early twenties. she too demonstrated against the regime her father, a well known lawyer campaigned in syria for those persecuted by assad, for many in the opposition. he was a trusted figure. the nation new age is on than feet, not just me, haven't him. but lots of people feel safe when my father is around van e dies. but in october 2012, her father holly motto,
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was arrested on his way to work. no trace of him has been found since to remember him. ronnie montague has painted this picture. running also fell into the regimes clutches. she was imprisoned for several months and an intelligence agency jail. the branch as she calls it. no reason was given right at the beginning, she experienced a brutal ritual. the so called welcoming party as he happened, miss m d fester. they tied me up and covered my eyes at 1st you know given to asthma. ah, us via an impulse. when we reached the branch eisenhower, 1st of all, they just beat us asked manila guess lagwen is called a welcoming party. does haste and many syrians know about this welcoming party healers all the lighter can. there are no question. common body only conscious guys could blah iceland. after her release,
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she was able to flee to germany. unlike many other regime, critics whose fate like her father's remains unknown. back to amsterdam whoo! after 3 months the sociologist finds an important clue. the graffiti of a palm tree on the wall leads her to the name of the artist who made it. he tells her that the location is in the district of today's one south of damascus. there is a mosque and a wedding hall nearby. with the help of further experts, the sociologist is finally able to locate the place. for the neon researchers a clear lead emerges. when he seemed destroyed, our whole note never looked closely. ah, ah, they did a blast. the buildings on them after and to south in november of 2012,
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so that this was suitable to commit to the crime because it was empty into so didn't acting. so what is remarkable is that the people of that were executed, executed in a street in a, in an area that was almost always in the control of the asa regime. ringback who are on gore and his colleague, wonder whether they can find out more about the suspected government forces. they decide to go one step further. they want to find out exactly who committed the deed the executioner can be seen very often in the video. who is he? a soldier, a police man, or from the intelligence agency? the sociologist researches which security forces were in the district of ta domlyn and spring 2013, an arduous search. the syrian intelligence agency is everywhere.
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we figure out that it's joint agencies and in habitat or that intelligence the say, an intelligence into the just bashed to under $227.00 in syria. there are 4 intelligence agencies, the political secret service, the general secret service, the air for secret service and the military secret service. from here, neon researchers were able to reconstruct a direct chain of command to branch to 27 and to the commander in the district of ta dominant moon at the live net center, montana. the end in berlin note i shall lottie is researching the syrian secret services. she also analyzes the role of agents during the syrian revolution. prior to the revolution, the intelligence agencies had penetrated society with surveillance, intimidation,
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and even torture in prisons blue behind instantly. and what is the extent of the protests and demonstrations in 2011 caught the syrian intelligence agencies pretty much unawares, and he given eyes often they reverted to their old, tried and tested measures of repression and violence by it dealership behind the scenes as the syrian intelligence agency is unbelievably brutal and inhuman from ali here and see from the survivors of torture and fun. but flint, i believe it's utterly barbaric designed for casa, but who committed and filled this massacre. the socio ologist and amsterdam searches for members of intelligence branch 227 on social networks. then she finds this facebook profile a man showing off with his motorbike, who likes body building. obviously, an avid assad supporter. could this be the mass murderer?
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my initial feeling was that i thought it was unbelievable. how is it possible that a killer who has committed such a horrific massacre as a facebook profile? that's my was my 1st thoughts. then i was a bit incredulous because i wanted to be absolutely sure that this was indeed the individual that we were looking for. the researchers check personal details and compare facial features and are sure this is the man in the video. we deliberately mask his identity. although the perpetrator works for the intelligence agency, he himself could attract the attention of the sod regime. this was a momentous milestone for the researcher. i have many conflicting feeling. i was happy. at the same time,
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i was nervous. who is he? how can i ever watch him? how should i approach such a killer with a fake identity? she contacts the man on facebook. will he reply? ah, and being a fed psychologist, funk 9 researches the consequences of war and torture for victims. but also for those who commit crimes such as child soldiers in africa, even for him, the video from damascus is very hard to watch. did 2 gun kind moment. they don't hesitate for one moment as they do it on shawn's hook . there isn't a trace of shame or guilt, no trace of hesitation who then 2nd and we see there is a lot of routine in what they do the tool as it creates the impression that it's
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not the 1st time they are doing this. the more hide, they are used to, what is happening here um proceeds. but how can someone kill like this in cold blood lighter, this is cancer is not sadly. and it's really the case that there's no governing, human biological inhibitions when it comes to torturing or killing others. it's in on deficiency. in certain situations, the people are able to do it before and they're able to completely shut down their compassion for others. and the regime in the military, and these kinds of units all systematically break down this inhibition dances, tomatoes. in march 2021. the perpetrator gets in touch directly from syria. here is a clip from the video chat.
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hello you. hi. how are you? this is, he went sat when are you coming to syria? he was very friendly. i was curious. ah, but you are suspicious as well. he wasn't ready. he had questions on the as any other agents, until asian intelligence agents and syria. why did you approach me? why do i'd on, did you quote me now? why you're guiding to me? who are you? say? i said i am actually august search. i shouldn't want to to know about your experience in the war. i thought for 7 or 8 years, when i was on the front, i was in charge of one grant. he doesn't say anything more specific than he
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disappears in the summer. he calls back and says more. i killed a lot of people. i don't know how many on the killers facebook page the sociologist also finds his superior, presumably a colonel of intelligence branch, 227. in the autumn of 2013, this man leads a cnn reporter to areas of south damascus, which were previously in rebel hands. a man the sod regime obviously trusts the sociologist, manages to get him talking to he praises his subordinate. in the video, the hero among heroes. we have the right to kill people who attack and destroy our country. why bring them to me in jail just to kill them and might as well do it on the street in prison, i have to give them a number, feed them. they are a burden on the state. i know it was seen the video, how easy it is for the main shooter to execute dozens of people. and it is
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particularly this type of cold blooded mist that is necessary for the military intelligence to do to commit their tasks from their own perspective. it is logical that the boss called the main shooter hero ronnie mont took from leipzig, does not know the shooter in the video. but she knows branch $227.00 of the syrian military intelligence service. it's where she was imprisoned for several weeks, crammed into a tiny space with other women. she was interrogated and beaten again and again. and she heard what happened to other prisoners my body. here too must i discovered that people could make sounds i had never heard before. and so i'm fighting for their lives. i'm you know, when someone was been suffocated by a plastic bag and you've got it all or slowly dying by electric shock,
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a horrible sounds are still in my head. mccarthy. according to the organisation syrian network for human rights and over 200000 civilians have been killed by the syrian regime and air raids, but also in murderers by the intelligence agency since 2011. during the damo massacre and april 2013, the bodies of over 40 people were thrown in the dugout pit. in one further video showed how the corpses were later burned with some tires. the researchers and amsterdam managed to identify several victims with the help of a list of missing persons and conversations with relatives in syria. ready the victims are aged between 20 and 55 women and men
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mm. were in the us. they're most likely taken from their houses. what we know from 2013 is that there were so many checkpoints around syria of the intelligence where they would pick people out that were suspicious or that were considered to be suspicious or that were in any other way seen as a potential threats, never a real threat, but a potential threats to the regime. at the end of november, the sociologist in amsterdam contacts the damascus perpetrators again. ringback they exchange text messages. the man is extremely wary, which is why she had hesitated to confront him directly with the video. now, she takes the plunge. when i showed the video at the beginning he said, is it me?
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was it me? then he repeated. i said, yes, it's you. and he said, i'm a soldier. i. i owe me all of us. it's nothing. he plays down his crimes saying they were orders from the top. how far at the top, the researchers from the gnawed institute have analyzed the connections within the power apparatus and detail. they see the ruler assad as being directly responsible . he appoints the heads of the intelligence agency. there are a number of chains between the actual shooter and present us himself. and it's not that many of them. there's no doubt that these perpetrators have not only a link to the us regime, but they are the us in england in the intelligence agency, not much happens without the president acknowledge that. don't live reporting goes to the top of the hierarchy. they report to the president and within the secret
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services, there is a very strict hierarchy. so it's really a top down government. which means that the assad regime is directly responsible for the mass shooting and april 2013. we confronted the syrian embassy in berlin with an extensive list of questions. what do they know about the mass shooting of innocent civilians and 2013 in southern damascus, where the perpetrator is punished. but we received no answer. ah, and syria, the assad regime allows crime such as those seen in the video to go unpunished. a law decrees wide ranging immunity for intelligence. staff. assad does not recognize institutions such as the international criminal court in the hague. therefore, evading possible criminal proceedings, their carla bon day is
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a former chief prosecutor of the icpc and was later a member of a you in investigative committee on crimes in syria. before she resigned, frustrated, the swiss lawyer says that there was never a lack of evidence, but there was a lack of political will to bring the sombre machine before the court. the video of the diamond massacre is no surprise to her. she has seen similar films from other wars, often recorded by the perpetrators themselves. he's in dallas. noth, nothing. they are all proud of what they've done. that's why they film it. now does he stand? this is every day life in the warranty, syria to see style. it's unbelievable, glover, legally speaking, the video and the crimes at documents is an invaluable piece of evidence. right, so i believe is fantastic. it sounds cynical, but evidence like this is brilliant. these are belies this,
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this piece of evidence would certainly be a good basis for a solid investigation into it meet long or one could prepare an indictment and go to court with us for getting kinda to proceed. and of course, it would be good for syria if germany opened, preliminary proceeding, elephant to hit germany did in fact hold a trial of global no. recently and cobblins to syrian intelligence agents were sentenced to long prison sentences for torture and murder. the principle of universal jurisdiction makes this possible. germany is one of the few countries to widely exercise this principle and can proceed against crimes committed on another states territory if the perpetrators are in germany. for the committees of the ta, domlyn massacre and international arrest warrant would be conceivable. we ask the investigators responsible at the office of the federal public prosecutor in cause hula. we discovered that they already know about the video,
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but the authority is keeping a low profile in public. they only make statements pertaining to arrests or indictments. meanwhile, in amsterdam, the sociologist and own guar assume that there are more videos like this. who she can see, they suspect that they were filmed by the perpetrators themselves because the regime, systematically documents such crimes. until recently the sociologist was in contact with the dom one killer. she tells us about a clear message that he gave her so he threatened me, i q. hi to your father. you will be, you get that. you talk to me. threats which do not intimidate her when the researcher is finally published to their work that her dumb on crimes are reported on throughout the arab world. the original video where several of the victims can be recognised, turns up on social media. for some of the families,
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this brings a shocking certainty, all even several 1000 kilometers away in germany, in the rhine, mine region i . c home and omar fled from syria. now the war in their homeland has caught up with them. a friend has sent them the video. in the video, the parents and 2 daughters recognise a man, they have sorely missed for a long time. their son and brother wa seem 34 years old at the time. low in the video, he's wearing a white t shirt and blue trouser hurdle. bump alone these trousers he's wearing. i gave them to him and i recognize his face and
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body. i am a mother and i know my son, that is my son and all that was seen at his wedding in 2005, a cheerful, happy man. the family tell us that their son himself a father of 2 daughters, worked in a cement factory and in the family bakery on april 14th 2013, 2 days before the dam on massacre wa seemed suddenly disappeared. they still don't know why. why seem was never politically active home business. his father tries to reconstruct the day of his son's disappearance wa, seems set off in the early morning from their house in yarmouth, the palestinian quarter as a government contractor. he was transporting flour to a state run bakery in the neighboring district of ta dominic. there are several checkpoints along the way. oh,
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here is the intelligence checkpoint about us. and here's the bakery. he unloaded the flower and suddenly it was no longer possible to reach wa, seem. they asked about him everywhere. the militia, the intelligence agency, but with no success. the family thought that was seam had ended up in prison, 9 through the scene, but my brother was seen means a lot to me in my office, i always hoped that he would get out even if he wasn't in the best of health anymore. i miss the good, but we never gave a poem and he had not for 10 years. you hope? no, go ahead. yet their son and brother was probably one of many arbitrary victims of the sod regime. now the sea arms are demanding accountability and justice as are these syrians in berlin,
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shortly after that her dom and massacre became well known. they put up these photos of their disappeared. they represent the many thousands of deaths for which the regime is responsible. and president assad. after the publication of the video, he decreed on unusual general amnesty prisoners, incarcerated. due to a legend, terrorism should be released as long as they have not killed anyone. but there was no word regarding the possible punishment of the diamond perpetrators. i find it very important that european countries where there are so many syrians that afflict to it, take seriously the violence of the asset regime. and what is the value of the word? never again. if we allow a killer like this and his entire institution, plot his bosses to continue to commit this type of violence.
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oh, blue eco india ah, planting seeds of drink and in forest and creating new ones in impenetrable places . that is their mission, teeth cup in these areas, unbeatable adf with. but does this really the key in the fight against climate change? it to india? in 30 minutes on d, w. o.
10:00 am
this is b, w. news live from berlin. historic nato summit is on the way in madrid. leaders arrived ready to expand, be alliance, and boost its capacity. nato's chief says it's facing the biggest challenge since world war 2 will bring you the latest from.


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