tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle June 29, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST
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the most atrocious chapter under, within 6 years, a 3rd of our people were exterminating $6000000.00 jews, like microbes to be annihilated. even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews, it is still pervasive. the history of antisemitism starts july, 2nd on d, w ah, ah, ah, the battle against hunger quite literally an existential one. there was a time when winning that battle seemed within reach. as production surpluses could have meant enough food for all. but climate change conflict and a broken food system have threatened that goal,
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the global hunger crisis. that's our topic today on made in germany. we'll be talking about how our diets have changed to include more meat than we've ever eaten . whether more fish farming can be environmentally sound, and how to sustainably power the fight against hunger. as solar farms eat up, what could be agricultural land. as rushes war in ukraine goes on, the global population is growing, hungrier, ukraine, a big provider of wheat to the world, is unable to export brain amid a blockade of its waxy importance, such as a death on, while millions of tons of grains had stuck in silos countries dependent on the supplies have been left in a desperate situation. many vulnerable populations already faced famine due to the climate crisis. starvation and malnutrition threatened the lives of tens of millions in places like yemen and the horn of after got supply shortages have
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worsened the humanitarian crises. india initially volunteered to fill in the gaps with its own wheat supplies, but a drought in soaring food prices at home caused the government to ban exports instead. a decision that also angered many indian farmers. jojo hendrick, men reports ah, the past months here have been brutally hot with record setting temperatures that sought past 50 degrees celsius. the yada family have never seen anything like this before. normally or the la we'd crowd was damaged in its final growing phase by the sudden extreme heat, the plants were stressed and couldn't form grain or wheat crop has suffered badly. well, father, the people that are going to be without him. meanwhile, the indian government has decided to stop wheat exports for the yacht ups. it's another blow the argument that india needs to keep it sweet to feed its own. people comes as little comfort to them and get on. don't when we say we tear it fetches
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a very low price farm as the rounding less while gasoline, kerosene, and the like, get more expensive by the day and roll. go get a theme that i've got, this is all this. talk about food security. a lot of these are farmers also produced barley, milledge rice and more like there wouldn't be a green shortage in our country. they brought what remains of their wheat crop to the market. here the grain that would normally have been sold abroad is piling up. local farmers are angry on the women's, on order. we farmers have been hit hard by this decision. go over the only way for indian farmers to get a good price for their wheat is to export it. our politicians only care about themselves and not the right, so farmers, farmers will die because of this. they'll commit suicide. i got,
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it is on your local wheat is normally sold to places like vietnam, egypt and the philippines. the we trade union says it's not only in the in pharmacy who will suffer. mano bugger, founder. but when you consider the humanitarian situation well, you have to acknowledge that people in other countries with a weed shortage could have been helped by our exports. roemer model gather international analysts when surprised by india's export ban, some other countries are also following suit. but india had only recently instituted the agricultural reforms that made it a major player on the wheat market. india was in a very good position to step into the gap left by the by the look back of the ukraine weeks. they've had 6 consecutive record crouch ah, they had built up supplies and were ready to become a bigger export or they had record exports in 2021. so they wanted the basically to
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slow down low afloat. we country to make sure their domestic prices come down a bit. ah, the price of wheat on the world market shut up virtually overnight. but in india, farmers are earning less because they now can only sell their wheat at home to the local pharmacy associate and says that earnings from other commodities can't make up for low prices for wheat. not modest mucus on indian farmers are suffering terribly. they can feed their animals, shahan farmers have no other source of income apart from their animals and their crops like these not with learning and fulfillment, their says analyst william as nato, the situation is likely to go from bad to worse. there was so many different events that happened to get global food price inflation this high. and to keep it this, i guess it's been going on since late 2020. so there been major droughts in various parts of the world. ah, the war and you is just the last latest thing that is cause food presentation to
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maintain this, the pete and so if we're not about to grow our way out of it in one season, so the food pricing is going to be around for 12 years maybe more, depending on how the weather shakes out and not just on the yet our family is already worried about the next problem. tomatoes and other crops are suffering from the extreme heat. bo moderately loyal tomato. shirley and millard been badly affected by the he was near so bad that we're bringing in water in tankers from nearby area is just what it is. the other ground water in our tube wells is running dry. yo, yo maybe in recent years they get a benefit from record harvests, but now they worried that things may have taken a permanent turn for the worse. and that they dream that their son would one day take over the phone like never become
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a reality. although the war in ukraine triggered a wave of supply crises around the world, the current food crunch didn't start, nor will it end with a conflict our growing population, what we eat and how we're food gets from farm to fork. has had us on course for a global food emergency for decades. the rise of emission heavy industries like meat production has accelerated climate change, which impacts harvests worldwide. back in the 1960 some 70000000 tons of meat were produced annually. today that figure has within 542350 1000000 and counting. but how did we end up eating so much meat under his new house explains, meets market. where does our appetite for animals come from? meet was highly valued by our ancestors. the energy rich food even played a role in human evolution. as the human brain grew larger strategies,
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weapons at toys for obtaining meat improved. at 1st our ancestors a carcasses, then they hunted mammoths bears wild boar. the more prey, the bigger the groups they could sustain. the formation of large cities or should in local slaughter houses, different kinds of butchers formed guilds and opened market. then came the industrial revolution. in 1865, chicago opened its 1st meek, packing plants in which entire hers of cattle were slaughtered and processed on assembly lines. the meat packing industry went global after world war 2 and meet consumption doubled. meet once a sign of prosperity became an affordable commodity. in 2019 more pock was exported from the e u, than anywhere else in the world with germany and spain at the top. brazil and
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australia led him beef exports talk thanks to subsidies. the e u in the u. s. have flooded welt markets with cheap chicken countries like garner count, keep up and have largely stopped producing domestic chicken meet nowadays, it's hard to figure out where the meet and or supermarkets comes from and it's bread fed slaughtered and processed in different countries according to where its cheapest animal welfare is usually disregarded scandals over rotten meat, horse meat and lasagna. low wages and the damage done to the environment by mass, meet production of harmed meats image. although nowadays, all brain gets enough nutrients from other foods worldwide meet consumption isn't going down. but maybe the meat of the future will come from the laboratory. although practiced for thousands of years, fish farming still comes with significant environmental trade offs. but compared to
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mass farming of land animals obtaining food from the sea has the potential to be far less of an impact on the environment. scientists are working on ways to harvest the oceans more sustainably. high psycho has this report. we're running out of land to the good news and get our food from somewhere else. families that have been the fastest growing for production method in the world, but it comes with problems of adult diseases, nutrient pollution and over fishing to just name a few. let's go out there and see if we can fix it. how can family oceans sustainably? to find out, i've come to ireland, more specifically to the marines institute and its salmon research site. it was
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specifically developed to farmed salmon more sustainably, around $20000.00 of them per year. it also produces 3 tons of seaweed and hundreds of different shellfish. i'll tell you why later. first, let's meet the people who run the show. frank kane, joanne casale, and near range these are funky trousers. first, i want to look into the emissions associated with farming fish. reforms impact the climate in 2 way the me to beat the fish obviously. and you also knew the energy to run an operation like this. the tiny food pellets, this machine shoots into the pond are responsible for more than 70 percent of the fish farms emissions. that's because of what's in them. that my why fi and what's in the primary product
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going into fi, food would be fish meals or what could be either fish, hot, etc, or the waste products and face right? there are alternatives. other ideas for low emission fish feed r l g or insects. more commonly soy is used as a substitute these or that is not with out its problems. either large areas of forest are being clear to grow soil. and then you can look at how efficiently you're using the feet to measure that. there's the so called feed conversion rate, or f c r. it determines how much feed is converted into the weights. gains by the livestock found fish are pretty good at the is there f c r is between one and 2. point 4. a 4 pork. it's up to 5 and for beef it's up to 10. so farm fish needs less feet to gain weight along with a feet. there is another big factor. the emissions produce from the industries energy consumption. it really depends on where and how you farm your fish. let's
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look at salmon, for example, their bread and tanks on land, or like here in open net pens in the ocean. ok, the was morse tires when was yeah, and it worked very well. so how much energy do you need to supply this whole operation? ok, so here we have a small open pen and creek farm system. so requirements for energy on the site are relatively low. we have a small wind energy and we have solar panels on top of this hot for that. the power source, the charges batteries for us to run the feeders under the small structures on site . this would be a relatively low energy cost. one, generally the open system doesn't require the same amount of energy be re circulating systems. our land systems would have a higher demand because they have to pump water around and eat off. the difference is actually huge. when you compare the impacts farmed an open net pence. you're
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looking at $3.00 killers of c, o, 2 pick killer salmon. and but in tanks, you're stuck with 7 kilos. using more renewable energy would help bring these emissions down. but sadly, the problems down and there have a lot of fish in one place. we have a lot of in one place. ah, and when that gets too much, things get ugly too much fish group in the water can in the worst case lead to an algae blue that can eradicate all fish in your farm and tons of see live on top. the fish basically suffocate on the water that excrement work like a fertilizer. so algy grow like crazy and look out for some which kills many other underwater plants. this means less oxygen is produced in the end. the complete ecosystem collapses very but the research is here. have an idea how to
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fix this the magic word is wholly culture. so growing different varieties of seafood alongside each other. there wasn't the kind of service that these scallops provide for the overall system . so we've chosen scholar, we've also have oysters as part of our shall fish level, and they are what we were called extracted species. so they would extract all of the particulate matter out of the water column and how they do that is they have what we call a beers. and it's put in the shell here. and that filter is the water and, and takes the particulate matter itemized enough their food the same goes for the next type of sea life that helps clean up the salmon math. it's green and white, slimy, and slippery. that's quite the open pool. ah, this is sugar help. okay. yeah. if you wanted to take
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a little there to try to work. ok. now thought he might very very much like salad. yeah. i a nice one year forgot a lunch for. oh, it grows along the main line that's just put in the water. it almost looks like a root system, you know, from your regular health plan. and it grows really, really fast. so we're at about a kilometer here. 8 came with a meter. yeah, this is getting to really more of day, the higher growth season by the time of the year. so it really prefers the colder waters gross, right, the winter. and right now it's putting on maybe almost kind of a kito week in terms of growth, race, and kill a week lesson saying, yeah. so it's really fast. growing plant is area, in addition to the shellfish feeding on the small particles from the fish,
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the seaweed absorbs anything that's already dissolved in the water like nitrogen and phosphorus that could otherwise. also the 2 algae blooms. but to what extent can other species really offset the impact of fish farming? so probably average out overall, including maybe the filtration rate, the sum of the se, about 20 percent of them are what we're producing here in terms of salmon is been offset by the extract a species and not only with and there's about 4 to 500 meters of long 98 at the finish and only a base say 6, andreas to 900 south ish. so very, very small quantities, a poly culture farm like this can take care of one problem. nutrient pollution. a big one. yes. but other issues such as the spreading of diseases amongst from push or chemical pollution with antibiotics remains. and that speaks to the crux of the matter. we can reduce the fishes impact, but we cannot eliminated alternative feeds, pulling culture,
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they don't solve the problem. if we want to do that, we need to get rid of the fish. i know it's super sad, but i mean the seaweed didn't, has to read. after all, a complicated crisis rarely has straightforward solutions. combat climate change requires renewable energy. but establishing large solar farms means the clearing of forests and using land that could be reserved to grow food. this is the kind of multi dimensional conundrum faced by policymakers and stakeholders around the world and opinions run strong on all sides. conflict over solar energy plants. germany needs more green energy. but way should all the power plants. gov yield of all the companies call every week saying, i mean land, land, land rig deanthony. do all those laura companies have to come here and destroy
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everything before we want to save some of the nature here for our grandchildren. on the small east and german village of holland zayden is located right next to a forest. it used to be part of a restricted military area that was cordoned off for decades, where the wilderness could thrive undisturbed and was gonna swap style. so there's an hour living there and a black stork that i've seen a badger there to imagine. it's been untouched for 30 or 40 years yard. everything's growing in there is full of life, both limber but soon there might not be much left as there are plans to clear. 370 hector's, a forest equal to more than 500 soccer pitches to make way for a solar power plant. by and said, i was horrified to here,
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we would have to choke down the woods to produce renewable energy. there are rooftops and other surfaces available on reflections, and you don't sacrifice a forest to increase the energy supply market. the investors planning events to inform the residents, they want to form a protest group. conflict surrounding solar power plants, many are brewing in the eastern germans state of brandenburg as many surfaces here are seen as suitable for soda entity. will the countryside around berlin soon look like this? many residents are protesting that for farmers like yoga and jesus solar energy can soviet blessing. they can and 3 times as much leasing the land to power companies. men from agriculture, i've jumped, the mignon madison portal has farmers. we have to pay for everything up front, fertilizer, pesticide seeds, but we never know how the harvest will be. i do, it's
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a huge risk. when the solo firms came to us and asked if we were interested, and of course i was because it offers security for my farm. 2 of you mind between 100 hector's of land and the district of tempe, fed, and north of berlin. i'll being honored for solar power and some here also stand to loose. these riding stables are right next to the proposed plant or not take that 100 has here high. a says he hacked hes down to the road, trees, obama, iowa, and the other 70 hector's, across the road by the gate. you bob this is what the neighboring field would look like. less appealing to paying visitors. thank ashanda, the right. i think people will reconsider coming here to ride higher. they might prefer to go where they can ride by the fields and through the wood on doors to invite and come. there is dialogue between opponents and supporters of the project
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in temper feita. the investors changed their plans following protests by citizens initiatives beyond if we reduce the planning area by about 40 percent and we have very few lines of sight from residential areas. so i mean, what we're at would be seen. we plan to install hedges for her, and we've gone far away from the village, and the residential areas are on fun. evelyn ma bong, quite different from what was 1st envisioned. hawkins, unless the project plan is say this field is suitable for solar energy and it's close to a transformer station. switching to green energy requires lots of land and raises questions. and i don't mind if a community has few problems with the areas in question or more with the project when and german society as a whole prophets if yearn and only a tiny, tiny handful of people are able to successfully block it hunger and then our social
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structure is flawed. below. ready what satan is that by 2045 germany hopes to get most of its energy from renewables to do this, solar and wind power systems must be expanded on a massive scale, but on them most suitable places for generating solar energy around the world. sunny places, not often north africa has that land enough land. if we covered 300 kilometers by 300 kilometers and with solar panels more the equivalent of about one percent of the sahara getting we could meet the entire planet. energy needs. ready solar power plants already exist in the sahara, but they may need generate powerful countries in the region. nothing has come of the big plans to expose that solar power to europe due to a lack of electricity, lines, investment and political faith. and it's you, i think if we consider these desert solar parks over 10 to 30 years now, and we don't know what the political conditions will be in 10 years. time is nova,
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we need multiple sources. thank you. and building solar parks here in eastern brandenburg is the way to go on. soil here is to sandy and try to grow much beyond we've used fertilizer and pesticides over we've done everything. we are cloud, we've sun seeds then ended up with no harvest kind our proffered model with little the farmers next door have the same problem, horse and vast. not only is there too little in, it's also of poor quality. both farmers are now benefiting from the energy companies, offered to lease a small portion of their land for a lot of money. they also sit in the local council that decides on this investment . and the client id number. of course it does look a bit bad in good mind. i am a local counselor and i'm also a former. you've been living with us. we will not vote on this. we will also not have any influence on the whole procedure that was in the, on the a record. the other counselors will have to decide on signing on. that's how democracy works. so function either that's his name or kathy. but down at the
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riding stables, they see things differently. you leon, it will, it feels that local counselors are not the right negotiating partners. i. so i think was quick. the such big project simply don't belong in the hands of local community representatives. like people who work as nurses who possibly can't read or understand the contractors, iraq, if i think of it, i live in the state or federal governments should regulate these things differently . i'm not playground which leaves the question. who said, decide, and where should all the wind and solar power plants go that are so urgently needed for the switch to green energy? what can we do now to ensure the children of the future have enough to meet one of the many questions we will have to leave you with for now, this has been made in germany, i'm janelle de milan. thank you very much for watching and see you back here again
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90 minutes on d. w. i is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like will return to normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult with successes in our weekly coping 19 special every thursday con d w. ah, we're all good to go beyond deal with as we take on the world. 8 our oldest. we're all about the stories that matter to you. whatever it takes, 5 police,
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ah, ah, ah, this is dw is alive from berlin. nato countries declare russia the most significant and direct threat to security in europe. data unveils a revamped strategy with finland and sweden, formally invited to join and russia officially out of any partnerships moscow called the move aggressive. also coming up on the shout, ukraine's president accused as russia of further war crimes after missiles hit a.
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