tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle June 30, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST
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and strengthen further log romando veridian also they often and we will, as i said, help set up a maritime navy command for the affordable take, see and good post java result of the bonus. very good. and then you full structure of the alliance will be adapted to the new citation, as i said, we will make available. and i'm a division of lucas distribution novel philosophy also demonstrates figures reading books, logistics hog in europe. we also make is to teach equally important contribution to the collect, defends or the lines in our discussions today. many of our partners expressly acknowledge the substantial german contributions and as deep as was the case for this special fund. we agreed recently, many colleagues call this an impulse for the substantial increase of their own defense expenditure that had of course be also focused on the topic of ukraine during our meet on 3 in madrid. president savanski joined us by video link and he
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described as he did in his contributions to the east summit in the g 7. some of the situation in his country at pack, from individual support. i more than 4 dozen country mate is supposed to crane in the non lethal area in the framework of the existing made to your crown corporation . and he just so in practical times, we also have time to provide that for me placed on the fringes of the conference. interestingly enough about it we had for the very 1st time, promptness from the asia pacific. attend this summit. japan, korea, australia, new zealand, longest, allow me to conclude. i express my gratitude to our host prime minister who was sanchez. this was a summit that was excellency, organized, and highlighted once again. what an important ail ally spine is lavon. i would also like to point out that we had to di oppertunity to make progress on another international issue on the fringes of this summer. didn't face concerns and matter that affects the western balkans. an issue that is for dia to my heart,
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as you may know, i met more than once with the president of north macedonia as civil penalty. and i also met with by gary as president president i met with leading politicians and talked to many of them on the phone yesterday. and today we've moved much closer to solution of this conflict. to french cancer presidents yet submitted to a new proposal, which bears in mind at the sensitivities of old, of both sides. they want to look at that proposal in the coming days. and i have the hope that we will have been able to put do away with impediments on the part to the part of the path of the semester journey into the european union. i have her host of questions for the floor, christina dunes and then morbid co. christina jones, illness guns, law. chancellor, you said that germany is going to support the ukraine as long as it needs
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as it is necessary. and you submitted a proposal for kind of marshal plan a pont from the fact that we cannot provide endless support. what would you say to the german pump league that in the fight for freedom and human crane that they have to expect to old? so have to pay a prize for supporting ukraine in these difficult time. this gave him dizzy, but we have a question shown the solidarity ukraine that it needs and we will continue to do so . i know that i am in line here with the german public. the sanctions that we have imposed on russia part and parcel of that approach. and we are working with our friends and allies and they do have an effect on us. we try to calibrate them in a way that they hate russia 1st and foremost, especially its ability. each is crossed by an economic term,
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so that more interested in puting cannot just continue this war. but it is obvious and it has been obvious that we will also have to wear the consequences once the war began. i said, we will have to prepare for a difficult situation with regard to energy supplies and dance. we will contribute to ensuring that we become more independent. we took necessary decisions with regard to coat and oil. and we would also have to take the necessary steps to become more independent from gas imports from russia. so we will speedo basketball and facilitate the prestigious setting of alan g terminals and pipelines along the northern coast of germany. and the, of course, all the difficulties with regard to the supplies affect germany already. and the citizens of our country are quite aware of that nieces mo, itsco. oh, thank you chancellor. a question regarding colleen crowds,
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we have had reports that the federal government is trying to mediate on this matter in order to allow for transit to continue between rush am colleen ground for easy? are you afraid of upside this? if we were not successful, we might get an escalation and brought to you say, to critics who say that if we get in here now, this will be an expression of week of neglect by your own oil sharpened up and another leave your question because we've just seen that there is a new battery for we'll send somebody in which the federal goes through the features and review with that to my the, our fee of a yoga van. and that also i did was a loan of don dusty, wasn't sure with shock, with these warns now that the russian military has decided to remove from snake island, which was under heavy artillery hard because i will question regarding colleen and
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grant is concerned. this is a matter who be tackled by the european union. they have to do term, the framework conditions. and they, these conditions have to be agreed of horn in the light of the fact that we are talking about transport between 2 parts of russia. and i think all parties involved in that regard are working hard to bring about a d. s killer tory dynamic. that is how i see it. we've got a letter he referred to, has not come to my notice, so i cannot comment on it. but i'd like to assure you that i believe it took a right to act as we've done that, we've supply weapons to ukraine so as to enable them to defend itself. and that we make those weapons available that are important in the present defense strategy of ukraine. part and parcel of which of the how it says that we've
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delivered that time if you knew that our minnesota defense has an on to it will increase our delivery to expend them. and i stand by the decision that we've taken, that we will make available multiple rocket launch systems together with united states. and it also includes all the deliveries we have initiated in order to make a crane capable of defending itself against acts texts from the air that also includes the modem system or as t michael fisher. ah dang. thank you are much chancellor. i would like to build on the over question on weapons deliveries. you said dirt germany is delivering what other allies delivered to is ne towed still in agreement to not offend combat tangs to ukraine. we know that spain is a country that would have been ready to do so. i will happily repeat what you are.
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also, i would really want to have reflected in your question. we always have to look at what other allies do, especially the us, and we will continue to do so. christopher taylor, over here, counsellor, over the past few days, you had many talks also twice with president lensky. how do you assess the military prospect for ukraine over the coming weeks and months and in its effort to push back the russian army we heard about as snake island to day and the western arms supplies in that context. do you think that you are doing enough? do the prospects indicate that over the coming weeks, monks ukraine can reach its girl? i would recommend to everybody and myself as well to be rather calm about the
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future military expect it is a very difficult situation. it is marked by the livable brutality of the russian aggression that we see on a daily basis. for me, it is also clear that when what is important in ukraine is the courage and the bravery of ukrainian soldiers. they are also very able, with the military command of defending its country with great commitment and determination and arms deliveries. of many countries, of course help ukraine to put up this resistance over such a long time frame. and this is what brings me back to what i said in the beginning, i will repeated, we will do this as long as it takes, but i cannot make any predictions about how long that time frame will be. i don't think that would be a serious projection at this point. marcus price over here. the
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chancellor, i have 2 questions. nato yesterday adopted new strategic, adopting a new vision on russia. do you think that the written, major russia found is, is part of history. and they told us that they will have a permanent command in poland. that was contradict nato russia founding x. you also said that article 5 also applies in a certain way or assistance applies to sweden and finland already. now is that only a spoken message? that plans for that? well, we already made this announcement when we spoke about the possibility of an application for membership. this is something that is just part of our obligations in the spirit of solid richie that we owe one another. and especially with a view to the accession process,
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this is very relevant and i just wanted to make this assurance once again, your pauses. it is a delicate phase when you take such decisions. and i would also like to reiterate what we also had from the russian president, one small meeting who was rather unimpressed and has taken note of this. so i think it is something where, despite the delicate situation right now, we do not expect more tensions between nato and russia at this point. this is what the situation looks like today. of course, there are certain uncertainties linked to the current situation that will lead to russia founding act. yes, it is that it has not been cancelled correctly. because every time you look into the document, you can read out to rush what it has committed to and saying that invite level that
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you cannot move forward the by the use of force that the southern states cannot be called into question. and there are many other points in this document, but of course what russia has done to come to is a play tend to break off the rules and trying to, in the nature of russia founding and ever more important to be able to refer back to that document. so nato is not breaching these rules. what we're doing is still on the line with the finding that document to don't decide when you spoke about the far reaching decisions that have been taken here in madrid . do you have the feeling that what that means for germany and the german population, this total change of the churches situation and the church environment, the increase of fair cape abilities to getting the population as for the public, as understood what that means and what the changes mean and do you think it is
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a challenge to explain this to the population? what was well after the russian regression, i spoke about a watershed moment that is linked to that wall. and the consequences of mine include, i believe, was absolutely that the blender span used to be strong enough to make his contribution to territorial defense and alliance families. and this is why i said that we will go take a we will increase our expenditures, our military spending for national defense for the bundle vandals. and we also have us down about a special fund for the blunder that everybody knows what your agency serious. and i think that the logic behind these decisions to something that all citizens were well understand, at least this is what i gather as a feel back from my manual discussions with the people in our country. they will be talking with this on a broad basis. another question over here. stephanie, definitely, definitely up i've been talking are much lottie. l clearance at be to the russian
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presidents statement saying that nato had imperialist ambitions. thank you very much. well, that will be on us. it is ridiculous because i actually nato, a defensive ally in what kind of it does not attack other countries of the land. it doesn't plan to do so. it is not a threat to anyone in the neighborhood. and it is actually put in who is of use on the who, who has imperialism as the goal of his policy with he is the one the hulu of anti rights. as they are saying that hall door neighbor encounters berkeley part of his own country. and in ukraine, he has put these lads into alton. he has tried to conquer territory, and that is what imperialism is. and means animals. good to go. you have to call a spade a spade. was hunger, thomas coach cough hung for tiger magnets i, tom. tom sla,
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the jack for 2 general of nato sat in madrid at the summit that he thought it would be wrong for allies to have restrictions on m arms export, finland and sweden have committed was of the attack. he had to live the national restrictions on these exports in order to show and reflect philadelphia with that ally sins. trent, at the end of 2019 germany has a partial restriction on exports towards turkey. is the federal government willing to re assess these restrictions? and oh, probably lift it well, i don't, we have not taken any decisions about nato countries. these are case by case decisions just looked at individually in any case and we've been doing so over the
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last few years. and we will continue to that in the future. to 5, but of course these are case by case decision for individual topics and not basic general decisions. these don't exist and we do not intend to take them in one or the other direction and cut from bullet political time. the question i wanted to ask originally was already asked, let me come back to the 300000 soldiers. there are different ideas about by when they should be ready. the extra generals spoke about 2023. the defense minister said 2025. your defense minister, what is the time frame you have agreed upon on in which you should they be? reggie and if i may briefly, that was rather ugly, seen in elmo whether it was a lot of criticism about your responds. i think you referred to something that
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you've already onset, but i would like to give you the opportunity to make a public comment on that as well if you like. so to do so, i will be happy to answer expensive you and everything you mentioned. well, i have a question of the navy, a quickly, a of a local feel size and a huge increase. we see this is a far reaching commitment of all nato allies because they need to get a yoga launch changes very quickly. over the years, the has been this idea that a long term announcements might be an indicator that he would prepare to an attack . this has proven wrong. we know that russia has long planned. it's a tech on ukraine, probably it remains something that we need to react to. and we need to, we have learned that we need to be able to rec, quote, quickly. and we will do so as soon as possible by making available force as i gave you, the dimensions alia,
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and we will do contribute our chair as quickly as possible. out of that is all the, all the, all does for military equipment, infrastructure, ammunitions, bab hobbs, all these things that had been problematic in the past when we will work on these things and the faster we make progress, the more successful they will be a swift build up and we will hopefully soon be able to announce that this huge number of immediately available forces can be mobilized at any point in time. and that's also a message to everybody who wants to might want to launch an attack on nato territory. nikki haley from cnbc. i handler hadley campbell with cnbc news. thank you so much for taking my question and i apologize for speaking in english. i would ask you about your government support for energy giant unit her. can you confirm that the german government will
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be ready to support other energy companies and other industrial giants if they have trouble making their bottom line as result of the sanctions on russian energy? and also, sir, could you respond directly to latimer putin's comments regarding sweden and finland? he's essentially said that if there is any noto hardware in those 2 countries, that russia will be forced to respond. thank you, sir. well concerning the 2nd question. the real message is the one that i have tried to convey earlier. and that is that very obviously we have to assume that russia will, has, has accepted the exception of 1st sweden and finland to the nato. it was the right decision that the 2 heads of governmental stage in these 2 countries have taken. and it is supported by a public opinion in both countries, but also by the parliament. so i think this is our assessment. i can also
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assure you that germany has a tradition of when companies see shocks due to circumstances, as has been in the covered 900 pet damage. we are certainly willing to do the necessary things. what is necessary cannot be said in general terms, but we do have opportunity to do something and the willingness to do something is that you have seen this during the 19 pandemic or the measures we've taken have been effective. and this is a very tradition. next question over here on the mr. chancellor, you said that germany will support your brain with arms on the breeze. but then we also hear very often from the minister lumber that germany is delivering also hampers. germany's capabilities that she said
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about the pans, i help it to be how, which of course germany has had limited military budget before. it made a lot of savings in that area. but what ukraine has gotten has not been sufficient to fight off russia aggression. so the 1st question is, what can you tell ukrainian? can you reassure them that germany and other allies, if you have enough weapons, you phone in order to make deliveries to your brain so ukraine can defend itself. thank you. well, we have committed to deliver alms, also that northbound, if necessary, to act in the current situation. so ukraine can defend itself. i address them before the pumps. i'll be just a how, which is has been mentioned before. and i said as a minister has announced the deliveries that prepared with another that's already
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and that we have made and we have also trained many ukrainian soldiers on these equipments. we are also preparing for the deliveries right now. another bloomberg chancellor. one more question about gas, how concerned you when you think about the upcoming winter and gas supply for germany, do you feel that in mid july due to maintenance lacks the gas type will be switched off? trim one is what i'm referring to. and once again, about unit per year support unit in case they really get into rough waters. the minister of economics has learned about a lehman brothers effect in the energy sector if big corporations might be in
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difficulties. well, i tried to answer that question before, and i will happy to do a 2nd attempt to take up your question as well in the code 19 can make. we have seen the what has been done in practice. what is to be done? what can be done a will be, will be happy to build on that if it is necessary, but this is a case by case a decision. and we cannot make any abstract assumptions about this next when k. yes, thank you for that question. like i think as of december last here, when i became counsellor, i have looked at the question of what do we do when we have problems with energy supplied with my whole government? because this might have been a possible escalation, resulting from the conflict that had existed already. the conflict between russia and ukraine and the big spread that russia opposed to ukraine at that point in time
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. a thread that led to the start of the ward of russian aggression in february and had then materialized. and because we did this, i was able to read only a few days after, on this sunday in the german parliament that we will build allergy terminals and that we will change the law that we speed the process up and that we will contribute to filling gas storage, we have taken decision that we will continue to work with coal power plans in order to save gas and took out the matches also and launched a new laws in order to keep up the speed and get it done in time. and i think this is what happening at full speed. we have really started to prepare the ground in time since my government has been in power. and several years ago,
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we should already have prepared for that situation that from one day to the next, for whichever reason. and there might be difficulties and energy supplies and that over, i mean, that's something one could talk about. this situation now is that we are working at full speed to get things done. what we hope, of course, is that we are over approved and that we have done more than would have been absolutely necessary, but we cannot predict this at this point in time. we also need to be prepared for difficult situations, and that's what we're doing with function than michael's met. wall street dra such a chance from my german isn't really that good. i know you referred to your speech on february 27th. when you announced a complete change in many areas of german policy, particularly on the military, it was almost a $180.00 degrees from generations of policy. do you think that the admitted
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defense administration and the bone despair are moving fast enough in response to your changes? especially dealing with ukraine and earlier in response to a question, you urged a degree of calm about the situation in ukraine and the unfolding of the battles. but president lensky is expressing anything but com. i'm calling for a greater degree of urgency. is germany moving fast enough to deliver the weapons that president zalinski is asking for? thanks very much, joe, doug feler fargo. thank you for your christian. and also for having pointed out a hearing that a dramatic change has taken place with respect to domino security strategy that i announced in february this year. and then also pushed to parliament in general to push through in practical timings a will to with regard to the question, glad that the people responsible in the federal armed forces are actually
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implementing these this turned around so to speak, with the appropriate speed. yes, we are performing women on the, on the speed of the best possible speed. everyone wants to make up these changes reality as quickly as possible. you know, with the main needs these ukrainian. so just had been trained, they were returned to ukraine are all crazy for action. so you can rely on this actually running smoothly to last by one question goes to craig or minds when it comes of company transfer, you appointed to the way in which your nature partners responded to the announcement of a 1000000000 special fund on defense. how sustainable is said should you be re elected for 2nd term? can you assure was that you will stand by who fitting that 2 percent goal,
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even if that 1000000000 fund will be empty by them? i responded to that question when i announced the establishment of that fun in a when way. it is a change in orientation, so to speak. we are to have chosen a fast lane because this has to be something of a long term approach. once the 1000000000 fund has been depleted, we will of course, have to continue to invest in order to perhaps we way not have to invest as much as we do at this point in time. as i said, with switching lanes here. and this special fund that we're setting up allows us to switch into a foster lane. once we've got that speech, we will not have to invest as much as what we have to do in order to change lanes. better chance learn you seep bloody may proteins approach. what does has to happen
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for him to stop this wall. thank you so much. no one i believe is in a position to say, who knows what goes on in his head. if we are not his advice as we donahue his advisors, are, some of them are still there for me. nobody knows of me. oh, what ever we are doing as aim to ensure that putin realizes it will not work, whatever he is trying to dictate piece to ukraine and that he has to cut short his will and end date and as long as necessary, as i said, as, as it takes we will stand at assigned a few crane and the sanctions will not come to an end and should as the dictates pains have occurred. so it doesn't make sense to continue as it does these days. and we are witnessing terrible guns, massive destruction in the rec,
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crane for terrible, horrible violations of any of your minds. on the hop rules we have agreed to. houses are being demolished, infrastructure is being destroyed, civilians, children, senior people, sick people being killed. terry fight. it is a horrible warranty doesn't make sense, not even from the russian point. if you, they're not only destroying ukraine, they're also destroying the area and future. so the point has to be made time and again that the time is on one end of the whole lay thornton. i thank you for your interest. and this concludes the press conference, have a safe journey home. and that was german chancellor. all off showed speaking in madrid at the nato summit, just before him we heard the you at the nato secretary general young, stolen berg speaking as well. let's get some.
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